icydays33 ago

That makes sense, sure. But this still isn't the "high level, high profile" arrest that people were waiting for in regards to Seaman's tweets.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Holy shit. Is this what Seaman mentioned?

chordwonder ago

No worries. I'm sure pedo Biden will weed out all the riff raff at Penn State. http://www.upenn.edu/spotlights/vice-president-joe-biden-lead-penn-biden-center-diplomacy-and-global-engagement

catslovejustice ago

I was thinking there was something fishy about his death also. Sandusky story came out in Nov 2011. Same month JoePa was diagnosed with a treatable cancer. He died Jan 2012. All very fast. Always wondered what all he knew.

jenidaninja ago

you're sadly mistaken. most not only repeat the cycle but are unable to be reformed.


Bouchart ago

As important as this is I don't see a connection between his arrest and pizzagate, unless new information develops in the coming days.

pakitochocolatero ago

...and Jerry Sandusky coached Hillary Clinton's brother: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644209

roundhouse1776 ago

I think the guilt ate away at Paterno that he let this go on for so long under his watch.

gangpressorliber ago

I don't see the connection's however in this to the DC VA arrest that were advertised... this is coincidental to Seaman's claim I think.

roundhouse1776 ago

I have to disagree. In the elitist/satanist circles, the evidence I've seen points to the exact opposite. This is a way of life for them, and pass it down from generation to generation. They actually think it makes them superior to normal people. They'll even abuse/rape their own kids, and let their friends do the same. Of course to us, this is taboo and horrific. To them, behind closed doors, this is their "normal."

BestRolledAgent ago

This still isn't HUMAN TRAFFICKING OR CHILD ABUSE. This guy is a creep and the name is known or whatever. Still not the kind of big pedo bust we are looking for

degenerate7 ago

Yes they do that's why it's called a cycle...

phlux ago

We need to brand pedos as "Terrorists against children"

Also, if you watch the video about the boy-dancing in afghanistan (they have open gay sex between adult males and children, every single thursday as some sort of party) -- there was

Literally right now, senator Ron Johnson just stated that "...they are still protitizing against gangs, drug dealers, human traffickers, criminals, and while the Obama admin didnt do a good job against these, this administration will...." - then pedo-wolf-blitzer cuts immediately to commercial.

Blacksmith21 ago

Look up "man love Thursday".

JastheMace ago

The governor did end the investigation abruptly.

smokratez ago

What do you base this on?

MrMysterious ago

Iirc some study had it at 40% but that is significant when you consider 1 guy can abuse 10 kids and then the next gen is x4.

Thrulkggls ago

George Webb's part 2 video today - he said this kid is a "stringer" and will likely be dealt a great deal to keep his mouth shut. wtf

phlux ago

Can you unpack that comment for me?

Thrulkggls ago

Around 1:00 mark in video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqvRQUwuckI)), George Webb - who has been investigating pizzagate, child trafficking, and organ harvesting worldwide - referred to Sandusky's kid as a "stringer" or "finder" (see http://www.thepeopleshistory.net/2014/03/the-finders-cult.html for more on this) - essentially someone who has been dragged into a role of gathering children into the group so that they can be exploited. George's statement was that Sandusky's kid will likely be told to either a) keep his mouth shut and get a cushy short sentence; or b) talk and be sent to hardcore prison and/or "suicided". This seems totally unjust to me; the people running the operation have all the power and basically instruct the legal system to manage things "their way" - meaning nothing more will likely be exposed based on this guy's testimony.

phlux ago

Ah, yeah thanks - I know 'Finder' as a term -- I hadn't heard of 'Stringer' prior....

Thrulkggls ago

It is new to me, also - a new "George-ism"

HashTagFU ago

Like father, like son. Kid was probably abused and normalized it to become an abuser.

waxdino ago

May the cirlce, be unbroken...

Blacksmith21 ago

Wondering out loud here...

It is hard to quantify the number of pedo-related arrests in recent times. Is this real? Is it false flag or "fake news"? If we operate under the premise that the arrests were real, I'd have to say this is a huge amount of arrests. We've seen busts of 400+, 700+, etc. I've never heard of that many people being rolled up in bust operations.

