Saibra ago

I prayed like heck last night at midnight. I tried to put a veil of security out there for those in the know. After that I had nasty dreams all night, about Podesta and witches. Sounds crazy, but I'm an empath. I feel things. At 11:00 est., I will mediatate. I'm with you all, just trying to help the best way I can.

SatnamWaheguru ago

11 is a satanic number. Why 11? And 22, 33 being multiples of 11. Are you a freemason?

ScottRockview ago

Just want to point something out:

What you are suggesting is very good, but it might be hard for good people like us to focus on as it is focusing on the BAD side. Hear me out. While arresting these monsters is good, we all know subconsciously that being arrested is bad, and for good people to wish something bad on another is difficult. If we all focused on "living in a world free of pedopbiles", we get the same result, but are able to focus on the good side of this, which will make it stronger.

ActivistAngel ago

Beautiful. I will get it on the Seattle TV show. Here is my show with Kevin Annett from Wed.

Scoundrel ago

On my birthday! I'm definitely on board!

DriftingDevoid ago

I'm spreading this to all my spiritual friends! Great initiative.

Mageant ago

As coincidence will have it, there is a solar eclipse on February 26th and although this does not coincide on the exact same day, we will also be able to take advantage of that energy being only 1 day off. I have felt the energy of such events also the day before and after.

FearlessFreep ago

I suspect many people who haven't prayed since they were children, if not for their entire lives, will pray for this. If we are going to do this, we may as well do it the right way, from the heart, not the head. Prayer isn't about thinking, it's about feeling. Gregg Braden has been writing books about reconciling ancient spiritual beliefs with modern advanced science for decades, here is a summary of his findings, the correct way to pray:

Rightfight ago

Not religious myself , but will be taking part!

NCocy ago

You know what really makes a difference? Mass suicide. Try it, it's free.

NCocy ago

So pizzagaters are insane.

sponiatowski ago

Allegedly a prayer chain kept a frozen Minnesota girl named Jean Hilliard alive after nearly freezing to death in the snows of Minnesota. This can't hurt and may even help. I'm setting my alarm and will be burning incense to help me meditate. That'll be 10:11am thru 10:33am for me here in Chicago. Remember to check your time zone.

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

Fuck this shit. This is where I draw the line. Don't inject quasi-spiritual meaning into what is an otherwise logical and structured investigation please.

This is the point at which your movement's momentum gets subverted by people promoting a political agenda, a water filter, a religion, a privacy screen for your computer monitor, etc.

I'm not buying into it even if it is some feel-good spiritual wah-wah.

Sorry to be the downer but fuck that shit.

finska ago

Yes this is a really wonderful idea. I pray for all of these children and everyone on planet earth infected with this satanic virus every night. (I'm not christian but I believe in the power of love and conscious consciousness). I think it is probably just as important albeit difficult to pray for the perpetrators too as they must be existing in a living hell-literally! Many of them will have been victims too which is the only way most peoples brains could become cracked enough to do this to children. I have imagined that little boy from the shower torture clip may have just as easily been HRC or GB when they were little and this helps me feel compassion to everyone affected. I pray for the cycle of abuse to stop and the infection to be healed with love. Don't get me wrong I do also want to see these people pay for their crimes in jail or possibly the death sentence after a fair trial (I have never believed in capital punishment until now). Ultimately exterminating this infection might be the only way to stop it. The death sentence may be the most compassionate ending we can hope for however we can't do it with hate in our hearts or we will be just as bad as them and the infection wins.

BackAgain ago

Meme and Kek Magic worked for Donald Trump why cant Prayer and Mass Meditation work to catch the pedos?

Ill make sure to pray at that time

Elwoodblues ago

I am on board. Prayer is the answer. We fight powers and principality's in this world. This is the tool we were given for this fight. I am brand new to VOAT.... came over from Drudge. These acts are evil incarnate. We can take back our Country.

Stknstnz ago

Tried to post this as its own thread but it was nixed, which I understand. Offering it here, instead.Just finished a book connected with the Pedogate scandal. It's called Cosmic Trigger by Anton Wilson and it's referenced, in a way, by a JA-produced short film called Chapel Perilous. I recommend it highly for a couple reasons: It's obviously good to understand the reality of a person you're investigating. The book talks about sex magick, LSD, Crowley, and glances at pedophilia. I think I might finally understand what they think the endgame is for fucking babies. I think they are wrong, but there is a logic to it, if you are purely without empathy, and "Do what thou wilt" may be the central idea of what these people believe. So if you want to understand what they may be trying to accomplish on a spiritual level, read the book. I'd be curious to hear your opinion.

