Narcissism ago

George Webb is what David Seamen dreams of being but never will be. Just another whiney narcissistic millennial.

rodental ago

Fuck David Seaman.

Rightfight ago

Well , people see it different ways..

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

This clown has the audacity to say he's the victim after all the people he exploited for monetary gain.

Rightfight ago

So Bottom line ,in the war to get Pizzagate exposed ,and to get the public to take a look at this. Do you think the best thing to do is to get shot of David Seaman , attack him and push him away from subject? Or he is better on board? Cos this is all that really matters really? If the objective of this research is to expose these scum . What is gonna help the situation more?

zzvoat ago

Honestly, people who are interested in the David S. just need to take it to another v/ ...v/pizzagatewhatever.

Rightfight ago

Well I suppose Just got to hope Trey Gowdy and Jeff Sessions make some moves Or get some breakthrough somewhere to revive hope.

DeathToMasons ago

He got over the poison quickly. So he needed a break and deleted all his material? Makes no sense. More drama from the drama queen. It is all about him. He revealed nothing yet "they" supposedly look at him as the biggest threat to their freedom, and want him silenced. Laughable. He has almost no knowledge about the facts in the case and all his videos end up about what a victim he is. Constantly talking about his situation. Honeybee doesn't go on about her life and reveals new findings she has researched. David is just self promoting drama. Police cars outside my house, but no evidence of this. I think I am poisoned. I need money for my expanding staff. I need money for my extensive research. He shills for Soros Goldmoney. He tells us they are locking out his paypal. He deletes his videos and stays dark for a couple of measly days and returns to say he is the victim again, but will return.

Enough already. Do some research for the first time, and share it with us. If you want to talk about the same minor evidence that you are aware of from reading the Voat site, go ahead, but don't call it research. And stop telling us how you are a victim. Contribute or go away and stop distracting. And if you go dark again, stay away for longer next time.

PerusingTheOoze ago

If he supplied something other than empty videos full of prolonged verbal monologues and self important vouching for his importance I might care. Pizzagate is real. There are alternatives to Semen.

SleepingCaterpillar ago

@poot_mcGarvey hit it on the spot. And i'm glad to see your message got voted higher. To put it in perspective it was +3 -2 when i saw, and many other threads related to David seaman have seemed rather negative from the past two days.

waxdino ago

Can you people please start your own subverse to obsess about David Seaman and leave v/pizzagate to people that want to actually research and read about pizzagate.

sentryseven ago

Very ironic considering Seaman did virtually zero research and reporting himself.

zzvoat ago


Poot_McGarvey ago

Sleepy was commenting on the downvotes on the post and on your comment. (meaning he agreed with you and thought the people downvoting were shitheads)

I agree. I'm very glad he's alright and I'm happy that he put pizzagate out so loudly in the beginning. I think he helped get the ball rolling and that is great. I just wish he would do a bit more research and breakdown and less responding to detractors and repeating "pizzagate is real".

mrohm ago

I'm anti Zionism, but if he is a Zionist, it has no bearing on Skippy McPizzamap and his pals.

I don't blame him for taking time off. This whole thing is absolutely soul rendering.

zzvoat ago

Zionism? Where does anyone in this thread mention Zionism?

mrohm ago

Seaman does in the video.

adam_danischewski ago

Here is what Seaman is worried about:

"David was not fired from the Huffington Post" - he was an UNPAID blogger:

"and you know, the great thing about controversy, you know, I would protest gravity if I thought it was going to get me BUZZ" - David Seaman, Author of Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz

Roy38 ago

Come on guys, be easy on DS. Without him no one would know about pizzagate. Millions of billions of people know now! Maybe you missed it, but at the super bowl he was on the 50 yard line giving a public announcement about it. Several snipers tried to take him out but he did some ninja gymnastics (which he invented by the way) so they all missed. Davis and his teams of reseachers created voat for all of us, thats why he dosnt talk about it hes modest. His girlfriend of 28 years died in his arms for God's sake, leave david alone!!! He was poisoned 42 different times by crazy huggers and handshakes ok. If it wasn't for all the colloidal gold he was taking that he got from promoting goldbits he'd be gone, gosh!! Buy bitcoin!! 10 swat teams broke into his apartment and stole all of his tweeter followers. just needs a break from all the mental anguish he's suffered from the above events. No one but him could have survived. Fear not, he will be back with his ejaculate investigative reporting soon. I love you DS be back soon,!! LEAVE DAVID ALONE! buy bitcoin, donate. Lost without him.

IlluminatiKing ago

Top kek!

Roy38 ago

You don't choose kek, kek chooses you.

zzvoat ago

Roy 38.. lol.

