LordHorror ago

From the Observer story:

"Pettibone’s views, however, have been more in line with alt-right sensibilities than traditional ones. For example, last month she was a guest on the podcast “This Alt-Right Life” as “one of the leading authorities on PizzaGate,” the conspiracy theory that a Washington, D.C. pizzeria was the epicenter of a child sex ring led by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta."

"The episode on which Pettibone appeared focused on topics like “the cluster of pedophile-related businesses in northwest Washington, D.C.” and “how the media is trying to protect the pedophiles.”"

About the “This Alt-Right Life” podcast, it is hosted by Matt Forney, known pedophile apologist and sex tourist.

I made a post about it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1603119

I don't blame Pettibon for not recognizing a snake in the grass right away, but I do hope she does a better job of vetting who she allies with in the future.

VieBleu ago

I saw your post. One thing that bothers me about these web personalities is if they are going to call themselves investigators, they need to have a couple of their fans volunteer to do vetting, research and such for them. They try to do too much and end up becoming uninformed talking head to some degree. Not serious basically. They need some training as journalists if they are going to try to take on that role. Oh well, everybody does what they can.

Sheilaaliens ago

I follow Brittany on Twitter and love her tweets and activism, but I honestly had no idea she was covering pizzagate to any extent whatsoever. Don't recall any pizzagate tweets from her, but I probably just missed them. Did she make videos or what?

VieBleu ago

i don't follow her at all, but you can just go on youtube and see her activity

srayzie ago

Lol you have anger issues

strix-varia ago

The slander against these people here is incredible. Looks like people are playing right into the hands of the "powers that be" with it all, creating division even more between all of us... which is what they want....division. Doesn't help anything. I was red-pilled because of David Seaman and will forever be grateful to him for that. Sounds like some people are losing track of what is important with such petty talk. So sad for you. When you point a finger at someone, notice that three fingers are pointing back at you.

VieBleu ago

its peope that are paid to create division. ignore and carry on. Once in awhile I engage the more civil ones - easy to run rings around their fail logic and non-reasoning.

victuruslibertas ago

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? So Seaman is out. BFD, We will continue until WE are TOLD by credible Sources that THERE IS an Investigation. Something does not smell right. I am not making accusations but something doesn't smell right. Let me remind everyone how DS got all of his SUBS on YT. Because He said he felt threatened for writing an article on HuffPo about Hillary's health. I have watched the progression in awe. Once again, no accusations.. Just observations and critical thinking. Smell Test Fail

BadGuacamoleTV ago

He said he'd be off pizzagate, then tweeted about pizzagate all day and dropped a new pizzagate video.. Don't know what's really going on.

witch_doctor1 ago

Somethings going on...Seaman, Pettibone, Swann...all in the same week. When the event that we have all been waiting for happens, it will not likely look like we expected. So my plea is that we put the circular firing squads on hold until solid targets appear.

srayzie ago

What do you mean ties to rampant shilling? I just disagree with Brittany Pettibone being a shill. You're the one going off on me. 20 of your submissions have been on the pizzagateshill sub LOL so who is the shill now? You're obsessed with calling people shills.

So what that I was a paranormal investigator years ago? If I was ashamed of that I wouldn't have mentioned it. My point was that it's not good to mess with that stuff. If you can't take someone disagreeing with you then maybe deleting your account is a good idea.

Sheilaaliens ago

Hey I could use some more paranormal investigator shill buddies, you have a YouTube channel srayzie?

srayzie ago

What's your deal? What is your problem with me?

Sheilaaliens ago

I was being sarcastic yet genuine - I'm also a paranormal investigator - lol. I don't actually think you're a shill, chill out.

srayzie ago

Oh ok lol. Sorry. You never know here

Z11Mama ago

David Seaman. Has never been and will never be a one subject activist. He is a journalist. A very good and very honest journalist. He has gone through hell helping make sure that pizzagate reached the point of awareness it has. He has a life and a commitment to reporting about other important topics, as he always has. Right now, he is smart enough to realize that he has taken this topic as far as he can. He recognizes that enough intelligent and passionate people from enough places, are on top of this. Let's give him some well deserved and well earned respect for this PRICELESS gift to what most of us here feel is the most important challenge in our life.

