ObamaFAG1 ago

why bother a mod? you posted this "I am closely entertwined with the Military Industrial Complex and use this knowledge to point people here to what is intriguing. Initially I had put a team on studying this but it's unethical for me to use policy advisors to study such a topic" Wanna talk about needing mental help...LMAO

ObamaFAG1 ago

Nah, I'm just pointing out the fact that you are delusional and "closely entertwined with the Military Industrial Complex and use this knowledge to point people here to what is intriguing. Initially I had put a team on studying this but it's unethical for me to use policy advisors to study such a topic" THAT SHIT IS SO FUNNY!!! You can't even spell... Please, please tell us more about your military, industrial "entertwined" group... LOL

ObamaFAG1 ago

I rest my case. The Doctor will see you now.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Your friends on facebook are looking for you.

ObamaFAG1 ago

ask your "Team of intelligence staff" Remember, YOU are "closely entertwined with the Military Industrial Complex and use this knowledge to point people here to what is intriguing. Initially I had put a team on studying this but it's unethical for me to use policy advisors to study such a topic" LMFAO GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!

ObamaFAG1 ago

"a small subset" you can't count your parrot and poodle as "a small subset" its against Voat rules. Carry on, take 2 Advil and call your Doctor immediately.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Just have you "staff of intelligence agents" take care it the problem. Facebook is calling you now hack.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Oh yea, mrs "high level" I have an intelligence team blah blah. You need to get back on your meds and stay on facebook.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I dont think anybody said you were trying to sell that book, just that you literally wrote a book on self promotion, and they say you're showing narcissistic tendencies.

ObamaFAG1 ago


Gothamgirl ago

You're awesome David! Thank you for getting the information out , and being a strong voice for these victims!

murphy212 ago

Eva: yes there is.


David, good job, keep up the good work. You're not technically a "pizzagate researcher", more an ambassador, a vulgarizer, a democratizer. That's alright, we need those (badly). Producers still usually don't like advertisers, they feel they earn undue glory. That's alright too.

If I kindly may, some quick advice: 1) stop referring to people following you as your "fans", 2) stop talking about yourself in your videos, 3) stop getting offended for what people you don't know have to say about you, and 4) you don't need that ad/announcement at the end of the videos, it's very annoying - if you want to include the woman include her really.

Rhino7682 ago

Why do you support israel?they are neck deep in trafficking of organs,drugs,who knows what else along wth numerous atrocities and treatys broken

Singleservename ago

He's not trying to raise awareness. He's trying to DIRECT awareness toward the Alex Jones type of gullible morons to be ridiculed by the public.

If he were concerned about the pedo elites and the children they hurt he'd do some research himself -after all he passes himself off as a journalist.

But he won't because he isn't. He's a lowlife viewwhore smearing us all with his senseless low info rants. We don't need awareness like that.

BertieMcDuffy ago

David was your twitter hacked when you posted all that stuff about antarctica?ยจ

Oh nevermind, the account is deleted :p

Lawrence13 ago

I think people are being very unfair here and possibly it's due to the anti climax around the arrests. I note one criticism was that supported Trump and then turned against Trump. Haven't we all had mixed feelings about how innocent or uncompromised Trump is? I'm in the UK but was rooting for Trump in the election because I felt the support was more about people being sickened by corruption on both sides of the aisle and would have voted for Trump as an independent. When the weekend passed with no arrests I was totally pissed off with Trump and those that trusted him to drain the swamp.

Now after a situation in America that has to be unprecedented I realise that Trump is up against rep and Dems and more than likely all led by a pedo/Satanist cabal with many compromised top people who do NOT want this information revealed. Even though Trump has not to my knowledge raised #pizzagate openly he has however savagely attacked the Satanist cabals biggest ruling device -the main stream media. All of these briefly exposed shit houses are desperate to get back to normal, lose #pizzagate, reinstate the MSM, Hollywood, politics and silence the american people who voted and realize that something fundamentally is wrong.

