I believe that David Seaman is not only controlled opposition, but think I may have also discovered HOW he could have ended up in that role.
(the live link covering this situation right now is at the end of this post)
I became suspicious of David Seaman when he continued pushing oddly worded emails as the "proof" of the elite pedophilia scandal while ignoring the hard hitting material many of you have turned up.
Four months into this investigation, he finally uploaded a video going over the "evidence", and didn't even cover all the emails, such as the handkerchief pizza related map email: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo4WtyPyYkw
Many others have also become suspicious as investigations into Seaman turned up a variety of scandals which you can see here:
If you are not up to date on Davids past, please refer to those threads to catch up.
As a matter of fact, those threads caused Seaman to sign up and use Voat for the first time. I find that suspicious. Why would "the head pizzagate researcher" not use the open source investigation forum?
If you have been following the chain of events on what's now called "SeamanGate", then you probably already noticed that the day multiple researchers began exposing him, he deleted his own videos and social media, then disappeared. He resurfaced later in a hotel room to explain that he "just needed a break" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZbHMW9BSwQ
One of the researchers exposing him, Jeff C of New World Agenda, fell victim to a mass flagging campaign that effectively removed his videos and shut down his channel: https://twitter.com/FreeRadioRevolu/status/839253442002632705 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuW7WjZoQoI
Now, Lift the Veil, who did such a good job exposing Seamans relationship to the Soros funded Goldmoney that he's been threatened by them, is suffering the same attack and has had his show shut down: original report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZXDHzZlYzU
His follow up response after threats from Goldmoney: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9lZkth_ieo
and now his tweets today re: his channel falling under attack: https://twitter.com/lifttheveil411/status/839942173348913152
Free speech being shut down in connection to David Seaman? Even videos not about david are being flagged on channels that have questioned Seamans motives and his past.
Seaman is also mocking and threatening Nathan Stolpman (Lift the Veil) publicly on twitter: https://twitter.com/WNK8675309/status/839780090254934016
Veteran investigators here like Homeboy Chris are now being attacked as a "shill" by Seaman for asking questions about the evidence that's turned up re: davids past. https://twitter.com/HomeboyChr1s/status/839225768643158016
David Seaman appears propped up or backed by seemingly fake support: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1692512
Another researcher here I respect named SheilaAliens just did a report on David regarding his past congressional run where he collected donations without running, and did not return them. She shows evidence on screen, and links to it in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhpULdRRAxI
This is where things get interesting.
In her comments on that video, someone dropped this bomb:
**"I'm a former Dem professional. If he raised money in the way you claim, it's likely he committed a felony. Election laws are strict. He may not have realized what a big mistake this is. It worries me as well that this opens him up to blackmail & press smear campaigns. This is not like selling something you don't deliver on eBay. This is far, far more serious. IF it's true, anyone who actually donated can file a complaint with the Attorney General. If it was here, than the Colorado AG's office, if not, file on the state he was running in. If it's true, it's got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard of, because they could throw the book at him. I hope it's not, but I'd suggest to him that he return all the money & consult an attorney. If it's true, he's compromised. I've been around long enough to follow issues, not personalities. Anyway, this is a big concern. I'm curious how solid this information is, particularly that he raised funds for a campaign he didn't wage & kept the money. If I knew this to be true, I wouldn't associate with him at all. If it's true it's virtually impossible the authorities don't know it already or will soon. Dumb, just dumb, like ruining your entire life for a few bucks dumb."
Did you catch that?
"If it's true, he's compromised" "it's virtually impossible the authorities don't know it already"
Someone responded with a link showing that David never even reported the donations: campaignmoney.com/political/committees/david-seaman-for-congress.asp?cycle=12 … …
I'm looking for the specific statute, but I believe that is documented fraud, right there.
Do you know what a "Limited Hangout" is?
Long story short, it's where limited information is intentionally leaked by someone undercover in order to cover up a greater truth.**
That's what controlled opposition is. A shill.
A common situation where a person becomes compromised is in the drug world. When somebody gets caught selling drugs, and is immediately released and let off the hook, this person is typically avoided by others under the assumption they are a "snitch". Typically their release is followed by others associated with them getting nabbed and sentenced.
I believe that David Seaman is compromised and avoiding prison for past fraud by playing this role.
Analysis shows that even though his videos come across as casual conversation, he's actually reading a script, and the videos are highly edited!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCaNX9rXm1o&t=183s … …
That's why he holds his head so still. So you can't see the cuts in the editing.
This is circumstantial evidence that he may be "handled". If he was for real, would he need a script and editing?
Have you noticed that he's always somehow "out of reach" to all of us? I noticed.
Now, the Lift the Veil guy just went live on a backup channel and is taking calls. He's live now and wants to continue until David calls in.