From the outside, it would appear all of those arrests are "low-level". That is, despite the heinous nature of their crimes, they are just a small part in a local or regional operation. If you look at historical arrests of either racketeering or drug trafficking, or for that matter crime dramas/movies, the bust operations always start from the bottom up. These people are far more likely to sing, as they don't have any real power, certainly when compared to the actors frequently discussed here.

If you can make that leap, then I would classify someone like Sandusky's son a mid-level player. It makes one wonder with Sandusky's money and power may have even been a larger player. My gut tells me they are "consumers" and not "suppliers/traffickers". So again, applying this theory would indicate that we may start seeing more "mid-level" of arrests as law enforcement begins to arrest the next layer up.

If this is true, this could go on for a bit as the authorities start squeezing the next layer. The bottom line is HRC, Podestas, JA, Brock, etc. are all public figures. They cannot exactly disappear, although it is rumored that HRC tried and was denied by DHS.

Maybe this notion will give a little solace and patience to some. Remember, they've have decades to ensconce their power positions. The good guys have had months to prepare their attack. This will be a process, not an event.

SturdyGal ago

Well, you're right. It is possible that certain arrests and announcements are part of a strategy to get the whole network. To be honest, they have not had much time to interrogate, investigate and build cases. I'm going to adopt a wait-and-see attitude and keep hoping, and working for, the best.

srayzie ago

He was probably abused himself

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I wonder how many others the father indoctrinated into this evilness. How many stayed quiet while Jerry Sandusky molested children?

micha_ ago

You know the email where Tamera Luzzatto ships the three Luzzatto kids to Podesta's pool? These are not her biological children...

SturdyGal ago

It really is like a contagious disease, isn't it? Sandusky is pedo Zero.

Blacksmith21 ago

As funny as that is, I think we are 10s or 100s away from PedoZero. I could be completely wrong here, but I don't think too many species have sex with juveniles of the same species. That's not how nature generally works. I'm wondering if the pedos, at least the elite pedos, see themselves as some special anomaly, or another species, or something twisted. It certainly fits in with all of the other colomboma, Nazi, eugenics, etc. talk, doesn't it?

SturdyGal ago

I think PedoZero was thousands of years ago, to tell you the truth.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Seems like a high profile arrest to me. Not that I trust David Seaman outright, obviously I view him with heavy skepticism, but we should at least debate whether or not this counts as a high level arrest.

madhatter67 ago

That Dupont guy was a high profile arrest....The will have to find some proper fall guys and actually deal with them propely before I believe anything has changed

rail606 ago

Oh this so counts. Everyone knew about sandusky. This is more ammo to throw in the face of disbelievers.

grlldcheese ago

It also feels like a real start to a real investigation. Honestly, after all our shit, it would look terrible to just round up Hillary's people.

Some nobody Sandusky pedo is exactly the kind of bust that can lead places. Like the network.

FriesischShipping ago

Think of it like a Mafia, eventually someone talks, usually lower down the pyramid.

Whizwit21 ago

And this guy might be the son of an under boss

DustyRadio ago

Sandusky's wife is as culpable as he with this kid. There is no way she didn't know what a sick fucker he was and she let him abuse and abuse.

turitelle ago

If she wasn't involved with it then she didn't know. These pedo creeps are sneaky and manipulative. If she wasn't involved she'll be going through hell now herself because she didn't protect her child.

Blacksmith21 ago

She fucking knew every second of it. Either Sandusky beat her into submission. Or she is a pedo. Or both.

icydays33 ago

David Seaman

A high level, high profile arrest. My source was off by an hour and I caught hell for it?

I'm not buying it, this isn't high level and high profile. Is it even pizzagate-related? I haven't heard anything about Jerry Sandusky's son before this anyway.

roundhouse1776 ago

I have exposed Seaman for the fraud that he is. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644263

Long_Knife ago

Nobodies get arrested every day for child abuse all across the US. But like you said this guy is a nobody, definitely not some high lvl, high profile guy and not involved in pizzagate.