This whole tumultuous episode in world history being played out in the most powerful seat of power in the world has only been raging a couple of months and yet everyone is quick to turn on David Seaman we are all in a state of awe, anxiety , anger and frustration so let's not sacrifice our own so readily. I don't know David I mean the bastard has never yet replied to one of my tweets ;-) but I cannot bare to see this hatchet job on him which seems worse than the treatment Alefantis received. People are throwing all sorts of rubbish at Seaman who has responded very emotionally to recent events and I take that as because he cares which in my book speaks of being genuine.

V____Z ago

alrighty then thanks for the advice.

V____Z ago

What is it that everyone saying this shit has been a member for only a few hours?

Tell Brock we said hi. And to FUCK OFF.

detcmon ago

David, I follow you on Twitter and have since early Pizzagate days. But you really need to slow your roll. The constant curse words and super aggression is making other Pizzagate researchers pull back from you. I understand your passion, as I share that with you.

Lawrence13 ago

And what other Journalist on this story meets with your approval

redditsuckz ago

Nope...just the thread was deleted.

Z11Mama ago

The first time I tried to comment it was denied. Said post deleted.

David Seaman has contributed to pizzagate. We all need to appreciate this. Time spent analyzing this man is time taken away from the kids. If you don't like David, ignore him. Move on and focus on helping.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Honestly, I don't care if he complains or not. The more people out there talking about Pizzagate the better!

oftotc ago

30 minutes and 30+ comments into this farce and not one of you citizen journalists have demanded proof that the person using this brand new account is actually who he says he is. That is blind faith folks and a really bad investigative practice.

NikitaVerite ago

Well this is fascinating. Good to see you on here. We all want to have faith in you, but of course you have to understand that it's VERY difficult to know who to trust these days. I didn't feel it was personal attack on you, but rather, a skeptical perspective. I had sent you info about Caris James, because in your latest video you didn't seem to have any info about her. You keep doing you, and don't let the skeptics get you down - we're not being skeptical to be assholes. We're just trying to protect ourselves and protect the legitimacy of the research that goes on with regards to this very real, and world-wide problem.

Amyamy ago


Several have suggested to call your attention to a synchronized mass meditation/prayer day coming up to bring down pedos, and it is gaining traction: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1650925

We would appreciate it if you mentioned this in one of your videos. And I don't know if it is a good idea to mention voat specifically.

ThePoorPeople ago

Just steer clear of any weightlifting equipment and try not to stab yourself in the heart with two different knives on accident.

Real though, stay safe.

crazimal ago

but why are you pretend to journalist? so much easy selling cheesy books online!

if you want to journalist write good prose, me write like monkey or i would.

just sayin

BTW if more youtube please shave and maybe a boobjob would help?

witch_doctor1 ago

Did you just email me about some Russian viagra?

quantokitty ago

In order for this amount of vilification and venom to be spewed.means that you did something right.

Congrats. Be proud of that alone, and that you went against the media-created tide mocking pizzagate by treating child abuse/human trafficking with the seriousness it deserves.

4warned ago

I think you've done well for Pizzagate. Be careful of pride.

DarkMath ago

illegitimi non carborundum David. We're all with you and appreciate your work. You are a true American hero.

very minor note, totally non-confrontationly put, when you plug Gold be more open about who's paying, maybe introduce it with something like "forgive me but i gotta pay the rent" if you know what i mean. everyone will understand. that's the only thing i'd change.

ivoaterd ago

You talk about yourself too much. You are a douchebag even if doing good. There is no reason your identity ever had to be known. I just realized it is because of your name. I'm sorry for whatever you went through as a kid. You need to grind those chips off your shoulder. Build some character.

awarenessadventurer ago

why do you keep posting about poor you and attacks? THERE ARE CHILDREN BEING HARMED. do the work. move on. who gives a flying F if you are being criticized. WHO ISNT? if you go into this ugly horror show it goes with the territory. Buck Up Buddy. tired of hearing about it... put that energy into coming up with some real dirt on these satanic creeps. then i will listen.

