not_shadowbanned_yet ago

if you have a conspiracy with elitist jews raping kids you're going to have white nationalist overlap. buck up faget.

meowski ago

Who doesn't have a bizarre infatuation with Putin? He's pretty bad ass. Posted by [deleted] uhhh yea whatever. Loser.

PizzaGateCanada ago





Poot_McGarvey ago

the fuck are you talking about.

PizzaGateCanada ago

AGREED! SHE IS USELESS! #PizzaGateCanada is the real deal investigator.

DarkMath ago


Thanks guy who made his account 24 minutes ago.

Holy fuck you shills will stop at nothing.

PizzaGateCanada ago

you are the pussy mangina shill who is stalling the investigation.

DarkMath ago

PizzaGateCanada why are you shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters?

You work for the people who gang raped Haiti, who killed Monica Peterson when she tried to track down child traffickers.

Why. That's all I want to know from you. Why did you decide to make your account 2 hours ago so you could come here and shill for child rapists.


PizzaGateCanada ago

why are you a retard ?

DarkMath ago

You're done here.

You are such a piece of shit I wouldn't vomit on you because you'd get it dirty.

PizzaGateCanada ago

right .... you "investigators" are not that intelligent .....

kill yourself moron

DarkMath ago

"investigator".........Oh wait, you haven't heard of George Webb have you shill?

Read 'em and weep fuck nuts. You are such a piece of shit I wouldn't vomit on you because you'd get it dirty.

PizzaGateCanada ago

you're insane

i'll let you spew it though, you have the intellect of a 12 year old

retard , pettibone is a sex slut slave , nothing more, she doesn't do anything

DarkMath ago

Let's try this again.

Why haven't you watched the George Webb videos yet?

Because if you haven't seen them and the damming evidence enumerated within then you don't get to shit post.

Sorry. I don't make the rules.

PizzaGateCanada ago

Why are you assuming I haven't

You retards make so many mistakes.

Let's try this again.

Why haven't you acknowledged and spoke about PizzaGateCanada or any of HeavyWaterDude's findings?


you are a punk slut bitch with nothing

DarkMath ago

"Why are you assuming I haven't"

That's an easy answer, because anyone who sees the evidence of the Clinton Foundation and Dyncorp's child trafficking and organ harvesting would want those involved brought to justice.

This isn't complicated.

PizzaGateCanada ago

you are a fucking retard

do you just talk and assume the whole time ?

kill yourself loser

DarkMath ago

"assume the whole time"

Assume? Please explain which bit of evidence George Webb found was based on assumptions.

Please explain why Laura Silsby's lawyer fired her.

Please explain why her new lawyer Jorge Puello's 3 year bit in Vermont for DING DING DING human trafficking should NOT cast doubt on Laura Silsby's story she was just "doing it for the children"? lol

You're a fucking idiot or your 1 day old account means you're a shill. Which is it?


PizzaGateCanada ago

How come you ignore PizzaGateCanada and HeavyWaterNewsNetwork


PizzaGateCanada ago

how many kids have you saved ? none ? ok then shut the fuck up faggot

DarkMath ago

"how many kids have you saved"

Considering I've been here 3 months and you've been here 1 day I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I've saved a lot more than you have.

What's up with the four responses?

Me a shill? Go look at my last 100 comments then come back here and apologize.

Take your time, I'll wait.

PizzaGateCanada ago

go suck jizzmans cock you mossad jew fucktard

you are nobody, watch me destroy you

PizzaGateCanada ago

so then why are you calling me a nazi . i never hurt anyone


PizzaGateCanada ago

stop being a faggot shill

PizzaGateCanada ago

pettibone is an MK ULTRA slut and does nothing, and you are a gatekeeper pedophile

shill alert (See I can do it too faggot)

PizzaGateCanada ago

you are a semen loving shill

PizzaGateCanada owns you, you will never touch my work because you are the real shill SEMEN lover

PizzaGateCanada ago

you should kill yourself loser

PizzaGateCanada ago

can you shut the fuck up

you literally throw things at me and then claim whatever

i'm an idiot for creating my account on a certain day, I'm a shill .... well you are a jew who worships SEMEN

shut the fuck up you gate keeper pedophile

DarkMath ago

"you are a jew"

Here ya go you Nazi fuck. I would love to shit in your mouth but I wouldn't want my feces to get dirty.

Are these the kids you've been saving:*

(bee tee dubs I'm not a Jew but who cares.)

PizzaGateCanada ago

jew boy and jew lover

explains your low IQ

and how you troll a real investigator ..... go back to your jewish moms basement cucktard

DarkMath ago

"well you are a jew"

LOL. So you're a NAZI too?

Holy shit. You're a fucking Nazi.

Have you no sense of decency?

A Nazi?

Holy fucking shit you're an idiot.

NoBS ago

Attacking the messenger is the only way to silence opposition. I hope your pay is good, you might need it.

PizzaGateCanada ago

you people are so pathetic, you can't she is a puppet, there to distract, she hasn't done anything, and you ignore the men doing real investigations.

go suck off david jizzum you idiot

the kids will ask you why you were so pathetically stupid and useless

NoBS ago

Yes, we are all pathetic. You and are are are now gay while sucking jizzum. Interesting deduction skills you have my precious snowflake.

Poot_McGarvey ago

How much do they pay you though?