People are calling in right now with info on the situation:
Fightforright ago
I disagree. I think David Seamen doesn't matter one a iota
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
I knew seaman is fake when he starting spinning all these outrageous tales of poisoning, paypal problems, tweeker killing his friend over pizzagate, cops harrassing him, armies of david brock trolls attacking him, being censored from youtube and twitter mulitple times - ITS ALL FAKE. MADE UP BULLSHIT TO CREATE BUZZ. Meanwhile he is taking down real legitimate conspiracy theory channels and sending a chilling effect. As he laughs all the way to the bank.
SterlingJB ago
If shill (could be, who knows) why pay so much attention to him? That's the purpose of shillhood, right, to divert attention?
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
Another member of the shill network, mike cernovich is using the same "its all soros trolls" tactic to deflect severe criticism from his own side.
Fightforright ago
The important thing is to be loud about it. David Seamen is a person I could care less about, you? Point the finger where it belongs.....on our government and it's problems with accountability. There is plenty of existing proof of criminal wrongdoing in our government and the correct steps are not being taken because the very people responsible for committing the crimes are also responsible for prosecuting them and creating the laws. There are a million people just like David Seamen. Is he funded by Soros? Maybe......but what does it matter? CNN is funded by Soros and they are spreading propaganda at a much larger level than Seamen. Stop quarreling among small time people about their validity and start being loud. There is an agenda in the US for us to accept pedophilia on a large scale. The big time folk who have committed treacherous crimes against numerous countries and their citizens including its own, those people are not being investigated or thrown in prison where they belong. Fight for that. Not for the reputation of a weirdo on the internet. At least some people heard of the allegations through Seaman which sparked their own research for the truth.
DeathToMasons ago
Did the gates at the tardatorium break, or were they left open? Because this thread was made by an escapee troll tard.
Forgetmenot ago
Spread information yourself and stop complaining you sound like a nagging whining witch. You don't like his work, then use it as a spring board and do better. Put up or shut up.
DarkMath ago
GonnaNeedMorePrisons: "representing the rest of us well by not being a money-grubbing asshole"
Of course, because when TPTB are caught child trafficking Haitian children to rich pedophiles so they can fuck them in the ass and harvest organs from the ugly ones...........it would be shameful if one of the people who exposed this cluster fuck tried to make a little money because his discovery precludes him ever being hired by anyone in the MSM.
Tyranny-News-Network ago
Speaking from a great deal of experience, it's very simple. When I read "discredit" I think, "nah" and move on. After all, I'm not coauthoring a book with him and couldn't care less if he's dirty.
Fightforright ago
I think the important thing here is the message.......PEDOPHILIA IS UNACCEPTABLE.
Forgetmenot ago
Please keep defending the world from David seaman, he is the real bad guy, NOT! Podesta brothers are monsters eating children and you sit here and whine about david seamen. You are either stupid or a shill and either one is dangerouse. If you are trying to protect children than focus on the abusers of children. Not some reporter who advertises for gold money. What is he a priest and took a vow of poverty? Do you work for free? I hope not that would be slavery. So get off your shill horse already!
SpikyAube ago
So basically all you comment about is calling people shill, which usually only means one thing...
SpikyAube ago
No. He is clearly not a shill. Pick any single person talking about PG on YouTube and I'm sure you can find something in their past you can spin to suggest they have an immoral character and therefore bla bla bla shill. There appears to be no evidence that he committed fraud and took and kept donations to a campaign. The SheilaAliens person would surely present actual proper evidence of something like that if she had it, instead of scoffing about how Seaman had clearly not used reddit before doing his AMA and wasn't a real redditor or one of the cool kids and therefore bla bla bla shill. I mean really? How can random comments on reddit years ago of people saying he blocked them or called them a troll possibly be evidence that he is now controlled opposition?
You know what I think? I think you and all these other people so keen to dig up any possible negative thing about DS to justify discrediting him and calling him a shill are either severely lacking in reasoning skills or are yourselves working for the other side. So what if he came across as a bit of an idiot in his 20s, or got overly sensitive about people being mean to him online? You think that justifies spending time attacking him and his character instead of helping with the efforts to investigate actual evil people who torture, rape and murder little children? There's something seriously wrong with your priorities. Leave the poor guy alone.
Forgetmenot ago
Really? You are the pizzagate hero to save us all from : podesta? Epstein? Alefantis? No you are the clown that focuses on david seaman and spends time and energy attacking advocates for children instead of attacking the pedofiles and abusers of children. You are either ineffective and consumed with pettiness or a david Brock shill. Anyone who focuses on exposing David seaman rather than Podesta is a shill! lets remember who the traitorous pedofiles are with Russian and CIA connections who are Rothschild operatives. Podesta is a Russian operative, David Brock is connected to the rothchilds, alefantis CIA operative, clintons are rapists, epstien is a pedofile, abedin, a Saudi operative, wiener a pedofile, hastert: a pedofile, podesta brothers placed at the Madeline McCann abduction by 2 witnesses. You think advertising for gold money compares to these spirit cooking canibals that kidnap and sacrifice children for fun? You think david seaman needs to be exposed while you ignore the podesta brothers? You must be a shill because it's hard to believe anyone would be that stupid and that cold hearted.
