yourtruthseeker ago


JimmyLionstar1 ago

We have the same goal in the end.. i don´t want to argue with you. Peace bro.

PizzaGate711 ago

Bad guess. Go search for an IQ.

Ramona ago

He's also pushing Goldmoney really hard, then thanked them on twitter for sending him to the super bowl.

Here's some info about Goldmoney: "Goldmoney Inc has its headquarters located in Toronto Canada and in Saint Helier Jersey.[6] The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of $312 million as of February 27, 2016. GoldMoney Inc. investors and backers include Eric Sprott, Albert D. Friedberg, George Soros, Adam Fleming, and Canadian Banks Canaccord Genuity."

That's right... a connection to Soros.

cantsleepawink ago

I just saw this. Canaccord is linked to Giustra I think...okay, that has cemented a suspicion in my mind.

roundhouse1776 ago

Wow, great find! He's shilling for a company that Soros is invested in, it doesn't get much lower than that.

Too bad it's not as easy to find smoking guns on the pedophiles as it is on David Seaman, they would have all been in prison 2 months ago.

PizzaGate711 ago


JimmyLionstar ago

Do you understand that that every voice is needed to bring light to PizzaGate Truth. There is a lot of youtubers that read what others have research.."like you said" and i say that don´t mater!! it much more vital that the word gets out. Do you get that?

You should inform people instead of outing people that are trying to get the word out.

JimmyLionstar ago

And are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate? Please explain you view... But please do it somewhere ells.. You lake the IQ to see that this has no place here!

HarveyKlinger ago

I have to plead ignorance here. Even when I know Alex Jones is saying something I agree with or know is true I can't stand to listen to him. In fact, I've almost gotten to the point that I assume anything he says is bullshit even if I want it to be true or KNOW it to be true. Hilariously, I should LOVE that guy because we seem to support and hate the same things.

I don't have a personal vendetta against David in anyway. I grew to dislike and not trust him on my own and came to the same conclusion everybody else did about him - on my own. It's kinda sad to see so many that desperate to make his "prediction" accurate regardless of facts or what he actually said. Trust me, I'm the last person giving him money or likes.

JimmyLionstar ago

You dont even have the IQ to see that this has no place here.. lol

JimmyLionstar ago

You are so lame.. Troll" lol

roundhouse1776 ago

Probably correct, but who knows. He seems to have a lot of experience in deception.

JimmyLionstar ago

Nice you found a friend, now go start a new VOAT " David is a Scam" and let us that want change do some real investigating. This has no place here!

roundhouse1776 ago

This is real investigating. I'm trying to warn people that this guy is the Pied Piper and will lead you straight off a cliff unless you wise up to his scam.

JimmyLionstar ago

I cant blame you for believing what he says.. about busts going to happen! Have you ever thought maybe the pedos are playing him? Is better that he shuts up and be named a scam! OR is it better that PizzaGate is getting much needed light... just asking.

roundhouse1776 ago

Much needed light from a con artist who has been wrong about everything? Are you serious?

JimmyLionstar ago

Are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate?

eiggaMAD ago

David? Is that you?

Going mad hard for a guy we've all given a very fair chance to. None of us required a countdown to arrests from him. He said he wasn't covering Pizzagate anymore, and while he was a decent promoter of Pizzagate (I would have expected a journalist to dive further then calling one person a pedo then promoting Bitcoin for like eight videos straight), the moment he said he wasn't covering Pizzagate anymore, he should have been irrelavent to us.

He started the premature celebration, he started the countdowns, he discredited himself.

I mean yeah he might have done some decent stuff for Pizzagate but I also mowed my neighbors grass once and that shit still grows. He can't ride on providing some exposure forever.

Besides, what a dick move to take donations to help hire a friend to expand his research, only to excuse himself from Pizzagate shortly after and not return any donations. If that's not blantently taking advantage of Pizzagate, I don't know what is.

JimmyLionstar ago

Why do you avoid answering the question.... Are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate? Saying a "yeah he might have done some decent stuff" is not answering the question.. Do you believe PizzaGate is true? Do you understand that PizzaGate truth need ever light it can get?

//And implying that i am David is just dumb.

eiggaMAD ago

No he hasn't said anything untrue about Pizzagate..but only because he's barely said anything other then "said person is a pedo" and "Pizzagate is real". And I'm not counting the predictions he's made as Pizzagate, or else I'd say he was wrong there.