Hooliganscat ago

I think the role you are playing is that of the attack dog. This is a needed role. I don't see much reporting, but I do see a vocal and aggressive voice that is needed. I would recommend that if major media ever wants to interview you to turn them down.

witch_doctor1 ago

Hey David, glad to see you here and thank you. Hope you stop by more often. The good news about your ganglion cyst is that it popped...should heal up and go away permanently. What sucks is when they won't pop...surgery is not even recommended anymore because they almost always come back.

And yes, that post about you was an obvious wall of text character assassination attempt. You have consistently called out PG when others were scared to touch it. As far as you getting paid through Patreon..capitalism is cool, and I think it is a brilliant move. That is what true independent journalism is...you have individual consumers that are willing to pay for your content. We will see more of this as more people realize how the MSM censors news and cut the cable cord.

Now that Rogan was red-pilled by AJ on Pizzagate...any plans for you to go back on his podcast?

privatepizza ago

You certainly do bring the shills out around here David! Seems to me that an army of unknown users are out to divide us. We should stick together. Keep shouting PG.

ObamaFAG1 ago

David, unfortunately there are a bunch of losers on here who have no job and nothing better to do but collect food stamps and attack anything that moves. Additionally, as I scroll down I see the usual douchbags, shills and pedos commenting including @evaeverywhere IGNORE them! You have been very clear that you are NOT a researcher but these homos only hear what they want to hear. Keep it the good work and thank you for putting your life on the line for the children. God bless you brother.

Chasnigga ago

Fear not, David. Or anyone else for that matter. The truth, ugly as it is, has to come to light. We absolutely cannot give in to threats, criticism, dead ends, shills, trolls, whatever. Keep going.

redditsuckz ago

So are you a Talmudist? And do you practice Judaism? And do you care to address the George Soros/Goldmoney.com connection which you promote every week?

islandofdelight ago

His situation is that many people constantly feel the need to post attacks on him. He is not perfect, but he is trying to help. It seems the complainers are crying the hardest.

PromiseKeeper ago

david's ok leave him alone

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Keep it up David, get the word out!
"But do mention us investigators in voat a bit in your video, we do a lot of work on this." Thanks for dropping by David. Cheers!

nowiknow ago

Its not paid attacks. Good try though.

Pizzagate is real.

But when you go on twitter and act like you're gonna die every week, and that theres ppl out to get you, when all you do is post a couple videos fluffed with nonsense and 10% of research that you took, no one is gonna kill you. You're doing that because ppl are gonna worry, and you'll get more followers. It works. You know it. But you're manipulating people.

David is reaching ppl, but he could reach three times the amount if he didn't act like a useful idiot, and his cries of wolf.

At this point you are a useful idiot, like Alex Jones almost.

You literally deleted your twitter account for like 8 hours, reactivated it, then blamed twitter for suspending you. So where's the screenshot of them suspending you for your tweets? (You dont have it, cause it never happened.) You claimed twitter stole your followers. But in reality, when someone deletes their own account, and reactivates, they start at 0 and slowly regain them over the hour. Which happened to you.

You constantly spam twitter with findings from "sources" which you cannot name, which are wrong 90% of the time. You even go by 4chan sources which are wrong 90% and tweet it as fact.

David, if you're going to appoint yourself as leader of pizzagate, you cannot tweet baseless findings and only use your following to shout things that we already know. All you tweet is "JOHN PODESTA IS PEDOPHILE SATANIST WE WILL HANG YOU." "CLINTON YOU'RE GOING DOWN WE WON."

then you tweet stuff like "I'm done reporting on pizzagate." every week, but you literally start again in hours.

You are recruiting ppl on the pizzagate movement who only want to hear emotional cries, and not facts. You need to focus on facts and use your following to educate.

