iamthepizzanow ago

What a fucking idiot. He's done fuck all compared to the endless effort this board has put in.

brother_dave ago

This guy is full of shit. Stop giving this attention whore any attention.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Hey OP; since the Sanduskie kid arrest happened can we edit this with an update? I know it wasn't who we were thinking, and it was a few hours off, but Sanduskies kid running a pedo ring is a really big deal. The Sandusky ring was never investigated and covered up... Now it's being blown wide open.

Again, not what we were hoping but it is big news.

The_Invincible_Moose ago


Weightstone ago

He smacks of classic misdirection to me. Keep everyones attention here while Hollywood pedals its filth unabated. I doubt he works for or is affiliated with any alphabet agencies, just a "wannabe special snowflake"

ArthurEdens ago

Who cares? Just ignore him if you don't like him

summerblind ago

Now I will stop listening to him

VieBleu ago

it is not a jewish thing. It is a human thing.

they control the opposition and act as figureheads for movements while being gatekeepers and deflectors.>

you think the Italians in the Vatican have never done such a thing? Latin American dictators in South America? Soviet Premiers? African tribal elders and Afrikaans? Kings and Queens and lower level operators of all kinds throughout the ages in all countries have all played politics and this is how it is done.

IlluminatiKing ago

His source was probably 4chan. He took that larper seriously last week.

VieBleu ago

A wonderful anonymous nobody - like all of us!

VieBleu ago

Ugh. really? He said his source lied? Attack me? - Fail.

redditsuckz ago

I dont think these people even care about money because they control the entire money supply but they do care about the survival of their species/race and this is what he is about because I bet he would be happy living in a fucking cave rather than a mansion made of gold. If all the Jews were living in mansions then that would raise suspicion with the goyim...

From this simple tweet with the angel emoticon;


The tweet is dripping with spite and shows he couldnt give two fucks about the "goyim"...people really are sheep that follow him so he is treating them as such and I also detect he is just playing a roll and is one of the last high level disinformation gatekeepers.

dookiehowzer ago

so sandusky was caught, davids source was right

Ctrl-Left ago

Wow the fucking balls on this guy, he's now calling out people to investigate those researchers who thinks he's a shill https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/831233616868806656

blind_sypher ago

This guy can fuck right off now, unsubbed.

waxdino ago

I can't believe people are still defending him or saying, let's give him another chance to explain. Just stop! Stop with this guy, fuck! He hasn't become a liability, he has been, and it should be glaringly obvious now! He makes pizzagate look like bullshit, and is now outright insulting. "I've done an enormous amount for the community, time for others to do their part," fucking seriously? He has done nothing but hitch a ride to other's work. Fuck him, and, at this point, fuck anyone that brings his BULLSHIT into this forum. Stop defending him. Arrrrghh!!!

doubletake ago

DAVID - you won't get any attacks from me. you're putting your body on the line trying to help restore the soul of the nation. we have gotten to a never-before point in breaking the backs of these monsters. It is only the WHINY LITTLE BABIES doing nothing themselves but whining about what other people have failed to do. they do not have a clue as to the scale. they want Bruce Willis to come in and save the day. they don't have a clue the size of this undertaking if it is to be successful. keep on keeping on.

The1stLantern ago

Just another cuck who threw his credibility on the line to get more clicks. Unsubbing from his shit and moving along - suggest others do as well.

DustyRadio ago

The guy has stolen all his info and ideas he runs his mouth about from here and Reddit . He has contributed 0 ideas or theories of his own and has done no research. He is specifically dividing the PG community with his whine ass antics. He is disinfo, FFS he used to write for HuffPo. He deserves no traffic or subscribers.

zagreos ago

Seaman exposes himself as a Jew shill trying to discredit Pizzagate in order to protect the many, many Jews implicated in Pizzagate.

MrrHandsome ago

The guy has let me down to be honest, I was looking at him with rose tinted glasses because I wanted what he was saying about the arrests to be true but this lie has just highlighted his odd behaviour over the last few months. He is a chancery and decided to rise this pizzagate wave with the intention of making money out of it and promoting himself as a credible journalist umongst all the fake news shit we see daily. The guy is a cock sucker

victuruslibertas ago

OMG WTF ???.. A Twitter Meltdown

wecanhelp ago

@The_Invincible_Moose, thank your for the submission. I will flair this as IMPORTANT because this has been going on for a while now, and David Seaman's activity is becoming suspicious to say the least. Also, I kind of owe this flair to the community after flairing another Seaman post a few weeks ago where he was promising an ongoing investigation per his insider source for the first time. Back then I wrote:

[I]f it turns out to be a hoax, then it is also important because then we will find out that [...] David Seaman is not to be trusted.

I guess that time has come.

The_Invincible_Moose ago


cntrl-v ago

I knew David was a shill, when he started back tracking after the gunman showed up at the pizzeria.

I knew he was even more of a cuck when I saw his reaction to wikileaks tweeting about PG.

He literally said "You owe me an apology now, because Wikileaks tweeted about it"

Fatsack ago

Jew Confirmed.

Long_Knife ago

Anytime any of these well known pizzagaters make claims the 1st thing I ask myself is "do they stand to make money from this" whether it's through adsense on you tube or whatever. If the answer is "yes" then I'm already skeptical of anything they say. Their biggest downfall is giving times and dates because when it doesn't happen they're fucked.

21yearsofdigging ago

Sound to me like he is now a Targeted Individual. He may be getting phone calls, death threats in the middle of the night. People knocking on his door, then no one there. Perhaps being followed in traffic, mail tampering, who knows. I know he is a bit annoying but shit, he has at least been one consistent voice for pizzagate. I wish too he brought more new research to the table, but if he is afraid to talk about the Cointelpro type targeting he is going through, is it maybe what has consumed him. He sleeps with a gun now. I believe that

madmanpg ago

Everyone who keeps saying Alex Jones is controlled opposition: this is what controlled opposition looks like.

ASolo ago

Jones is still controlled opposition.

madmanpg ago

Prove it.

commontruthseeker ago

THESE ARRESTS WILL NOT HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON. Trump has not even been president for a month! BE PATIENT. They cannot fuck up these arrests by rushing to put these creeps in handcuffs or the mistrials and evidence tampering will allow everyone to walk. This will be the trial of the Century. It will be the very biggest thing to ever happen to the USA. Do you not understand how FUCKING POWERFUL these people are? Who their friends in HIGH places are? Do you not think they have insiders feeding them information so they can destroy evidence and plot an escape? You think they will respond by just agreeing to cooperate? They probably have moles at every level, in every department, keeping them informed as the case develops. You have no idea what they are capable of and you have no idea how much power is at their disposal for when they retaliate. AND THEY WILL RETALIATE. When they do everyone will shit their pants. I expect many "suicides" and "muggings" to go down before all of this is over. It's so easy for loud-mouthed neck beards to criticize someone like David Seaman, but he put himself out there, bringing attention to something he is fighting against. He is now, and forever will be, a target to these corrupt pieces of shit. That takes balls the size of a dump truck. As far as I am concerned, if any of you FUCKING COWARDS dare to post your FACE and give your NAME, then, you can attack him, otherwise keep it to respectful criticism and discourse. His source was probably over excited and over confident, or, outright wrong. It does not invalidate everything that has been accomplished thus far. Did anyone truly believe the arrests would come so quickly? Do any of you have any friends or family in Law Enforcement, or lawyers? There are so many moving parts to this and it will take a lot more time than a few days. I would wager it will be many weeks before arrest occur, and there will probably be a major false flag to distract. Do not get carried away with anticipation. These arrests must be calculated and flawless. They get ONE chance at this. So, STOP BUSTING DAVID'S BALLS. David Seaman has been trying his best. He is fighting the good fight. I'm shocked and disappointed at how fickle everyone is. I've contributed no research. I've done nothing for the community. But I tell everyone I can about Pizzagate, and participate in conversations to inform people. The ONLY way this works is if we support each other the best we can and share as much information as possible with others who are not informed. It's okay to be skeptical, but don't be cynical. Don't be an asshole. Keep going David.