As to President Trump. Above and beyond the strong hints he appears to be purposely giving hopeful's, there are the words of others which I find more important. A. I believe it was Mitt Romney I first heard explain President Trump is NOT a member of any of these secret societies. B. It was Jim Rothstein (world's leading pedophilia detective, former NYPD gold badge detective) who explained that President Trump is close to others from the NYPD who KNOW what is up and wish to fight it.

Also, Jim Rothstein explained that throughout the last 50 years, many many times investigations have reached this level and been shut down! Our having the internet, social media and people like David Seaman, combined with a President who is not part of the problem, well we have the first time in history there is such a big chance to take control of this heinous aspect of society. It's time!

Please...if you truly care about pizzagate, don't be like the other idiots out there who fight against things so hard they forget what we are fighting FOR. Please.

listenandsee ago

May not have been Mitt Romney (I never heard him say that, although maybe he did too?) but Newt Gingrich. Either way, great post! Thank you.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

He's not done with pizzagate from his latest tweets or latest vid. Very wierd that he tweeted that, then tweeted pizzagate all day and dropped a new vid.

Orange_Circle ago

I pretty much think these folks ought to get real jobs and stop begging for money on the Internet.

At least Cernovich has a law degree and writes books he sells.

VieBleu ago

that's reasonable enough, but everyone has a different way and a different path. If you tried to control what everybody does and how they do it...well, you'd be a effed up politician or something. lol People seem to turn crowd sourcing investigations into "someone is making money" a little too fast for my taste. However, on the other side, Seaman was light on investigation if he did any at all. He is more like an informed news anchor, he figures out what the lastest story is and spreads it to an audience. That is his strength. Nothing wrong with that. If someon wants to pay something for that, who cares. If he wants to ask for income to pay his bills who cares. Supposed to be a free country.

witch_doctor1 ago

Respectfully, that is his job...journalism. And he was fired from the HuffPo for actually doing journalism....also, just wanted to reply to you to illustrate the changes that I see in the way that people are viewing both information and entertainment. I was surprised when I saw that David was using Patreon because I follow a lot of the Youtube sailing channels...like Sailing Uma, Sailing La Vagabonde, SV Delos, etc...and they are all on Patreon to finance their channels. La Vagabonde gets about 9.5K per video...and they usually do about 4 videos per month! https://www.patreon.com/LaVagabonde Uma (they are my favorite): https://www.patreon.com/SailingUma Delos, 6K per video (good ole titties and beer): https://www.patreon.com/svdelos

Anyhoo, the point is that I am a cord cutter and cable TV sucks, and what we are in the infancy of is viewer's financing their own content. So, considering David is unemployed due to him reporting on HRC getting chucked into a van like a side of beef, utilizing Patreon to monetize his journalism is brilliant IMO.

Sheilaaliens ago

There really aren't any updates to be given on Pizzagate at the exact moment, not currently, anyway -- the research is still bubbling and percolating, with times of waning interest followed by peaks of new potential discoveries, not much solid tho to report on that David hasn't already covered. It's good of him to lend his voice in support of this investigation. But he's not THE go-to pizzagate person... many of you folks are far more informed on the matter - it's just a matter of putting it into a consumable video format

Orange_Circle ago

Ok, I might take a second look at David.

Pettibone, besides Tweet and look cute what does she actually do?

witch_doctor1 ago

Well...I haven't watched her that much TBH...but isn't that almost enough? I mean, she's pretty dang cute...

witch_doctor1 ago

Passive aggressive is the ghey

witch_doctor1 ago

Let's see...David Seaman, Brittany Pettibone and Ben Swan all go offline the same week....coincidence right? And all of the shills come on here and talk shit about David and Brittany...typical and expected. I feel like something big is about to happen...the cat is out of the bag, Molesta and company lost and haven't figured it out yet, and there is a new sheriff in town.