DeathToMasons ago

"Without him no one would know about pizzagate." Speak for yourself. I was following this on Reddit sometime around election time. Never heard of this guy and only bumped into him after looking for pizzagate material on youtube. Point being that I discoverd it and then he shows up talking about the code words Pizza and hot dog. For weeks on end. Then he threw in some Podesta stuff, and talked about Alefantis a little. That is it. He shared virtually no info and created no research. He did not bring me to the scandal, I found him after looking for info on something I was already aware of. Most could probably say the same. There is no face of PG. Please stop trying to make him some heroic figure. This is NOT about him. It is about PG.

waxdino ago

Several snipers tried to take him out but he did some ninja gymnastics (which he invented by the way) so they all missed.

That really should've tipped you off that this is epic sarcasm.

Proii_Pariah ago

Hahahaha! I'm not sure what's funnier. The obviously facetious and hilarious post by Roy38...or the dead serious replies from the folks who either don't get sarcasm, are devoid of a sense of humor, or didn't read the entire post before reacting. Either way...this little section here sure has me smiling big!

waxdino ago

Thank you.

2BuckChuck ago

I can't watch this guy for 5 seconds anymore. Can't.

gt8h65fg ago

He isn't going to stop red-pilling casual youtube users. Does it hurt? lol...

Rightfight ago

Is there any way the David Seaman question be dealt with ? I don't know if David has any connection to any of the researchers , but would it help in any way ,if David made more shout outs to the key researchers in the Pedogate research. Titus fox etc.. I'm sure there are plenty more. And no I don't think the sun shines out of David Seamans Arse , Just feel an audience the size he reaches is such a mad thing to chuck away . Unfortunately if people don't think he is a genuine guy , the attacks will carry on . Until the air of suspicion is sorted the usual truther infighting will prevail. If pizzagate is gonna ever gome to light then we got to be smart , people have skills in different area's ,we need to use each to our advantage .

blumeanie ago

Am I the only one who finds it so unbelievably frustrating when high profile individuals start praising God as the shining beacon towards truth and salvation for all of humanity? Because I'll tell you one thing right now, if we were to end this investigation and merely put our faith in "God" to show us the way, we're all FUCKED! Keep up the good fight David, but don't count on religion or some bullshit God to be the savior of the human race, that fight begins and ends with us, the people, and us alone. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

mrohm ago

tips fedora

gt8h65fg ago

People have their own characters. Some believe god and some not. God motivates some people to fight pedogate, their own experience motivates some poeple to fight it. It's all good. Quit seeing the world through political correctness glasses.

blumeanie ago

Quit seeing the world through political correctness glasses

I'm completely baffled as to how my comment would lead you to believe I'm a politically correct individual, but thanks for the comment , and no offense, but eat shit.

gt8h65fg ago

It just looked funny to me because you are fighting against people who use whatever way they can to achieve their mission, but you are caring so much detail how your ally execute the result.

blumeanie ago

Maybe it's just the thousands of years or so of pure evil committed in the name of "God" that's turned me into somewhat of a cynic.

sponiatowski ago

He looks better than he has in a long time. Nice to see this here and I'm not really believing the bad press about him anyway.

Rightfight ago

Just seems , not only David Seaman has an Ego , but plenty of researchers . This pizzagate thing is about a selfless thing ,really . It shouldn't be about 'I've done the most research' and 'Why is he getting all the fame and money and not us'. seems as though it's a jealousy thing or envy . We need publicity , whatever we get . The Mainstream press don't cover it ,and pretty much everyone is snubbing it . Don't let the Alefantis Shills revel in the fact we are destroying our sources of publicity.

Rightfight ago

Could it be that the weak minded and weak in faith have been bound by the Satanist Spell which was against all that wish to aid against human trafficking and like? lo;-) Who knows if these spells work but the timing coincides . Time will tell I suppose

SleepingCaterpillar ago

people down voting someones safety is really fucked up, if you really were after pizzagate you would value human lives.

DeathToMasons ago

There is no reason to believe he was ever in any danger. You probably believed he was poisoned I take it? Well, he is back from the dead.

murphy212 ago

Just watched the video. I had no idea Seaman was Jewish. Was this common knowledge? I now understand the constant victim card he's brandishing.

Also, what is he referring to when he says he's being criticized because he's a Zionist? Does someone have a link where he indeed shilled for that horrific pro-apartheid supremacist ideology? Seaman is ridiculous when he says (about criticisim of him being a a Zionist): "I don't know what that means". I don't think the term is ambiguous.

dFrog ago

Good on him.

podestakilledmyson ago

there are A LOT of shills on VOAT who have attacked Seaman, including mods like Millenium_Falcon. All of them are CTR faggots from what I can see.

DeathToMasons ago

There you go again. Stop making Seaman out to be some heroic figure. The reasons we tired of his act have been well documented, but some can't seem to listen. PG is the scandal. Not Seaman gate. His problems don't matter. He is the only one who constantly talks about himself and what he is going through while doing no research. At least Titus Frost goes over tons of evidence, documents it and even creates his own research and counter opinions of his research. Never talks about being followed or poisoned or how badly he is treated. Doesn't delete his videos and ask for money for all his expenses every time. PG does not and should not have any central hero. All we care about is bringing this thing down. Nobody gets glory, we want results.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Seaman exposed himself. I'm not going to shill on him because I'm open to research that's the point of this place. I love you guys and your hard work but Seaman gets many things wrong and outright distorts our findings painting them as if he found them. Opportunist is all he is at the moment and he needs to get his butt in here and research.

