Silverlining ago

What to do? Attend you local police public committee and flag up pizzagate. Email your representative and senator. Cultivate a couple of journalists and spoon feed them pizzagate.

Redpill the public. In small ways - chat to friends and colleagues. Flyers to neighbors. Email friends and family. Vblogging and posting youtubes. Try to engage the MSM via individual journalists.

You might collect a hand full of like minded voaters and organise - Skype conferences, structured investigation and so forth.

At the moment, I'm just trying to get my head around the awfulness of it all and assure myself that this horror is real. I hope the authorities will act at some point, but it looks like public pressure is the key.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I like most of those ideas. A fair amount of individual action and small groups coming together is needed. I think the key to swift and strong action here is a direct campaign for citizen media, which is an indirect attack on the msm. I will probably elaborate here further but will need to drum up more interest to make it worth while.