Tanngrisnir ago

If the extremely biased Huffpo wrote about it then he isn't a nobody. it is indeed considered a big story.

Long_Knife ago

That's another thing. A lot of people will call certain news orgs (like huffpo) fake news but then quote them as soon as there is a story that suits them. All I'm saying is this guy is a nobody. Seaman said "high level pedos". This guy is not that so why is he trying to claim it? Because he knows he is losing all cred by being wrong all the time.

Tanngrisnir ago

Huffpo is indeed crap. It is just this is clearly considered a big story or they would have tried to avoid it. Sure they often post fake crap but sometimes a story gets to the point where they have to report it however begrudgingly. Think Rotherham. They didn't want to touch it but eventually they had to and just tried to spin it as best they could.

Sandusky is "high level" in the sense that he is a household name. Sure he isn't Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton or the Podestas but Seaman never said the figure was any one of them.

Long_Knife ago

Sandusky's son is a nobody. High level means exactly the others you mention. Seaman is just trying to save cred by claiming this as his info.

roundhouse1776 ago

That's exactly what he's doing I can't believe you are being downvoted. This was a happy coincidence for him to save a sliver of credibility with his cult worshippers.

During his tirade earlier today, he sent a tweet directed at the DHS asking why they hadn't arrested Podesta, Brock, and Neera Tandon yet.

He was so far off base and had absolutely no idea about Sandusky. He's a total fraud.

Long_Knife ago

Yep but for some reason he still has a lot of defenders.

phlux ago

While I agree with you completely, I would just like to point out that this shows that the pedo issues is an endemic behavior whereby its either passed down via "nurture over nature" and that you cannot think that you can take an individual, like the sandusky senior, and think that once he has been convicted that the effects of his actions are not part of a larger web.

This is a very interesting data-point in that his son was adopted... as we know that PG is very closely related to all these fucking orphanages and child charities and 'foundations'.

Its a very very VERY powerful and connected network of fucking satanists.

Think about all the shit that happened in the UK, Ireland and the churches for centuries.

I think that PG should pivot to the Jesuits, and the catholic church as a whole. Religion (as its shrink-wrapped, pre-packaged, plastic bullshit narrative is sold) must be fucking abolished.

Demons hiding in plain sight.

Don't think of this arrest as a nobody - because its not.... its another data-point on a topic that shows a pattern which has many deep layers as to the complexity of this issue as well as unveils at least a tiny bit how fucking insipid the cover-ups are...

So, sure, its not HRC --> Prison, but its still pretty informative as to another layer in this problem we must fix.

cakeoflightylight ago

Just because he wasn't on our radar does not mean he wasn't involved in pizzagate. WE have no way of knowing all the sick pedos and who services them to provide children. Pizzagate is a worldwide issue and it encompasses a lot of types of human trafficking - child sex trafficking, SRA and organ harvesting to name a few.

catslovejustice ago

If he was Sandusky's son, he was probably very well connected. Pedos stick together. Second Mile never got shut down.

Long_Knife ago

Right but at this point there is zero reason to believe he is involved.

cakeoflightylight ago

Well, that depends on your definition of Pizzagate I suppose.

icydays33 ago

Doesn't stop the Seaman fanclub from singing his praises on Twitter, lol. Now he's even claiming he's a researcher. What a fraud.

Forgetmenot ago

You are a petty and divisive person. Bad words were invented to describe your type.

JastheMace ago

He could be a plant, he was from Huff Po

roundhouse1776 ago

I have kind of started wondering about this myself, especially now that i found out what the book he wrote was about. Maybe he was a plant to steer pizzagate a certain way.

The whole pedophilia blackmail system seems like a Mossad/CIA op to me. It has to be, yet we are not talking about Israel at all. They are going to get out of this whole thing unscathed while the all the big fish will be Americans and people will look at us like we're all child raping monsters.

And before people start down voting me and calling me anti Semitic, I'm Christian and very pro-Israel. This is just an indictment of the bad elements of their government, just like my own government.