VieBleu ago


redditsuckz ago

he's also trying to make some money on the side of all this.

No...he is doing this to cover up for the satanic shit that he and his people are doing...when he says "arrests tomorrow!!" this is a demoralizing psyop technique so people go out and tell their friends and family that arrests are happening meanwhile nothing happens making them look like loons and embarrassed to ever speak the truth to them again. This psyop technique also keeps people in constant anticipation and distracts them from mobilizing or doing anything themselves because they are being told to expect someone else is gonna save them and do the job...meanwhile nothing is going to happen.

ASolo ago

Very good possibility

Ciscogeek ago

I'm noticing a distinct pattern of David Seaman hate all from 2 month or less accounts. Methinks there's a steering taking place here.

Ocelot ago

Methinks that anyone who can't see Seaman for the transparently foolish individual he is must take a step back and calibrate their shill vision.

victuruslibertas ago

I for one am not a hater. I brought up 2 valid points that are hard to dispute

victuruslibertas ago

We have all been given intel that has not panned out for one reason or another. That's not the issue here. I see 2 issues. 1. NEVER threaten to reveal a source unless the source says it's ok. Who do you think will leak to him from now on? 2. Once he made the statement he was going to reveal the source and did not, he lost cred for sure.

He has played this to his own demise.

VieBleu ago

very inciteful point. That is the worst thing about all this, you are very right.


Sending negative energy to Seamon will not solve anything and produces division and hate within this community. Focus on your own research and sanity. Dont put blind faith into others. PSA rant complete.

VieBleu ago


ArcherMcTaco ago

What a cunt. Welp there goes his credibility

Edit: He was right and it was a big deal, just not who we expected. Sanduskis kid raises a shit ton of questions.

ASolo ago

You know, I've wanted to make a thread here outlining one of the major problems with this entire Pizzagate issue but have refrained because I did not want to have it deleted for VOAT's strange and unusual thread posting parameters.

But if you think about it, Wikileaks is the 'organization' that initiated all of this inquiry shortly before the presidential election last year, AND EVER SINCE THEN THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING.

I know that this seems like a pretty inane observation, but it just happens to mean quite a bit. See, once Wikileaks released this information into the public domain there was no choice but for the inquisitive, especially when there is a threat to children, and altruistic, sensitive people will only inevitably pick up that yoke themselves as some kind of civic duty to society to want to help in some way.

By that token Wikileaks has taken the safety and freedom AWAY from the American people by giving them the impetus to bury themselves. They have irresponsibly used the American trust in a way that has forever damaged the institutions of freedom in this country by betraying our sense of security and trustworthiness in our government. The worst part is not that they disseminated the material in the first place, that may or may not have been a prime motive, the worst part about all of this is that THEY DID NOT FOLLOW UP.

I do not blame David Seaman for acting the way he is acting. It is easy to see the progression of paranoia that has swept through him as this investigation has unfolded. It is not easy for any of us to uncover this material. Not only does it shock you to the very core of your being but you sincerely experience a similar effect to Kubler-Rosses Death and Dying Process. And, in fact, this is all part of the plan. This world and the design of all the horrors that we are now being awakened to are part of our 'alchemical enlightening' - in other words the masters of this plan believe that this shock is good for you.

Not only is there a very real intended spiritual shock being implemented on you there are also very real considerations of safety when involving oneself in their occult matters of manipulation, because it has been proven that if you dig too deep you will be eliminated. Many of us are afraid of a gestapo like police force coming to clean up 'dissidents' who advocate that these underground practices no longer persist, a true hallmark of a fascist regime bent on hiding all the secrets at any cost. Is it really coming to this again? All I can see is a complete replay from the template that was used on prewar Germany, used exactly and as precisely as it was used then except ten times bigger.

I didn't ask to be born into this bullshit. I didn't WANT to have to uncover what I have. But the fact remains there must be a reason why I have.

But WIKILEAKS, you NOW HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO THE WORLD AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, you have to take some of the pressure off of the citizens. You have placed a great burden on us by releasing this information. You have placed thousands of people that have been interested in this in danger **without following through with YOUR INFORMATION. **


WIKILEAKS, YOU decided to become 'whistleblowers' and release information to the public that they themselves took up where you failed. You have not followed up on your material and have led the American public into a quagmire of confusion. It is now time for you to correct what you have started instead of jeopardizing the safety of the citizens of America with your silver haired mk psyop and release what else you have or make a public statement.

kekistocrat ago

He's doing the 'Seaboogey' again... it's the 'woe is me' card combined with 'imminent change expected' card. These two are very powerful in the deck of disinfo... Lovingly referred to as the 'Seaboogey.'

quantokitty ago

He clearly stated that he was going to reveal his source if this didn't pan out ... and it didn't. Not sure why he would threaten that if not true. I don't think there's anything so extraordinarily wrong with running with a bad tip. but there is something extraordinarily wrong with issuing a threat and not delivering. That part was under his control.

looking4truth ago

Wow fuck this guy . He was always seemd like a sus to me but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He's just an attention whore

silverstar23 ago

I think most of us saw that coming a mile away. This guy is much more of a talker than a "reporter". Back to work.

privatepizza ago

How about

'Divide and Rule' ?

Seems that's what's happening here.

VieBleu ago

lol so true.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Either David is a shill. He is being fooled by someone. Or very weird shit is happening behind the scenes? I hear all kinds of weird shit... like Obama is back in DC in a bunker preparing a counter government against Trump.

So Dave might be honestly telling us what he thinks is gonna happen. And stuff just isnt real normal right now.

There were rumors of a nuke at the inaguration of Trump. Shit dont feel real stable.

Singleservename ago


And fuck the attention whores posting him here. In fact FUCK YOU twice over unlubricated in the ass you useful idiot kikes/willing shills.


VieBleu ago


Gern ago

David Seaman is a well-intentioned poser. Everytime I've seen him mention his "sources", I realized that he was just referring to something he saw here on voat or on 4 chan. He has ZERO sources. His sources are the boards where actual researchers do actual research. #davidseamanisafakereporter

icydays33 ago

Yep. Never heard anything new from him that I hadn't already read somewhere else. He could just be honest and say he's presenting information that others have dug up, but no, he wanted a Pulitzer so he started going on about secret sources and pulling dates out of his ass. Disappointing.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep, he really did have illusions of grandeur that he was going to be the next Woodward or Bernstein.

RebelSkum ago

Keep up the good fight!

cantsleepawink ago

Stop thinking of yourself as a nobody. That's 'matrix' thinking :)

ASolo ago

"The emails are real. The comet pizza instagram. My source lied about there being high level arrests by now. Attack me all you want 😇"

Did they lie David or is this just a tactic to keep your following. For the sake of the momentum of this investigation I do not fault you but for many other things I can. Stop being lazy please. YOU and you alone have momentous power in this investigation you should really remain in the know and bring it on even harder. Do not trust either side, there is no you in bipartisan politics, it's ALL a shell game and I see that you are getting sucked in by the right. Neither is the right choice, they are both in on the con. Be smarter.

Concentrate on the specific issues. Silsby, Puello, Maccoby, Alefantis, Snopes and the underground meds, bondage and cp, clinton foundation favor parties with high level homosexual adoption reps and bioengineering robot firms, Washington Times editors that helped cover up pervert jimmy saville and britains pedo problem, handkerchief stains and black magick. I mean, there is a TON of materials that would keep you youtubing for a decade, but you want to sit in front of us and make us bask in your sexual afterglow by bringing your girlfriends on and giving childrens lessons on bitcoin.