For those that doubt Trump will prosecute...remember the zinger Trump used in the roast, where he looked right at HRC and accused her of stealing a whole village in Haiti...no way this gets swept under the rug IMO.

memegod420 ago

For those that doubt Trump will prosecute...remember the zinger Trump used in the roast, where he looked right at HRC and accused her of stealing a whole village in Haiti...no way this gets swept under the rug IMO

I actually this this was a bigger "wink" to the situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hyyOBxj5M8&feature=youtu.be&t=53m36s

witch_doctor1 ago

Wow....good stuff, thanks for sharing. Yeah, besides the cash that was mentioned, what else could he be talking about?

witch_doctor1 ago

What time was the relevant quote? The video started at the beginning of the rally...

memegod420 ago

Look @ the URL.

53m, 36s

witch_doctor1 ago

BTW, you can right click on the video and it will copy the link at the current time...And now I feel like Monica and Sharpie pen caps....

memegod420 ago

The current time was copied in the original post. I don't know why it didn't work for you.

witch_doctor1 ago

No worries..just F'n with you!

VieBleu ago

His best line though was when he put the words "Pardon Me" in her mouth - even she (fake) laughed hard at that one.

ThePoorPeople ago

Can I get a video of this? I want to relive the moment in all of its glory considering how much closer we are now to official involvement.

Flat_Truth ago

Here's the whole speech...a few good ones. Not sure if that was a jab of the priest guy when he said "nobody beats god, isn't that right cardinal?" After which cardinal guy was sweating. The whole thing was pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP9usAUjcfg

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, the timing was perfect on that one...he really did good in that roast. Of course, I had to watch it several times before I could focus on anything but Maria and the twins. I had no idea...no wonder The Ramones wrote a song about her.

srayzie ago

I didn't believe you then and I don't believe you now

srayzie ago

Something is weird about it. I don't feel right about it at all. Why would he change his mind suddenly within just a few minutes?

Sheilaaliens ago

Ah I see youtubers do that all the time, then proceed to post on said subject they weren't gonna post on - for like 3 days solid in a row

VieBleu ago

just can't stay away I think.

VieBleu ago

well happy day for you then.

throwaway345678 ago

"I would protest gravity if I thought it would get me buzz" - David Seaman

Well that explains a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1oMAcbzohM

VieBleu ago

sorry, this overly edited video is not convincing. Some guy is saying the buzz line, with no context. Not Seaman. I'm not defending him, just this vid is crap if you are trying to prove anything.

throwaway345678 ago

Notice the book title. h ttps://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Little-Secrets-Buzz-Attention/dp/1402213379 < That is indeed his book, titled "the dirty little secrets of Buzz"

And he is listed in this interview as David Seaman. His name is literally subtitled in the video Published in '08 "h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEA0CbVWU0"

So way to attempt to dodge, but the video is absolutely accurate. "David Seaman, author of Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz, reveals the principles of creating BUZZ" - Sounds legit as fuck. /sarcasm

VieBleu ago

I'm just saying, if you have to write 5 lines of text in a comments section to make your video even make sense, then its a fail. no one knows that's his book. You seem very intimate with it however- you must study this guy a lot for someone who doesn't like him at all.

throwaway345678 ago

I took 2 minutes to look it up and prove that you didn't bother to check. But yeah let's talk about subjective analysis of the video ignoring where you were blatantly factually wrong.

Point remains; Seaman is a profiteering shill. Good riddance.

VieBleu ago

to look what up? what are you going on about. the video doesn't communicate well, too bad.

Yes we've gotten your opinion. good riddance right back at you. And have a nice day. : )

AreWeSure ago

She violated the terms of service of GoFundMe. That is not censorship.

VieBleu ago

Can you provide details about this assertion? ::crickets::

AreWeSure ago

The folks on twitter who got her taken down pointed out she is a white nationalist and that would violate their terms for user conduct and GoFundMe cited their TOS when the cancelled it.

VieBleu ago

I'd be willing to bet there's another white nationalist somewhere in the twitter verse ranting freely that the Twits don't give a goddam about. Want to take that bet?