DarkMath ago
Forgetmenot.........Well said.
Forgetmenot ago
Gonnaneedmoreprisons: helps to protect abusers of children, and in the least shills will be tried as accessories. You will get your day in court.
ArthurEdens ago
BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah
DarkMath ago
"Why didn't you link to this comment of mine?"...........Because I fucking told you I took the first comment I saw. Here's that polished turd itself:
Comment history for GonnaNeedMorePrisons. Some Goodness! Neil Diamond is KEK. Save Us! The Frog King! Look it up. And right shall prevail. Bless. by [deleted] in pizzagate [–]GonnaNeedMorePrisons 1 points (+1|-0) 4 hours ago
KEK is shill controlled opposition narrative. Put your faith in your own blood, sweat and tears.
permalink context full comments
You lie to yourself everyday don't you. You won't let your brain even go there. You won't even consider the possibility you're shilling for what could be the most evils psychotics since Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. They're first and second place. And that's saying something because those mother fuckers were pure evil.
DarkMath ago
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
"Organ harvesting is also shill narrative.".......Is that what you tell yourself so you can keep your shill job? That's how you're able to sling your bull shit day after day isn't it. Organ harvesting is a shill narrative is the lie you tell yourself 1000 times a day isn't it you pathetic piece of shit.
How long is that going to last? You better watch out, everyone's got a conscience. Who the hell do you think tells the jumpers to jump?
The jumper is told to jump by his conscience you naive and immature fuck nut.
Forgetmenot ago
DarkMath ago
"isn't very good at his job"........Somebody's fibbing.
Dipshit your last post was "KEK is shill controlled opposition narrative"
You attacked KEK the universal symbol of resistance to the Satanic Cluster Fuck powers that be that just got hate fucked in the ass by Donald Trump.
Attacking the second most beloved symbol of resistance to evil after Jesus Christ is your idea of "keeping it real".
Holy fuck. No wonder you idiots lost.
"KEK is shill controlled opposition narrative"............Oh that was fucking priceless.
DarkMath ago
"attempting to cover-up and discredit pizzgate".......ROFLMAO
If you're going to make up shit about me at least make an effort to read my comments so you can achieve a modicum of credibility.
Hey GonnaNeedMorePrisons I have a list of shills too and you're on it. Let's look at your most recent comment shall we?
"KEK is shill controlled opposition narrative."
Let's see, going after the symbol of the great Deplorable awakening that will soon sweep away the Satanic forces of evil who thought Gang Raping Haiti was a good idea.
That's how easy it was to prove you're a shill. It was like falling off a log. That's how fucking horrible a shill you are.
Why are you shilling for organ harvesters you pathetic dipshit?
Why don't poor Haitian throw-away people deserve to keep the organs God gave to them for free.
Take your time. I'll wait.
stellarcorpse ago
I don't know or care who DS is. I just know he treated me like dog shit and I am a victim of SRA. He could of cared less if I jumped off a bridge . I am sick of telling my story here. (and everywhere) He is a waste of breath. (if you are interested look at my past comments.) He is a fucking fraud & a con man. And if you haven't figured that out by now, you are too stupid to be investigating pizzagate or anything else for that matter.
roundhouse1776 ago
The fact that @stellarcorpse comment is being downvoted just shows how pathetic Seaman's shills are.
roundhouse1776 ago
Eyebrowgate is real. We the people demand to know where David Seaman's eyebrows went.
roundhouse1776 ago
Well done @Ramona, this is a good post about con man David Seaman. Prepare to feel the wrath of Seaman's shill army with massive downvotes.
Forgetmenot ago
Roundhouse1776s Get out of here you filthy pedo protector! You lieing traitorous pretender!
Ramona ago
Yeah, they swarmed this immediately.
DarkMath ago
Yes because everyone knows people who are sponsored by Goldmoney are out to destroy Western Civilization!
Why don't you two get real jobs instead of shilling for CTR and Share Blue?
You're not fooling anyone. Who fucking cares about David Seaman. He's a vapid self promoting cheer-leader. He produces zero original content and all he does is read other people's shit.
The only reason David Seaman would matter to anyone is he can get up to 80,000 views on his youtube channel.
Who would want to discredit someone like that?
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
WE ARENT CORRECT THE RECORD EMPLOYEES you stupid faggot. How can we get that thru your dumb fuck dome?
DarkMath ago
Dipshit I didn't respond to you. I sent my post to @Ramona and cc'd @roundhouse1776
Fightforright ago
David Seamen has a good message. Pedophilia is unacceptable. Always remember that.....and we can unite over the message instead of divide over squabbles that don't matter.
roundhouse1776 ago
You are obsessed with me and I have 0 views on Youtube. Weird.
DarkMath ago
Why am I obsessed? Because you're a shill. No rational human being with no skin in the game could take umbrage at George Webb's research. It's impossible conclude anything other than George Webb will go down as one of the greatest patriots in American History.