No I do not understand your logic that Pizzagate needs every light it can get. Pizzagate is a very sensitive no, I don't understand how subpar coverage is needed. It only distracts from the evidence and tarnishes the idea.

roundhouse1776 ago

This is spot on. In addition to the things you listed, he's also MORALLY bankrupt. He is jeopardizing the largest crowd sourced investigation in history for his own personal enrichment.

je-sui-pepe ago

David Seaman is not a fraud. why this obsession. he might be getting info of arrests. neither here nor there. they must have the info and evidence to arrest and be able to prosecute. that might delay arrests. whatever. He has been reporting on this as long as its been going on. get over your hate man.

roundhouse1776 ago

He's not getting information on anything. Every time he's claimed to have info from "sources", he's been wrong every single time. How many times you going to keep falling for that?

In addition, he's represented pizzagate very poorly. He has such hard-hitting evidence as "we know Tony Podesta is guilty, just look at his eyes " That's some award winning professional journalism there.

I suspect his goal is to discredit pizzagate by pretending to be incompetent.

je-sui-pepe ago

I don't think he is trying to discredit it. I think he is just trying to get the message out. however i do agree that there are better sources for the info. Like this sub which is where i go for all my information on the subject. Been following since it broke, then came here when they shut down the reddit sub. David is just trying to make a living. Even by reporting on this via the video format is dangerous for all those who are doing it. We can see that folks have been knocked off for it.

Ramona ago

I definitely agree.

JimmyLionstar ago

I guess Alex Jones is a Fraud now also! When are you going to get it roundhouse1776. The more people that spread this are on our side trying to get the word out. Keep spreading PizzaGate and these pedos will go down.

HarveyKlinger ago

Alex Jones breaks news and does research. David merely regurgitates what others have already discovered and he presents it in a way like he's a hero as well as a victim. I've never seen Alex Jones beg for money but I've certainly seen David to it quite a bit (while saying how unfair PayPal and Twitter and YouTube and ... is to him).

JimmyLionstar ago

I think Alex is great! Alex Jones has been around sens 2004.. Have you ever seen a Alex Jones show with out hearing about the product sales? David is still a voice in this travesty and if you don get that the more that spread the word is more vital then what they make. Don´t you want the pedos busted? I think we are all on the same side here.

Would you attack MSM if they started to report truth on PizzaGate? They make crazy money.. just saying.

roundhouse1776 ago

We already did attack the MSM when they reported on Pizzagate. Do you not remember the pathetic hit pieces by New York Times and Washington Post? How about the shameful interview on Fox between Megyn Kelly and Alefantis?

Factual reporting is key. David Seaman is not doing factual reporting, he is playing it fast and loose and lowering the credibility of pizzagate. This is a problem, because he's pretending to be a journalist with a "sterling" reputation.

JimmyLionstar ago

When did MSM report the truth about PizzaGate? Please send link thanks!

HarveyKlinger ago

He really has no credibility in the media. He was fired from the 2 media "jobs" he had and both were merely blogs. He has proudly proclaimed that he is all about self promotion and stated that he would say anything that got him that. So, knowing that, he's merely playing to the audience that is the flavor of the month. I got tired of him when he started contradicting himself over and over while shamelessly asking for money while playing the victim card. He's not reaching a new audience, he's preaching to the choir who eats up what he says. We are definitely on the same side as far as wanting a true investigation and arrests. I just no longer feel he's doing anything but promoting himself and using pizzagate as the way to do it.

PizzaGate711 ago

roundhouse1776 is a FRAUUUUUDDDDDD

PizzaGate711 ago

Fraud - now wouldn't that be you, roundhouse1776.

EXPOSED - First submission in 2 months and you've been instructed to place this piece by your disinformation masters.

Lousy start btw ...

FartOnYou ago

He makes 55k a year doing nothing via his patreon. He is a fraud.

JimmyLionstar ago

Do you know how many people David has woken up to PizzaGate. Maybe he should make a 100k a month the way he precsist on making PizzaGate heard. If you are so jell-us start your own channel and spread the word. just saying.. If you don´t get that the people that speaks out on this is on the front line for hits. And even if he is right or wrong this has no place here!!

roundhouse1776 ago

The hits just keep coming for fraudster David Seaman. See here:

roundhouse1776 ago

Direct quote from David Seaman: "I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to get me buzz"


roundhouse1776 ago

Wow this post is being downvoted hard. Now I know I'm on the right track.

JimmyLionstar ago

lol or maybe not.. haha" It might have to do with... THIS THREAD HAS NO PLACE HERE!!!!! But keep dreaming..

gonegoogling1 ago

You are really going to try to distract people by posting shit from 9 years ago??? You're the fraud! EXPOSED!

roundhouse1776 ago

Direct quote from David Seaman: "I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to get me buzz".

gonegoogling1 ago

Are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate?