2BuckChuck ago

I attacked the shit out of him, because he's a FRAUD.
He has done NOTHING regarding the work that a lot of people have done to try and get to the truth. He's a frickin FRAUD. He only "reported" what others discovered, and took donations for their efforts (all the while telling us incessantly that he was a "reporter"). Then he exploited a whole new group, the religious members who were now told by David that he was doing "god's work".
In one week David went from claiming that the elite protected high ranking members of society were committing heinous acts against innocent children, and because he was saying this, he and his finances were attached, and frozen, respectively. Then the very next week, he posts a video of himself grinning like a goddam goof, at the EPITOME of events for the elite, protected, high ranking members of our society, the goddam super bowl. In one week. From destitute to the penthouse. One week.

He fooled me for a few weeks, but no more.

And I'm no shill.

podestakilledmyson ago

I watch the superbowl and I love football. Does that mean I support pedos? Your logic is fucking retarded.

2BuckChuck ago

It means (stay with me ok, put down the mug of stupid and keep up), that 5 days prior, he was whining on video of having his funds locked and seized, and the next fucking week, hes at the goddam superbowl, where the CHEAPEST tickets, were over 2 grand. Yeah, that makes sense. And I bet that stadium was disproportionately represented with pedos, IF the "elite" in our society are into this shit, as it seems all the reports are saying. You know, Hollywood types, etc............ You just don't have a beautiful mind, is all.
I'll help.

Roy38 ago

You didn't even mention that he's on vacation in L.A. (of all places) right now. My bet is he heads to D.C. next.

2BuckChuck ago

Buy him a ticket to Japan and throw his ass into reactor #2 at Fukushima.

Millennial_Falcon ago

That's a load of bull. I didn't attack Seaman. I only responded to a misleading tweet he made. Basically he claimed we were unfairly censoring him, while actually I only removed his post because it didn't follow the rules. Then I invited him repeatedly to repost it with a link to his twitter to satisfy Rule 4, which he never did, so I finally reposted it for him.

toldProperly ago

there are also a lot of us that have been here since the beginning and see through DS's bullshit. you don't have to be a shill to see how DS's relentless self promotion and opportunism does not help our cause.

gt8h65fg ago

care to elaborate his "self promotion"?

toldProperly ago

sure. many other actual PG researchers are publishing real self generated content related to the investigation, but david seaman's videos (including this one) are more about himself (and his claimed 'fans') than the victims. he continues to utilize his published strategies for self promotion to generate controversy and ad youtube/patreon revenue by hijacking the attention PG is getting. it is fascinating to see in this video how he again states that his attackers are accusing him of promoting sales of 'an out of print textbook on internet marketing' which no one has ever claimed... but he is rightly being called out for utilizing his published playbook of self is this not obvious to you? remember his own words "'I would protest gravity if I thought it's gonna get me buzz.'"

here is a bonus david seaman self promotion stunt, the time in 2012 when he announced he was running for congress and raised funds for his campaign. as you can see from the responses to the reddit AMA post he made at the time people weren't buying the self promotion then either:

Reddit, I'm a non-politician running for United States Congress to defend Internet freedom, right to trial, reduce police state craziness, and be a voice of relative sanity in D.C. AMAA.

gt8h65fg ago

So then why do people watch "more about himself" video which you claimed? People shouldn't watch it because it was "more about himself "?

And if he is "hijacking the attention PG is getting" then why people still watching his youtube? People should stop watching it because you pointed out it was "hijacking the attention PG is getting?

No one watch his youtube if it is boring. That's how youtube is working. That's how young generation browsing through youtube. That's is how pewdiepie became famous among young people. As long as it is redpilling those people, I see not issue there. Far better than Hollywood keeps bluepilling millennials.

EndThePizza ago

Not to mention he had an "inside source" that guaranteed big name arrests on a specific day, which still have yet to occur. He certainly doesn't have any credibility left.

DeathToMasons ago

And he says he was proven right because the unrelated arrest of Sandusky. He just never stops the BS.

SleepingCaterpillar ago

millenium falcon seems to me like someone working against pizzagate too. Deletes very relevant posts. Glad David's okay and with friends

Millennial_Falcon ago

All I do is enforce our submission rules. All of us mods catch shit from shills and whiners who don't want to follow simple rules; I just happen to be the mod who is available to mod most often.

V____Z ago

yep yep yep.

chelseaclinton ago sheds light on why all of a suddent people publicly speaking about PG are being attacked and "discredited". tldr; Mike Adams the Health Ranger and webmaster of many health, Trump, and general news sites bribed then threatened to badmouth Alex Jones or he'll be destroyed. Timing coincides with attacks on Milo and David Seaman. Coordinated effort.