Ang68 ago

All you guys really talk too much and don't let op talk. Its always best to Gather evidence before jumping to a conclusion.

Fateswebb ago

Found a couple of these paid shills... here is a list. Feel free to argue with the idiots.

I like to RT the tweets they attack completely making their job backfire.

Geo_synchronous ago

Rope. Bucket. Tree.

Vindicator ago

And you :-)

dFrog ago

Agreed. When I signed up in December, I decided that I was going to do my best to avoid arguing with people, but since I've been back, this place feels like 4chan. Some shills are obvious, but otherwise, it's a bit difficult to tell the difference between shills, people who have been convinced by shills, and people who are just a bit misguided.

All in all, I do think we need to try to focus on research and not each other, but character-related disruptions muddy the waters.

FindingTruth ago

Thanks! And may I suggest people start looking into the connection between the CIA and Twitter. It seems like they are buddy buddy, along with other social media. Can you link to the SGTReport show you were on? (I can't find it, but It was mentioned on your brilliant Hagmann and Hagmann guest appearance.) Thanks again.

Vindicator ago

One hint: it's much easier to deal with on an actual computer than a mobile device. Voat makes ZERO sense on a mobile device. A lot of features don't even show up. Just ping me with any questions. Or, you can read through my comments to other users...there are quite a few in there explaining how to do different things. Might need to go back a week or two for the good's been pretty hectic here since Vault7 broke and I haven't made as detailed of comments.

Vindicator ago

Good to see you show up here. If you decide to make a post with any of your research, ping me if you need help navigating the submission guidelines. We put them in place so that we would have grounds to remove shitposts and prevent forum sliding. Voat is a rabid anti-censorship community and mods are not allowed to "curate content", only remove posts that violate mission-specific subverse submission guidelines. If they satisfy the guidelines, it's up to users to downvote and out them in comments. That's why it seems like a witch hunt here and so contentious. This is the price we pay for free speech. :-) Welcome!

HeartDaughter ago

my tweet of this post receiving 12,200 impressions which is very high for one of my tweets Hdee

HeartDaughter ago

UP to 19,108 impressions, it is spreading on Twitter. You know, it does not matter if the person gave evidence or not, as we already know that there are paid shills on the internet, shilling a variety of forums and subjects. Hdee

HeartDaughter ago

This tweet is now up to 37,503 impressions! It is spreading fast and raising awareness about pizzagate. Hdee

HeartDaughter ago

up to 52,000 impressions and people are coming here to read the thread Hdee

SuperJohnWayne ago

Who's his new bf, Seaman?

SuperJohnWayne ago

More Brock tactics. Your character attacks are pathetic.

SuperJohnWayne ago

-Who is to know if you are the same pizzagate-angela from twitter.

-Some would argue that Seaman did the very same thing you claim to do, but he is a confirmed shill and tried to eventually stall or discredit the investigation by having a "meltdown" after gaining significant numbers of followers. He also spread disinformation.

-You are involving yourself in the current narrative, which I believe to be a shill post for the reasons I have already stated.

-Your latest post to me is straight from the Brock tactical handbook

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Larp or not. It isn't exactly a disservice to the cause to bring it up. We all know it's happening, we all know it's true. All it's really doing is red-pilling new researchers that may not be wise to these tactics. Either way, well done for the glass of cold water to those faces that sleep.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Well said Angela.

victuruslibertas ago

Check stub please and you can redact your name.

victuruslibertas ago

Let's see a check stub..

victuruslibertas ago

You smell that? I smell, BS...

speckledcat ago

tell how seaman isnt a zionist when he actively shilled for them and aipic please.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago


Phenomenonanon ago

Post the Craigslist ad

privatepizza ago

Angela, see these guys on here who talk like this? They're the shills. Paid for. The people in this group wouldn't talk to you like this, so best just show them your ear like we all do.

privatepizza ago

Agree, it absolutely is a witch hunt against all who are showing up with their faces and voices for PG. Don't give up... the paid ones talk to themselves then make a consensus which is 180 degrees away from what the general community thinks. Lets all see them for what they are, and they're easy to spot. Keep on keepin' on Angela! God bless you too.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Nah, I'm not paid. I don't post near 1/10 as much as you, so I'm not being funded. But who's funding you?

privatepizza ago

John, fo and go do some research with your paid for cowboy boots, rather than picking on someone who's actually doing amazing work. Your shill--shit-stirring is old and we know who you are.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I already have shithead. I'm anon, not a twitter gloryhound. fuck off

privatepizza ago

Then have respect for those who are doing positive things on other platforms, or you look like a shill-head.

SuperJohnWayne ago

It's more than a coincidence that the op would post a misinformation narrative about Seaman. Then Seaman Tweets about the narrative on Twitter and pizzagateAngela comes here to post about it. And it's all nonsense distracting LARPing. I'm not falling for it.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I'm not buying your emotionally charged explanation. I'm sure you are being compensated just fine or you wouldn't have been able to devote that much time to twitter. In fact, your frequency of tweeting, combined with the pictures, graphs, news articles, and polls that complemented them, suggest that your tweeting was not the product of an individual person.

FindingTruth ago

Glad you jumped in here. It helps to have an idea of where to dig deeper. "They" are damned if they do and damned if they don't. We are hitting some sensitive spots for sure. Any suggestions, links, websites etc. on where to continue. Also, what is the best place to follow some of your work now?

Keep up the fight. They are going down.

FindingTruth ago

Well, thanks for a list of new videos to check out.

Amyamy ago

If this is true, then I hope your conscience is now at play and you turn things around. JOIN US.

I and I'm sure the other voaters would like to know why the change in heart?


Good god 500+ Comments!

Whats the distraction attempt.Cant read this if nonsense!

My gut says this thread is created by the actual shills/instigator by trying to act like they were paid to discredit the PG Investigators who all have many question marks concerning their background

shakethetree ago

Which is why it makes sense to disclose it at the top, not the bottom.

stellarcorpse ago

ok, so were is this lil shit this morning? Got some 'splaining to do.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You see, the illuminati cut off his internet and shit, and the files got shot with a bullet thru a cabinet by this random crazed gunman.

stellarcorpse ago

ha. ha...maybe he got suicide- d.



Demand for answers from Authorities / President Trump on FACTUAL EVIDENCE found by concerned people who were vigorously researching the DNC email dump released by Wikileaks and found strange emails using what seemed to be a coded language. The researching of emails eventually led to the coined term for this unprecedented citizen investigation now known as PIZZAGATE.

PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE is not just a "USA citizen" investigation, it's not a DNC witch hunt, NO!! What the findings are bringing to light is that the problem of Human Trafficking, Pedofillia and a Satanic Culture seems to be running rampant across all forms of power positions, cultures who condone and or religions who are complicit or turn away the issue. The Pedofillia aspect is a Human Societal issue that needs to be addressed as is the Human Trafficking problem. The thing is all the positions and overseer's of these issues are CORRUPT and seem to be complicit on the same crimes they're supposed to be eradicating or keeping in check-from our society. Again, to be clear it is the PEOPLE of all parts of this Earth who are genuinely asking 'What's really going on here...on this Earth and why are the elected officials/authorities who are supposed to stop this blowing smoke in regards to ALL questions being asked about PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE! Maybe the most important findings of PIZZAGATE is the OCCULT aspect!

IF NO ANSWERS.........

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Dude semen is the biggest lyin drama queen out here. Why arent you saying this shit to him!?

SuperJohnWayne ago

I agree with you Homeboy

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Are you serious? Half of what semen talks about is this "shill conspiracy" against him. Do you say this bullshit to him too lady or just me? He called me and everybody else a shill already.

privatepizza ago

FO Homeboy, you're a shill and a bully and a nothing but an annoyance.

Moonlandinghoax ago

What I find sad/pathetic, is that they pay these people minimum wage. That's minimum wage to sell your soul, damn they have us in a bind don't they?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Why wouldnt the real shills be govt employees? Thats how u keep shit secret, you think the CIA doesnt have paid shills to cover their tracks? The govt basically has that informant shit down to a science too. Might be a good time to mention that David Seaman had some apparent legal problems with a certain possible campaign finance violation. Which he apparently was never charged for...

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Is this roy sebag out here shillin for his buddy semen?

Kcpedogate ago

I would really love to believe this, but we need proof.

TheSeer ago

What do David Seaman, George Webb, and Mike Cernovich have in common? Never once criticized Israel, Zionism, Rothschilds, or 'Illuminati'. We are dealing with a pedophilia blackmail ring, and no one is asking "WHO is blackmailing the politicians!?"

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Well we already do know that Maxwell has Mossad ties, pretty safe to assume that (((Epstein))) did too. And Cernovich is down with Dershowitz, and just happens to be meddling in that upcoming trial where Epstein is probably gonna have to take the stand.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Man enough with the 5D chess bullshit, its becoming a mental psychosis at this point.

cakeoflightylight ago

I'm not saying you're lying but I'm wondering if they wanted to discredit someone, why would they only offer you minimum wage to do this? Surely they would want someone smart enough to command a slightly higher wage than minimum wage in order to go about discrediting someone? I mean, most people who make minimum wage are working fast food and need a calculator to count quarters and pennies.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

David Seaman is acting like its real so i guess the mods gotta supprt him

lynn1314 ago

Why would you tell us this? You feel bad about it?

Post a link to the Craigslist ad.

