stellarcorpse ago

Even if she is. Who cares?? It is her right. I'm a Nationalist.(not White Supremacist) Has nothing to do with pizzagate. Stupid sub need to be removed by mods..

Wererabbit ago

Who cares! Blacks can be racial supremists and Jews can declare themselves to be God's chosen but God forbid the white man or woman declare their sovereignty from the other cucks. You are a cuck! Because you let some white woman proud of her heritage throw your panties in dissaray.

B_dog ago

Well if YouTube goofball PewDiePie can be labeled a Reichsfuhrer, or whatever, for tasteless joking, I guess anything is possible to the media.

But no, I've watched a couple Pettibone videos and don't get that impression at all. She does resist the modern hatred of all things western and rejects white guilt based on history from decades or centuries ago.

This is the new trend in media. If any white person makes bad jokes or displays insufficient hatred for oneself, ipso facto one becomes a 'neo-Nazi.' It's like witch hysteria, but Nazis.

Touchdown50 ago

Shill off

UglyTruth ago

I've read her posts over a number of years and have never seen anything that would make me think that she's a white supremacist. I've always thought that she has integrity, even if I don't always agree with her point of view.

DarkMath ago

"retweets them and such"........Please provide links to those retweets please. Thank you.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Investigator Pettibone's GoFundMe Censored, Seaman Off Pizzagate Is Brittany Pettibone a White Supremacist?

Vindicator ago

Voat users should be advised this post is one of many in a similar vein recently casting shade on various internet vloggers who have been unafraid to raise the alarm over pizzagate. Most of these have been made by people unwilling to invest the effort to read and comply with submission guidelines, and have thus been removed. The Removed Submissions area is at the bottom the sidebar if you want to take a look.

This particular post provides links to media outlets hostile to pizzagate research who have declared it debunked without actually doing any debunking, and uses a fallacious circular argument that altright = white supremecist, without ever backing up the claim. It also uses innuendo in it's title, rather than directly stating a thesis that can be proved or disproved.

For this reason, I am flairing it "Possible Disinformation."

Makingspace1 ago

There has been an onslaught on FAKE sharia blue trolls posing as "reasonable" counter arguments to most of the research presented on this sub. This post is just another one of those. We need to keep this cap off the sub to start with.

kazza64 ago

duly noted. i read some really negative stuff about david seaman too i think he was under attack. or as they say ' being targeted ' .

equineluvr ago

David Seaman did himself in.

cantsleepawink ago

That post shouldn't even be allowed on this forum. It has nothing to do with our research.

Vindicator ago

The censorship and hijacking of the Pizzagate investigation by various factions is HIGHLY relevant. Our ability to crowd-vet both investigators and their critics instead of controlling the conversation by banning topics that offend some like the rest of the media is our greatest strength. We will keep doing it.

druhill007 ago

Very well said and good point :)

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I've heard that people who create a Voat account and then try to smear someone 5 minutes later work for David Brock. Anyone know exactly? I'm not sure myself.

stellarcorpse ago

There are some that are on here full time and have been on here for months. I will refrain from naming...

nomorepepperoni ago

I have little confidence the media is portraying anyone accurately these days. Best look into what you can verify the person themselves has said and done and ignore the media spin scams.