sawn ago

OP is David Seaman. He wants material to make a video out of. And he wants to reference people with lots of followers so they tell said followers to watch his video.

newworldahead ago

This was one of the funniest post I ever read in this sub. For some reason it made me laugh out loud... especially when I clicked on the "Strange hand signals" links... I mean, what the fuck!? :`) haha! this is so retarded at one point it became funny.

EyeOfHorus ago

Its kind of an honor for Pettibone to be attacked by the pedophile occults (AKA CIA). Think of all the children their too busy to rape while they shill here.

Dejure ago

Oh boy

DukeOfLizards21 ago

damn i cant even downvoat this garbage. obvious shill is obvious

dFrog ago

I wear black pretty much every single day. I have multiple "copies" of the same garments. What does that mean about me?

dFrog ago

That really makes it seem like they've got shill accounts (bots, even) that are showing up to comment sections to voice support for whatever ideology they want to associate with the person, just like they had all these people commenting on Seaman's videos signaling their allegiance to Israel. They want us to dismiss Seaman as a Zionist, so they falsify "Zionist support" in his comment sections. It'd make total sense for them to falsify white supremacist support for Pettibone so they can make her out to be one of them, etc.

abortionburger ago

Hey guys - make sure you check the account history of the people posting that Pettibone is suspect. Nearly every single one is between 3 and 6 hours old at the time that I'm making this comment. This is almost certainly a coordinated disinformation attack. I'm flairing this post accordingly.

EyeOfHorus ago

totally a shill attack, i watched vote go from -15 to +26 after 45 second refresh at 4am. Now I know what CIA/Pedos do before their first cup of coffee.

palmitespo910 ago

I've never even heard of this woman. Is she on MSM right now or something?

Azzipdoe ago

Who even is this, why is there multiple threads about it? Fuckin Christ, Voat is hopeless now. :/

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Explain it? You're a retard that created an account 45 minutes ago and is trying to fabricate something out of nothing? That's the best explanation I can give.

ThePedoHunter ago


ThePedoHunter ago

Yeh, her clothing choice. Lol. She must be bad.

ThePedoHunter ago

Lame post alert. ...keyboard shills never stop.

ThePedoHunter ago

Lol.....60k twitter follows and she's getting massive exposure on pedogate, yet she's planted. Ffs

mysecretidentity ago

ethnic nationalism or anti multiculturalism are NOT the same thing as racism. You can 100% want your race and someone else's race to both flourish, in different places

Aizlynne ago

Leopard is the new black. It's all the rage.

lawfag123 ago

WTF..... I hate Brittany now!

Holy fuck you are all retarded

Touchdown50 ago

Regardless if they are all shills, a massive elite pedo trafficking ring is being covered up. That is for sure.

zzvoat ago

Dear brand new user, great joke on us. Got your Lulz, now go away.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Oh, surpirse, surprise, another account that was created 5 minutes ago.

dFrog ago

I just read that thread.

I still don't buy it. I mean, if any of us were getting exposure on YouTube, people could find all sorts of things to point to to question our integrity, honesty, etc. Certainly, we've all experienced getting redpilled rather suddenly and going through a short period of getting a little carried away or being gullible here and there. Imagine if you went through that in front of thousands of Internet users. There'd be people wanting to call you a shill for all the times you were wrong, accusing you of spreading disinfo with the assumption that it was intentional.

There doesn't seem to be whole lot of money behind any of these YouTubers, so I think they deserve the same benefit of the doubt you'd give to people you know personally.

Hell, I'm in the planning phases of making videos of my own. If I do that and then someone finds out that I act in my own short films or that I agree with this person or that person, will I be called a shill?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Especially not you based on the activity of this sock puppet account. ShareBlue works Friday nights now?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Hi David Brock minion!

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Is Pepe satanic?

dFrog ago

I don't follow her, so I can't comment on her politics/positions, but the clothing and hand signs? No offense, but I'm seriously questioning whether or not you're serious.

Moreover, do YouTubers really make good shills in the first place?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Look at the posting history of the people bashing her here. All sock puppet accounts. This is a little Friday night targeting operation. Nice try, shills.

ThePedoHunter ago

Absolutely. This post is as lame as it comes.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Bwahahaha.....This is satire, right?

huhhh ago

That's cool

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Weird hand things, I agree.

huhhh ago

I'm aware of this.

huhhh ago

I don't like how nearly every public pizzagate researcher is good looking. What's up with that?

mysecretidentity ago

lol you think she's good looking? Not even if I was drunk

huhhh ago

Yeah, chicks are ugly hey?

mysecretidentity ago

yes... ugly chick's are ugly by definition....

TheSoulBleedsToo ago

I wondered about that too. So many of the Twitter girls active in this are beyond just pretty. Makes me wonder if we're being played on some level.