HarveyKlinger ago

"I was offered minimum wage by several organizations to post Voat comments to discredit multiple PG investigators"

Bullshit. Complete bullshit unless you were advertising yourself in 'Pizza Today' (that's a legit magazine by the way) as a paid shill. How would ANYBODY know to contact you to be a shill, let alone "several organizations"?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah he cant even provide proof of one, but now its "several" GTFO gimmee a fuckin break

HarveyKlinger ago

After reading all the comments here, it sure does sound like something David Seaman would do. Regardless, why hasn't this shit been deleted yet? The mods deleted a thread from a verified employee who claims he was raped by JA yet this bullshit stays?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Theres a better chance than not that this post was actually made by seaman or his affiliates. He tweeted it out and is trying to play off it now too. Total clown. Its suspect that these mods wont flag it as disinfo, but what do you expect from these shills?

HarveyKlinger ago

As David proudly stated, he will do or say anything for "buzz."

I'm waiting for David the OP to state that after posting this thread he MAY have been poisoned and is now being followed by nefarious individuals in dark overcoats.

stellarcorpse ago

ha, ha....

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This post right here was probably a tactic laid out in Dirty Secrets of Buzz. Wouldnt be surprised.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You act like this ridiculously fake post is a real thing. So that would only lend credence to the theory. Then you attack me for discrediting your con artist shill you are protecting and trying to pump back up.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Have you never heard of the concept of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION? And you are discrediting this all by acting like this stupid LARP post is remotely real. Only a shill or a complete retard would endorse this post.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah and do you think you're ever gonna find proof of that? What if they are using AI instead of people?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

The mods on here are shills

dFrog ago

I'm here for the proofs. Still no proofs?

target_blank ago

Prepare for the youtube clickbait videos.

Tanngrisnir ago

You are just mad that Correct The Record only pays you minimum wage. BWAHAHAHA!

SChalice ago

I was paid by McAfee to discredit Jill Stein.

Blacksmith21 ago


I looked through the comments and TLDR after 50 or 60 posts.

My question: Why are you doing this?

Tanngrisnir ago

Truth hurts, eh Armyseer?

chickyrogue ago

of course you wererpaid money is nothing to them but how could you allow yourself to do this?

privatepizza ago

Hear hear. I also stuck around when I saw you all being targeted. Believe me Angela, when I say that I've never seen you be discredited here, by anyone other than infiltrators. We know them and can spot them pretty easily.

They are not the researchers on here. I believe I can say that we are all the way with you, supporting you and respecting you. If you read anything discrediting you, Please ignore it and know what it is. Keep up the awesome work and I'd love you to stay around here! You're SO welcome.

QuestionEverything ago

Prove it.

Give us a name.

Who paid you?

Give us a name. An organization?

Otherwise larp is its own sub and you're in wrong place.

looking4truth ago

Pure. Bullshit

ragerino ago

You mentioned craiglist. I guess they didn't post a job with a text like "Do you want to discredit other people on the web for a minimum wage?". How was the screening done and how do they convince people to start bashing other people?

Can you elaborate more on the whole process?

Piscina ago

Angela, I was sad to see you go from twitter. When I see anyone attacking people who are trying to bring the pedos to justice, I figure they're a shill. People criticise seaman, but at least he was drawing attention to the issue.

privatepizza ago

The only people who are taking time to discredit Seaman are the shills. He's on our side, and most can see through the bullshit disinfo peddled everywhere these days.

dindonufin ago

I said it before, and I'll say it again: This whole thread reeks of faggotry.

SuperJohnWayne ago


dindonufin ago

Richard Spencer? Are you fucking serious? That guy is not legitimate. He's a CIA plant.

ThePedoHunter ago

Blah blah blah.....more walking and less you got paid to shill for pedophiles and pedo mates. You're trash and putrid...but everyone can repent (except pedos if course - they go to jail, misery and hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200), so come to the good side and spill the beans on these evil bastards who buttered your toast.

Crensch ago

Oh, I pegged this nigger the instant I saw his first post. He's on the PG mod list of shitstirrers. Thanks for the heads-up though. He seemed to be almost inactive for a time there.

Guess the funds of one org dried up till another offered to pay.

EnragedSnail ago

Hey, he has a list, I mean just look at all those names, nope sorry cannot be bullshit, must be real.

shakethetree ago

@GonnaNeedMorePrisons You might want to mention you are sourcing yourself as both those accounts are you.

abortionburger ago


stellarcorpse ago

Welcome Pizzagate Angela! So sorry they kicked you off twitter yet again! You know me there but by a different name. I am pissed they kicked you off twitter. Miss your posts. Voat is fun but shill infested sadly. Hard to tell fact from fiction but that is life ain't it? Hope somehow you can get back on twitter. You raised so much awareness there. Not surprised you are one of the ones targeted. They can't keep us from communicating no matter how hard they try. Wink!

chelseaclinton ago

I stopped coming here because the faggot mods aren't doing a good enough job.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yep, that's why I didn't register for so long here. I'm usually on /pol/, but the investigation stalled there and sometimes it's hard to have an organized common objective there. Reddit has always sucked.

stellarcorpse ago

ya and as a result everyone is becoming shill -phobic . I have even been accused of being a shill. I almost stopped coming here too. The paranoia is rampant but you can hardly blame them with all the disinfo and shills infesting this place.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Literally 3/4 of the users on here are shills now. Its making this site fuckin garbage

stellarcorpse ago

Shows how desperate they are. And guilty. Why so many shills if they have nothing to hide?

chelseaclinton ago

Especially for people not trained in shill and troll tactics, they'd be overwhelmed. I was also accused of being a shill but that BS lasted about a day before I turned the table and shit in their sandwich.

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

Im one of those people. I'm beginning to learn the signs but honestly, the paranoia here has made trying to stay updated with the current findings that I could work off of, all the more confusing and harder to find. I find myself wasting a lot of time reading about dis-info and shills, rather than new leads or evidence.

stellarcorpse ago

well stick around. I've a feeling things are about to get real interesting.

VieBleu ago

please try to hang around a bit more and use your downvote because you have a nose for shills and we need to start really downvoting them - there's not enough of that here.

Good luck and carry on strong. -VB💎

zlomsocz ago

This is a paid disinfo post, all the names listed are trying to figurehead the new pizzagate protests and I'm extremely skeptical. Op you already implicate yourself, so why not show us more proof?

VieBleu ago

don't bother with that one- known shill.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

IM A KNOWN SHILL?! SAYS WHO? Your shill ass? Hahaha

privatepizza ago

Here here. FO homeboy.

VieBleu ago

welcome - sorry it took that to have you come here. you don't need to defend yourself here we are on your side. Oh, except for the shils here that outnumber us 5 to 1 by my estimate, or shills and their program bots,

VieBleu ago

\/\/\/\/shill in reply below \/\/\/\/ acting innocent

druhill007 ago

I would highly recommend not underestimating the intangible undercurrents... where the magic lies ;)

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Why would they want to discredit the shills tho? Is it possible we have multiple factions of propaganda networks stepping on each other's toes?

awakenaware ago


VieBleu ago

And to be clear - all accounts still need to accumulate 100 ccp before they can DV.

Thanks for the clarification- it is confusing. How does it mute pizzagate - you mean it mustes it for only those who don't have 100 sub ccp?

Past impressions were that the rest of voat basically hated pizzagate anyway. Any change there that you know of?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Why are you defending seaman? Maybe that would be your shill mission, propping up his credibility. Or trying to at least.


cough /v/anon cough

slope ago

Did you get an email from them? Check the headers for an IP address and or domain of origin. We can uncover their hosting company and registrar.. perhaps they they failed to hide properly.

Go ahead and post if you dont mind a bit of witch hunting.

kazza64 ago

ive had one brush with corey feldman on twitter and it wasnt pleasant he kind of attacked me

VieBleu ago

Doesn't explain why it was taken away without notifying anyone.

I love what you call "agitating". Asling you politely on a thread about it. You are such a drama queen really.

VieBleu ago

ha ha what a mistake again to actually give you credit for possibly being a good actor. Ok message heard loud and clear.

3141592653 ago

I don't think he was instrumental in haims death. They were both kids and they were both being abused

VieBleu ago

Since it was in place when most people here started, not only was it accepted, it was useful for stopping the overrun of shills.

What is interesting is that it was taken off with no notice, no debate or discourse at all. So quietly that many people do not realize it is gone. When it is realized, the 100% reaction is "that is fucked up" just another thing done to strengthen shills.

VieBleu ago

People here would like it restored because it obviously limits the power of shills who far outnumber the new accounts made here over any other group.

VieBleu ago

Sorry - I just saw it there it says "Minimum CCP required to downvote in this sub: 0"

That used to say 100

It changed when you updated the menu over there the last time. Can you get the 100 restored? thankx

VieBleu ago

There used to be a little notification on the right side that said something like Number of points needed to downvote - 100

After you did your last revision that 100 was changed to 0 and shills could flood in and downvote immediately. Now there is nothing there (no notation) at all.

That has been noted by several others, not just me. That is the only way I have to describe it.

VieBleu ago

It was removed when you did your last update/redesign of the right hand side main page area.

shakethetree ago

Someone please wake me up in the morning and tell what we decided. I feel like I am in a hall of mirrors and everyone is pointing fingers.

VieBleu ago

Another shill below \/\/\/ DeathToMasons that is

shakethetree ago

Thanks got eyes on him.

VieBleu ago

good question. would really like an answer on that. BTW - can you reinstitute the 100 points before you can downvote rule again? It seems to have been removed without many people knowing about it and no debate.

DeathToMasons ago

Downvote to this thread. It is disinfo. It does not forward any PG material.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

David Seaman is the biggest shill out here. Go look into Hal Turner and tell me that story doesnt remind you of Seaman. Turner was super outrageous too cuz he made more money acting like that, and he was able to get away with it cuz he was working for the feds as a snitch.