HarveyKlinger ago

I personally will say that he hasn't broken ANYTHING that wasn't previously discussed PUBLICLY someplace else and at least partially vetted. He merely reports on what others have investigated.

JimmyLionstar ago

You guys a pathetic.. Are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate? You cant even Answer the question!!!

Do you understand that that every voice is needed to bring light to PizzaGate Truth. There is a lot of youtubers that read what others have reserch.. that dont mater!! it much more vital that the word gets out. If you cant get that.. there is no help for you.. but plaese do it somewhere ells. Thanks!

Btw:You should inform people instead of outing people that are trying to get the word out.

HarveyKlinger ago

I didn't imply anything. I confidently stated that he merely "reports" what others research, whether it's verified facts or not. For example, there will be HIGH LEVEL ARRESTS SUNDAY NIGHT OR EARLY MONDAY MORNING. Oh... yah. I'm saying that was untrue. I'm also saying it's not the first time.

Defend the investigation. Defend the facts. Defend those that are doing the research. Don't defend a guy using our research for his personal gain.

JimmyLionstar ago

´This community is not here to help you get over that you believed what David or 4chan Anon Source said.. we do investigating here... Go start your own blog or something.. just don´t do it here.

HarveyKlinger ago

Get off your high horse, junior. If you don't want to deal with people that may have an opinion that differs from yours, go back to reddit. But to correct something you just said, the constant posting of David's videos has NOTHING to do with research. He is merely saying on video what he read here days earlier. That is as far from research as you can get. All it does it help insecure people feel better about themselves because they feel it validates them.

JimmyLionstar ago

I dint apply David report something he research? lol! I said he Report things that other have research..(like Voat or reddit)

"If you don't want to deal with people that may have an opinion that differs from yours, go back to reddit." Same to you buddy! :)

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm saying this guy has repeatedly been wrong with his Intel from his "sources", he's repeatedly tried to play off other people's info and research as his own, and he's represented pizzagate very poorly. He's either controlled opposition or he has ulterior motives.

JimmyLionstar ago

You guys a pathetic... Are you implying he has said anything untrue about pizzagate? You cant even Answer the question!!!

Do you understand that that every voice is needed to bring light to PizzaGate Truth. There is a lot of youtubers that read what others have reserch.. that dont mater!! it much more vital that the word gets out. If you cant get that.. there is no help for you.. but plaese do it somewhere ells. Thanks!

Btw:You should inform people instead of outing people that are trying to get the word out.

eiggaMAD ago

Dude no one is implying shit. If you take anything from this little escapade you just went on, please let it be that no one on voat is going to imply something. People are ignoring your question because it's fucking stupid and holds very little substance with what you are trying to prove..err whatever it is you are trying to do.

Once again, Pizzagate is a sensitive topic due to the nature and subpar reporting should be avoided at all costs. The word is out, it's just many people have already deemed it fake news and were more or less prepared to write it off.

The focus right now should be keeping the research we have strong, as well as any new leads that arise. It's too complex to just yell at everyone and tell them to believe. If someone doesn't know and is genuinely interested then by all means engage them in a conversation.

I'm going to try to explain this to you in a different way. Evolution has every single link but one, the missing link. That's a shit ton of circumstantial evidence right? This theory everyone knows about but because there is one link missing, some people believe that's enough to discredit the entire thing. So that's a very well known theory, obviously simplified for this, but some people don't believe it.

Until we find the missing link in Pizzagate, a true 'smoking gun', it seems a bit counter productive. We need people to believe it the first time around. As of right now, if people get the wrong idea from a subpar light bringer of Pizzagate truth...I don't think we'll be able to convince them to take a second look.

I'm not saying don't talk about it, in fact quite the opposite. Educate yourself about it, research, contribute, be classy about it.

But absolutely do not shout jp is a pedo eight thousand times into a camera. That provides zero substance and doesn't even encompass the entirety of Pizzagate.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I am done with this David nonces.. I do agree with you that pizzagate is a sensitive topic and that the powers would love to discredit anyone one of us to prove their point. David might have been lured in to release this news about arrests so the powers that be can miss-credit us. Or he did it for profit.. But if you think about it, that don´t mean anything.. He telling that it will be arrests.. just makes people look in to this more.. or maybe not. depends on the person.

You are also right about until we find the missing link in pizzagate, or they will arrest of major players it has a the potential to be miss-credited. But if anyone just look at the circumstantial evidence they will be convinced that a investigation should already be in a effect by law enforcement.

So i still believe that every single person that are woken by pizzzagate see that there is something wrong here. They will automatically inform some one ells. That is what we need in the end.

