ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Please advise.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What do I do to go after him, the right way.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

I don't want to believe that demons like this exist. But, I guess they do. This is sickening in the worst kind of way.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Oh what the fuck, we need to publicly expose him with his own words. That is fucking disgraceful. He could be charged as well if he's been to the Philippines

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Theres been a pedo on here, he replied to one of my comments and was talking about how its a crime for adults not to have sex with children, how it does terrible damage to children if adults dont have sex with them, saying that anything to the contrary is propaganda.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, I confronted this sicko several times: @Birdzeyeview

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, thats him, I'd like to report him to police, he needs to be castrated.

atheist4thecause ago

I don't care about who people are, I care about what they have to add in terms of evidence. If he offers good evidence, he should be allowed to state it.

Jakestr ago

This literally made me want to vomit , I can't believe something like this is still on line available to the public goes to show you how coroded our morals are

ConcernedParent2 ago

I want to vomit after reading that. One of the few times I'm okay with the death penalty.

Piscina ago

Matt Forney has proudly admitted that he would go looking for female junkies to rape. He also advertised for Roosh V, who was selling false negative HIV tests for men to give their girlfriends.

When I showed the test results to my girlfriend, she was so overjoyed that she let me raw-dog her in the ass that night. I even ejaculated deep in her colon! As she dutifully limped back to the bathroom to wash up her behind, I did a fist-pump of VICTORY!

looking4truth ago

Roosh is a fucking creep.

VieBleu ago

Watchdog from hell knows how to keep an eye on the denizens. Thank you.

RexAxisMundi ago

Harass this cunt til he murks himself or someone does it for him. Fucking ugly sad looking git that he is.

remedy4reality ago

please... when you use the same vulgar and disgusting language as the pedo's, it further sickens everybody

carmencita ago


Throgmorton ago

You can be sure that many pedos and agencies are following these websites and findings very carefully.

PizzaAccount ago

Same reason serial killers try to get close to, or at least follow, the investigation of thier crimes. A combination of fascination with people's reactions to the horror of what they did, and an attempt to stay ahead of the investigation.
I wouldn't be surprised if half of the visits to the pizzagate subreddit/voat were from pedophiles that heard what we are doing and want to be sure they aren't in danger of being caught.

FriesischShipping ago

Yeah, there was a homosexual killer who was murdering his sex partners in bushes on the hillsides around LA and when police started investigating him he literally took them to the places where he murdered his victims because of the thrill it gave it him to show off and makes faces like "catch me if you can!"

PizzaAccount ago

Or the shit BTK and Zodiac sent to the cops and the press.

User890020 ago

That's definitely an inconvenience of a public investigation.

You guys should eventually move to a PRIVATE forum and do very thorough filtering of new members.

PizzaAccount ago

That's literally the definition of what the FBI is supposed to be. That's why a public investigation was needed to begin with. Without transparency, the exact same shit happens.

User890020 ago

No, you guys are not 'officials' and do not get bribes, do you?

I don't think you have jurisdiction either.

Going private between yourselves would help avoid the destruction of evidence as it's discovered.

PizzaAccount ago

First of all, why do you say 'you' and 'you guys'? You don't consider yourself part of this?
Secondly, the issue is kind of a slippery slope. As soon as you start trading transparency for security, everything about this stops working. I assume there is plenty of private discussion/investigation going on, but that is up to people individually. We don't really need a private official group.
Thirdly, as far as destroying evidence, that's the bad news. These are the people who committed the crimes, so they know what the evidence is and where. If they can destroy it, they have already tried to. We could potentially tip them off to things they didn't think needed to be destroyed, but that is far outweighed by what we gain by co-operating.

islandofdelight ago

Absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if there groups within agencies whose sole purpose it to keep an eye on our investigations and apply pressure and disinfo whenever we get to close to something.

Always a good idea to keep an eye out for peculiar down-voting, or 'leads' that divert attention from informative posts.

FriesischShipping ago

Duh, remember the shill attacks when we started covering Dyncorp.

VieBleu ago

I need to hear this, and know this.

justanotherpizza ago

it has to be really clear in whatever PG material he produces that he is considered suspect by most people. sotos is a pedosadist wannabe. anybody praising him is clearly a pedofanboy at the least.

LordHorror ago


IPleadThe2nd ago

These sick freaks should not be allowed to live. They can never be rehabilitated and will always be a danger.