DeathToMasons ago

David Seaman is an opportunist who was exposed as such. He does no research, gives repetitive shallow reports on findings, and shills for Soros Goldmoney and always ask for money. He also constanly makes himself out as a victim. You have presented zero evidence that you used to be disinfo, but it seems this thread is evidence that you are currently disinfo. David Seaman was not taken down by disinfo, he was taken down by the truth coming out. This thread is a fail. Downvote.

kekistocrat ago

If it is Seaman, this would be an elaborate Seaboogey (wouldn't put it past him.) I bet all of the AMA fuckers would get more shekels if they collaborated on making T-shirts. 'I survived the holocaust and Pizzagate.'

Piscina ago

I saw this happening to Pettibone. I looked through her twitter TL and saw that her weak spot was her conservative, White Lives Matter stance. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but the shills latched on to that and used it to their advantage. Be careful people. This shows the amount of money at the disposal of the pedo brigade. I'm not in the States, but it's a pity a wealthy right wing donor doesn't set up a CTR-type organisation.

starseedlover ago

She only seemed active in the PG investigations in the very beginning and now she talks more politics and alt-right stuff. Totally fine to see someone make that progression. The only thing I hear her say about PG these days is that Voat is compromised and the real investigation is happening on Steemit.

VieBleu ago

I'm glad to hear it is going on somewhere. good news.

Most of these shills here are paid a lot of money just to entertain me and about 4 others.

stellarcorpse ago

One of the "organizations" has to be Media Matters; David Brock. It is obvious by this interview, he still has feelings for J. Alefantis and has taken this personally.

salvationman ago

Does Richard Spencer do PG research?

HugoWeaving ago

@VerifiedConfessor89 -- You can post the link to the Craigslist Ad. That is all the proof we need and we will take it from there.

Vindicator ago

Paystub with OP's name redacted + Craigslist ad

SuperShilly ago

I registered just to ask this and I've been a lurker for months. I call bullshit.

Post bitcoin addresses, how you communicate you hot wallet key to them for payment etc. You remain anonymous unless you were a complete retard and gave them your real name. There's a public ledger for fucks sake of each transaction. At least then there is the start of a trail. If they were foolish enough (reckless) enough to send payment from only a few bitcoin wallets that would be a start. Also let me know where I can sign up and take bitcoin from these try hard losers that don't understand the cryptocurrency. I doubt they have something to verify your trolling/social media disruption so the idea would be to drain their wallets while not doing a damn thing.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah maybe he did sacrifice him but I kinda doubt it....what has his career done since. No I think the dude is in major fear of his life.....probably has been threatened and recently.

Jakestr ago

Anyone with 2 brain cells, to rub them together can see through the agenda of this post. People are starting to see through all those disinformation agents and here you are trying to gain her trust again fuck off

awakenaware ago

A good example of this, was David Seaman. Due to the anti-Semitic nature and close associations to the alt-right, a good way to discredit him is link his investigation with Zionism. It worked as intended and he fell out of the public eye.

But he hasn't fallen out of the public eye at all, in fact hes stronger than ever (im not a supporter BTW) But I do see that all the zionist related comments on voat and youtube do seem to follow a strong narrative of ranting.. Semen is very pro Israel theres no doubt of that.. he made a video about it..

WhoWhatWhere ago

Craigslist Ad

Here is a creepy one that I found on Craigslist Seattle....maybe this is one of the ads?

fartnigger ago

I'd love to see more of these ads found and collected... archived the one you found for now.

VieBleu ago

So creepy - "We're inspired and fascinated by poetry, photography, children, and our fellow human beings."

So children aren't "fellow human beings"? Fascinated by photography and children?

WhoWhatWhere ago

Exactly, then nowhere else in the ad does it reference that this is a photography position. It is a very obscure ad.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Another example of admins not doing a good job. This, too, is stupid. Looks like a bunch of teenagers posting on here anymore. It's missing credibility quickly. Thanks VOAT for changing something important and real to ashit show

VieBleu ago

The people running this place actively make decisions to weaken it. Why this is considered the place to be for this investigation is beyond me - stockholm syndrome in action.

cantsleepawink ago

Just wondering where you think is the right forum for crowdsourced research so I can avail myself.

DeathToMasons ago

The site is not a shit show and disinfo can't be stopped. That is their job to attack the site daily. We simply need to expose them every time so they are not effective. Your suggesting the site is a lost cause is a concern. I will assume you were ranting. Otherwise, I don't like what you might be doing.

carlip ago

Probably a double cross shill trying to restore faith in seaman. Fuck this.

srayzie ago

Wow. I didn't know how that worked. So do they send you different assignments thru email? Do you have to show them proof that you did the work?

awakenaware ago

Im upvoting all requests for proof.. wana make sure this is treated carefully!

stellarcorpse ago

Is AreWeSure one of the paid shills?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

VerifiedConfessor89... one of my initial posts on Voat was a call to action for any paid shills to come forward and "out" themselves. If you are telling the truth, thank you. If you are performing a "double dip" shill game, it won't work.

The best you could hope for in the "double dip" is to waste some of our time. No one is going to report/spread/trust anything unless proof is provided. If the goal is to dangle a carrot for someone on here to jump and fall into a "fake news" trap, it won't work. Furthermore, if that did happen and someone actually generated a story outside of Voat that reflected your claims, it would ultimately shed more light on Voat and the research conducted to date (assuming this story generated any meaningful traction).

Considering that there is no logical end-game here for a "double dip", I'm inclined to believe you. Temporarily. Let's call it a 24 hour mental visa.

You have dodged almost every request to provide proof. Even the request to provide the exact copy, or a snippet of the copy used in the Craigslist ad that apparently recruited you. Why? This is/was publicly visible. Aside from potentially giving away the geographic region that the ad was posted in (assuming the handlers were smart enough to use unique ads in order to identify anyone sharing them at a later date) it wouldn't even indicate that you were from said geographic region.

Your work was likely being monitored, so I'm assuming your handler/team was aware of your screen name(s). Since you've provided examples of previous posts created - haven't you essentially identified yourself to them already?

You have come this far... it is important that you post something to backup your claim. Somehow. Even if it is to someone else that can provide you with a voice. I don't see how you could be in danger or held legally accountable for being paid to disseminate misinformation/guide narratives in online messaging platforms. What law would that fall under? If you signed any sort of legal agreement that was a gag order/NDA - for minimum wage - I would be deeply confused.

Furthermore, unless you know for a fact that government entities were behind this disinformation campaign, what threats would you even be scared of? What ramifications are even being held over your head to prevent such disclosures?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Man are you fucking retarded? Why did u just type all that shit out are u serious

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Are you really that concerned with the time I spend typing comments? While I appreciate your concern, I can assure you that the speed at which I type didn't make this a very significant investment.

So, if you wouldn't mind, shut the fuck up.

awakenaware ago

Semen might not be a shill, more like a egocentric opportunist and self promoter.. In my experience nothing is ever that black and white.. just like Corey Feldman isnt 100% shill or controlled opposition.. everyones messed up in their own way.. But just my opinion.. I get called all kinds of names just for recently calling out David Wilcock (not related to PG) who has sadly swallowed all the newage kool aid of recent times.

stellarcorpse ago

That's my hunch .

druhill007 ago

That was certainly not my intent, just so you know :)

rooting4redpillers ago

Questions - I've seen a few questions here, asking you for some personal background info about your epiphany. Maybe you missed them, or maybe I missed your answers. I had the same kind of questions. Answer at will:

1) How long have you been doing this - when did you become employed?

2) How long did you work before and then after you started doubting your employer, and believing in pizzagate? Was that doubt a sudden "revelation," or did it creep in over time, until you were finally swayed to the point of making this confession?

3) Do you fear that your change of heart has been (or will be) noticed - and put you in danger? Are you capable of continuing your employment after today?

You said - My opinion changed when I read various pieces of evidence submitted to this Voat forum, and I felt morally responsible to speak up.

4) Roughly how many various pieces of evidence turned you around - 100, 50, 10, two?

5) Of those pieces of evidence (or topics/threads) that turned you around, which ones struck you the hardest? List the top three, or as many as you think had a large part in leading to your epiphany, and finally to confession today. Elaborate on why, if you will.

Thanks for considering, I look forward to your reply.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Show us some proof!

madmanpg ago

Sorry, I don't believe anyone would pay money to discredit David Seaman. He does that on his own quite effectively.

awakenaware ago

Corey Feldman is really messed up.. I feel he did try and expose the truth but has been leaned on since then and had death threats.. he knows full well to play the game or end up dead. He is only allowed to be a pop musician if he plays the game.

hardrock ago

So the basic question here is extremely simple : Are you telling the truth?

Determining the correct, yes or no, answer to that question is also extremely simple : tell us some useful verifiable truths which significantly benefit the pizzagate investigation AND significantly weaken your "employers" .

Here are a number of suggestions on how to do that:

  1. Donate to the PG investigator of your choice all of the the ill gotten gains of the Bitcoin transactions by which you claim to have been paid.
  2. Reveal the email accounts FROM which you received instructions (Don't dox yourself, dox THEM)
  3. Reveal everything you know about the "multiple people being paid to do " the same sort of work you say you were paid to do.
  4. Reveal everything you know about each of your alleged employers and/or the organizations they represent. Please include an explanation of how and why they revealed their identities to you ( which seems an unnecessary and imprudent thing for them to do.)
  5. Explain in detail how you know them to be "well-funded and hold[s] massive power among left-leaning organizations."
  6. Lastly and leastly, how about the URL of that working Craigslist ad through which you were recruited. We could all use a little extra cash as fake shills.