Mtnchan ago

He's just such an anoying fucking pussy with the tweet storm defense. 50k sheeple watching him implode. Entertaining shit show anyway. Back to work.

micha_ ago

He even exploited the death of a former girlfriend for his PG prestige. To hard on him?

RebelSkum ago

David "Disappoint" Seaman

RecycledUser ago

And whether or not Webb is legit or not, he is not making money off his vids, like DS is.

Mtnchan ago

I don't care if someone makes money off it, I get that, its just a bunch of filler content though, AJ is same way, if you're edited out all the ranting and raving, at the end of the day, not much substance left.

lawfag123 ago

Let him do his thing, we'll do ours


does it not seem odd that pizzagategear guy was contacted by JA, yet Seaman has not?

Aaanndgo ago

I liked David and while I don't believe he can take credit for researching, he has been vocal about PG.

I'm not sure he's entirely stable though and I wish he would relax with tweeting.

PizzaGate711 ago

All you SHILLLLLLSSS working to discredit David Seaman should head on back to supporting CNN. Your talents are wasted on voat.

icydays33 ago

Please. He discredits himself, he doesn't need any help with that.

FriesischShipping ago

Meh, I mean come on guys? You thought they were going to broadcast the arrests beforehand? This is just to gather more Intel to see what moves they're going to make.

roundhouse1776 ago

Andrew Breitbart was a true patriot. Seaman is an opportunist trying to make money. Big difference.

Mtnchan ago

Well Breitbart was a for profit publisher too, nothing wrong with that, one can be for profit and have integrity, is just audience is going to call you out when you cross that line. I've been in that biz, so I get it, people have to make a living.

Mtnchan ago

He's annoying as fuck bc he's one of those guys that comes here, gets info, and regurgitates to the sheeple as if he dug it up himself or got it from secret special sources. His model for success relies on followers coming to him to get the info in a more easily digestible pill. Nothing wrong with that, just credit your sources at least a little bit, and don't worry about your followers going to the source, his followers don't want investigate or read through all the dead ends, plow through the email releases, that's not for everybody. We want people redpilled to what is going on, and we don't want them all in here mucking things up and getting in the way rehashing the same basic shit over and over again, so in that regard he's doing you guys a favor. Just calling him out on the fake insider persona he's working on.

Amoffthepizza ago

Yeah he is stuck on ja and podesta have never seen him report on weapons sales, organ trafficking or anything else. Now he is attacking voat investigators as shills saying people here were feeding him false info.

roundhouse1776 ago

I know that really pissed me off. Some people here have been researching nonstop for 3 months. Seaman's temper tantrum he is throwing is a disgrace.

Amoffthepizza ago

Yeah he just needs to shut up about arrests and trying to be the first one to call them. If they are gonna happen they will happen.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Wouldn't be as bad if he was actually covering the good info off here. Sourcing it, and doing proper videos.

had_enough ago

Jeez why is everybody picking on him? This enemy construct everyone is aiming at him could undo a lot of the good that has happened. People who do nothing always seem to expect so much of others, take the good research he provided, be grateful and sympathetic to his losses and move on. Let's not get all snowflakey in here please. Unless you have had two murders in your life then you have not walked a mile in David's moccasins and therefor should not judge him.

roundhouse1776 ago

He didn't do any research! None at all. I challenge you to prove me wrong. His whole shtick was just repeating other peoples' work.

DeathToMasons ago

Your defense of him ignored the specific reasons we have had it wiht him. Now, he just says not my fault, iI have done enough. As if he can keep making false alarms because of all he has done. What has he done? Not even one investigative video. And he hardly touches on the facts in the case. Now he is carrying on about Podestas artwork? Yeah we knew that after the first day. Total idiot drama queen too. He thought he was poisend on one video? Thought he was being watched by the cops in another. For what? What has he revealed? Rediculous. Why would they care that he rehashes the pizza and hotdog code words, or mentions podestas artwork? Then said he would be on daily show and wasn't, thank god. Now two false alarms in bold print dramatic style. Now hes unappolegetic. "My source lied to me, so what".

Godwillwin ago

Social media makes mistakes obvious to the world and with that comes hateful comments by hundreds of people. Comments that people wouldn't normally say to anyone's face, but they'll tweet it. Let's consider that and show a little mercy.

Let's not be too harsh on him. He's young, and you have to at least say that his heart is in the right place. I went to school with someone like him. He'd get excited and jump the gun. The smart but immature and kind of nerdy ADHD type - accent and bold on the H. he had a lot of passion and was a good person - just a little all over the place, ya know?

Anyway, I just don't want us to be "bullies"

He knows he messed up and it has to be a hard situation for him to be in even without everyone hassling him. I'm sure he's disappointed in himself and flat out disappointed in general that no arrests were made. And if he really does have ties to someone on the inside, I'm sure he's really disappointed in him or her too.

newworldahead ago

I don't want to hear a "date" anymore! No matter if it comes from Seaman or any other, I'm tired of all those predictions that never come to pass. Anyway, If law enforcement is planning to arrest some high profile pedophiles, why would they want to spill the beans? .. It'd give the criminal a chance to learn about it and act accordingly.

FriesischShipping ago

I just made the same comment, cops don't broadcast a week beforehand that they're going to arrest you, sheer foolishness.

PakisLove2GetShot ago

Walter mitties/conmen, schizos and pothead david icke types are ruining everything in this sub

FriesischShipping ago

Duh. This is how a counter intelligence program works.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

He's an attention whore, I understand he lost his job, but he's trying to make a name for himself in alternative media with this shit, thats all. He doesn't have any7 real sources, everything he's said is something anyone paying attention could have said. Most of us with a brain wudn't have predicted arrests tho, going on past history.

IPleadThe2nd ago

So the reason now why there are no arrests is because the police are corrupt, not because he's full of shit?

DeathToMasons ago

We already knew they were corrupt. He thought they were going to become uncorrupt for DC powerbrokers and bring the world down. In a few hours. He has no source. He is lying. "I feel bad, hope I'm not poisoned. I am healthy and would never comit suicide". He needs to go away.

Naspert ago

you are demonising the very people who risked everything to make pizzagate go viral. Think about it, who else is speaking out publicly about what needs to be addressed!

thatwoke ago

Starting to wonder if this guy is a plant. Someone the left can point to to discredit any PG related inquiries.

FartOnYou ago

This guy is completely lost. How does he pay for his lifestyle if he isnt being published anywhere? Youtube views? Blog adsense revenue?

icydays33 ago


BertieMcDuffy ago

OK that guy is really starting to piss me off now tbh...

Kristina_Gilliam ago

He's an insecure clown.

fred34285 ago

10 Shun (Seaman)

20 GOTO 10

Flat_Truth ago

You saying the Barenstein Bears were always the Berenstain Bears? Maybe that's a little too complicated, yeah, to appeal to those of lesser intellect, he might ought to stay away from that whole "mandella effect" thing.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I actually kind of remember notating the bizarre spelling of Berenstain Bears back then. Maybe I was the only one who noticed it.

Flat_Truth ago

Just try it....lol, try asking someone from that generation how the Bear's name was spelled.....almost all will say "stein". Quite the phenomena.

icydays33 ago

Not really. It comes down to the human brain only paying attention to the first and last letters of a word. "Stein" is a common spelling overall than "stain" so it's not weird at all that most people think that's how it was spelled.

Maybe the Mandela effect is a legitimate curious phenomenon but the Berenstain example is terrible on many levels.

Azagthoth ago

Mandela has convinced me there is mass hypnosis in play. How can so many people be disillusioned by something so nonsensical?

Flat_Truth ago

Two distinct pronunciations...that's where it bothers those who were familiar or learned to read with the Books. To them it was pronounced "Steen" and now it's pronounced "Stane". I can see where they'd be feeling like they were being messed with. But we all know its impossible that the name actually changed. Julianne Huxley said at the 1950's science conference, that evolution was no longer a theory, science has no place for the supernatural and evolution is now fact.

icydays33 ago

But they're books, right? Not like a tv show or a movie? So how would people know how to pronounce it if they never heard the name in an official fashion, like from a tv show? Then they would pronounce it according to what they read. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

I don't see the relevance of evolution on this topic however.