So when you start sniping at George Webb it's like a bright neon sign above your head that says your a shill.
Why am I following you? Because I find it HIGHLY OFFENSIVE any American would be criticizing a man like George Web who's going to be killed any day now. They're gonna take him out because he's speaking truth to power. That doesn't matter to you. George Webb taking on the CIA single handedly is of no consequence to you. That's PATHETIC.
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. You make me want to vomit. You are a pathetic and thankless piece of shit who doesn't have one patriotic molecule in his entire body.
Fightforright ago
But uhhh.......death to pedophiles!!!!!! Amirite?
DarkMath ago
"But uhhh.......death to pedophiles!!!!!! Amirite?"
Amen brother.
Btw, have you seen any of the George Webb videos?
George Webb should be the next President, no question. It's not even close.
Fightforright ago
I'll check it out. Thanks for sharing the link with me. I have gained a lot of respect for Ron Paul myself.
DarkMath ago
Ron Paul? I don't get it.
Fightforright ago
Ron Paul is one of the only honest people in politics right now. Ye steers towards less government involvement in people's lives and towards giving the government less power, holding them more accountable and I like his economic policies.
Fightforright ago
Check him out when you get the chance!
archons ago
That is so much work put in to discredit a man who is just bringing awareness to child raping Satanists. Imagine if you put one fourth of that effort into looking into, I don't know, child killing Satanists that run out government. But you don't get paid to do that. You get paid to hide it and try to discredit those that try to help. Fuck you.
chelseaclinton ago
Spot on. It's kinda interesting Seaman has more threads about him here than I think any 1 suspected child molester.
Fightforright ago
True. So backwards. Pedophilia is unacceptable.
nomorepepperoni ago
This infighting bullshit between online PG reporters need to stop, and stop trying to drag the rest of us into the cesspool.
If someone is spouting BS, call them out and MOVE ON. This is exactly what the abusers want--for us to be divided and too busy engaging in bickering against each other to call them out.
Seaman has admitted to being thin-skinned in the recent past. If he's responding to these attacks by censoring them, he needs to grow a spine. You don't fight bad speech with censorship, you fight it with MORE SPEECH.
If you don't want to be associated with a certain "personality", then don't engage in fights with them. MSM are the disinfo agents we need to be worried about; if not Seaman, they'll just bring up Alex Jones. Or find the worst thing about anyone and parade it nonstop to craft their story. Just look at how they handle things that don't fit their narrative--Trump, Trump supporters, gun rights, etc. Hell, look at how they're treating Vault 7 right now "boo they hurt our spy structure, Wikileaks are meanies!"
TLDR: Enough intra-investigator drama parties. Call out the shills and move on. It's the MSM who would take advantage of them, and the pedos who would benefit from our divisions and squabbles over them. Thus, it's the MSM and pedos who we should direct our anger towards.
"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
chelseaclinton ago
It's not infighting, it's an attempt by child molesting shills to simulate and cause infighting. They continue to fail.
nomorepepperoni ago
Either way, don't get engaged in it. We have bigger fish to fry than bickering against "Team Seaman" "Team Jones" "Team Lift The Veil" etc.
chelseaclinton ago
Noone is arguing for "Team Seaman". We're exposing and downvoting shills, which needs to be done. As you can tell, noone even talks about Seaman unless it's a shill thread. We're doing a fine job of ignoring tribalism.
nomorepepperoni ago
Some of the other comments here and on Youtube beg to differ. Maybe a new version of "pizzagateshills" would be better suited for this. Just tired of all the damn attention these "x is a disinfo" threads always get compared to actual researching.
chelseaclinton ago
Thank the shitty mods.
V____Z ago
Here's another video from your hero, Lift the Veil
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjfIts2CGbA
islandofdelight ago
Who do you think David Seaman is protecting in his limited hangout? He was aggressively going after the Podesta-Clinton crew early on, as well as CNN's Jake Tapper. He's been right about who he's called out, and he has not spread disinformation.
roundhouse1776 ago
He never talks about the Jews in regards to the pedophilia scandals. Just an observation.
Makingspace1 ago
Sharia Blue c'mon..."get lost'
chelseaclinton ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j3ZoPVBkdg sheds light on why all of a suddent people publicly speaking about PG are being attacked and "discredited". tldr; Mike Adams the Health Ranger and webmaster of many health, Trump, and general news sites bribed then threatened to badmouth Alex Jones or he'll be destroyed. Timing coincides with attacks on Milo and David Seaman. Coordinated effort. Seaman speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDKLioXY6Es
Updated for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeEMtQfvFW8 tldr; Mike Adams thanks supporters for seeing through the divide & conquer attempt. one of the most aggressive attacks in internet history, by Google. Google backed down. Search results reinstated. Possible CIA op. Opposition intel on Mike compiled and passed around.
Updated (2) for https://youtu.be/LnyJUgcjvN0?t=4m55s tldr; Styxhexenhammer666 also being attacked by shills. Similar strategies to those being used on Paul Joseph Watson and others. Organized. Picture distortion, character attacks, feigned consensus tactics used to undermine support.
