Vindicator ago

@TheUnpopularTruth1; you need to source every major claim, particularly something like:

promoted posts from white supremacists including The Daily Stormer.

Removing per Rule 2.

Don-Keyhote ago

Does anyone realize that the white nationalists are the only group thAt never would have let PG happen

equineluvr ago

That's all you've got? A few photos of them wearing animal prints and a piss-poor Photoshop of her "handler?"

You FAIL. Try again.

DarkMath ago

You made your account an hour ago, where the hell have you been all this time?

If you truly cared you'd have been here a month ago NOT AN HOUR AGO.

EiugnsRaeds ago


DarkMath ago


Aaaah no. I came here 3 months ago to fight "PEDOS". You didn't.

Where were you? Were you doing this [insert reason you cared so little about children being raped by pedos you didn't make an account]?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Hey thanks for confirming this.

MostPostersAreShills ago

How the hell is this being downvoated? Pure stupidity or scared shills? Impossible to ignore such blatant evidence. Literally her handler is with George bush wife, and people downvoating with no explanation? This is only going to further confirm these suspiciouns.

EpiphanyRoad ago

Archons is a tavistock freakkkkkk

FreeThem ago

Good work. My internet points go to you

I stopped using their Tubes and Twets, you know peeds watching. I also trust my instincts more with certain situations and people, we've seen it always.

Life is strange and perverted because of these fucks.

You'll get shil'd or deleted... But repost if you have to.

minusco2 ago

nnfx ago

Sex Kitten Evidence 2 and 3? What am I missing?

bopper ago

Nothing. These are shills.

carmencita ago

Definitely a Sex Kitten with Sharp Claws. Meow.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I see what you mean, the cat motifs as previously hinted at in MKUltra & further projects. It may very well be, but lack of proof makes this only but a POI (person of interest) to keep an eye on.

retreaux ago

This is shilling, right? These posts help discredit the investigation.

druhill007 ago

can OP please add explanations for the pictures?

evidence #3 is just her walking over a bridge?lolll

looks like a pretty normal instagram...

also you posted this about an hour ago under a completely different name?

Catchthem ago

Yes they are getting desperate. They have a whole team up shilling now. JAIL-Time SOON!

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

I'm not a shill. You are free to disprove my point anytime you like.

DarkMath ago

TheUnpopularTruth1: "I'm not a shill."....Then why did you create your account an hour ago?

It doesn't make sense.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Catchthem is a known shill. I actually think you have something here because I had the same suspicioun earlier today. I follow her on twitter, and ive noticed that she also follows david shillman who is a known shill.

MostPostersAreShills ago

How the fuck is this being downvoated?

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

It's important that the community knows. Even if it seems to discredit the investigation as a whole if she is exposed, the alternative is far worse. It is the same as not treating an infected limb and allowing it to fall off and spread to the rest of the body. Sure, it will be unpleasant, but the alternative is far worse.

archons ago

Sure, taking down all major investigators on pizzagate and silencing all attempts to inform the public may seem unpleasant, but the alternative is far worse. Like you rotting in a jail cell you shill fuck.

Don-Keyhote ago

How is she an investigator of she's offered no new leads

archons ago

Ok, do she spreads news to all her fans by reporting on what's already known. That changes nothing.

dFrog ago

Oy, vey. Since when is it unlikely for people to be attractive?

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

You are missing the forest for the trees. It isn't that they are attractive, but MKULTRA symbolism they use.

ZunarJ5 ago

I wondered why she crawled out of Semen's closet and was declared a great researcher or whatever it was he called her. Until then, I'd never heard of her. Thanks to all those who have followed the catnip trail.

dFrog ago

So, she's a programmed multiple who was put in position in anticipation of pizzagate breaking open, as in her handlers knew what to expect from WikiLeaks and what was going to happen afterward?

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

She would of been used for other purposes, assuming she is one.

kazza64 ago

i thought it was odd that the pettibones were doing the same research everybody else was doing but were being applauded publicly for everything they contributed.

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

I originally was going by the assumption that she is simply an attractive woman, and was thereby being promoted by it. The more you look into her page however the more occult/MKULTRA imagery you see. If this is true, this is a massive issue that needs to get addressed by the community. However, why would they intentionally put this symbolism into her videos and pictures unnecessarily?

A form of taunting?

TheReignMan ago

Yeah, we all know Alex Jones likes MKultra victims.

TheUnpopularTruth1 ago

Do you buy it? It seems likely to me, but I can see the other side in this. The (un?)intentional MKULTRA imagery on her page is extremely disturbing. Even if it is true it is important to remember that she is a victim in all of this, and she may not even know what is happening.

TheReignMan ago

Ask @EquineLuvr they are a professional handler. smirks

TheReignMan ago

Brittany and Angela are definite MK's. Same with the girl with glasses, totally Tavistockin'.

stellarcorpse ago

No Grace is cool.