Tweet research, but factual research. You're making almost 60,000/year on donations and all you do is cry wolf, and say JP is a pedophile.

If anyone wants to read seaman's history, and why a lot of us are fed up with this guy,, go here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1650713

I'm not paid.. I've been here researching pizzagate before Seaman gained a following from it. Back when wikileaks released that first batch.

This fair criticism of David will be used by David to manipulate his followers that we are paid, and he is the good guy, and that this criticism is unfair. He will use it to create more buzz. He is already doing it look (he literally just posted this min ago and claims his response is being censored. No david upvotes take time and it wont be as high as others if u posted it 6 min ago idiot): https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/832275263568240640

Pizzagate is real.. but seaman is distracting and playing a useful idiot for views.

EDIT: maybe you didnt say your the leader of pgate, but you love to relish the fact that you are "in the history books" and you'll be "famous worldwide" for your coverage. lol. you also talk about how ppl say you invented the term pgate. but u know u didnt.

Lawrence13 ago

Why is Seaman distracting, he came out in only the last several months as being absolutely convinced that #pizzgate was a real phenomenon and went a lot further bring many people into it, he actually brought a sane and rational perspective to the whole event and gave it credibility . I get the impression that there are some petty jealous people here who were waiting the opportunity the have a nasty go at the bloke, We were all pissed off at no arrests and yes David in his self -assuredness believed and took many with him; that arrests would be made. He got it wrong, he possibly got stitched up yet all the vitriol as if he was John Podesta. I really don't get it. There are some very mischeivous forces at work here

Lawrence13 ago

So if someone truly believes that justice is going to be done and it isn't its acting like a usefull idiot . Jesus he possibly got stiched up yet you are treating him like he owns a chain of Comet Ping Pongs

David_Seaman ago

Hold on a second, I have NEVER labeled myself the leader of Pizzagate research. Never. Nowhere. Not even once. Not the position or lifestyle I want for myself. Very happy with my life as it is now, as a popular vlogger.

Yet you wrote: "David, if you're going to appoint yourself as leader of pizzagate, you cannot tweet baseless findings."

This makes the rest of your post uninteresting to me, because you are a liar.

I've never appointed myself as such, don't think I'm qualified, don't think it's something one can even appoint themselves to... the research community is decentralized and voluntary.

I've put in what I thought was necessary to take this to the next level, and I won't apologize for my style on Twitter or anywhere else- yes, I agree, it is at times an incendiary and adversarial style. We are dealing with people and institutions who deserve an adversarial approach, not a friendly one. We've gone beyond friendly.

redditsuckz ago

@Millennial_Falcon removed 8 minutes ago on 2/16/2017 5:31:30 PM

"rule 4 (if you're really Seaman, please repost with verification pic)"

For some reason the resident mod here in his infinite wisdom decided to post that in the removed submissions section where you will never see it. So post a pic proving its you and kindly remake the thread so we can all call you out again....:)

witch_doctor1 ago

"You're making almost 60,000/year on donations and all you do is cry wolf, and say JP is a pedophile."

So? Is there something wrong with capitalism? I hope he's making 120K soon. That 60K comes from individual consumers that are willing to pay for his content. If you don't like it don't watch..simple.

lude ago

Agreed 100%

Singleservename ago

So it's all about David Seaman once again. Not the kids, not the pedo power structure or plain ol' research, just sickening kikeface Seaman leeching off other's work and suffering.

You do nothing whatsoever to further the investigation. You only whine and bitch about yourself without ever getting your hands dirty with journalistic work, and you muddy the waters with your Alex Jones type tripe.

You are a fraud, a charlatan and a pizzagate profiteer. I for one hope you die a painful death along with the rest of them.


ObamaFAG1 ago

singleservePlateFullofDICK, David Seaman puts his FUCKIN live on the line for this cause and some basement dwelling pedophile like you wants to attack him. Go back to your kiddie porn fecal breath.

Singleservename ago

Well ur handle checks out.