Long_Knife ago

I just really hope this type of thing prompts people to be more skeptical and ask a lot more questions before going apeshit every time 1 of these profiteers make an "announcement".

Forgetmenot ago

Downvoated since you act like a shill. And have contributed nothing to this sub but doubt. I hope the rest here do the same. You need to find a forum of people that echo your doubt. This is not the place for you.

Long_Knife ago

Fuck you. You might be better served if you asked more questions. You're basically saying anyone that asks questions and doesn't swallow all the bullshit is a shill.

icydays33 ago

Well, as much as I share your hope, I don't think that's how it works. It's a psychological thing. It's why doomsday prophets and weird religious cults become so popular. This sensation of "something big is about to go down" can become intoxicating and addictive. Once you're hooked, you're hooked, and the same people will be hankering for their next fix. See Dr. Steven Greer for a good example of the same thing, he's peddling alien disclosure as his drug of choice and many ufo-people are lapping it up. The only difference is that Dr. Greer is good at what he does and can squeeze some money out of people while David Seaman is a salivating fool.

Forgetmenot ago

Downvoated you

srayzie ago

I'm not going to believe it until there is at least another one

allconnected ago

Truth is the whole scandal was buried. Jerry was part of a much bigger child ring and many powerful people involved. Hence why nothing happened for years. When the story finally broke they (LE and all) were quick to cast JS as a lone wolf and move on

jenidaninja ago

the fact that he was able to adopt?

UpsideDownTiger ago

I've studied the Sandusky case for 5 years. You're more right than you know. Although it's even stranger than it seems.

Why paper shedding trucks were allowed to destroy all the evidence at the Second Mile organization after Sandusky's arrest seems like someone high up wanted all his records destroyed. There's plenty more indications of a ring. Someday soon I'll write a post about it and name names.

Kwijibo ago

That and the fact that there is lots of $$$ in college sports. Lots of people chose to count their money instead of stopping the abuse.

allconnected ago

Yep money is part of it same in hollywood etc. Also, who do you tell when LE, judges etc are involved?

quantokitty ago

Okay, I don't normally have sympathy for pedophiles, but this guy? I gotta say he was groomed, tortured, and abused into becoming what he is. This is the tragic legacy of not interfering in an agenda.

gentlemanadventurer ago

It's sad because you know he was adopted to abuse. If he had been adopted by normal people he would have more than likely not done this. This is why we need to get molesters that admit to being pedos to the gallows a.s.a.p. Right after trial dust off the rope and hang the fuckers.

Blacksmith21 ago

As I've said before, pedo breeds pedo. Blood or not.

francine_rose ago

Also people like you make us victims feel like freaks because people assume we will molest kids because we were molested

It's messed up and inaccurate

MrMysterious ago

It's like 40% of the time. Not trying to make you feel like shit. Believe it or not if you don't molest then you are just seen as a normal person who was a victim so you shouldn't worry. Just make sure you have dealt with the issues as much as you can and that there is not suppressed shit that could set off the needs/weird stuff. (No offense to you, while i am well-versed in psych the triggers for the 40% escape me, so I am being general here)

francine_rose ago

I've gone to therapy and very open about my pain with my husband and heal every chance I can.

And reason I brought it up because people on the thread saying killing us victims it's fucked..

The other 60 percent of us are trying to take these asshole down because most of us didn't get justice and don't want other kids to endure this.

francine_rose ago

You're aware a lot of investigators have been assaulted as children and or adults and trying to save kids and bring people to justice

jenidaninja ago

At some point we as imperfect human beings realize we have a choice ofwhat kind of human we want to be.

Blacksmith21 ago

I am. I'm not saying all victims of pedo go on to be abusers. But I am saying almost all abusers were once victims, I believe.

francine_rose ago

Because science proves your statement wrong And this is damaging to us victims


Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not sure what to say. Your own link is contrary to your statement:

"Method Retrospective clinical case note review of 843 subjects attending a specialist forensic psychotherapy centre.

