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FoxDen ago

@Vindicator and @wecanhelp Whatever would possess you to do this? Becki Percy will be at the March 18th protest. There is nothing "false flag" about it. You are VERY wrong about this. Please do not divide us. Please do not besmirch the efforts of very good men and women.

wecanhelp ago

You are VERY wrong about this.

I could be, and I stated that in my post to begin with. Unfair would be calling your protest a false flag without any grounds. What I did was to call it a possible false flag, based on circumstances that, should my assumption be true, would support that assumption. Instead of repeating that I'm wrong, you may as well address my points one by one, and clear up any doubt about them.

sound_of_silence ago

you guys deserve a public apology here in this thread.