2impendingdoom ago

the pussy hat marches have already started, they are already on the streets, they just need to be woke up. the corporate media thinks that the p h-ers are manipulatable, but if we get our message to them, half the work is done.

crazimal ago

The pussies are over, no more pussy hat checks are being cut by the defeated liberals' PACs and foundations. Clinton, Soros, Obama et alia have moved on to focus efforts through Antifa, OFA, share blue, CTR etc. the level of brainwash needed to be a liberal committed to Hillary and/or Obama is too high to flip these people anyway. They are lost to us in the current battle. It may take years for some to change their minds, and the rest will happily live in denial, especially if any of their pedo leaders do get taken down.

Sorry to have to break that to you.

2impendingdoom ago

how do you expect to change anything with this attitude. Not all of these people are paid soros shills, people are waking up here everyday, do you really think they all support pedophiles?

palmitespo910 ago

Do you have a source on this? I haven't seen anything about it yet.

2impendingdoom ago

My source is that the post election marches were widely covered by the corporate media, I haven't seen protests of any sort on tv in years and years (including occupy, standing rock or the anti war bush era protests) and all of a sudden, the worldwide protests were on every channel saying that they were the biggest thing ever. Therefore I can only surmise that the corporate media felt/feels that they marches were something that they can exploit. but the message, other than antitrump, wasn't very clear, my thinking is that this is a motivated contingent, primarily women, that

  1. isn't benefiting from the current establishment, misguided that HRC would be different

  2. would not support pedophila as a power and authority mechanism if they knew about it.

fremar ago

where did they started ? im talking about worldwide protests in waves , at the same time in every country ! thats what we need to use this website for ! organize ourselves !!!

2impendingdoom ago

I'm talking about the protests right after the election, mostly by people who are deluded that HRC would support their interests and that trump is a pussy grabber. The protests were all over the corp. media as anti-trump, but these people don't realize that there is no difference between dems and repubs. and that pedos are the power mechanism.

fremar ago

ah ok your talking local protests im talking worldwide protests. sorry. yes this is a big problem in usa , despite being a worldleader , allot of ppl havent been able to use their braincells too see there's no choice too make when the choices are given. so far we have been forcefeeding eachother with pedo info etc , this leads in my opinion to nothing. we have to do it , together ! ( protesting )

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

And get a weapon......do not go quietly into that night. Take a couple of them with you....

fremar ago

when we organize ourselves & take it to the streets WORLDWIDE we dont need guns. we dont have anything to hide

FreeThem ago

We just gotta show people the truth.

It's way more scarier than marches and rallies. They want bloodshed. We must show how much they've taken.

We have to start spreading the message offline. We have printers. We must inform. We are the MSM. This is our society, we can't be used like this anymore. We can write the story. We can make the articles. We can make the artwork. The message must get out to the streets.

A few fucks shouldn't ruin us, we know what's up. We have pass this along, but silently. Don't expose yourself. Wetworks isn't exclusive for judges. We need to be viral and guerilla. Use your talents and we can finish them.

fremar ago

when we march worldwide together for the SAME cause , how are "they" going too debunk that & call it "fakenews" ?

palmitespo910 ago

Thank you man I am actually very inspired.

fremar ago

that's what im trying to do :) i saw what the reaction was too 300000 ppl protesting for justice in belgium. trust me , if we stand together & we take it to the streets together with selfmade flyers ( thx freethem ) & we do it at the same time , we will win this fight in daylight against the shadows of evil

153sdsd ago

Must be close to 80% of the world economy now, I know for absolute sure that they dont control it all, and that they dont control a big chunk of it, that is why they hide

fremar ago

80% is a pretty big chunk of it in my opinion ... therefore we must truelly stand together on this , does'nt matter what nationality ,what country , it's everywhere ! thats why i think the best thing to do is to organize everybody so we can start to protest , marching for justice in every country , worldwide. we don't have anything to hide , they do !

153sdsd ago

Cheers from south America

fremar ago

peace from belgium !

FreeThem ago

We have unplug from them, they control/own most of our freedom

fremar ago

therefore we must truelly stand together on this , does'nt matter what nationality ,what country , it's everywhere ! thats why i think the best thing to do is to organize everybody so we can start to protest , marching for justice in every country , worldwide. we don't have anything to hide , they do !