Updated (3) for https://youtu.be/g4RkiiW-gtc tldr; Understand how Google's new system Jigsaw is automating internet censorship, thought policing, and attacking alternative news outlets.
DarkMath ago
Hello Pizzagate shill! Did you dipshits brainstorm yesterday and build this fetid pile of bullshit? You did didn't you. Why ARE YOU SHILLING FOR CHILD RAPISTS AND ORGAN THIEVES?
Have you ever heard of "Begging the Question"? That's a logical fallacy where you establish some fact like David Seaman is sponsored by Goldmoney and then hope and pray that means his story has no credibility.
Really? Journalists getting paid to hawk goods and services mean they have no credibility? What about all those ads in the NYT and the WaPo? How about those commercials during the CBS News?
You people are PATHETIC. You tell me Ramona, why are you shilling for child rapists?
Ramona, you're a woman? Why would a woman be shilling for people who think nothing of kidnapping poor black Haitian throw-away children?
Do you know who Laura Silsby is Ramona? SHE WAS ARRESTED FOR CHILD TRAFFICKING IN HAITI. Why?
Laura Silsby's lawyer quit. That's bad. What's worse is her new Lawyer Jorge Puello just did a 3 year stint in Vermont FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING. At the time he "helped" Laura he was wanted in El Salvadore for DING DING DING human trafficking.
Is that what you're all about "Romona"? Buying children and selling them to pedophiles?
You tell me Ramona. You tell me what kind of person you are that would countenance that.
Why is your bank account more important than those Haitian kids?
Vindicator ago
DarkMath, can you hook me up with the best links for the kids not talking to their parents and for Puello's Vermont stint? Or better yet, is there one place where all the sordid details (and the sources for them) about Silsby have been covered? Thanks.
DarkMath ago
In addition the first comment I made a few minutes ago, here's another link that helps explain things. It's an academic study from Harvard who's title pretty much says it all:
"Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families"
@RebelSkum you might want to add this to the Pizzagate wiki here: http://pizzagate.wiki/Laura_Silsby. The Harvard name will add credibility to what we're saying.
When Harvard academics start pointing out how bad the stench is it's probably time to act.
DarkMath ago
"links for the kids not talking to their parents"......Absolutely.
"This week Georg Willeit, an SOS worker who welcomed the children there, said they are emotionally traumatized from their experience. One boy has told staff he will never go back to his mother because she gave him away. Another girl talks repeatedly about the bus journey, before bursting into tears. As for Benatide, a lot of the time she stays silent and deep in thought. Every day, she begs to make a call to her brother."
"Puello's Vermont Stint"
"is there one place where all the sordid details".......Yes, http://pizzagate.wiki/Laura_Silsby
Time to wake up @Ramona. You done been lied to.
equineluvr ago
"Anyone questioning David Seaman is a child rapist apologist."
Speaking of logical fallacies....
DarkMath ago
equineluvr, Horse Lover?, Equus? The play?
"Anyone questioning David Seaman"........I think David Seaman is out to achieve fame and fortune off of Pizzagate. There is no question in my mind his motives are suspect and that he wouldn't be doing this for free AS I AM.
I don't care. I think it's sad in fact. It's also sad that Alex Jones is the most accurate "journalist" next to George Webb.
Alex Jones WAS RIGHT. Let that sink in. Never in a million years did I think Alex Jones was going to be right.
I never gave him more than 5 minutes attention in the past 20 years. Well guess what..........
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
What is the Seaman-Rothschild Company? Can David Seaman prove he is not related? We hope so. http://www.coachbuilt.com/bui/s/seaman/seaman.htm
Will David Seaman report on how Racine, Wisconsin is related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption to prove he is not just sticking to a script? Prove to us your motives are honest, David. We hope that you can. Change the script and focus on Racine, Wisconsin - it is the key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. We have a right to question to ensure you are on the right side, and we hope that you can deliver an honest answer. If you are real, let us all unite toward one common goal - not making David Seaman money, but actually solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.
Catchthem ago
Totally agree DarkMath.. Fuck You Ramona David Brock paid Shill
madhatter67 ago
Very well said indeed
Fightforright ago
Death to pedophiles!
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
David Seaman is purposely delegitimizing the investigations into Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. He is a distraction, and is not an investigator. He is a liar and willing to sell out to anyone who will sign his check.
He and others are profiteers, opportunists, and narrowing the scope of the investigation to create false victims and label as Fake News. After trying to make himself the face of Pizzagate investigations, he suddenly has shifted to Pedogate. This is not about Pizza or Pedos. This is about Global Criminal Corruption using all forms of blackmail, bribery, fraud, extortion, collusion, racketeering, trafficking and other crimes, as well as manipulating media and using teams of paid liars and shills as part of the setup and cover up.
"Pizzagate is real", but it is not what David Seaman says it is. Pizzagate is about a system of criminal corruption enabling all forms of crime and collusion at all levels. The real key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is knocking over the domino of Racine, Wisconsin - a known epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption where Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus are from.