Flat_Truth ago

It was also a TV show. And pronouncing the spelling "stain" as "steen" is odd. Many children had conflict between the two popular shows....Barenstein Bears pronounced "Steen" and Frankenstein, pronounced "stine" with the same spelling.

icydays33 ago

Ah I see. Then yes, it is odd. Thank you for clarifying.

Flat_Truth ago

There are many who learned to read on those books. Even mother's who had the original books since they were children, printed in the 80's. They used their same childhood books to teach their children to read with....and are amazed that the name has changed....even on their old books, that they remember firmly as being of the spelling Barenstein. There was the show on TV that many grew up watching....to them, it has changed. Now if you look, there never was such a thing as Barenstein Bears. Even the couple who wrote the series...and titled after their own name...the record will show its always been Berenstain.....and never was Barenstein. But yeah, the only explanation is that's impossible, everyone must just be not remembering correctly.

ASolo ago

Agreed. He had the opportunity to continue his expose but was either horribly frightened off from the investigation or was cucked by those neo-con fascists at the 'deplora'ball', that goofball looked like he was having way too much fun at that insulting event of bipartisan idiots, just as he had that permagrin on one of his close to last videos of him and his gal pal, turn up the professionalism a notch there blossom.. Hitlery in no way deserved to win and neither does this lubavitcher occultist and his incestuous cabal of satanists including alex jones, roger stone, and drumpfs 'mommy' and mk handler from the grave roy cohn.

If Seagull was serious he would have covered some of the peripheral findings of Yoichi Shimatsu and his ten essay expose'. Although he wrote for rense who also shills for trump his insights into the media establishment that tried to suppress Pizzagate is unparralleled, like his findings on Snopes and their connection to leather and bondage, the legal (and illegal) online meds and child pornography industry, the craigslist killer, Eryn O Bryn and her illustrious porn career. Yoichi also goes into detail about the Podesta email and the handkerchief, the pool party and outlines a very plausible scenario that suggests the Sandlers, that family that created the 80's housing bubble, were using their private time to massage potential clients for the Clinton Foundation, most notably Hans Wyss, a bioengineering prosthetics producer. Not to mention the Clinton Foundations mole in the UN Jens Stoltenburg and it's connection to the child extortion rings set up in the Ukraine. Let us not even go into the Haitian Silsby, Maccoby, Alefantis common council meeting etc etc. ALL of this information was covered extensively by Yoichi Shimatsu and this forum virtually IGNORES all of his writing, BUT, I see a few of the smart ones are really applying heat to that Maccoby connection and how he stuck up for Alefantis for wanting his establishment to stay open after midnight. The Folger, Maccoby, Alefantis, Puello, Silsby, Clinton, Haiti is the big ticket. Did you see David Seaman cover any of this? No.

David Seaman does deserve credit for hammering away at this the way he did and has opened more than a few doors for people to see some of the underbelly of the establishment in it's raw form. I think David scratched a little too deep and got scared at what he saw and that is the reason he backed off so quickly. This work is not for the faint of heart and it takes it's toll. This is one reason why we have to trust some of the wisdom of seasoned veterans like Shimatsu and his years of witnessing this kind of child trafficking and it's accompanying horrors in the Asian countries that he is from. His organizations have helped shut down more than one international child porn sharing and production enterprise in the world, and one that might have led to the death of the internet's own boy. I think someone with enough wit and intelligence could formulate a template from which many branches would connect the entire deck of cards through those ten essays alone. I know it sounds aggrandizing to promote his materials so enthusiastically, but he is the only one that has been able to collate and condense some of the work of the early reddit and voat material into digestible chunks instead of the chaos and deleterious nature voat has become in this matter. There's so much material and so many divergent opinions no one can come to any kind of coherent consensus. Just as it has been planned out to be.

WTF does it matter anyway man, these people have got ALOT of power and it seems most of us are simply just along for the ride to see what kind of a shit show this world ends up to be.

Good luck Y'all... God Bless and God Speed

MommyLove ago

What does it matter? Come on. You know why it matters...the children that are being tortured.

This is the first I have heard of Shimatsu. I will have to look into his work.

Don't be discouraged. All we can do is keep taking the next step.

DeathToMasons ago

Tremendous post.

Rmm ago

I read the 10 part expose and agree it was excellent but also a bit overwhelming. I guess the problem(s) is coverups of coverups of coverups, or so it seems. When i read the post about the immunity that U.S. diplomats have per shipping, it really added some more light . Frankly, where does the honest investigator go for his sources? And Obama made it even harder for whistleblowers with some law that was passed during his administration.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Good post. Shimatsu is slept on. So is the eyewitness accusing Alefantis of death threats against his family.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Save your outrage for the Pedos, not David Seaman.

ASolo ago

Up yours. This guy picked up the yoke for the people and then went and started sewing his own patch, its blatantly obvious he is a bipartisan idiot who was shown some attention by the fascist right and sucked it up like a sunday school priest. He's no spook either, not smart enough for that job, just a woefully ignorant young kid with the american ambition of prosperity that has been dead for decades that should have been replaced by a vengeance for truth and justice because the entire gig is a shit show.

VieBleu ago

you are starting to overdue it and sound a bit jealous. How dare David Seaman get more attention than Yoshi whatshisname, right?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Ha you've typed a lot of words on David Seaman. He's obviously in your head. I hope you're able to get some sleep at night.

ASolo ago

If these geeky twinks are in charge of bringing these kinds of allegations against our most trusted leaders and then not following through with it damn right this kid is going to be in my head and I'm gonna say anything I can to get him to get his head out of his ass. You should do the same instead of wasting your time criticizing me.

nomorepepperoni ago

I propose that since he said early morning, we give him leeway--until noon today.

But then he'd better cough up his "source" and just admit he got bad info instead of this BS charade. I've been trying to be reasonable about Seaman, but now he's fraying my last nerve with this latest stunt.

cantsleepawink ago

He's saying that his source is wikileaks.org

DeathToMasons ago

Thats like me sayining my insider source is George Web. We all have the internet.

VieBleu ago

Uh, excuse me, I get a special briefing every day with google. And sometimes Duck Duck Go.

cantsleepawink ago


nomorepepperoni ago

If his source is Wikileaks, then I'm Embassy Cat.

VieBleu ago

Thank god - now can you PLEASE explain this? https://on.rt.com/7v3f

roundhouse1776 ago

What he means is that his source is the code language in the Podesta emails. So yea, the exact same "source" all of us have.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Speaking of Embassy Cat - why no tweets since Assange has gotten his internet back?

roundhouse1776 ago

Look at his twitter now, he's gone into full blown defensive shill mode. Anyone who questions him about his tweets last night or asks him to give his source like he claimed he would, he's accusing them all of being against pizzagate and/or David Brock army. That's not true at all, it's legitimate pizzagaters who are sick of his crap. He gives us all a bad name.

EDIT: This is the book David Seaman wrote :

Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz : How to Attract Massive Attention For Your Business, Your Product, or Yourself

It can be found on Amazon. It looks pretty clear he was just in this for the money/exposure the entire time.

EDIT 2: I have totally exposed Seaman as a fraud. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644263

icydays33 ago

He's clearly mentally unstable. No clue what happened to him but I've seen him deteriorate over time in his videos on Youtube. Stress? Whatever it is, his credibility is blown and I won't be paying more attention to him.

Pizzagate is real, Seaman isn't.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Makes sense. Sadly I am on the fence still and Seaman's hyperbolic statements were pushing me off the fence - now his lies are pushing me the other way. I unsubb'd from his YT channel

roundhouse1776 ago

Well said, I concur.