However, if you are depressed and scared at the prospect of demon worshippers running the planet and murdering everyone, the book also offers solace. I have a feeling that these monsters have simply been coopted by a force of evil. Luckily, the book also exposes the equal possibility of tangible forces for good. And from the way our community is behaving, I think we're awake and in touch with these forces.

Stknstnz ago

I'm in

Makingspace1 ago

Great idea...i was actually going to start a similar campaign but Ill be happy just to jump on to yours.

ohraion ago

I'm in. This is the least i could do!

zo34 ago

I'll vouch for His kindness. I will also vouch for His judgment. He says "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” and "Vengeance is mine".

There are people who do some very evil things. We may not catch all of them, but when the time comes they will suffer for what they have done.

shakethetree ago

Thank you for arranging this. It is crucial at this time to be compassionately witnessing such darkness. This is what we are in effect doing by becoming aware of the truth. It is not for the faint of heart. We must maintain our "spiritual house" by connecting to the deep and profound wellspring of love. Prayers for the children and human beings is incredibly important. All beings must be freed of such suffering. The stronger we become, the more succinctly the greater awareness can spread.

cheetoboat ago

If you are a christian i would suggest fasting too. (these only come out through fasting & prayer)

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I'm not advocating for the eradication of religion.

I would like for believers to come down off of their moral high-horse, but I can do nothing about that. You are taught that non-believers are selfish and this and's not entirely your fault (although I would encourage a more open mind).

Presonally, I don't try to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat and expect the same in return.

Live and let live.

AugustaJulia ago

I am on board!

Silverlining ago Sand Mandala courtesy of @MasterLucifer

Were you the daughter of the Empress Livia?

Smyrtz ago

The manifestation of intention.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

33 and 3 11s. Clearly a freemason fucking with you.

HighFlyingRambo ago

And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them,'why do you stand here idle all day?' They said to him,'Because no one has hired us.' He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard too' Matthew 20: 6-7

eleventh hour the last number before the 12th hour?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

why are you using freemasonry numbers to carry this out?

HighFlyingRambo ago

What Time Should we do this then ?

I liked Muslim Guys skepticism as well. Someone commented saying with our collective meditation and prayers at that time we are saying no to evil. Rid them of our reality!

demoTheGorgon ago

Do this with strong intent and focus people. No half assing it. I've always been dubious about these kind of things, but after a bunch of the stuff I've read this past year, IF I am willing to entertain this, everything I've read implies it is about intense human will-to-power. No TV and snacks on the couch.

Also Friday evening is when 4chan "insider" said the real tumult would begin so what's with the timing?

Again, take with grain of salt, etc... fuckin hell what timeline is this lol

Amyamy ago

I have also gone through periods of seeing 11:11. Seems to be a phenomenon. I also believe it is a message to us.

4warned ago

Great idea. Prayer to fight the spiritual evil . I'm going to add fasting. To counteract the physical evils committed by these pedos. For this can only get out through prayer and fasting.

Amyamy ago

Seaman just posted on voat a half-hour ago- I put a link to this thread. Hopefully he will read it.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I love this idea! As a Christian prayer has actually worked for me. The key is to Trust. I want to thank everyone on this board for everything they've done so far, and for their continued dogged pursue of these pedos. You've done amazing work so far, and at GREAT personal risk to yourselves and your families. People that previously didn't believe in Pizzagate are starting to believe, also, look at HUGE number of pedophile's recently arrested. That's ALL because of this board, and all its members REFUSING to let Pizzagate die! I wish I was more computer savvy, and could help all of you, but I count you all as my friends and if you need my help, please let me know.

Amyamy ago

my understanding of the number 11:11 is that it is significant spiritually. I went through a phase where I saw this number almost daily (such as looking at the clock right when it turned) which prompted my curiosity. I've read a range of things such as it being a "gateway" to the heavens and spiritual help. I've also seen it mean that spirit guides are trying to get your attention and to start paying attention. Regardless, it is symbolically spiritually more powerful than some of the other numbers, and there is no evil associated with it.