Results Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11% for non-perpetrators. Of the 96 females, 43% had been victims but only one was a perpetrator. A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator, as was an index of parental loss in childhood.

Conclusions The data support the notion of a victim-to-victimiser cycle in a minority of male perpetrators but not among the female victims studied. Sexual abuse by a female in childhood may be a risk factor for a cycle of abuse in males."

Source: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/179/6/482

francine_rose ago

  1. Myth: Predators were all abused as kids.

Fact: The “cycle of abuse” is more myth than reality. While Child Help notes that it’s true “about 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children,” it’s also important to note that means 70% of abuse survivors will not abuse their own children. Insinuating that “abused people abuse people” only increases the stigma around disclosing and discussing personal experiences of abuse.


Blacksmith21 ago

Operative word "all". I never stated "all". I'm sorry for your pain. We all have pain. Be strong. Move forward. Do good.

Blacksmith21 ago


"There is a widespread belief among professionals working in the field that in boys there is a causal link between involvement in sexual activities with an older person and subsequently becoming an adult perpetrator of child sexual abuse. However, there is little empirical research evidence for this belief. Hence, it is of considerable social, clinical and theoretical importance to ascertain to what extent perpetrators of sexual abuse have themselves been victims; also, if there is a link, to explore the underlying psychodynamics."

francine_rose ago

Can you site your assumptions People take such statements at face value and start to belief this without evidence

conspiracyprincess ago

We need to make an example of these abusers(death penalty), and show the children there is a different way out of this and that our justice system is here to protect them AND BELIEVE THEIR ACCUSATIONS against these sick fucks. The only reason most perpetuate the abuse IS because they feel this is destined for them and no one is defending them so what difference does it make to them later in life.

Fair trial, then hang em!!!!!!!!! RAPING/TOUCHING YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER BE JUSTIFIED!!!! all in favor?

BestRolledAgent ago


3rdTimestheCharm ago

I hate to say this cause it's brutal as hell and I really hate that it needs to be said...you almost have to kill the victims. Most go on to abuse others and its a never ending circle. Maybe that's extreme, but I dunno how else to stop it, counseling doesn't work, cutting dicks off only stops some stuff...I'm open to suggestions I guess.

roundhouse1776 ago

You can't honestly believe this?

francine_rose ago

You are very innacurate in your assumptions! Most of us victims get help and want to save children.

YingYangMom ago

Your comment is not well thought out. My father used to tell me 'turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before you say anything' (to make sure you don't say something stupid that you'll regret later lol).

SturdyGal ago

Truly you must be a shill to say such a thing. With support and therapy there is every chance these children will recover, especially if we destroy this pedo industry.

bopper ago

Plenty make it through fine, I know some that have.

sugarskull ago

Kill the ABUSERS!! The victims are just that--VICTIMS!!

Blacksmith21 ago

The laws on the book are sufficient enough to lock many of these MFers away for a long, long time if convicted. And while I think most of the high level players, if convicted, should be sentenced to death - and then actually executed. Publicly. They cannot be rehabilitated. The one's that do manage to survive a jail sentence, IMO, should have PEDO branded into their forehead and be castrated as a condition of release. (Not sure what to do with females besides brand them, open to ideas)

cakeoflightylight ago

They should never be let out of prison. I say we either kill all the pedos or send them to life without parole, no appeals, no rights. Torture them in Guantanamo for life until they off themselves.

Blacksmith21 ago

Leave them in a holding cell with a single shot pistol for 48 hours before they get on their flight to the newly renovated Trump National GTMO. All completely refitted with the latest in pedo torture facilities operated by Blackwater staff. I'll leave it at that.

3rdTimestheCharm ago

I think you should never be let out, because you will do it again, they don't stop. But I don't want to pay my tax dollars to keep you going, so it's death if you touch a child period in my book.

jenidaninja ago

Adopted huh. Probably adopted to abuse. No excuses. throw away the key.

jenidaninja ago

At some point in life regardless of what we have or haven't been through, we realize we have a choice in what kind of human being we want to be.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

Throw away the key.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

More proof of the intergenerational aspect, well done