There is also a strange connection that was discovered between the Seaman and Rothschild families that may be worth additional investigation. There was a Seaman-Rothschild company linked to the Kenosha and Racine, Wisconsin areas long ago. Here is an excerpt and link:
"In 1910, Seaman formed an alliance with Maurice J. Rothschild of Rothschild & Co. of New York to produce custom-built Rothschild-designed bodies under license for the Milwaukee and Chicago marketplace. Seaman even set up a subsidiary, the Rothschild-Seaman Co., to distribute them. When Rothschild closed in 1912, Seaman continued building custom coachwork using the Rothschild-Seaman badging, however by 1915, the Rothschild name was abandoned. Seaman built full custom bodies on Cadillac, Cole, Dorris, Locomobile, Lozier, Packard, and Velie chassis for dealers in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago and St. Louis."
Source: http://www.coachbuilt.com/bui/s/seaman/seaman.htm
Forgetmenot ago
Thank you shill you make it so easy to spot! Now because of you I will watch David seamens video and catch up. You have made me so curious! What are you trying to deflect???? Thank you ! And may I say great job!
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
Believe David Seaman if you want, but if you believe David Seaman yet refuse to investigate Racine, you are a fool. Be sure to send him your money.
All David Seaman has to do to prove he is not following a script is to report on Criminal Corruption in Racine, Wisconsin and find out how Racine is linked to Denver and the many aspects of Pizzagate. It will prove that he is not paid opposition.
We are trying to force the investigation in a better direction, where we can have real accountability.
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
These downvotes are very suspicious. Why downvote legitimate questions? David Seaman's motives and connections can't be questioned?
Maybe it is just a coincidence there was a company called Seaman-Rothschild Co. It is up to him to prove he is not related in any way.
It would be great if David Seaman was credible, and we hope he is not paid opposition, but until that can be proven, his credibility should be in question, just as Alex Jones' credibility should be in question. Anyone trying to make money off of the situation should be scrutinized. David said he "would protest gravity if he thought it would get him buzz". That statement, along with his focus on making money off of Pizzagate, along with his narrow focus, call his motives into question.
We need something that will stick and cause all of the dominoes to fall. If you want to actually solve Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, you need to focus on Racine, Wisconsin - it is an epicenter for corruption among secret societies. David Seaman's honesty and credibility can be disputed. Racine, Wisconsin's level of brazen criminal corruption and history of Pizzagate activities cannot be disputed.
Maybe David Seaman should start investigating and reporting on Racine, Wisconsin. That would at least show others that he is on the right side, open to other avenues rather than the status quo of going in circles to nowhere, and not just trying to narrow the focus to what the elite want it to be. No one will touch it, because Racine is the Holy Grail of corruption.
This is an open challenge to David Seaman - investigate and report on Racine, Wisconsin and how it connects to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. He can start by researching Agenda 2030, the Knights of Pythias, and reporting on the links between Denver and Racine (there is a big one related to trafficking - can he figure out what it is), and how that ties to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.
Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is real, and the real truth is beyond the scope of David Seaman's beat.
Prove you are real David. Report on Racine. We would welcome it and support you. It would prove you are not sticking to a script.
Fightforright ago
Let's all unite about the message: pedophilia is unacceptable.
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
Let's all unite about the message - pedophilia and Global Criminal Corruption are unacceptable. One is a subset of the other. This is about control and power.
Racine, Wisconsin is the key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption - it is the domino that will start the chain reaction. Help put the spotlight on it so we can find out if David Seaman, Trump, Sessions and others who say they want to Drain the Swamp are real or fake.
Fightforright ago
It certainly is hard to find information about Racine. Please share with me your insight into why you think this is important. I have heard it repeated over abd over but do not know much about how it plays such a big role. Thank you for any insight so I can begin my own research!
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
Racine is tied to every aspect of this. We can elaborate more later but the main connections are - Racine is a cesspool of criminal corruption linked to known members of secret and closed societies such as Scottish Rite Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Pilgrims Society, Rotary, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, and more. Racine is closely linked with the Clintons, specifically through the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and Sustainable Development. This leads to Agenda 2030 and involves vaccines, viruses, community policing, surveillance, education, banking, and other forms of corruption, racketeering, censorship and collusion. They control, threaten and cover up everything locally. The mayors, DA, Attorney General and other are all in the same clubs and societies. Scott Walker is as well (see Marquetta Mafia). Racine and Kenosha have a long history of mafia connections who do a lot of the trafficking in the area and gang stalking for the elite. Racine has so many pizza places because many were fronts for mafia laundering. It has only gotten worse.
The FBI and DOJ had more than enough evidence to indict a majority of leaders in Racine on various charges from bribery, extortion, embezzlement, bid rigging, illegal campaign financing, pay to play racketeering, fraud and other crimes, and Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled the entire investigation. A federal RICO case in Racine was about to open some of the story, but was settled under fraud, threats, collusion and duress. That was just a small portion of what is involved, but it links to the same people. There are high profile pedo and satanic abuse cases from Racine, and a history of scandals, secret societies, trafficking and underground tunnels. These are all connected.