That's pretty simple, and shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to package up and post to this VOAT conversation. If you can't or won't do 1 thru 6 then bye-bye.

SpikyAube ago

I REALLY want a job as a fake shill. It would make me so happy to make money off these people, ven if only minimum wage, and compeltely do a shit job of it.

privatepizza ago

Let's all sign up to work for them!

hardrock ago

That's the spirit!

newworldahead ago

"they finally left" lol

You should write more often here. ;)

bikergang_accountant ago

@VerifiedConfessor89 @Confessor10237123, what do they do to keep people they pay inline. What would stop someone from taking money and then just failing to do it properly or intentionally coming of as a shill?

Basically I'm all for taking these people's money as long as their work doesn't work. I love it when these scumbags get poor ROI because every dollar we don't bleed out of them ends up in a campaign later, and I've been thinking about how to get them to spend a lot of money and then fail at the end.

To me inside investigators is the key so they are confident up to the last dime to be spent and then by being one step ahead of them bam, complete fail. I absolutely love that 2 billion dollars was spent on Hillary. But I want to think outside the box. Do you have more work you could do for them? Were you anonymous when you signed up?

Freemasonsrus ago

Obviously this could be BS, but TBH it's classic Soros/Brock tactics. They think like children. That's why the joke with chess and checkers comes up so often wrt Trump. The way disinformation has been spread before has always worked. Times are changing and people are much more woke and skeptical, so the shill posts are always much more obvious. On a positive note, if they're being honest, then the info here red pilled PAID OPPOSITION. That's pretty great.

Scirel ago

Yeah, he could have easily provided the Craiglist ad. The other stuff might be risky if real, but this would have been real easy. I call BS.

But hey, I would suggest he just keeps "discrediting" these people - I mean, the average Voats for the first three posts he links to is -17. He was doing his best work fighting against us!

privatepizza ago

Indeed. A favourite of theirs. They pick their target to pieces to find anything they can use, or twist, to turn people against them. It's good that every real person sees through it. I mean whenever there's a disinfo / smearing attack there are whole threads of names we've never seen before, agreeing with themselves. Shareblue and CTR are not so bright.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This would be so easy to prove and they woulda done it already if they were serious

stellarcorpse ago

you can out the orgs. that paid you without outing yourself. Come on, it will be good karma! Cojones please. You've already taken the first important step. Obviously, deep down you know it is not right.

shakethetree ago

Haha. I haven't been this entertained on a VOAT thread before - I am holding it now from sheer suspense.

bopper ago

You can thank me for trolling the trolls when they were trolling the other day. Or, shilling.

shakethetree ago

Here, have some steak and are a trolling the trolls master.

bopper ago

Thanks but I only eat grass-fed :)

shakethetree ago

@bopper I am sorry I made that reference to the grass fed cow being named Seaman. It was a very stupid thing to say, and super weird. I think Voat is making me snarly, and I am not that way. Anyway it is probably silly to apologize but I could not get it out of my head.

bopper ago

Oh no don't worry about it, but thank-you. I deal w/ all kinds of things on here, (and in my life).

Of course I myself have never ever done anything that later on bugged me. Never! lol I still love you :)

I just had a big blow-out w/ my 84 year old dad, just couldn't keep my mouth shut, talk about feeling deflated.......oh well, life.

Just to be sure, I did not downvote you :)

shakethetree ago

Oh thanks for being understanding. It is of utmost importance for me to stay in the integrity of my heart, and make amends when I stray. Our words are a reflection of that. I need to remind myself that just because this is anonymous does not mean it is free pass to act however. It is fairly rabid on VOAT, so to a degree it is a part of survival. I got into it with my Mom the other night trying to tell my family about Alexa turning off when asking about "her" connection to the CIA. And I forgot it was actually in the room and it turned on for a second - we all had a good laugh! But they all still think I am crazy. Thanks for the love and support!

bopper ago

You have a tender conscience, that's good. Yeah, because it is anonymous here, it tempts me to act out of character. So weird the internet. But then I feel bad afterwards. I'm hearing too many stories about Alexa :) That was another funny one. And yeah, people think I'm crazy too - I just quit talking, oh well. Hang in there.

"To be true to convictions is the life of sincerity." - John Owen, prince of the puritans, prophet, preacher, theologian

shakethetree ago

Everyone and their dietary restrictions! I am a former leftist - I can accommodate. The cow's name was Semen. I mean, Seaman. I hate that I said that so weird I had to come back here to strike it.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This looks like the biggest LARP crock of shit. I bet Semen himself is the author of this post.

shakethetree ago

It's Seaman. I think he prefers it spelled like it says on his birth certificate.

bopper ago

Shill, damage control in overdrive.

Long_Knife ago

Then post it or fuck off.

Makingspace1 ago

Here is HIS sentence: "A good example of this, was David Seaman. Due to the anti-Semitic nature and close associations to the alt-right, a good way to discredit him is link his investigation with Zionism. It worked as intended and he fell out of the public eye." He is clearly associating Seaman as being anti-semitic and associated with the alt right which is why he says he was paid to "discredit" him by linking him to Zionism. This is a bullshit sentence that gives his cover away.

SpikyAube ago

How could Seaman be both anti-semitic AND linked with Zionism? Clearly 'anti-semitic/alt right' was referring to the perception of most of the PG investigators, as in, becuase they think everyone in this sub is anti-semitic and alt-right they think they will all buy into/be outraged at, the idea that Seaman is a Zionist.

privatepizza ago

I believe he was explaining how his handlers / the shill team were operating, not him.

Catchthem ago

You have shown yourselve to be an absolute shill. Attacking people alround here for no good reason at all. So i hope you and your pedo loving group will be in jail soon. You guys are getting really desparate! And that gives me even more energy to go on with this investigation.

druhill007 ago

who called you a shill?? not me!!!!

i'm just saying we can be skeptical and prevent this from swaying the narrative while still maintaining HOPE that this could be true!!!

I want it to be true very badly due to the implications.... if it doesn't end up being true ah well, we march on. IF IT IS THOUGH? a very strong tactical victory in overall war

HOPE people. I won't ever operate without the pretense of HOPE because I truly believe we will win and that humanity has a bright future ahead of us.

(not implying you don't!!!)

redditsuckz ago

Corey Feldman: "Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem"

No its Satanic Ritual Abuse and eating children. And thats what he is gatekeeping.

PizzaGate711 ago

Thank God you have seen the light! Good on you for coming out with the truth. Ignore the shills. You know their work too well. If you can prove what you say and identify people this could really be huge. Be very careful of your every move. An open letter of apology to those you were paid to attack may help the PG movement and investigations immensely. So they used bitcoin to pay the shills?

Aloha808 ago

Your employer can hire all the Marxist liberal unemployed millennials they want on Craigslist but they still can't do anything about the mountain of evidence that has been compiled. Pizzagate has been trending all over the internet since the handkerchief, dominoes on pizza, and spirit cooking and it's not going to stop until all the sick satanic pedophiles are behind bars. And I personally applauded David Seaman when he called Podesta and Hillary fucking pedophiles and I give him credit for absolutely destroying John Podesta and James Alafantis. Weiner's email will bury Hillary and her bullshit Globalist cartel in the fucking dirt if George Webb doesn't do it first.

Makingspace1 ago

You lost me at reference to David Seaman being described as having an "anti-semitic nature" and "close associations to alt-right" David fits neither of the these characteristics and has adamantly debunked the Sharia Blue posts that suggest so. So I think at best you border on being of same nature that the shills you are trying call out. This is "lend credibility" argument. i.e. while you give up the point that there are fake attacks being promulgated, you end up lending credibility to the notion that David is anti-Semitic. This sounds like a fairly sophisticated shill post if you ask me.

awakenaware ago

Laura Bush is so friggin scary looking, just like her mother! (rep)

Insubordinate ago

Just post the link to the Craigslist ad. If there are "multiple people working shifts around the clock" in your "organization", there seems to be some anonymity.

druhill007 ago


somebody dm him

newworldahead ago


bopper ago

This person is part of the troll machine.

shakethetree ago


privatepizza ago

Please, please, calm down and give the OP some space to talk / present some proof.

Arrvee ago

Assuming you are legit, thanks for coming forward. How could your targets' lawyers get in touch with you to file a civil claim against the money source? This seems like the best way to put a stop to it.

dFrog ago

We are looking for Blue's clues, we are looking for Blue's clues, we are looking for Blue's clues, I wonder where they are! Yeah!

privatepizza ago

As others have said, the best way you could help us all, and this investigation, is by giving us proof to use against them. If you were to back up of all proof; the ad, your acceptance letter, job description, training, payments, accounts, posts, everything we can use, which wouldn't incriminate you, would be incredible.

You could zip it up and post up anonymously. If you needed help, just let us know. And hey, thank you.

Catchthem ago

Go fuck yourselve MASTER SHILL! You have a mental problem or are getting paid big $$ FUCK YOU! Asshole

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Since when did not being a complete fuckin retard qualify someone as a shill?

druhill007 ago

We can prevent any narrative control while still maintaining hope this is true!! :))))

druhill007 ago

remain skeptical but also.. HAVE SOME HOPE FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!

the potential blow to TRUTH CONTROL is so crazy

shakethetree ago

I guess you would probably know since you have had an account for 3 minutes.

privatepizza ago

OP's in with this new acct. See the OP edit

shakethetree ago

What is that about?

privatepizza ago

Someone's verified him ?

privatepizza ago


shakethetree ago

Idk either. My popcorn is gone now I need ice cream.

privatepizza ago

Yea ice cream n some obliterating shill action.

shakethetree ago

I snack with my left hand, and scroll with my right as I hunt for the pop up shills.

privatepizza ago

Way t'go bro, you gettem

newworldahead ago

It's Seaman, David Seaman.