RecycledUser ago

And didn't he say he 'might' have to give up his source???? Always leaves wiggle room.

PizzaGate711 ago

Source cited, if you care to check, on twitter is wikileaks.

Seaman is not in control of law enforcement.

For all those leftists calling for David's demise. Think back to the election. The MSM kept telling you Hillary Clinton was going to win. Some things just don't happen according to plan.

DeathToMasons ago

wikileaks is a website. He can't read a website and say he has insider. Rediculous. Clearly he was insinuating he knows a source in law enforcement that was giving him the inside scoop. Have him point us to the material in wikileaks he is referring to. What a total clown.

PizzaGate711 ago

NB spelling of 'ridiculous'. Where does Brock find you people?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah and the MSM lost a lot of credibility for failing that prediction.

PizzaGate711 ago

Didn't upset the lunatic left though that they were so badly lied to and yet they're staging a hissy fit with David Seaman's 2nd hand advice on a date not materialising. As expected. If I were David I'd lay low and not give them the energy. One thing that strikes awfully wrong too is that Millennial_Falcon the moderator is very anti David Seaman. I don't trust him at all. He's very quick to scream disinfo agent.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Very true, we all know that. He has to as well, and that is why he should have never put a "date" on this and told his followers it was going to happen by x date. That seems to be what is causing people to question him.

PizzaGate711 ago

Time to get over it don't you think?

The Shill Army listens to the CNN and NYT journo's of this world. Where's the anger with the lies on Hillary? They said she was going to be elected the 45th Pres of the US on wait for it - ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2016. You'd think they'd be angry with the MSM for being lied to with all that fake news. Funny that.

DeathToMasons ago

We were angry. You are a phony. You are trying to say that if you are mad at David, you weren't mad at the MSM. That way David represents the good guy because he is not MSM. Garbage. We are mad at both. They are both liars. David has no inside informers, now he says he uses wikileaks as a source. He even phrased the first time that he was "told".

DrumpfBTFO ago


My source is http://Wikileaks.org , then in DC, at the Inauguration, I was told by some 202 area code folk

Yea, the original source for "pizzagate" was wikileaks, but apparently he was told by some people during the inauguration?.

Either way, the source for saying there's gonna be arrests is not good by that merit. If they told him that there's gonna be something after Sessions gets in, but Seaman came to his own conclusions about the timeframe on that. Trump's EO said that the law-enforcenent has 120 days(?) to come up with a solution for international trafficking(including drugs etc). Quite sure there's gonna be arrests, but we shouldn't be too hasty, and any source that claims that its gonna happen is nothing unless we see people in handcuffs.

PizzaGate711 ago

I think you should drump yourself off voat - and plonk yourself back in front of CNN. Much better fit.

DeathToMasons ago

Get lost. Yet again you tell people that if they are tired of Seaman, they are for CNN. That won't work in here. You exposed yourself by repeating this tactic too many times.

PizzaGate711 ago

You need to beg for a new script.

roundhouse1776 ago

Shocker! David Seaman does not have insider sources, and never did. It was plainly obvious. Oh well, at least we can stop talking about this guy now that everyone knows he'd full of BS.

sugarskull ago

Right no shock and the sad thing is as much of a dork as Glenn Beck is his 'inside info' actually came true Superbowl Sunday. If he (DS) doesn't reveal source then he is done in my book though he lost street cred a while back with all the pandering.

derram ago

https://archive.is/5Figs :

Paul A Linsky on Twitter: "@d_seaman high level arrests. Where? Cut the BS."

https://archive.is/d0Al0 :

David Seaman on Twitter: "Why don't you call @DHSgov and @FBI yourself? I've done an enormous amount for the community - time for others to do their part t.co/fjZvmRtGMl"

https://archive.is/x7SDx :

David Seaman on Twitter: "I don't have any other information. If our law enforcement is as rigged as our media, that's just one more thing to make great again."

https://archive.is/IyuKt :

David Seaman on Twitter: "Frankly there should have been arrests by now. Look at Tony Podesta's eyes. Look at all of his family's art choices. Sick things."

This has been an automated message.

ASolo ago

Such bullshit, this bipartisan rambling when Hillary Clinton, being part of the Bush Cabal, has been using child sex abuse extortion networks since Project Paperclip, when thousands of Nazi's were transplanted back into the American experience to degrade and decay this society to where it is now. Trump is as big a part of this as any of them. Room 233 of the Plaza Hotel is where Roy Cohn used children to extort politicians back in the 60's, Cohn was Trumps MENTOR, he purchased the Plaza Hotel from the mafioso and mossad, do you really think that room has been decommissioned? You people are LAZY. This whole forum is full of incompetent, UNINFORMED conspiratorialists, what is going now is PARAMOUNT and PARALLEL to the Great Tribulation, men have been transformed into BEASTS using REAL, ALCHEMICAL 'MAGICK" PROCESSES that occur through the manipulations that we have seen through these CULTS. This is REAL, this is BIG, and you all better get right with who you need to get right with.

Pechal ago

Guy has nothing there is no reason to follow him more than you or me. Lets all stop talking about him now please.

RecycledUser ago

I unsubscribed from him long ago. But even if everyone on here did, I bet his subs and views would still magically increase.... As opposed to Webb's, whose counts are messed with big time.

roundhouse1776 ago

George Webb deserves to have more followers than anyone else in the pizzagate movement. I think he would do better if he posted less videos.

RecycledUser ago

I agree but maybe someone can explain if this is significant:. Today one girl commented that his three POL vids weren't enough, almost but not. So I checked today's, and she's RIGHT! in part 1 he wanted everyone to tweet this rep Nunez or some name like that, to get the three brothers arrested for leaking info. Then later tonight he said or someone commented they were arrested. People were commenting that their tweets had helped. You search on them, and they were arrested last THURSDAY!!! WTF??? And did you see the signal someone asked him to give, a cough, if someone was forcing him to make them short? He later replied, ending with 'cough'. Not in the vid tho. Like someone else is writing his comments. THEN someone posted something yesterday, about his vids are getting uoaded by WL who then uploads them to his channel!!! Again, WTF? WHAT would be the purpose of being 4 days behind? Which is about the same time he started doing the POL vids. Only a few have mentioned it tho....

Mtnchan ago

Not long ago I was downvoted for saying I didn't trust this guy seaman, glad people are coming around. He put his ass on the line, tried to make something for himself with this, but went about it poorly, was hoping for a position in the new cabinet, wishful thinking if you're not holding the drain plug

FartOnYou ago

He basically bet his career on this lol.

Mtnchan ago

Antagonist Paul a Linsky obvious play on Saul alinsky wrote rules for radicals, Hillary's manifesto so to speak, lot of what we've seen over the past few months with the left's strategy ties back to this book

Mtnchan ago

Crowley is another name that keeps coming up now. Hadn't heard that name since the 80s satanic scare and the Ozzy song was on the radio. Now it's coming up all over the place. Just saw video about Barbara Bush, maybe being his daughter, didn't know that, sounds like her family had relationship with him in some capacity. There seems to be a resurgence of interest in these guys 'teachings', with crossovers between politics, satanic worship, hallucinogens, homosexuality, hypersexuality, and the pedo subculture

ProudTruther ago

Crowley really is Barb Bush's father carazy as it sounds and GWB's grandfather.


HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Podesta is a Thelema practitioner so that makes sense

ASolo ago

Exactly, the left has been using Alinsk'y sabbattean communist cult handbook as a template for decades.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Alinski dedicated it to "satan", and Hillary wrote her thesis on it and Alinski.

surgeson ago

"Look at Tony Podesta's eyes", the words of a true journalist.

LostandFound ago

Ironically the Nazis used an eye color chart as one of the methods of Identifying undesirables. David of all people should really avoid statements like that.