Racine is Paul Ryan's district and links directly to Reince Priebus, Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, the Clintons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Soros, British and Dutch Royalty, DuPont, Dyncorp, GlobeScan, Stratfor, DHS, and other hubs of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption including Pennsylvania, Arizona, DC/Virginia, Denver, Haiti, Ghana, Norway and many more. Racine is the key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and opening Pandora's box and showing the entire world how this entire system works.
Send any questions and leads you have, and please do anything you can to help shine the spotlight onto Racine, Wisconsin so we can prove who is really interested in Draining the Swamp and who is just following a script to allow this to continue.
Forgetmenot ago
Mixing lies with truth and asking questions to create doubt is the what used car salesman do. It's so easy to spot these david brock/ pay op tactics. Where did you learn your tactics from glen gary / glen Ross?
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
Racine is an epicenter of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. This all links back to the Clintons, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and the real people behind the curtain. It also it the best way to catch David Brock and others who are part of the propaganda and misinformation brigade.
Why don't you help? Have you investigated Racine yet? Do you know who the Knights of Pythias are? Do you know what the Pilgrims Society is? Do you know what Agenda 2030? Have you connected the dots between Racine, viruses, vaccines, and trafficking through a sanctuary city?
Which side are you on? Good or Evil? Are you a friend of David Seaman? Tell him to prove his is not following a script and report on Racine, Wisconsin's connections to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Then we can all unite and solve this crisis, unless you don't want to.
Forgetmenot ago
I am not a friend of David seamen I don't even watch him. I am familiar with your theories. It's important for people here to work together, shaming, accusing and name calling is not going to win people over. It's a shill tactic. This is a huge pedofile ring and it will not topple over if you attack the few people who are exposing it. Attack the criminals such as podesta brothers; not the ones fighting for kids. The Racine theory might be disinformation, simply because it comes from a someone who attacks a fellow advocate. Stop attacking and criticizing it takes the focus off your content. If you really care about children, then the podestas and the long list of coconspirators is more than enough. Is david seaman an investigator? I actually see him more as a communicator one who helps raise awareness. Can he do better? Sure! But that's none of my business. I am grateful for everyone who brings attention to this cause.
Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago
As long as he is who he says he is, then he has value. The concern is that the people on the other side have plenty of money and a pattern of paying instigators to hedge every side of the equation. Racine is real. It is indisputable. We have witnesses ready to come forward. The FBI and DOJ have blocked the investigations which has caused grave concerns, as it is all linked with the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Knights of Pythias and other secret societies that all link back to Racine and Wisconsin.
If David Seaman would call for investigations into Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption tied to Racine, Wisconsin, it would prove he is not being paid to follow a script and narrow the focus toward a few powerful and well protected people who have leveraged the situation to portray themselves as victims of Fake News.
The victims of corruption in Racine are very real, and their lives are in severe danger until the people involved are indicted. This is not a joke. This is scary. If David Seaman's friend really was murdered in relation to his investigation, then he knows how real and scary this is. All we ask is that people shine the light on Racine because it is a different strategy that will prove who is really interested in solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and who is just following a script. This strategy will be more effective than talking about Bitcoin and Gold Money. This will start a chain of dominoes that will link through the entire country and beyond. It is a road map for eliminating the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.
If we really want to solve Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, the answer is Racine, Wisconsin. Research it and you will see everyone from the mayor to the DA to business and church leaders to the police chief to suicidal judges are involved, and they are all working for the wealthiest people on the planet in the most powerful tiers of secret societies. Knights of Pythias and Pilgrims Society are two of the main ones involved. Look it all up. Please help us get David Seaman, Trump, Sessions and others to prove they are on the good side by shining the spotlight on Racine.
Ramona ago
Thank you! Consider calling into the livestream with this revelation! A lot of people concerned will never make it onto voat to see what we're all saying. I'm super shy, but might call in myself.
I'm going to look into this now. This is far more nefarious than the Soros connection imho.
strix-varia ago
Can you people please tell us all why you are spending so much time on this. Super shy?????? Blah, blah, blah, blah. Wasting my time and a lot of other people's time on this nonsense.
roundhouse1776 ago
He is a professional liar. A lot of people are falling for his scam.
Forgetmenot ago
You sound so jeolous....does he get more views than you ? You really seem to be personally affronted by him. Let me tell you a secret: losers focus on winners and winners focus on winning! So why focus so much on david? Get busy with your own life, you are pathetic.