SuperJohnWayne ago

No, it's Semen and his brother Sperm.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Double O Semen

WatcherWatcher ago

I thought the same thing immediately. This seems like something he'd totally concoct to give himself some kind of relevance or credibility. If this isn't him, shame on him anyway for being douchey enough for multiple people to think this could be him... Regardless... this is total bullshit...

newworldahead ago

There is a misunderstanding here. I just wanted to point out that his name is Seaman, not Semen. I'm annoyed at the people who write "Semen" just to smear him.

shakethetree ago


shakethetree ago

I just made a big bowl of popcorn for the show. Anyone want some?

newworldahead ago

I want to join this epic comment thread. There's popcorn, a sofa and crispy true stories about a triple x movie. Hold on, I'll come back with a six-pack and some red wine!

shakethetree ago

@newworldahead I don't drink alcohol but would love some kombucha. Will wait here.

V____Z ago

wait. kombucha is fermented - it has alcohol in it! i love it too, but i think that's partially why ;)

shakethetree ago

Not enough to make you stagger. It's just your cells vibrating alive!

V____Z ago


newworldahead ago

Ok then, Kombucha for everyone. It's on me!

shakethetree ago


privatepizza ago

Dippin in. Thanks ; )

dFrog ago

lol me

zzvoat ago

I call BS on this.

The_Kuru ago

I have no doubt that most of the people here are "on a payroll" 5 to 1 shills to legit now. Soros financed no doubt. I posted proof of link between Bill Clinton and the convicted DC pedophile rape and porn network yesterday and it didn't make the top list even for a sunday because the call went out to bury it. A bunch of cross-posts and repeats owned the "top" submissions.

shakethetree ago

Your narrative is becoming the second most dominant presence on this thread. Not everyone agrees about Seaman being disingenuous. Trust me, this thread is not going to break our will in moving forward. Stay calm. You will die if you hold your breath.

bopper ago

heh :)

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle BREAKING: Evidence of a Massive Misinformation Campaign IMPORTANT: BRITTANY PETTIBONE IS BEING USED TO DISCREDIT PIZZAGATE AND A TRAITOR BREAKING EVIDENCE OF MKULTRA CONTROLLED OPPOSITION (Brittany Pettibone and Richard Spencer) Something Wrong About Brittany Pettibone... BREAKING: Evidence of a Massive Misinformation Campaign IMPORTANT: BRITTANY PETTIBONE IS BEING USED TO DISCREDIT PIZZAGATE AND A TRAITOR BREAKING EVIDENCE OF MKULTRA CONTROLLED OPPOSITION (Brittany Pettibone and Richard Spencer) IMPORTANT: Brittany Pettibone IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Important: Is Brittany Pettibone a White Supremacist? The "Alt-Right" Limited Hangout Designed to Control Us: Cernovich, Paul Watson, Seaman, Webb, Pettibone Pizzagate may be a psy-op to discredit Pedogate and shut down free speech via David Seaman. Going down live. Now. IMPORTANT: BRITTANY PETTIBONE IS BEING USED TO DISCREDIT PIZZAGATE AND A TRAITOR BREAKING EVIDENCE OF MKULTRA CONTROLLED OPPOSITION (Brittany Pettibone and Richard Spencer) IMPORTANT: Brittany Pettibone IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
58mdlRS0Hrs&lc=z13bfd3whvyoi3chb04cidxxjmesfbb4piw.1488760162350807 BREAKING: Evidence of a Massive Misinformation Campaign

Catchthem ago

No, you are bashing me for no reason at all! + I see you are totally being an asshole to many other people here. Just seems draing energy from investigators tactics..

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Me thinks the pedo does protest too much. You sound frantic and most likely a homo.

dFrog ago

Can you just show us documentation with your personal info redacted? Just black-rectangle it in MS Paint or something?

Confessor10237123 ago

Craigslist, as stated above.

newworldahead ago

I've archived this one just for the eternal laugh.

privatepizza ago

They're not being paid much, evidently! ; ) We should frame that one!

logjam ago

Nice try David Seaman!

vhelsing ago

Waste of time. We need 4chan style rigor: PROOF OR GTFO

waxdino ago

I have not followed or even heard of most of the people listed, but I know Seaman and Pettibone, at least, are not "investigators." Also that Seaman has a team that shows up every few days to spam the sub with the latest Seaman Drama to distract and divide the sub. They then post about how he is a hero, and act as though criticizing him is tantamount to pedophilia itself. So he is controlled opposition, or insanely self-promoting.
This just enforces for me that this is bullshit. They (someone?) put up Seaman to be the face of pizzagate, made it a sin to criticize him, and now are saying, "This is the the reason some of you hate him. Because people are paid to convince you he's bad."
Others have said it, but I'll repeat, Seaman discredits himself. Even if you gave proof, it would only show that Seaman is being pushed as an important pizzagate figure when he's not.

Edit: And, this just came to me: that sounds just like the work of David Brock. Take Hillary (...please!). CTR/MMA held her up as a hero. "Most qualified person to ever run for president." Made it a sin to criticize her- you're deplorable if you do. And said the only reason we hate her is because of a "25 year smear campaign."

Catchthem ago

Wow! Did you have to think long about that line? I notice that all you do here is bashing people. Just like the other paid shills..

ravensedgesom ago

not sure about these others but seaman and pettibone are johnny come lately confirmed shills also mike cernovich

kekistocrat ago

(((Seaman))), (((Cernovich)))... I'm seeing a pattern here.

ravensedgesom ago

cernovich has ties to Alan Dershowitz, prominent pro israel lawyer, who has direct connections to epstein. Pedogate is incomplete without the zionist mossad connection all they are working overtime to keep this from public consciousness. Also be very wary of these alt right characters who have come out of nowhere but are being bolstered to the forefront of the mainstream. Did you notice how both pettibone and seaman were both on infowhores. I personally could care less about the alt right and their agenda, but have recognized how quickly the wagons have circled around Pedogate research/investigation to be ensnared with the alt right movement.

kekistocrat ago

100%. Smiley Rubbinhands is always trying to lead the opposition. I started noticing how a 'circuit' of opposition was emerging after a few of these characters were going on Infowhores and other shows giving a lot of airtime (Milo) to defining and labeling the alt-right, in much the same fashion as one would create the opposition to control the opposition (Lenin-style.) As well, how many of these morons speak out , however vague, yet openly against 'zionists' whilst keeping their own identity hidden (Stefan Molyjew, Cernovich.)

ravensedgesom ago

Co opting is the name of the game pedogate has clearly hit a nerve is partly about categorizing and labeling an anti establishment movement into something like alt right or white nationalism and then covering the tracks that expose the ties and connections to global trafficking rings and to the extent of their operations.

Geo_synchronous ago

Now. Go take some rope and hang yourself. Its the right thing to do.

Confessor10237123 ago

I wasn't aware of any malevolent intent from their perspective until a couple of days ago. If you were not aware of the evidence for it, there is a good chance you could of been the one. I'm not going to go commit suicide or self-pity because of my previous ignorant actions, because that accomplishes nothing.

Geo_synchronous ago

You could always consider flogging yourself for your mistakes.

DarkMath ago

You're a LARPer. Why waste our time? We're trying to save kids and involuntary organ donation. You're pretending you're playing a live action role playing game. That's pathetic.

Geo_synchronous ago

Rope. 8.98 at Home Depot. one 3 gallon bucket 2.98. One tree. Free.

sentryseven ago

That's great. But Seaman discredited himself with his zero research and his consistent and constant hyperbole.

formatist ago

This isn't shocking, but thanks for coming forward anyway.

l23r ago

It's funny how people can see right through those posts. Like every single person is saying SHILLLLLL. And look at all those downvotes!

ravensedgesom ago

but he is under constant attack from David Brock and co for his nonexistent contributions to pedogate BTW buy goldmoney its not a israell scam or anything

SuperJohnWayne ago

So your employer paid you to discredit shills? Unlikely. Seaman discredited himself after gaining a large audience for the purpose of quelling the investigation. In the post that you deleted, you stated that your employer thought the pizzagate allegations were false. It would be unlikely, then, that there would be such a massive coverup costing $ on objectives like hiring people like you claim to be.

I think you are a shill who's objective is, among other things, trying to resurrect that shill Seaman. I never followed or liked the guy, but others did, and when he had his "meltdown," it didn't stifle the investigation as intended. So now you are using yourself and him in a mis/disinformation narrative.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Semen is already pushing this stupid bullshit over on his twitter. I wouldnt be surprised if all these tactics were in his Dirty Secrets Of Buzz book

SuperJohnWayne ago

Wow, I just unblocked him on Twitter. You're right! I really hate that prick. Thanks for letting me know

Confessor10237123 ago

David Seaman wasn't even a main target and proof will be upcoming.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks for coming clean, Confessor. I'm sure you're legit because of how the shill GonnaNeedMorePrisons is bitching up a storm. I appreciate that you are willing to admit that you made a mistake.

shakethetree ago

Take it easy.

GhengisPlan ago

I see no proof. Looks like an act to cover-up the recently outed MKUltra connected to David and Brittany.

shakethetree ago

@encryptallthethings would you please take 10 breaths or 100 and calm the fuck down.