FartOnYou ago

Yeah he literally pointed to his eyes and the weird art as if thats enough to convict lol

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This is entering the realm of ridiculousness

GeorgeT ago

In the case of JP his mug is enough for conviction.

bopper ago


nomorepepperoni ago

This. Can we have Ben Swann back yet? He didn't hit everything but at least he sticks to fucking facts.

srayzie ago

Do you know if Ben Swann is really back and alive?


He committed suicide with a sniper rifle. Sorry.

nomorepepperoni ago

Ah, they have some good CGI at CBS 46 these days...


All it takes is 1 neural network and lots of footage to train it on.

HarveyKlinger ago

At least he's been consistent about one thing - how important he thinks he is. I'm kind of surprised he didn't ask for donations in those tweets. He must be waiting for his next "hard hitting" video for that kind of important stuff. As stated last night, deep down I think everybody WANTED him to be right but deep down, everybody KNEW that he wasn't.

echo-sierra ago

He's continually bragging on about how he was right about some things - my issue is that he's now trying to leverage his 15 minutes of fame (or infamy) by getting people to sign up to his newsletter, as though that would provide something of value in return. Even the "free sign-up" crap he's touting now isn't enough for me to do so.

He's still just a talking head on Youtube and doesn't provide anything of substance in his vids that can convince me that his newsletter is any good.

memegod420 ago

He's never asked for donations or any monetary compensation for pg stuff.

HarveyKlinger ago


Fucking scum:

@PayPal @Patreon

Both have significantly impeded my ability to raise funds FROM MY OWN VIEWERS.

PizzaGate enablers.

odb281 ago

for pg stuff

Just give him time, at some point he will

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Wrong! From the YouTube videos he posts:

Support- https://paypal.me/DavidSeaman https://www.patreon.com/davidseaman

roundhouse1776 ago

Actually he did, just not directly. For awhile he was constantly talking about his financial situation in his youtube videos.

ASolo ago

Yeah, pimping the NWO Phoenix cryptocurrency, does this guy do ANY conspiratorial research?

roundhouse1776 ago

Yea no kidding. A cashless society is the globalist's wet dream. They're already moving towards forced electronic currency in Europe and India.

cantsleepawink ago

Also he's constantly pushing bitcoin and then gold. Clearly has an agreement with someone.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yea the constant bitcoin and gold service shilling was really offputting. It's what made me suspicious of him in the first place.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Soros is an investor in his gold company

roundhouse1776 ago

Soros has been buying up the world's gold supply, he knows what's up.

DeathToMasons ago

He has done nothing for the community, nothing for research. He has contributed zero research. He twice gave us breaking alerts, insider info tells him arrest to made with days or hours. Now he says he has done "an enormous amount for the community". He is a total joke and needs to be shunned by the research community and the PG followers. False alarms and hogging spotlight for something he has had no contribution to. Just bringing up the most basic facts we knew months ago and talking about those things he read. The guy is pathetic. Unsubscribe from his youtube channel or anything else he does. And don't send him money, he does no research.

iamthepizzanow ago

Nailed it.

ThePedoHunter ago

Lots of keyboard warriors trying to discredit David Seaman....have the balls to get on twitter/youtube and blatantly call out Podesta et al as pedos, repeatedly.....thats no shill....

sentryseven ago

Totally agree. At first I was on board with DS...like right on preach it brother, then was like ok, you're a journalist, do some reporting. But he does nothing. He just sets up the camera regurgitates other people's research and calls them, the Podestas et al, sickos. So, I was patient and waited. I even prompted him to do some real reporting as the subject needed it, desperately! Still nothing. No articles, no research, just grandstanding and hyperbole and a chick at the end say stay tuned. I'm not sure that he's a shill per se, but he's fucking lazy af and totally incompetent as a journalist that's for sure.

Azagthoth ago

I always knew this cocksucker was self-advertising and putting himself out there strictly for prestige. Suckering in soul-crushed people sickened to death with what they have learned. "Give me money, I will keep researching!". Fuck this punk. Exploiting dead children (without actual research presented), exploiting the death of a friend...what else? Glad I tuned this kid out a month or so ago.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Yup, a self-promoter that will attach himself to an emotional cause to exploit.

srayzie ago

I agree. I also feel that he is an attention seeker. I highly doubt cops were outside guarding his place last week. People asked him to take pictures or live stream and he didn't. I think he even likes negative attention, because he constantly arguing with everyone online. I didn't know of him until Pizzagate. All I have ever seen him do is make videos bitching at John Podesta and saying Pizzagate is not fake news. He hasn't added any new info and always bitches about money. It's like he has mood swings too because he'll all of a sudden say he's done talking about Pizzagate and then go on a week long rant about crazy conspiracy theories. He honestly trips me out. I don't get what people see in him. He has a big audience but that just means that more people see his sources are always wrong and see him go through bipolar like mood changes. His moods go from high to low at the drop of a hat. I think he hurts this cause more than help it these days. Why does he need to keep getting donations to sit at a computer going off on everyone who disagrees with him and he provides no new information?

Azagthoth ago

I have seen him remove videos when the commenters call him out on looking clearly sick, blood pressure issues, nervous sweating. The dudes a complete fucking mess.

srayzie ago

Oh wow

the_one_tony_stark ago

Getting the word out there is help for the community. I admit I am a little biased, since I watched some of his videos just a month or two before he covered pizzagate. Covering hillary's failing health and getting huge coverage for it pre-election day proves to me he wasn't a hillary/ soros shill.

I think it is damaging to have this "out for blood" attitude towards each other. That kind of volatile division plays into the hands of pedo's and you can be sure that it's being engineered.

I've seen a couple of internet controversies go down and it only takes a couple of people to full time harass the more visible people and escalate complaints against them in the larger community to set people at each others throats.

Like it or not, he has been one of the more visible people getting the word out. We need more than just research, even if research is the most important part.

micha_ ago

Remember when he claimed to have a fast heartbeat, since an unknown shaked his hand?

Remember: he even exploited the death of a former girlfriend for promoting his PG venue!


ClosetRedditor ago

Sadly I agree as well. This guy seems to be more of a mouthpiece then an investigator. I feel people on Voat have done more to open my eyes then this guy. But I dont wish harm upon him, hope this wasnt just a way to discredit the chap and off him.

PakisLove2GetShot ago

People need to learn to tell the bullshitters and psychos to fuck off. Knowing that there's real credible leads in pizzagate and the usual spastics are hampering efforts to build on them makes me mad af

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Thats why I originally had to step back from the conspiracy shit. Too many bullshitters and psychos

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. Sorry to say he has now confirmed my suspicions that he's a gatekeeper. At this point he is becoming a liability to the research community.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Disclaimer:I haven't listened to him in months, So maybe he's changed. But I'm writing this comment under the premise that he's acted the same he's acted from the get go...His "Major arrests" tweet is the first time in months I even thought about him.

He's Not a shill, or gatekeeper. He's someone who's attempting to paint himself as someone of "Importance" and trying to make a name for himself. He made a claim that turned out to be false.... But did he do it deliberately? What Purpose does that serve? I mean he made an extremely bold, but more importantly, an EXTREMELY SPECIFIC claim. Again, Don't know how he is now, but when I listened to him he was really focusing on how the MSM Is the actual fake news...We could interpret the tweet in question as being "Fake News", but realistically it was most likely "wrong News." There's no reason he would do that, IF he didn't truly believe it was going to happen...

His main goal is to make a name for himself, and being wrong about such a bold claim only hurts his main goal. He isn't deliberately pushing false information, because that also hurts his main goal...

HOWEVER, His only contribution has been giving pizzagate some attention, which is extremely important....But he should have stuck to that. He has no inside sources, and if he does he hasn't shared anything he's been told. He hasn't "broke" any new information, Ever. He doesn't Do research, and again, If he has then he hasn't shared any of his findings. To clarify, He's obviously researched the topic, but he isn't actively INVESTIGATING the topic.

