Ramona ago

He convinces all his followers that anyone who questions him personally is a shill trying to discredit pizzagate. Sad!

JimmyLionstar ago

This is a Shill campaign to stop one of the voices for PizzaGate Truth..

Subitted by - DavidSeamanIsAFraud member for 2 hours.. lol

DarkMath ago

"pile of salt"..........Said the guy whose account is three hours old.

It's too late dudes. The horse has left the barn. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

You should have known there's no honor among thieves.


BackToBlack ago

No OP - you are a fraud. We can see through your pathetic shilling and we're not falling for it. Hope they have your IP so that the FBI will be able to track down all you shills for protecting a pedo ring and then publish a list of all of you with your names and pictures, once the truth comes out. And EVERYONE will know what a piece of shit you are, it will be on the internet forever.

HarveyKlinger ago

The related article is a must read and sums up the feeling I got from him too:


archons ago

Good to know jezebel is a bunch of pedo protectors. Gotta keep the list updated.

V____Z ago

Jezebel are evil. They crapped all over Bernie too, to try to elevate their pedo witch to the White House.

derram ago

https://archive.is/UIYVf | https://vgy.me/mXEVVh.png :

In Which We Get Closure With Self-Promotional Whore David Seaman

'Earlier: Self-Promotion Guru David Seaman Totally Got Our Memo; Shat All Over It'

'"I thought this would be much more vitriolic than it actually is," wrote ousted Jezebel intern David Seaman, to my Facebook account. '

'The saga of me and David Seaman started in April, when I hired David, a young Hunter College student and the compiler of a book on the, ahem, "meaning of life," as a Jezebel intern. '

'"I don't really remember his reasoning, but it's very well-written."'

'"I guess I'm not mad, just a little confused. '

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