GhengisPlan ago

Where the proof?

party1981 ago

Simply provide proof to backup your serious allegations. You can start by contacting moderators. If you need to work anonymously, consider using TOR, TAILS, anonymous emails, or prepaid cell phones, etc. Eventually you may need to get a lawyer. We all want to believe you but we also need to source things with evidence.

Catchthem ago

Fuck you SHILL!

Naspert ago

You did your job poorly...i think you might even have sabotaged the operation by your level of incompetence. well, done

MKULTRAgonewrong ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

A Soros-Podesta (Shadow Party) Project

· A project of the American Progress Action Fund, a “sister advocacy organization” of the Center for American Progress (CAP) run by former Clinton adviser John Podesta, both heavily funded by leftist billionaire George Soros. · An internet site dedicated to promoting “progressive” ideas, attacking the “Radical Right-Wing Agenda,” and supporting the left-wing of the Democratic Party. · Its editors wrote that the United States military may be operating “death squads” to kill Iraqi civilians. · One of its chief writers, a Fellow at CAP, is former spokesman for Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders, a member of Democratic Socialists of America, the main U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.

Judd Legum is the Research Director at the Center for American Progress and co-editor of The Progress Report, a left APAF publication of news and commentary that Legum has said is emailed each weekday to 60,000 “progressive” readers.

In 2000 Legum graduated from Pomona College in Southern California. He then earned a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., where he worked as a research assistant for its professor John Podesta, current President of CAP. Legum’s articles have also appeared in The Nation,, and The American Prospect Online. The Elton John-Rick Santorum item above was written by Legum.

ravensedgesom ago

david seaman has no credibility nice try op and go fuck yourself sir

Confessor10237123 ago

I have no idea if he is legitimate or not. I'm simply paid to post.

He might be a shill for all I know.

ravensedgesom ago

He is trying to discredit the zionist/mossad connections to pedogate come to your own conclusions

Confessor10237123 ago

I'm not morally responsible for accidently misleading people. This wasn't done out of malevolence, but of ignorance. I never would of been involved if I knew what I was aware of now, and I really hope you understand that.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Man....shit your larpy fuckin mouth

stellarcorpse ago

Is James Alefantis or his ex Brock one of the people putting up the dough? Shit I know you can't give that away but maybe give a sign somehow. Perhaps Gematria?? Do you know it? I will figure it out. The most subtle clue I will pick up as I am a bit of an empath.

Catchthem ago

Fuck you asshole! You being an asshole all over this and everywhere. Fuck you! Loser! Soros paying you good $$ ?

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

This strikes me as the kind of culturally oblivious and underestimating post someone like David Brock might make.

NoBS ago

I don't even care if it's true. The hit squads are rather blatant about character assassinations. It's not like the paid whores hide evidence any more.

target_blank ago

My gut thinks this doesn't sound right.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

What's the organisation?

Jem777 ago

The best thing you can do if you are legit is to stay and half-ass your job. Even leave breadcrumbs of truth with plausible deniability. Then gather info on the organizations that are behind the curtain. Gain trust document sources, play the game within reason and when you are needed be prepared to spill the beans to the right people. Be a silent hero for now & gather intell. Share on Voat, or other places breadcrumbs to be investgated.

Blacksmith21 ago

The best thing for the OP to do is to get something weaponized which can be uploaded to their database. My guess is the encrypted program they use to communicate with the shills probably won't even allow an upload to their system. Also OP probably let some piece of spyware in via EULA and they are already onto him. I hope he backed everything up.

Catchthem ago

Very very strange your answer...

doubleherpes ago

getting there from the website Craigslist.

Your reply to the ad will be in your email sent folder. They also paid you somehow, and you have records of this. Neither of these pieces of information would be incriminating to you if properly redacted. So.....


NotAnIdiot ago

His reply to the ad probably would be incriminating actually. That being said, there has to be some way to prove this without giving away his identity.

doubleherpes ago

The reply itself could be incriminating if posted, but I was thinking that the CL posting number would be on the reply. This is probably a LARP though anyway.

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

@millenial_falcon flagging for accuracy.

smokratez ago

You're a fake idiot?

rwb ago

. Can you clarify your connection to roundhouse1776, the original poster of #3?

shakethetree ago

No, I am not. I am just watching this thread blow the fuck up. Besides, I asked for the little shit to go back and get the scripts - then maybe we can base this all on something.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

If you buy into this obvious bullshit, you will literally believe anything. Just the fact that its blowing up on here so fast should be your first clue its fake. Your second clue is that seaman is pushin it on twitter as if its real or credible in any way.

shakethetree ago

Honestly, I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore I am going to go eat a bowl of soup.

privatepizza ago

Judd Legum, editor in chief of ThinkProgress -

All I know is that I was paid to defend Judd Legum and other ThinkProgress editors from attack. For example, I was ordered to defend and forge support for this post.>


Catchthem ago

If your are real about this, i respect you for getting this out to us. We know this happends all the time and that there are teams shilling. Me myselve have often totally gone off at those people. Because what has been found in this investigation is really bad stuff. I knew it was bad, but the further the investigation got. The bigger it has turned out to be. We still dont have the hard evidence. But if this PG is really true, really bad stuff happends to children.. It certainly deserves a proper investigation by the authorities. So far this has been totally worked against. No investigation what so ever has ever been done. The media has simply said it has been Debunked. So the people saw soo many stuff that just does not look good at all. This way the citizen's investigation started as the authorities did not do it. If PG is true (and it sure looks like it is) these really bad people need to be stopped and our children to be saved. The people shilling here just like you need to untherstand that if this PG turnes out to be true, those people tried to sabotage this investigation wich is trying to save children. I hope those people can live with the knowlage that everyday this PG goes on children can be abused or even killed and they sabotaged us..

Proii_Pariah ago

That's what I'm thinking. Seems quite obvious. Wondering why it wasn't offered, or at least mentioned and a reason given why it might not be possible.

privatepizza ago

Yes, a spelling error in a certain word.

l23r ago

Might not be able to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if the posts were meant to be copied/pasted. Even responses might be created in advance.

Confessor10237123 ago

I'll do so in an upcoming thread. Any proof that I need to provide?

stellarcorpse ago

Is AreYouSure one of them? He's just got to be.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Hey if this isnt just semen larping us, what are your shill accounts? Log onto em and show us some message.

privatepizza ago

Excellent. Idk how this could be best done. @bopper @gem777 @newworldahead any ideas?

NotAnIdiot ago

I think you guys need to be working this out via PM. Too risky just to put it on a public post.

vhelsing ago

Feeling penitent? Then make restitution. List all the shill accounts you know of on all services.

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

Top Pizzagate Researcher is an MKULTRA Sex Kitten (Likely)

reasonedandinformed ago

Joined 47 minutes ago. In looking at the sex kitten links, I see THREE similar posts were created within one hour of one another...has all the markings of a coordinated disinfo op to discredit Pettibone. It took a lot of effort, so they really wanted to shut her down, or it is true, but the posting patterns and comments indicate this to be ShareBlue efforts to shut her down and Pizzagate Angela:

bopper ago

Yeah it was afternoon or in the evening (last night or night before) I saw them all go down, and was yanking their chain in the comments.

shakethetree ago

I am with you on this @reasonedandinformed

bopper ago

"Ah, she is a femme fatale then?" (What I said in the thread that the OP posted.)

I was being sarcastic (just to be clear). Then it was upvoted by the shill.

privatepizza ago

No worries. Let's see if they do.

Long_Knife ago

Of course you have proof of being paid to do this right? An email, PayPal deposit, literally anything to prove your story? You have posted zero proof so far to corroborate your story.

vhelsing ago

People, you need to be more fucking skeptical. This is a content free confession

BackAgain ago

Exactly. Dude provides literally no proof of his claim



Demand for answers from Authorities / President Trump on FACTUAL EVIDENCE found by concerned people who were vigorously researching the DNC email dump released by Wikileaks and found strange emails using what seemed to be a coded language. The researching of emails eventually led to the coined term for this unprecedented citizen investigation now known as PIZZAGATE.

PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE is not just a "USA citizen" investigation, it's not a DNC witch hunt, NO!! What the findings are bringing to light is that the problem of Human Trafficking, Pedofillia and a Satanic Culture seems to be running rampant across all forms of power positions, cultures who condone and or religions who are complicit or turn away the issue. The Pedofillia aspect is a Human Societal issue that needs to be addressed as is the Human Trafficking problem. The thing is all the positions and overseer's of these issues are CORRUPT and seem to be complicit on the same crimes they're supposed to be eradicating or keeping in check-from our society. Again, to be clear it is the PEOPLE of all parts of this Earth who are genuinely asking 'What's really going on here...on this Earth and why are the elected officials/authorities who are supposed to stop this blowing smoke in regards to ALL questions being asked about PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE! Maybe the most important findings of PIZZAGATE is the OCCULT aspect!


UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Regardless of if this poster is telling the truth. We all know it happens on here, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

chelseaclinton ago

You don't have to be skeptical if you've been here and witnessed it first hand faggot.

racoonbite ago

143 likes lol

dindonufin ago

This whole thread reeks of faggotry.

LightlyToasted ago

Spencer has nothing to do with Pizzagate and his rhetoric disqualifies himself. What a B.S. post by OP!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

What were the organizations? Did you sign in with one? How paid? Proof?

Girthcontrol ago

Agreed. I was paid to keep the cure for cancer and the secret to warp drive under wraps. AMA

EnragedSnail ago

While the rest of the Internet focuses on wikileaks 4chan, shills pedophiles, politicians and the pope, the truth is found in a single comment. Well played sir.