Not a single thing that has come out of his mouth has been original, whether it be information he's conveying, or predictions he's making

That being said, We need to tighten the definitions of the words we use to label our "Opponents", and loosen our standards when judging our "Allies".... NOT everyone is a shill, because they end up being wrong, make a mistake, Or because they aren't doing things as quickly or in the manner in which would like to see. Holy fuck... Actually I think I might be contradicting myself here. I guess a "Shill" originally meant pushing an agenda for money, In which case he most certainly is a shill since he's attempting to capitalize on this. Not necessarily for money, but definitely to make a name for himself.

I've become so accustom to "shills" being people who are deliberately pushing A FALSE narrative... As in, They know what they are saying is bullshit, but they either have monetary incentive or motivated by fear of exposure. In which case, He is not a shill. He doesn't push false info in attempt to derail any legitimate leads. He also doesn't push info unless he thinks it legit.

If he were a shill, or gatekeeper, He wouldn't have made the "Major arrest" claim last night... If he KNEW that wasn't going to happen, He wouldn't have said it, because there's no better way to ruin your reputation, then by making a BOLD prediction based on"Sources" only to end up being wrong less than 24 hours later... Ya know? And again, I think that's his main objective here.

Lately it seems as though we assume everything is Black and white....

"WHY ARE WE SEEING ALL THESE SMALL ARRESTS, WHY ISN'T HILLARY IN JAIL" Well.... A) because Trump has been in office for less than month... B) That's not how things work.

People need to start looking at this situation in a bit more practical terms.... Not everyone who's been exposed as being connected to pizzagate, Will be charged, let alone convicted. Is that justice? No. But true justice is not realistic, unfortunately.... ALL OF US, have way too much to lose. And we'd lose it all If we want true justice. If we want everyone connected to this to be thrown in jail(As they should be) than we have to realize that life as we know it will cease to exist.

THIS is what the FBI ANON made clear in July....You can implode the government in which case our country basically collapses and world war III starts. Or it can be a controlled demolition. True Justice isn't about controlled demolitions, But it's the most realistic choice.... Anyone that reads this comment has A LOT to lose... We are not at the point in which we'd rather Die Fighting our government, than continue living under their control. If you want true justice, you can expect the foreseeable future to be worse than anything we've ever experienced.

That being said, for the first time we actually have a chance of dissolving the current practices being excuted by US and other First world countries...But the only chance we have of that happening, is if the majority of the "Evil Doers" are given an out... An outcome that DOES NOT consist of "Public exposure" or "arrests." That doesn't mean there won't be consequences for them, But if we back the most powerful people into a corner where they know the will be undoubtedly prosecuted, they aren't just going to lay down and take it... They will fight, and as motivated as we think we are, to see these people prosecuted, they people fearing exposure and prosecution are 1000 times more motivated than us.

We already know how evil these fucks are....But keep in mind, They're this evil when they know the majority of people are unaware of what they are doing. If the evil fucks are exposed to the entire population, and the entire population wants to see them all prosecuted... then they have no reason to hold back... As evil as they are now, Imagine the evil we would see if the "evil Doers" have literally nothing to lose.

Obviously EVERY person implicated in all of this, Needs to be removed from their position, and strictly monitored for the rest of their life. A lot of their assets need to be seized, they need privileges taken away.... I realize how crazy that sounds, considering the countless heinous acts they executed over the decades... But again, this is real life, and there is no true justice without true chaos.

Alright.... That's my one, uneducated, probably wrong, rant for the day. Carry on

TLDR: David is not pushing False info deliberately. He made a claim that ended up being wrong, and He will suffer consequences from doing so. He Likes to make peope think he's important to this research, when really his only importance is to spread the information that others have already found... Which is needed. But he obviously has no credible sources, and should not be some who we go to for "Break throughs" "answers" or "predictions." He is trying to capitalize on this event, So if that's the criteria for being a shill, then he most certainly is... But If he's a shill for doing that, we need a new name for the people deliberately pushing false info, in attempt to save "The system"

catslovejustice ago

Great post! But Seaman wasn't the only one saying arrests were soon on the twittersphere. I think he was more specific than anyone else but last week or the week prior there were a number of tweets about arrests being imminent. Even Alex Jones was telling pedos that their day of reckoning would be soon. Not defending Seaman. I was a little put out that he was announcing arrests and when they would happen. I would think you would not want to put the guilty on high alert.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You're totally right. That's what I meant when I say hes not very original in his reporting or predictions, but He's still an asset in spreading a lot of information.

You know.... I don't know what it is, but I believe the fuck out of alex jones lately. I try not to incorporate him when formulating my opinions on these matters, or any "talking Head" for that matter.... But like, when was the last time this dude was wrong? Granted I rarley listen to his 4 hour long daily show, so I'm sure he's often wrong about a wide range of things.... Since everyone is, especially when you have to fill 4 hours a day... But Every overall point I hear him make, Either ends up true, or was already proven true but no one else is really talking about it.

Also, Alex jones is attacked by MSM More than any other alternative media figure... Granted I'm completely making the statistic up, but based on how much attention they give him, by trying to discredit him...but honestly, they never can. THEY HAVE to take things completely out of context, in order to make him look bad. So He's got to be on to something, right? I 100% believe he has legit sources. He even named a few(without actually naming them) on the joe rogan podcast. What I'm trying to say is; I LIKE ALEX JONES. There. I said it. Wait.... what was my point...

OH yeah, I'm still holding out hope that there will be some major arrests, simply because he said it... I don't feel comfortable hanging my hope on the people making similar claims, simply because I don't know enough about them... A month ago, I thought trump would go through with a lot, but I figured there was no way it would happen so soon. But based on how much he's done in such a short time, there very well could be major arrests on the horizon

archons ago

Best comment in the thread. Eat it shills.

VieBleu ago

Perhaps law enfocement is using the "arrests happening soon" pressure to smoke out cover up activity- shredding papers, hiding assets, selling off contraband cheaply or quickly, monitoring connections that are only made between perps when absolutely necessary, that sort of thing. Ratcheting up the pressure and perp paranoia with internet buzz might be a way to get people to go ahead and "whistle like a canary", turn in their bosses, save their own precious hides. And Seaman just a useful idiot within that process.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I agree with your comment completely.... I do want to clarify, that I have absolutely zero qualms with David Seaman. Again, Haven't listened to him for awhile, But I did like him when stopped listening, and I still like him now. I think he was most certainly being an idiot when making this prediction, but perhaps he actually did have a source, but something fell through... I mean, that's not even somewhat Implausible. ...But honestly, he has done nothing to deserve my benefit of the doubt, when he claims to have sources. All I meant by that was he has not history of producing new information, or plausible theories. Which again, IS FINE! Ok, I'm going to abandon the rest of my david seam comment becuase I feel like I'm ranting again....

But I Do want to defend your theory, for any future rebuttals, or people who might be thinking. "They've had months to get rid of the evidence and shred papers and blah blah"

First I'll say; Yes, There's a chance Trump will be able to do nothing, or that he has an alliterative motive that we aren't aware of... But I don't think either of those theories will be proven true.

OK... So Yes, they have had a long time to get rid of the evidence....The evidence that people know about. I truly think that A lot of high level people involved with this, Thought they were going to get away with it. and maybe they will Not even in the sense that they thought they wouldn't be prosecuted. I mean they thought they were going to be able to continue business with usual, in all the ways that haven't been publicly exposed.

I'm sure a lot of people knew this from the start, since looking back on it it almost seems common sense... But I just realized that business is going on as usual, for the majority of these people, if that business hasn't been publicly exposed. We're able to see microcosm of this, everytime people discover new Instagrams that overtly pedophile related... Like, this shit started months ago, and so many people that are just as guilty, don't seem to care if they are personally being investigated. So that it was there's still risk of "tipping people off"

Too often I see people saying "If they were going to do something by now, they would have" as far as getting rid as evidence.