VieBleu ago

tell me more, I put it up for discussion, because I don't know about it and I hadn't seen it up.

throwaway345678 ago

So let me get this straight. He got thousands of dollars in donations for repeating "PIZZAGATE IS REAL" into a camera. And now he's essentially walking away?

VieBleu ago

you are definitely a glass half empty kinda guy, right?

throwaway345678 ago

The guy got thousands of dollars of people's money and now that the buzz is leveling off, he's off to the next fad? @Isthisgameofthrones/ #pizzagategear got extremely burned on this site for daring to sell t-shirts at almost no profit. Explain to me how this works without maximum hypocrisy being involved.

memegod420 ago

David Seaman doesn't shill his stuff here, for starters. People do that for him. That matters.

witch_doctor1 ago

You do remember that these people kill people right? Hastings, Breitbart, Breitbart's coroner, John Ashe, Monica Petersen, Seth Rich, Scalia...should I keep going?

VieBleu ago

the shills run their game. I never had a problem with the Tshirts. At all. There are a bunch of self-righteous selfish prics here.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Great question! Somebody please explain

VieBleu ago

Ok, but first tell me exactly how much money you donated to Seaman please, since we are being very demanding about it all.

throwaway345678 ago

I don't think it's demanding to bring up the fact that many people donated to him. Totally multiple thousands of dollars. I didn't, I never really liked his videos. But i think this amounts to a scam for those that did choose to donate.

Also, my individual (nonexistent) donation has no relevance here. I don't have to pay to be able to have an opinion. Unless we're using the oligarchy system on voat as well.

I wish @armyseer would come back and bitch as hard about this as they were about pizzagategear. Rofl.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, he was getting about 2K per month from Patreon and was fired from the HuffPo for reporting on HRC's health. He was totally living the high life to put himself in the crosshairs of some no shit murderous MF'ers...hell, he was probably making almost as much as a middle school teacher in a rural area.

throwaway345678 ago

Gee only profiting 2k a month from child molestation. ONLY.

witch_doctor1 ago

He was pledged 2K per month by individual people that were willing to pay for his content. This is true independent journalism. Seaman never profited from child molestation. That was Killary and crew. Is 2K per month a lot to live on where you are from? Go F' yourself.

throwaway345678 ago

He never investigated anything. He repeated lines like "Go fuck yourself Alefantis" "You're going to jail John Podesta," "Pizzagate is real" ad nauseum into the camera. When did Seaman ever break information. Ever? I'm not against independent journalism, I am against an obvious shill, who asked for donations specifically for pizzagate "investigation," then without any arrests or official investigation or even murmurs of one, said "good enough" when the buzz on the story died, and told us to believe him that "things are happening guys I swear" and announced that he's going to walk away from the story (with people's thousands in hand).

This from the guy who said he would protest gravity, if it would give him buzz. And I'm the person who is an asshole? FFS. It's not my money, but I think it's the height of slime to profit intentionally from child abuse in the disingenuous way I believe he has. Note that I absolutely believe pizzagate is real and that elite child abuse is real. Thinking Seaman is sneeze comes from the belief that he is profiteering from a real child abuse network.

throwaway345678 ago

^Meant to state that I think he is intentionally profiteering from coverage of a child abuse network (pizzagate) - not to imply he is part of it.

VieBleu ago

Ah, you didn't lose a penny. So, no problem.

Also, yes your tone sounded demanding of me specifically. I am just delivering the info dude, but I do find it ridiculous that you are so worked up about money that you have nothing to do with. I'd like to see someone who actually donated complain about it. You just seem to be hate trolling. Anyway, carry on, I'm sure you will.

throwaway345678 ago

I'm trolling, but I'm not the one who profited off of child molestation and then walked away. wow.

VieBleu ago

both of those sound accurate to me.

derram ago

https://archive.is/y5gvb :

‘PizzaGate Expert’ Starts GoFundMe for Her Podcast, Internet Revolts | Observer

https://archive.is/8wIfc :

David Seaman (@d_seaman) | Twitter

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