Go eat hawaiian hotdogs homokike

ObamaFAG1 ago

Ok Barry

David_Seaman ago

This is an unusual reply to the information I have published above. I'm replying to a specific attack against my character, so yes, it's going to be about me. I've credited other researchers wherever possible and desired; in most cases my research comes directly from the Wikileaks emails, which I read through and analyzed myself, with the help of a research assistant. And in many cases people contacting us with leads don't want their names to be credited - if you see that someone wants credit for something and I haven't given it, as always, please direct me to it. I'm trying to do a great job here, and give this story the air time it deserves - many others, even within independent media, have not done that yet.

Also I am not a Pizzagate "profiteer." I have a Patreon, I barely promote it, the funds from it go toward legitimate production expenses and toward my assistant, whose workload is considerable. I was recently at the Super Bowl as some character attacks have noted; I was there with a free ticket, and my lodging/flight was paid for. Like others, I do not think that a Super Bowl ticket would be an appropriate use of the money people are contributing through Patreon.

Singleservename ago

I, I'm, me, I , mine, my, I'm a.i.

All about you again and again. Look if you were just another self-centered narcissistic kikeface asshole I could just leave you to your goy baiting greedy fuckery.

But this is about pizzagate in which I've invested a lot of time and effort only to see the likes of you smearing the cause with shitposts, and profiteering with views and ads, all the while bitchibg about yourself.

You see in a way people like you are worse than pedos. Maybe you don't fuck kids yourself, but you sure as hell want to make a name for yourself over their dead bodies.

You disgust me at least as much.

Melitica ago

When someone is attacked with you, you, you....they have to defend with I, me, mine...

johnson444 ago

David Seaman is a Russian hacker !!

He hacked the American election !!

He also hacked the Brexit vote in the UK !!!

His family is Russian too !!

Don't listen to him !!!

Womb_Raider ago

Seaman, you have a bad habit of sitting there and saying "Pizzagate is real!" and not really citing evidence in videos as if viewers have seen all of your prior work... I think this is bad practice. Otherwise I don't have many critiques, just make sure not to claim others' investigatory work as your own.

Keep up the good work, we're going to blow the lid off this thing.

snooooze ago

Keep doing your thing man people can change, but understand the position you're in. Understand that a company you promote is backed by George Soros. Understand that Bitcoin is FIAT currency and couldn't be recommended outside of pure speculation.

Be a role model man. We're familiar with disinformation, and counter intelligence techniques. As much time as you have spent on PizzaGate in sure you can understand our speculation.

David_Seaman ago

Bitcoin is a phenomenal breakthrough. The publicly traded gold company you're referring to anyone can invest in. I use them because their markup is lower than coin shops, neither of which has to do with Pizzagate.

I covered Pizzagate because no one else was doing it. Gold, bitcoin, civil liberties, philosophy.... those are the topics I prefer vlogging about, and had been vlogging about before this story came out.

snooooze ago

Bitcoin is not a phenomenal breakthrough...

Bitcoin is a encrypted currency backed by nothing but faith. It's being scooped up the same way gold was by banks who are hedging their bet.

Banks would love people to switch to Bitcoin. Another currency they own a ton of and can manipulate. Not to mention as soon as someone breaks the code they can steal all the BTC.

This presents the same problem with your gold company. Doesn't matter that anyone can invest. When one of the primary investors is George Soros we don't want that to do well.

murphy212 ago

Sorry, but you are wrong on Bitcoin. Just so you understand: Bitcoin is mathematically sound (crypto), distributed (involves no central authority), anonymous (the blockchain is public but addresses anonymous), and open source (its code is trustworthy). It bypasses all institutions, banks, central banks, and other government politburos (it is not fiat money, as fiat means government decree).

Crypto-currencies are the way to the denationalisation of money, i.e. separation of money and state. This is the #1 challenge of our generation. It is the sole and only way to stop the wars & abuse.