I mean, there's a lot of money involved with all of this fuckery, and the pedohpile aspect is just a small slice...pun intended... Sorry. Like walter white famously said "Do you know what would happen if I just stopped? A company big enough to be on the nasdaq would go belly up..... CEASE To exist. I'm the one that knocks...." Ok, so I definitly just butchered that quote, but I think it makes my point. Or it could be that these people are fucking psycho paths and we have know way of rationalizing their choices. Which doesn't seem unlikely since they enjoy fucking children.

So just remember that when posting things..... It's good to spread information, but just be weary of the very real fact, that it could halt further research in to the topic, if not handled properly. Sometimes It's not always best to post what you found, on VOAT, immediately, sometimes not at all....

VieBleu ago

Good discussion and an unintended pun always lightens things up ; ). I had more thoughts on this on another thread - I'd like to cross post here, hope that is okay.

In a climate of "arrests are immanent" it just may be a lot harder to do business, so that at least dampens things. Maybe that alone is already helping some kids not get stolen, moved, sold. And then, the pedo peddlers and their customers can't get their fix so easily now. So it would be only a matter of time before they go to less trusted sources (backpages of weeklies) or hit the streets to get it - and can be busted there. Incredible if we hear of Podesta being jailed overnight for solicitation of a minor, booked and released, but the wheels of justice start their slow grind and victims start to come forward...an anon can dream

ALSO: Look, we want any arrests made to be made properly and to stick. What if a month from now it goes down. Sure a terrible wait for us, but in the scheme of things, they have got to have their ducks in a row and our wait agony is unimportant. Sessions butt has just hit his new office chair today probably.

They've got a lot of leads since Superbowl arrests and California sting went down - what if they are getting leads and turning over of evidence and testimony to bigger fish than they thought they could. The Superbowl perps have to lawyer up to make plea deals, these things take a second or two. Is it worth waiting a little while to get the best busts they can? Of course it is.

I really have no doubt, going forward there are going to be far more arrests of pedos than their ever have been and higher up the chains. The pressure is on pedos, if you don't have an escape plan in place, you are already behind the curve. Start dumping and pumping and scanning and running, because this game is far far far from over.

Okay FINAL THOUGHT: And what about that horrible torture audio that surfaced over the last few days. WHAT IF - the perp knows who is recorded there - it is HIMSELF - even if we can't say for sure it is Podesta or anyone else. What if it is a warning - "Hey, we know you are watching to see what surfaces. We've got this on you. Who knows what else we've got. Pressure is ON perp!" What if law enforcement is playing the internet like a well tempered clavier? (Westworld ref.)

tl:dr - the internet is at heart a rumor mill and an information sharing locker. Law enforcement uses that to it's advantage, squeezing and pressuring perps to act out. As for us? "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device."- Hotel California

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ninja edit: So I replied to your comment before looking at the front page, apparantely the "podesta torture tape" is back in the cycle.... So Perhpas we'll know it's authenticity sooner than expected? Haven't even looked at the post at the time of the edit.

ALSO: Look, we want any arrests made to be made properly and to stick. What if a month from now it goes down. Sure a terrible wait for us, but in the scheme of things, they have got to have their ducks in a row and our wait agony is unimportant. Sessions butt has just hit his new office chair today probably.

I know right? This year has been moving so quickly, I think we've all grown a bit impatient(Myself included). A month ago, I had no hopes of anyone being arrested anytime soon... But now I catch myself thinking "COME ON, WHATS TAKING SO LONG" So yeah, They need time to do right.... That being said, I think we can assume that this investigation didn't start when trump took office. We know for a fact that the clinton foudnation has been on going for over a year, regardless of how much they were be fought not to.

As far as that recording goes.... FUCK THAT. That recording very well could be the most fucked up thing I've ever heard... AND I'm trying to tell myself it's fake. I could hear john podesta... But I wonder if I would have him, if the title didn't suggest it was him in the post title, ya know? EIther way, I Have no clue how to determine if that video is fake or not, and I don't think anyone has given a reasonable answer one way or the other? They might have.... I listened to the clip and immediately moved on to something else, It was too much for me, especially since we don't know if it's authentic, let alone relevant. Your theory sounds very plausible though... Perhaps we'll know in time.

bopper ago

I liked your rant, you're doing some critical and objective thinking.

RecycledUser ago

Liability is a perfect description; a couple months ago, if you see Ritchie from Boston's YT, he called him out as disinfo, and how fast his subs went up. I am not really a fan of RFB tho. I figured if DS was sent other stories, I.e. Webb's, would be interesting if he covered that. If he was SO concerned about children, etc. NEVER covered it. Not even when he went on his half-assed break from PG. for like 2 hours.... He IS disinfo. No new facts to contribute, just busy keeping everyone riled up about PG only, for some reason. Back when he felt threatened, how come he was back within hours reporting on it, as opposed to people like tracyd, reality calls. He's a joke.

ASolo ago

Yes, especially if he wants to espouse ANY part of the mandala effect or flat earth, taking pizzagate into the land of the absurd right along with him, a classic intelligence technique. Get your head out of your ass kid.

cantsleepawink ago


ASolo ago

No gatekeeper, just a young, dumb kid.

SpikyAube ago

He's 31 years old

bopper ago

Well I've kind of been saying that for a while, I think you're correct (not that he hasn't helped).

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

He could be getting played by some older government agent who has lots of talent confusing people. Hell the CIA runs training on freaking mind control. This kid could be getting toyed with.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been trying to find out more about his background. His parents, for example. Apparently he used to live near a navy base. But hard to find and Wikileaks scrubbed his bio 'because he started covering pizzagate'. Convenient.

Mtnchan ago

I think I saw where he used to write for Huffington? Might be wrong on that

cantsleepawink ago

Yes he did. He also did podcasts and youtube videos back in the day, touting himself as an internet activist. I'm just wondering where he came from.

Mtnchan ago

I think he just fancies getting enough YouTube followers to make a living from it, regardless of content, as so many do these days.

hafen ago

It's not like it's completely gone. Snapshots of his deleted Wikipedia page exist: https://archive.fo/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Seaman_(journalist)

He's also on here: https://archive.fo/96hK4

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks for the archive shots. I was hoping for something beyond his professional CV. More to do with his background. I know that his father is a doctor but I don't remember where I saw that. And recently he said that he's estranged from his parents. So I'm curious, why the distancing ?

ASolo ago

Interesting. Depending on his pedigree there really might be something to this.

echo-sierra ago

I'm as disappointed as you are in relation to Seaman - he's played his victim card, then turned on the water-works when his friend died, all trying to play the sympathy "woe is me" card every time shit didn't quite go his way. He seems to have very little clout when it comes to striking back.

I've noted his absolute lack of bones thrown back at people who follow him, as I mentioned previously, unlike George Webb, who shares all his data (on Trello), provides daily updates, gives clues to his team of volunteer researchers to take specific angles, and maintains a very polite and level composure.

Seaman seems to be in it for himself. If he claims to be a journalist, he has certainly forgotten that making blatant accusations against others (as he did before his social media and other accounts got canned) lacked journalistic integrity. It's only after being slammed that he has started to use "alleged pedos" when referencing the Podestas and the others.

ASolo ago

If he wants to retain any of his credibilty at all he has to man up, stay vigilant, and bring it on heavier with corrollating information. If I was him I would review Yoichi Shimatsu's work and do a video series highlighting each point in the ten part series. As far as I have seen only a hand full of you pizzagaters perused any of his materials, but if you do read it you will be able to get a good grasp of the scope and size of the sexual extortion rings that operate in this world and how they are intimately wrapped up in a long standing plan of world domination. Do you really think that this is just all about the children? What do you think they have been using those children for and the consequences, for the entire world, of those implications?

Mtnchan ago

The kids are just the sprinklers on top the ice cream, it seems.