kazza64 ago

david brocks purpose in life and that which he is paid large amounts of money for is to descredit anything pizzagate related

Tanngrisnir ago

Yes, I'm sure calling every decent researcher and their grandmother a shill really helps the children.

LolturdFerguson ago

She did post links to The Daily Stormer, which is indeed a white Nationalist site.

The article was PG related, so I see where she was coming from.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol prove my own points for me then declare victory and run away, yep women are very useful in these affairs

Tanngrisnir ago

Good for you that your are still getting paid by David Brock, Armyseer. But have you thought about what you will do when the well runs dry?

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL YOU HAVE PROVEN MY POINT A SECOND TIME why would i assume we are almost allmen here? Because as I said women are not interested in how the world works and deep analysis so they'll never make up even 1% of lurkers here.

Getting women to vote was to usher in communism

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol dude I been on lpsg for real and give a lot of good advice on penetration angles, kegels for maximum blood flow, I piss out the side of my overalls CUCK

Don-Keyhote ago

You got owned son, better to slink away quietly. Calling me ignorant when you clearly don't know shit

Flat_Truth ago

This poor girl had her entire family lined up in front of her and shot execution style by her uncle just days before her nationally televised news conference and five days before the televised funeral. The gunman meant to kill her, but she survived. She lost part of a finger when, with her hands tied behind her back, she blocked the shooter's bullet to the back of her head and played dead. Please donate on Go Fund Me to help this poor girl out. It might be of some consolation, that on her social media, apparently her finger has since grew back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g4YeLng2kA

SturdyGal ago

The title of this post is misleading. It isn't about a general misinformation campaign, it is specifically in defense of Ms. Pettibone. Her work was never my cup of tea, but now I am suspicious because one of her supporters is willing to mislead.

I am editing this comment because it is stupid:

There is no proof whatsoever that Ms. Pettibone endorsed this and I apologize for my comment.

WakeUpPlease ago

I figured out within the first few weeks the Pettibone twins were all about promoting their book. They put on a good show for a few weeks, then all you heard about was the book. It was interjected into the conversations often.

Piscina ago

Legum is a buddy of Podesta's: Clinton also got a boost from Judd Legum, the editor of ThinkProgress, who emailed Podesta several times with tips, using his personal email account. “Not enough people were paying attention to your tweet that mentioned climate change,” Legum wrote to Podesta in April 2015, “. . . so I wrote a post about it. Looks like it’s going to be popular https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hacked-emails-show-how-advocates-at-liberal-group-back-channeled-advice-to-clinton/2016/10/15/c2da85e6-923f-11e6-9c85-ac42097b8cc0_story.html?utm_term=.f83d3051f53a

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/35061 http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/11/hacked-emails-thinkprogress-editor-fed-hillary-campaign-info-on-how-to-hurt-bernie/

LakeOfFire ago

Anyone who speaks out and has a significant following will be smeared by shills posing as "fellow investigators."

The pedos have already lost, because truth has already gone mega viral and there's nothing they can do to contain it at this point. They are actually foolish for not having fled the country months ago.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

This is exactly why David Seaman was outed as a shill. Getting the truth out requires no $$! YouTube, FB, Voat ect.. is free!

Amino69 ago

Yep, he's a 'divide & conquer' utility and unfortunately the strategy's worked quite well. He has created a rift between pizzagate investigators/supporters and there is now both vociferous disdain for him and blind faith in support of his convictions.

fuspezza ago

No he hasn't. No one has . That is their goal to desband us so we can go back to argue what football team has the best quarter back We dont give a fuck about no shill. We dont look at the shills we see past them and right trough them. With that said I have to pay to play soccer at my local League while pros and semI pros get paid. That dosent take the joy I feel from the sport nor do I ponder why some get paid. Now that I think about it I'm perty sure they get paid cuzz they are better players, better business people or both. Either way the collective consciousness has awoken and evil will be exposed.

cantsleepawink ago

I don't think it's working that well actually. His following mainly consists of non-researchers and people who aren't inclined to be active at a political level anyway. Content consumers, the kind of people who just love the drama..it's all just entertainment for them really. The old conquer and divide games aren't working anymore and the pedos haven't got the creativity to change their tactics.

