MostPostersAreShills ago

Your the one who just responded to the mood saying "vindicatir is a known shill" if he's a known shill than prove it. I'm not defending the mod fuck them both they keep deleting my good threads and won't respond with explanation. Even though the mods are garbage I still want proof of them being shills.

Your stupid I was literally supporting your thread yesterday faggot. Now your against me?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Can you show me your evidence of the mods being shills? They delete alot of my good threads and I wouldn't mind if so many shitty ones weren't kept alive.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Y'all do that. Lemme link you up with my comment history for convenient perusal.

equineluvr ago

MK-Ultra is still around.

Vindicator ago

The irony of ArmySeer complaining about people complaining about shills. So many lulz. How is it you have so much time to devote to pizzagate if you aren't paid by Brock yourself? Too funny.

MostPostersAreShills ago

There are also lots of users still trying to promote this guy. It really annoys me to know that there are some people out there who might actually be fooled into believeing that David Shillman is a good guy. Fuck that guy he exploited pizza gate for money. I would actually add George Webb to that list because many users who ive identified as shills have been trying to shove this boring youtuber up my ass. Its possible that most of the famous youtube "investigators" are scheme boy misinformers.

Tip: if you want to identify which infromation shills are trying to hid look for the posts with the most downvoats.

Also do you think that sex kitten thing is actually a false narrative? I fell for that hard yesterday because everybody was trying to downvoat it. I found it weird that the user wasnt responding to me. You could be right I dont know though. The thing that got me believing it was all of the users saying "shills shills", but its always those same 3 users I see in every thread supporting the same idea or bashing the same one.

anonOpenPress ago