I'm not sure why it is suppose to last 22 minutes, to 33 however. I would guess given the intent of the post, that again in number symbology double numbers have more power.

Mageant ago

22 = 11 + 11, so it's basically a repeat of 11:11. Also 22 minutes is a reasonable amount of time to meditate/pray for most people, not too short and not too long.

Amyamy ago

Awesome idea, on my calendar. This whole pizzagate deal has renewed a lot of people's faith... it is only pure evil that can do these sick, dark acts on children and flaunt it in our faces. I never thought of myself as religious, spiritual yes, but I now have more faith closer to the traditional sense. To those that wonder how a god could allow these things, you might want to think about the possibility that there is little direct interference in this world. God influences the outcome of the world through faith... and we are free will beings. We are a spiritual experiment through human expression. Humans have chemicals and emotions and baser struggles that amplify the spiritual experience.

Amyamy ago

and to add, there was a national prayer week that took place the week before the election.... JUST SAYIN'

ConcernedParent2 ago

If he just made us and decided to never interfere, then why would I worship him? There is clear abuse in our world and its been going on since forever. A few well off people manage to stay in power and reap the benefits while billions suffer and never see a happy day. Lots of people clearly have more "free will" than others, how is that fair? The concept of "Free will" only works if everyone is on a level playing field, which is obviously not the case.

Sorry, but if God is real then he is not a loving God.

DeSales ago

I know it's hard to imagine that A loving God would allow this to happen . But from my Christian point of view it explains why Christ suffered as he didn't he suffered and took our own pain upon himself. And don't think for a second he has forgetten about one child who is a victim here. He is there right now there with them and suffering with them. Just as St.John said "i love now not i but Christ lives in me." As one priest who explained his childhood abuse " it wasn't i who suffered but Christ in me" God is here with us and with those children . It is up to our free will why some people do heinous acts. But they were be judged accordingly and those children will experience life eternity.

lude ago

Reap the benefits of what? The ability to molest children? Having money in your life? But we all die don't we? Does that money go somewhere with you? Eveything here is temporary. It benefits not but evil in the world which (according to the bible) Satan has control of the world, it is his to do as he pleases. God is hoping we make the right decisions. It is a spiritual war being fought and the devoid of God will not pass.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Not just harming children, everything: better health, better schools, safety, more freedom and opportunity to develop yourself and your interests, etc. It's unfair to say "I hope you make the right choices!" when lots of people start out disadvantaged and suffering, while others don't. The playing field is not at all equal, yet this mindset of freewill and "God hopes you choose the right thing!" acts like it is.

If God is real and he makes millions of people just for them to live short and terrible lives, then why make them at all? What is the point of creating people and giving them life when so many of their lives will either be cut short or will be rife with horrible suffering? "It's God's will" is a lazy excuse and does not compel me to want to worship him.

lude ago

Fair enough. All these are the questions from the beginning of time we will just have to wait and find out :)

Smyrtz ago

If there is a God, I am thankful to that God for our existence. I am also sorry that we took that gift of free will and shit all over it.

Today, I am grateful that a big fucking mirror has been turned on us so we can clearly see what we have created. We have the free will to fix it. Let's get it done.

As a parent, my philosophy is not to follow my kids around to make sure they do the right thing. My approach is to teach empathy, respect, connection and personal example.

For me, the point is not to worship God, but to worship those ideas of connection, love and what is right.

God's will is not suffering and pain. Ours is. What's lazy is blaming God and giving up.

ConcernedParent2 ago

As a parent, my philosophy is not to follow my kids around to make sure they do the right thing. My approach is to teach empathy, respect, connection and personal example.

That's all well and good, but as a parent, then you also know there are times when your child can't fix something themselves and you have to intervene and do it for them. Let's say my oldest child started beating up my youngest child. If my youngest tried to stop him but couldn't because he is much smaller and weaker, then he will eventually ask me to make the oldest stop.

By your logic, I should just shrug my shoulders and say "Sorry sweetie, you both have free will. The oldest is clearly using their free will to abuse you." Of course, I wouldn't do that, and most parents wouldn't, because we see a clear imbalance of power that the youngest cannot overcome no matter how much he wants to. We know we have to step in and stop the abuse, or else we're a shitty parent.

