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VieBleu ago

I have asked the mod who wrote this post to now flair it "Accuracy In Question" as real world events have proven the entire write up about the first protest to be inaccurate speculation and demoralizing sophistry at best. It is now troublesome that this discredited sticky is still planted in the spotlight here to discredit the next protest without apology . The presence of this sticky discredits ALL protest, in meta.

The mods need to be held to the same standards as the rest of the community when posting. I do not believe this sticky accurately represents the current feelings of the community (shills not included of course) and should no longer be granted the priviledge of squatting on the top of our forum. Remember, this forum belongs to the community and the mods, not just the mods.

Apologies are in order to the organizer of the first march, who OP dismissed in comments as a construction worker who she questioned was "deft" enough to market his protest the way he managed to do with no support and actively negative top down concern trolling from what is supposed to be the forum of record for pedogate.

I have been accused of not being "graceful" about these issues by the OP, and I concur. We are not gracefully going to let this movement be hijacked by coddled fear based power-bottoms effecting a stifling of our energy and momentum. Kindly flair the sticky inacurrate or remove to regular submissions and restore our executive summary for newcomers, who we hope to welcome during next weekend's protest.

Co-option From Voat Is Not An Option.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, absolutely!! My hope is that 100,000 get out there and protest.

VieBleu ago

The Dr. Phil show just orange pilled a mass audience - the pump is primed if we can get some traction.

50hurtz ago


victuruslibertas ago

I agree !!!

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed 100%.

VieBleu ago

Hey thanks -

Since I sent that to you Sound of Silence decided to take the sticky to task meticulously. Go to the thread and sort comments by "new" or "top". Please use your upvoat and downvoat. I don't care about them but the mods put great store. Downvoating the sticky will only help. Thanks sorry this sounds like a PSA

witch_doctor1 ago

PSA's can be cool...the 1950's education movies we were still watching in the 70's were comedy gold. Will do...

YingYangMom ago

Kindly flair the sticky inacurrate or remove to regular submissions and restore our executive summary for newcomers, who we hope to welcome during next weekend's protest.

Yes, imho this is VERY important.