Amino69 ago

fair points.

GeorgeT ago

I saw her come on the Hagmann Report - sounded legit to me.

Don-Keyhote ago

Maybe disputing my points would be more effective than speculating about my genitals.
Do you realize that if I were ashamed of my genitals, which are assigned a size randomly through genetics and no fault of mine, it would be only because of a cultural meme perpetuated by women whereby genital size influences sexual prowess and can thus be used as an insult so painful that some men may commit suicide?

Thanks for proving my point YA CUNT

lawfag123 ago

bumping the comment count

dFrog ago

Excellent work. Thank you for putting this together.

I'm honestly a bit taken aback at this attack method where they use bullshit accounts in comment sections to create false images of support. It's so sloppy. Either whoever's behind this is desperate, can't afford a better campaign, or wants it to be weird and chaotic on purpose, like for psychological effect.

I will probably start paying attention to Pettibone now that I know all this, so that's a shill fail.

Don-Keyhote ago

Your brain sure jumped to erect cocks real quick LOL

meowski ago

This disinfo formula has been so over-used and abused, it's easy to identify now. Call target racist, make a zillion shill posts about the Jews and flat earth, then freeze crowdfunding accounts. Fortunately enough people are wise to it now that it tends to backfire.

Melitica ago

It may be easy to spot but it is not easy to fight. This board gets completely overun with too Many shills, bots and actual trolls. Some days it isn't worth the fight.

The fact that they clearly have financial support shows that those of us doing this for free are at a clear disadvantage. Yet when anyone says, I need help to continue and grow....sshhhhrrrreeeeeek.

meowski ago

If I get some money and time I will develop a heuristic sock puppet detection system. There's a lot that could be done with funding for a few months of development time.

VieBleu ago

There is so much disinfo, misinfo, spamming and shilling on voat again today, I'm sorry this board is what you have to retreat to. Glad for the information.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmao talk about missing the forest for the trees. Do you know why Ann coulter and Phyllis schafly are famous? Because they are exceptions and most women don't know shit about anything because it's not in their nature to acquire information and craft a policy. Is pettibone herself a shill? Who gives a shit? Will her gay little youtube interviews affect anything ever? Fuck no. And how dare you slander red ice radio

rooting4redpillers ago

Go make yourself a sandwich.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for taking the time to make a post about this. We were hoping someone would. It is important, here on Voat where free speech is fundamental, that people meet shill speech and disinformation campaigns with BETTER, more persuasive, accurate and powerful speech. The way to neutralize these shill campaigns is not to delete them -- they can just make another post, or post elsewhere -- but to debunk them. We need much, much more of this. We need to point out the holes in their arguments, their shitty tactics like innuendo and fallacy. It helps everyone become better information consumers, critical thinkers, and more resistant to shilling.

VieBleu ago

good to see this support of getting people to comment more and use their downvoat more! Yes, this is what we need, more vocal discernment.

kazza64 ago

they were targeting david seaman now another pizzagate investigator

MostPostersAreShills ago

David Seamann was clearly exposed on Voat did you not get the memo.

TruthMayBeFound ago

The suspicious part is that they seem very well funded. They managed to spend dozens of hours creating narratives around it, and appear to be running an expensive and massive botting campaign to discredit her. The recent shilling on Voat appears linked with Asteria. Compare her comments to the one posted on Voat yesterday, they are exactly identical.

Whoever is doing it has to have a vast network of resources and time, which isn't something most people have.

Vindicator ago

One might say, the resources of a state sponsor...

TruthMayBeFound ago

There is much more evidence of this, but the conclusion is obvious to any rational person. there is a massive misinformation campaign against her by someone trying to discredit her work. Whoever it is, they seem passionate and willing to spend lots of time and money into doing so. It is critical that the community understands what is likely occurring and to figure out the possible source.