"I do think Davids rants about JP is because as he always said that he wants JP to sue him. But i agree that his rant about JP is a little much" in the End David is not pizzagate.

I don´t want to argue this anymore.. lets concentrate on investigating more, we want the same in the end. Peace bro

roundhouse1776 ago

He was never actually on the Huffington Post payroll, he was an unpaid blogger.

I'm pretty sure he was fired though. Whether it was because of the Hillary article or something else, we'll probably never know. Someone would have to get in touch with their editor.

JimmyLionstar ago

You are a total fraud, What ever if David is right or wrong it has no place here!!! David is a voice in this travesty and he is on our side. Sandusky bust is still a win for us! Keep informing and these pedos will all be busted. The pedos are afraid!!!

roundhouse1776 ago

He's not on our side, we have no idea who's side he is on.

JimmyLionstar ago

He speaks out on PizzaGate!! thats make him stand on our side.. Go troll someone ells! And even if he is right or wrong this has no place here!!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yes, everyone who says "I'm on your side" should be embraced. Excellent approach. What could possibly go wrong?

jaxyou ago

That is two post now today about David being a fraud right when we might start to get some answers. This might be true but even if it is, it dose not change what I believe about pizzagate. And I believe that there is enough circumstantial evidence and clear incidents of censorship and cover up that I can not in good conscious just dismiss it because it's crazy. Shill or not if we had more people like David saying and doing what he does we would get to the bottom of whether our worst fears are true or not.

roundhouse1776 ago

This is very important, we have no idea what his real motives are. Is he just out for money and fame? Is he a plant to steer pizzagate in a certain way? Or some other explanation?

jaxyou ago

I don't see how it really matters in the grand scheme of things. I mean the only thing that is important is if pizzagate is real? That's it and I don't see how he is going to shape or change that in anyway. He says its 100% real and I think Clinton is a evil warmonger at best but trust me nothing would make me happier if the pizzagate thing was a huge hoax.

jaxyou ago

I suppose if you have given him money or something then yes that sucks but that is not what is really at stake in all of this.

ArthurEdens ago

Totally exposed, you can see his bare chest and everything, definitely should have worn an undershirt

iamthepizzanow ago

Lmaooo ayyy

roundhouse1776 ago

During his Twitter tirade earlier today, he sent this tweet to DHS:

"When's the paddy wagon coming for John Podesta, Neera Tanden, and David Brock? CC @DHSgov"

HE HAD NO IDEA ABOUT SANDUSKY. In his book, he doesn't call himself a journalist or reporter, he refers to himself as a "veteran promotional stunt planner".

You guys are being played!

DarkMath ago

"HE HAD NO IDEA ABOUT SANDUSKY"...........He never said he knew. He said someone told him a high level arrest was coming. Jerry Sandusky's son might not seem like a lot but HILLARY CLINTON's brother was coached by his father.

There are no coinkydinks in this shit show. If it smells rotten it is. If it's even 1 day past the expiration date it's fucking rotten to the core.

roundhouse1776 ago

This is blatantly false. Last night he said high level arrests were coming around midnight or early Monday morning, and if it didn't he'd give up his source.

Of course this never happened, so people start questioning him like every other time he's been wrong. He accidentally admits he has no source by saying wikileaks is his source. Then he launches into a massive autistic spazz session calling everyone shills and David Brock minions. This goes on all day.

2pm rolls around, he tweets a link to the Sandusky arrest and says, "see my source was right." All his crazed cult worshippers start praising him

This guy is a total joke.

DarkMath ago

"Of course this never happened"........Jerry Sandusky's son may seem like a nobody to you but he's actually a bigger fish than you think. Hillary's brother played football under Jerry Sandusky (god that sounds disturbing). Jerry Sandusky was sort of a pimp a la Lawrence E. King from the Franklin Scandal.

In the case of Lawrence King he flew his flock of boy prostitutes all over the country. Jerry Sandusky no doubt did the same thing.

iamthepizzanow ago

He has a book? Is it about gold and bitcoin?

roundhouse1776 ago

Nope it is called " Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz : How to Attract Massive Attention to your Business, Your Product, or Yourself".

It's essentially about how to scam people.

iamthepizzanow ago

What the fuck. Really? That should be a thread in itself.

roundhouse1776 ago

Lol yea. I don't know how anyone can take this guy seriously when he's been a con artist in his pizzagate "research" and has written a book which is basically about conning people.

iamthepizzanow ago

Like the guy from the YouTube ads with the rented Lamborghini in the garage.

cantsleepawink ago

I think we need to forget about him and focus on researching. Eyes on the prize.