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
Seaman focuses on being a victim and a little bitch. Thats literally half his content right there.
roundhouse1776 ago
More like 70% of his content. 20% is shilling Bitcoin/Goldmoney, the other 10% is saying "Pizzagate is real"
Forgetmenot ago
I don't get your point? So what. I don't focus on demonizing David seaman. He is an advocate for children. How bad can he be? The question I am asking myself is why are you so triggered by david seaman and not so much by the podesta brothers? Why do you call so much attention to david seaman instead of highlighting the long list of abusers that this investigation is exposing. You should follow david seaman's lead at least he constantly calls out the podesta brothers, alefantis, wiener, the clintons.l, let's not forget Epstein and hastert, or what about Tim bean, even better obama. The list is endless. Who should we expose??? let's see canibal, spirit cooking, pedofile network that controls the world or david seaman an independent reporter who promotes gold to stay afloat, who is the criminal that needs to be exposed????Hmmmm it's really telling isn't it? how you focus more on an individual reporter than on exposing the activities of these pig elite pedofiles. It says a lot about your motivations doesn't it? In this case your actions speak so much louder than words.
V____Z ago
David's response to Lift the Veils hit piece https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnbhOqzvvY
druhill007 ago
ty for this. when in doubt about subterfuge I find watching people and reading body language to be an easy way to deduce truth.
based on that ur boy David is good 2 go :)
V____Z ago
Ramona, by the look of your submissions, you appear to have an unhealthy obsession with Seaman that leaves your assessment of the facts unbalanced. I too am concerned with limited hangouts, controlled opposition and disinfo agents. Have you ever looked into the real menace, the one with millions of viewers, more than Fox news itself? Alex Jones is the one who deserves scrutiny.
I am highly suspicious of those who purport to care about infiltraitors but ignore the real menace and instead focus solely on Podesta's most outspoken critic, leaving the shock jock who has claimed that comet and Alefantis are innocent victims of planted emails, set up by the govt.
But you do you.
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
Fuck david seaman. He is trying to be the next jones. Jones is too big to stop now, youll just look like a hater. There's still a chance with seaman tho cuz he literally dont do shit and he aint never done shit.
lynn1314 ago
I think what you are saying is disinformation. This isn't about David Seaman.
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
Do you mind throwing yourself off a bridge or a tall building?
Ramona ago
Two questions for skeptics: Did you notice that David Seaman not only got away with calling for public hangings, but ALSO got away with putting profitable corporate ads on those videos? Do you think that YOU would get away with that?
strix-varia ago
Have you noticed that youtube is filled with child porn, have your noticed that twitter is full of child porn, have you noticed that the clintons got away with murder, have you noticed that madonna spoke of blowing up the whitehouse at another fkg women's march, have you noticed that there are a lot more important things going on than this petty crap????
Ramona ago
Have you noticed that it's easier to censor people that question David Seaman than it is to have child porn removed?
V____Z ago
Do you know how many people on Twitter called for Trump to be assimated? None of them were banned. Scour Twitter and see whats we say about Podesta, and get away with. Your proof is proof of nothing except that you seem desperate.
druhill007 ago
I'm always open to adjusting my understanding of life based on new information and refuse to "instantly debunk" anything based on any initial prejudice I have.
If this is true then damn the level of subterfuge going on would be crazy. Will keep an open mind about this info!!
We should continue to investigate and drum up support for abolition of human trafficking while maintaining awareness of possible large scale narrative manipulation.
Ramona ago
I do think it would be prudent for any researchers concerned about this evidence to publicly state that they are NOT aligned with David Seaman. If there is a false flag or something in the works, this could save your butt. If he goes down in flames, he could take many others with him!
Fightforright ago
At lest he had a solid message...."death to pedophiles". We can all get behind that, right?
Forgetmenot ago
Ramona: You are useless and contribute nothing. People like you are responsible for the franklin cover up. Your divide and conquer tactics are outdated. Go enjoy your freedom while you can. Eventually you will be brought to answer for the lies you spread and the child abusers you are trying to protect.
druhill007 ago
If I was a proper researcher I'd say what I just said. Like hey, I'm here to abolish high level human trafficking and I really hope that those are the underlying intentions shared by everyone in the community. That's also the pretense I'll operate under until proven otherwise
ThePuppetShow ago
Pizzagate is pedogate.
huhhh ago
ThePuppetShow ago
Before it's too late.
huhhh ago
Colgate. Masturbate. Number eight. Ok I'll stop.
RagingShieldMaiden ago
You forgot jail bait.
druhill007 ago
and all these peds walking with a pedo gait. heyooo
PizzagateBot ago
Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):
Ramona ago
Thank you so much!!!
Ramona ago
Here is a short summary of SeamanGate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIj1fZfeitw
Forgetmenot ago
Ramona: Actually I will catch up on his videos tonight rather than watch your link. You really need to find a better life focus than trying to destroy someone else. No one cares about David seamen. Your posts are boring and full of petty gossip. Are you in high school because that's how you act like some highschool cunt that thinks her shit doesn't stink. You know what stinks though? Your mouth, do us all a favor and shut it....it smells like shit in here!
DarkMath ago
And here's a short summary of David Seaman's semen:
Oh you just got powned again.
Forgetmenot ago
Lol have an upvoat!