TimeForPitchForks ago

Im gonna need that warp drive broham.. Shove that bitch in the work truck and ill never be late gain!

kekistocrat ago

I have one question: OP, are you selling any T-shirts?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Hard to tell if most of the people on voat are shills or just retards

MostPostersAreShills ago

Most posters are shills.

vhelsing ago

The motives are different, but the posts are indistinguishable.

9217 ago


druhill007 ago

We also need to have more fucking hope!! You can dream of a brighter future without draining the moat #upvoat

(not best analogy lol but saying you can dream while maintaining security)

I'm also not implying you don't have hope lol, but I feel like it's an important message for people to see.

The opportunity to put a dent in the military arm of global elite is epic (military = the manipulation of truth)

MostPostersAreShills ago

I actually think this might be a shill trying to misinform us by making us think the shills he mentioned arent shills. Becareful guys.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yep, that's exactly what I commented

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah funny that they posted a list of the biggest shills and they are trying to rebuild credibility for their assets.

srayzie ago

How do you get instructions? Email? If so, can you show screenshots? You can black your email address out. Do they tell you what to say? Give us details please! Can you also send an example of what one of their Craigslist ads might look like?

privatepizza ago

See No3 in the OP, @encryptallthethings . It's a post by roundhouse1776. The OP says they were involved in those posts, so we'd like to know, and are asking if the OP is roundhouse1776.

vhelsing ago

Bullshit. This is a double agent scam. Each example post was already flagged discredited, so he gave no info. Can't produce the craigslist link that lots of people clicked on, which is in your inbox?

And this >> I feel like I could provide a major lead into these activities, but need help and suggestions for doing so.

He gave us nothing and we gave him a shit ton of contacts and maybe an intro.

Fuck this shill.

redditsuckz ago

Individuals I Was Paid To Discredit

Brittany Pettibone

David Seaman

So you got paid to discredit known shills and are now trying to make them seem legit?

Too bad David Seaman Discredits himself...

What David Seaman Doesn't Want You To Know

Lets say for a moment you were paid to discredit (((David Seaman)))...then you would expose this whole pizzagate forum as a jew/khazarian operation and it explains the drama created when this thread was made;

David Seaman Outed as a Total Fraud

This would lead to more fake Drama between the mods and David Seaman;

Then David Seaman goes on twitter/youtube and tells people to avoid avoid pizzagate related material...


And David Seaman is playing along with this thread;

I no longer care but a researcher sent me a social media post about how I was on a list of Pizzagate journalists to destroy.

I'm not angry. But this is potentially relevant to others so RTing it, thank you

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

It's strange how this post about Brittany Pettibone was deleted BREAKING EVIDENCE OF MKULTRA CONTROLLED OPPOSITION (Brittany Pettibone and Richard Spencer)

reasonedandinformed ago

The irony with Seaman is that he is Jewish. If there are active or past ads posted, can you link to any??

awarenessadventurer ago

There is no link between Judaism and Zionists. Zionists are usurpers. Fake Jews. impersonators. Satanists. Have always been. The confusion propagated is intentional.

sound_of_silence ago

David would probably appreciate an apology and maybe you two can work together to expose the plot..

collect an arsenal of incriminating evidence...maybe also contact Project Veritas and others with that, try to help set up a sting operation.. maybe network with some of the other ex-shills who also defected, along with journalists, to create a documentary-style expose and maybe give that to Ben Swann and the other folks..

maybe write an account of what happened.. have some documentation for it... share it all on the same day with the journalists you worked to discredit (and other you-tubers such as VL, as @Malignment suggested).. do some interviews.. you could help expose the truth at a great time such as this, when the truth is gaining more public ground.

if you're sincere, you have a lot of options toward making up for the damage.

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

David should apologise for wearing nazi hats.

sound_of_silence ago

Member for: 21 minutes (joined on: 3/14/2017)

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

David and Brittany have something in common. Nazis.

neveragainfatty ago

Calling us Nazi doesn't work anymore faggot.

sound_of_silence ago

it's always appropriate to apologize to those we've wronged.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree!

Malignment ago

Be courageous. Expose the whole thing. You will be a hero and untouchable if it gets wide audience .

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago


awakenaware ago

Give us some credit we are cautious, but thanks for the reminder :)

vhelsing ago

This seems like controlled opposition. He's telling a bit, but leaving out key details. Put yourself in his shoes - you wake up and one day realize you're a fucking storm trooper working for the child enslaving empire. I'd think that realization would turn anyone into an enemy of that empire and go full out to reverse my unknowingly evil deeds.

I think this guy is playing us for controlled opposition and mole-ery. What info did he give? What did he get? Who came out ahead of the exchange?

target_blank ago

I fully agree with this. He's just stirring the pot

Confessor10237123 ago

I have...

  • Repeated and multiple Bitcoin transactions located in the block chain
  • Email communications
  • Access to the accounts used for manipulation
  • And other pieces of data

I have proof, the problem is delivering it.

newworldahead ago

I'd just like to make sure I understand what you mean by "the problem is delivering it".

Is the "problem" referring to:

A) The fear of being identified by those who paid you to do this

B) The fact that you don't know how to deliver the documents you have (don't have the technical know-how)

privatepizza ago


druhill007 ago

Not sure if you can see my reply if sent to others... But MASSIVE THANK YOU. I don't think everyone understands just how massive this lead could potentially be. The manipulation of the truth is the military arm of these people. Their power and control just gives them the ability to have a stronger military!!!

Not only for human trafficking but for military industrial complex this is huge stuff man I fucking love you lollll.

It's possible for us to give you our backing without letting the stories of the people in question be manipulated.

Have some god damn hope people. If it turns out he was wrong or fake then oh well we move along. Don't listen to negative folks if ur real this is epic stuff and I my hope will never die

newworldahead ago

Email communications: would be awesome if you could send that. Just censor real names and contact information. Other pieces of data: What exactly?

Just make a .zip of everything you can find and send it on

Oh and if you are for real, thank you.

lucifirius ago

Censored email can still be used to narrow down a leak.

newworldahead ago

True, but this advice was more to avoid doxxing. This could get the OP and others into further trouble. For the moment we just need proof of the OP's claims.

cakeoflightylight ago

It's simple to go into Photoshop and crop out the stuff you want redacted and save the file as a JPG or PDF. OP may be too stupid to figure this out if he is working minimum wage and claiming that black and white stripes are animal print.

target_blank ago

Then post!! More action less words

GoodGodKirk ago

screenshots of everything.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


smokratez ago

God bless you. Thanks for speaking out.

shakethetree ago

Are you still working for them, ie, on the payroll? Go back and get the scripts.

MKULTRAgonewrong ago

Top Pizzagate Researcher is an MKULTRA Sex Kitten

Brittany Pettibone is an MKULTRA Sex Kitten (Very Likely)


bopper ago


shakethetree ago

Why are you showing me these links after you have been a member for 12 fucking minutes?

Millennial_Falcon ago

If you're for real, it's very important that you give us any form of proof you can. Otherwise, people could say you are a shill, or that you work for (or are) David Seaman, etc. Please give us any info you can.

V____Z ago

Seems like you're poisoning the well with the idea that David Seaman, out of all the possibilities, is the one posting this shit. You should perhaps take a break from posting about Seaman, you are obsessed.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL, no. Quit your bullshit. I only posted about Seaman ONCE, in response to HIM making an accusation.

V____Z ago

I should have said "comment" rather than "post".

Millennial_Falcon ago

Well I haven't commented about much, either. You're making shit up or you're confusing me with someone else.

shakethetree ago

@Millenial_Falcon I think the intended recipient was encryptallthethings who is foaming at the mouth over Seaman.

vhelsing ago

What training did you receive? How often did you meet your handlers? Do you have email communication? You should think about dumping as much info here as you can that would not compromise you.

Confessor10237123 ago

What training did you receive

  • Remember to use correct grammar
  • How to interact with other members
  • Anything else you need to know?

How often did you meet your handlers

Only online

Do you have email communication


You should think about dumping as much info here as you can that would not compromise you.

That is the troublesome part.

Hooliganscat ago

Grow a pair... are such a wuss that you run and hide when a child is being hurt? Stand up and do the right thing.

shakethetree ago

You are going to find it more troublesome if you can't provide proof for these bloodhounds. Think creatively about how you could do that with the resources you have. Are you still working there or have people you trust that still work there?

Dressage2 ago

By being honest and knowing what you are doing is not right, you might being saving a child's life. Think about why we are doing this? We are not getting paid, we have family and friends that think we have lost our minds. We are here to turn on the light to child trafficking and abuse. We research for hours and source everything we post. We are not here for political reasons. We are here to stop trafficking and the elite and poor pedos. Turn it around today and go fight for those kids that are helpless against these sick, twisted, perverted people.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I really like the way you put that. Just posted my first commentary here at Voat, so it's in the "whatever" sub. I think you might like it...

DarkMath ago

"I feel like I could provide a major lead into these activities"

What made you change your mind?

If we know what did it we can use that against the army of shills they throw at us everyday.

Saibra ago

It would be nice to know who is paying you. Thank you for the confession. I hope your involvement in this has opened your eyes. If they need to pay people to shut it up, it's really happening. Maybe you could do some more work on where your pay comes from and leave it up to the investigators on here to figure out who is behind it.

Tyrone88 ago


Under what state/town was the ad posted on? Do you still have a link to the ad? an email of you responding?

