Vindicator ago

@minusco2; this is a meta discussion which belongs in v/pizzagatemods, not here on our research subverse. Please repost there. Removing per Rule 4.

Touchdown50 ago

That looks so fake.

EpiphanyRoad ago

Not as fake as you.

Touchdown50 ago

Fake in what sense?

EpiphanyRoad ago

You don't have a pineal gland.

Touchdown50 ago

Impossible we all have a pineal gland.

MostPostersAreShills ago

I dont get it. Can somebody explain what is going on? What the hell are they downvoating?

EpiphanyRoad ago

The man in the middle is the handler of Brittany Petitbone, the MKUltra victim.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Thanks man. I think Bopper is a shill. He was defending David Seaman in an old thread. He also has shill tendencies like short comments.

Long_Knife ago

You think everyone is a shill though so that doesn't mean much.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Because they are all over the place, and are obvious.

EpiphanyRoad ago

Shill paranoia is a good propeller.

Someone circled that ribbon for some reason.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Who are the people on the left and right?

EpiphanyRoad ago

Laura Bush and his Georgian wife?

Where does Henry Kissinger fit into this, aside from being present throughout Tony Podesta's career?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Hmm im confused what does this have to do with Henry Kissinger? Is he the guy in the middle.

EiugnsRaeds ago

Henry Kissinger is one of Hilary's handlers. No that's Richard Spencer, the handler of Brittany Petitbone.

Dressage2 ago

I don't know these people other than Bush, but this pic looks so photoshopped. It looks like the dark hair woman is not really part of the original pic.

minusco2 ago

Way dude, way.

nnfx ago

And? wtf!?

minusco2 ago

That's Brittany Pettibone's handler with Laura Bush.