Distributed, open source crypto-currencies are the perfect medium of exchange. Gold is the perfect store of value. Fiat (government) money is the worse of everything.

MolochHunter ago

Thanks for dropping by, David

I been telling the attackers, the only thing that matters ultimately is how you treat the evidence, and all evidence is you've been very vocal about it. I've said on here if ANYONE can point to an important damning piece of paedo-proof that David is falsely debunking then sure, hoist David on is petard.

But demonstrably you have only supported the evidence. And so whatever else you have going on in your life, in your past, on the topic of Pizzagate you are this movement's ally

thanks for sticking your head up above the parapet for the kids

PizzaGate711 ago

Attackers are either shills or complete idiots. I notice the hype against you comes hard when something major breaks. COS - Interpol blocked Million Kids website out of California today. Things really are heated up.
And thank YOU for all that you have done to expose the truth with Pizzagate.

nomorepepperoni ago

Alright, just don't flame us on Twitter anymore. It's one thing to gripe at the shills, and another to set fire to the whole house because of a spider in the closet.

Also, please understand that not everyone who asked for your source was just shilling--some just wanted to know who was making you out to look foolish.

Anyway, hope your hand gets better! Hang tough.

David_Seaman ago

Thanks :)

e-traiu ago

David, ur a hero

iwokeup ago

First of all, thanks for covering pizzagate. The more attention that can be brought to it the better.


I think people are getting weary of being told "OMG!!1! Arrests HAPPENEING Tomorrow!!!!!!!" and weary of reports of reports of reports something is about to happen. So your recent tweet about high level arrests happening before midnight or early the next day was just another letdown in a long line of letdowns for people who are waiting for something big to happen.

I'm sure you can at least understand how that would be frustrating and cause people to question you, right?

David_Seaman ago

Jerry Sandusky's son was arrested, and it received prompt national media attention from the likes of the Associated Press and many others. My source turned out to be correct. In the future, I will not be sharing timelines from any sources with the public.

nowiknow ago

Lol. But you say these predictions every other day. And Sandusky son is not high level. Medium-level maybe. High level = DNC/Political Person/Podesta/Alefantis.

You can't claim your sources are true when you were wrong the other 15 times.

witch_doctor1 ago

It kinda looks like things are happening the opposite of what everybody expected. I was hoping to see HRC in orange by Jan. 10...but it looks like they are working from the bottom up. The European Adoption Agency raid and potentially related NH Alderman arrest looks like they are definitely making their way up the chain IMO.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks David. As a 'thought leader' that makes sense.

iwokeup ago

Are you sure that is who your source was referring to, or was it a lucky coincidence?

fetuspizza ago

I think lucky coincidence. I think the issue with the Deep State vs. Trump Admin going on right now, is halting any major arrest of high level individuals. I would think Trump would want full attention on these arrests of these "Deep State" leakers, before putting full attention to the Pizzagate related arrests.

Do we need to wait for Gorsuch for any of these folks to be indicted? Or is Sessions the last in the chain needed? I know Comey isn't going to play ball. He needs to go.

gangpressorliber ago

Tactically smart... We want to catch them all

dreamdigital ago

It's cool David. Most the people in that thread that was made don't agree with what was being said. It's shills that have upvoated it. I feel like people just don't know who to trust anymore so the reach for the person who is in the limelight. People don't get it, you're doing this full time so you have to make money somehow to survive. And if it gets a bunch bad guys exposed in the process go for it. You're also protecting yourself like we all are, but I appreciate too how you share your concerns with everyone.

gangpressorliber ago

Hey Keep on it bro! I don't Care if your a Douche! SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!!

gangpressorliber ago

I'm a douche he's a douche your a douche we're all douches Hey!

hyderflare ago

Keep doing your thing David, it's clear that voat has been infiltrated. We will NOT be deterred.

Thrulkggls ago

Don't let them get to you. David. Your response is what they seek...don't honor the attacks with a reply.