Tyrone88 ago

Whatever you had responded, it seemed to have auto-deleted :/

Here, send it to me what you had typed out

Dabarina ago

Given the fact that we know there are paid shills, how do we distinguish you as a "good guy" vs "bad guy". For all we know that could be part of their M.O. Get their own guy to turn and become a "double agent" and gain the trust of the researchers to gain insight into the information they have dug up. Or how do we know that one (or all) of the above posters doesn't have you on their payroll?

I'm not accusing you of this but I'm simply asking how can we be sure? I guess we can't.

But if you're truly being paid to spread disinformation then may I suggest you sort out what it is you're being told to discredit and why and what the truth is.

Use that status and the resources that come with it. Then come back to us with solid evidence since you will have time to compile it. Until then we can only assume...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Was I ever on a list?

stellarcorpse ago

that's a plus at least after what you went through amiright?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It's a relief for sure. Makes me think I'm only on JA's radar and maybe a few internet crazies

stellarcorpse ago

I got permanently banned from posting on CPP FB site and reprimanded harshly by FB. What's odd is I diden't even post anything all that bad compared to others (that are still up I might add.). In fact, all I said was he could turn this all around and be an unlikely advocate against child abuse if he just came out of the shadows and got interviewed by someone of our "culture" and answered some of our serious questions. That this was not going away. Oh, and an emoji of a man shaking whilst watching a movie (?) and the name Pegasus above it. Not sure which did it.

Confessor10237123 ago

You were not.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you

11-11 ago

thank you for the confession!

people know this is being done but your post is enlightening.

Confessor10237123 ago

  • #1: I was paid to defend members of ThinkProgress
  • #2: I have no idea if they are directly connected or not. That being said, I wouldn't be shocked.

I was paid by cash, and it was below the amount needed to be eligible for taxes, it was basically tax-free income.

coreylkh ago

Unless you were paid in person, you most likely weren't paid in cash. $9,999 is the most you can deposit without reporting and if you were getting cash it wouldn't matter. You wouldn't have to deposit it. I'm a little suspicious.

Dressage2 ago

Otherwise known as slush fund!

coreylkh ago

aka "Foundation"

SayWhatNOWAY ago

How did the employer get that cash to you? Direct deposit to your bank account, paypal, Western Union, Money Dot, MoneyGram, gift certificates, loadable debit cards? If you picked it up at an location where and at what address? Cash through mail can not be used as a tax write off, so not an option!

Confessor10237123 ago

Bitcoins. And the higher-up people are allowed to receive cash

Fateswebb ago

I don't think they care about tax writeoffs, not to mention that's easily faked... pay someone else the money as a tax write off and they pay cash.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Notice OP has not responded! I'm leaning towards this being a total lie.

V____Z ago

Tell your ex boss that they're being way too obvious. We aren't stupid. None of your arguments make sense, and it's really obvious when you're only targeting the most effective voices that you are working for the pedos. And by that I mean, people who support raping children. That's who you took a paycheck from. You want to be congratulated for that? "I didn't know" isn't an excuse when it only takes an afternoon of research to discover who's on the right side of this thing.

I'd be more impressed if a whistleblower came forward to tell us something we didn't know, or that wasn't entirely obvious. Sorry. Donate those dirty pay checks to something good. We know they're well funded. You got your money from George Soros, ultimately. He is a nazi sympathizer with no morals who believes himself to be a god. He was Hillary Clinton's main backer, besides a few other evil people/institutions.

privatepizza ago

I admire you coming here and telling us this, and hopefully, joining us on the right side. We all make mistakes, and sometimes we don't know exactly what we're getting into. Thanks for your humility and humanity.

Confessor10237123 ago

I didn't single handedly create those posts. They're editted by multiple people, and undergo revision and checking before release.

Blacksmith21 ago

How about a list of media "outlets" where you are paid to post? How about some methodology. Give us something to indicate you aren't LARPing. Give us some "tricks of the trade".

I want to believe you are genuine, but I agree with the sentiments of many - give us something more than we already know.

V____Z ago

Yeah? So? That, too, was obvious.

rwb ago

Can you clarify your connection to roundhouse1776, the original poster of #3?

haystack ago

What platforms were you paid to discredit on?

Confessor10237123 ago

  • Voat
  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Gab

DarkMath ago

What changed your mind?

Confessor10237123 ago

All I know is that there is intense connections to a guy named Judd Legum, who attacked Brittany Pettibone and other Pizzagate researchers. Some of the people that I work with are involved in smear campaigns against David Seaman and Brittany Pettibone as well, by portraying them as a Zionist and a white supremacist respectively.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sorry I thought you meant to prove to us you was Pd. You still can I guess.

Post images of the scripts you was given to use. You can reveal name of who signs your check! (So many pd to troll, no one would know who told) Post image of how they contact you! An actual contact like email, letter ect...

rwb ago

With respect to #3, are you saying you're roundhouse1776? If not, what was your contribution?

roundhouse1776 ago

He's not me. I stopped coming to this forum much anymore because it's mostly shills left. The upvotes are completely manipulated and no good content being posted anyways.

privatepizza ago

Yes, same question here.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea can you be on the look out for CL ads, or work your way up to trace how far up the money goes?

Confessor10237123 ago

All I know is that I was paid to defend Judd Legum and other ThinkProgress editors from attack. For example, I was ordered to defend and forge support for this post.

Malignment ago

My suggestion is to contact Victurus Libertas and work it out with them. Do Good, for Goodness sake! Thank you sir.

BackAgain ago

Good suggestion

Victurus Libertas is full of shit and so is OP. VL has done nothing but provide fake insiders so why not add OP the fake shill to the list

druhill007 ago

Yes thank you so much... This isn't about individual pizzagaters guys, this is about the manipulation of truth!!! This is potentially one of biggest recent leads... What has been the primary weapon of control past century?!!!!!! THE MANIPULATION OF THE TRUTH!!! If that is exposed you will absolutely CRIPPLE these guys.

And my god, the sheer volume of souls saved would be mind blowing

✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Flat_Truth ago

A thumbs down? You mean there is someone who really believes this is a real video taken by a space ship on its way to Mars? Give me a break...its computer graphics. Lies.

bopper ago

No worry, I gave you a thumbs back up :) They probably think you're a shill, on shill thread, about shills :)

shakethetree ago


Flat_Truth ago

Speaking of manipulation of truth.....check out the latest video taken looking back at our home on that 30 million mile journey to the planet Mars. Or this guy....he's scientist living out there on a space station way up in the sky.... Welcome to the grand illusion... Here's Bush at their headquarters.....with actress/congreewoman Gabby Gifford who starred in a shooting on the "news". Notice on the screen in the background.....the astronaut with a green screen on the space station? What is a Hollywood magic device doing out on the space station? The space station is a studio set. Many involved with that show and all the accompanying science for the past 500 years....satanists....and yeah, they all about deception. Intricate and grand deception. "spell casting" you could say.

Flat_Truth ago

I see a ton of thumbs down. Wake up people....look again at those photos from outer space...they are FAKE. The astronauts actors. Snap out of it. Or if you ever do get a chance to go up to that new planet they found where it rains diamonds.....don't forget to bring your light sabers kiddos!! Damn, its like trying to tell a bunch of insolent children that Santa's not real.

JastheMace ago

They don't want to know. Then they would have to admit to themselves that they got duped big time.

redditsuckz ago

No one has been to space ever...cant get past the dome...complete with electromagnetic fake planets and fake stars;

What Venus Really looks like...

awakenaware ago

You are flat out correct there bro ;)

bopper ago

But, but, I know the guy who hires the astronauts, seriously, should I talk to him?

I also know Gene Kranz. I've seen the curve too!

Flat_Truth ago

Nothing you say is going to make that a real video taken from outer space. :/ sorry.

bopper ago

You don't remember me, sorry, I was yanking your chain. (I'm with you, and I'm a big Eric Dubay fan.)

I do indeed know the people I mentioned though and many more.

druhill007 ago

I will check them out Ty!!

druhill007 ago

it's not just human trafficking that manipulation covers... THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES life blood.

I don't want our children being sent to war either

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Why speak up now?

Confessor10237123 ago

I wasn't aware of the serious and convincing arguments for it. My employer seemed to legitimately believe that the accusations and the investigation were conspiracy theories, and I simply saw it as morally defendable to defend innocent people from attack. My opinion changed when I read various pieces of evidence submitted to this Voat forum, and I felt morally responsible to speak up.

dogeminho ago

What changed your mind? This would be good to help wake others up.

God bless you

vhelsing ago

Which pieces specifically and why?

katsmeow ago

In this place your confession, probably will not be heard. It will be heard by contrition and speaking to those you know. Yeah, totally new way to prove one's self. Speak to the people you know in your immediate surroundings. Let them know, the truth is much deeper than deep state. Be grateful, make a new move. Much love to you and yours. Change is not just a word. It is felt and intuited. God bless you and us all.

AngB23 ago

First of all, THANK YOU for speaking out. I think with the mounting evidence, you can clearly see (and with a moral conscience) this is real. I think also you can see this is not a smear campaign to one political party as this has links to both as well as other nations. There is a clear reason why so many are giving Trump hell right now. They are terrified of exposure.

PLEASE get in contact with a reliable source and give the info needed to take these rings down, regardless of their power. Children suffer each and every day due to no one helping them.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

What exactly did you read that changed your mind?

SpikyAube ago

That is what they risk by paying people to do this, that people will be exposed to the evidence and end up realising they're essentially being paid to smear honest people who are trying to stop child trafficking and thus covering up for pedophiles! Let's hope you're not the only one. Can you post a link to the ad or give us some keywords that were in the ad, like what did it say the job title was? How do they check that you are actually doing the job?