Smyrtz ago

I think the spirit of my point was missed. That's okay, I probably used a bad example. I just wish more folks could see that they have the power to effect change, but it's a lot of work...and not for the faint of heart. We got ourselves here by keeping the cosy blinders on...not because any divine power let us down.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Count me in!

Pipebomb ago

I'm very anti-religion. But I believe the universe is governed by the collective conscious. I recall random number generators becoming more coherent (less random) during global events, if that means anything. I'll join in!

I actually thought it was yesterday and was upset lol! See you on the 25th!

Forgetmenot ago

I am on board !!! Love this, let's fill the atmosphere with positivity and faith! The opposite of what the luciferian have been doing! Is there a special reason you chose that day?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I will join you in prayer.

sugarskull ago

Because you are using your free will for the GREATER GOOD OF HUMANKIND!! Good on you! Unlike the oxygen bandits that suck the will to live out of children with their evil deeds you use the force of good. . Its unfortunate that with free will some choose the dark side but they do and we are here to change that!!

sugarskull ago

I am DOWN!

waxdino ago

I'll be honest, I ignored this post at first. But, I'm in. Mind over matter.

Dauphin ago

we need it done SOONER... the 25th is too far away... kids cannot wait this long. We must be praying DAILY (and I am not even religious but I pray because it can't hurt.)

Haldelos ago

Good idea...I'm in...There's actually been studies at Princeton university that this type of thing works.

SpikyAube ago

I'm an atheist, as in I don't believe in the Bible or religious texts, but I know that we as a species know hardly anything about anything, and as a cognitive scientist I know that we have no idea what consciousness is, there is no reason to limit ourselves in speculating what it could be/is capabale of.

I think it is really important to project a feeling of love and warmth when doing this kind of thing - I know it's hard not to feel hateful towards the perpetrators, but hate belongs to them - the only way any of this evil stuff can be brought down is if enough people come together to stand in its way, and people will only come together through love - not like soppy romantic love, but the kind of love that makes you greet each new person with optimism about them and their character, or the type of love that compels you to be kind to strangers or cry about the suffering of people you don't know and will never meet.

I'll join in and hurl my love your way and envision our world as it should be, and could have been, without these monstrous creatures - I imagine it could be a place where every person you happen to meet or bump into in the street is viewed as a potential friend, and not as a potential threat, and communities would be closer together and crime would be less because people would feel supported, there would be enough to go round for everyone to have work and a decent wage, and feeling emoitionally connected to the community would mean there were social and emotional restraints on negative or criminal behaviour. And kids would be safe, and would get to play outside and cllimb trees and learn to be confident and happy kind adults. And all drugs would be legalised, and every workplace would provide a relaxation room in which there is a masseuse and a basket of fluffy kittens.

madhatter67 ago

Very well put....And similar to where I've got to spiritually....Love is the celebration of life....And that is the side I'm fighting on in this....

The other side glorifys death....And would be the death of ourselves and our children

SturdyGal ago

Now you're talking! You are really good at this!

parrydocks ago

Seaman is not the hero/posterchild you think he is.

Forgetmenot ago

Enough already stop trying to protect podesta. That is your only motive here. If you are so worried about disinformation focus on CNN. They are trying to cause a war.

parrydocks ago

Hardly protecting podesta by linking to insight on Shilltastic Seamen

Forgetmenot ago

Sure since he calls podesta a pedofile repeatedly on his video, you are trying to discredit him to protect podesta. Make children your priority or make exposing pedos the priority but as long as you focus on david seaman rather than the real criminals you are a shill and don't belong here.

You_Alt-Right_bro ago

You will have my prayers.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

"Rethinking my atheism"...??

I am more firm in my beliefs than ever. No god could allow this kind of stuff to happen to innocent children. There is simply no excuse to defend the existence of a god who would allow this to happen.

redditsuckz ago

Why do you think there is a huge awakening right now?...I can tell you its no accident...If love exists in this universe then that is why we are here helping to expose this darkness for the sake of humanity to walk in the higher vibrations of love.

NamelessJoe ago

Perhaps there is an excuse you haven't fully considered? For life to mean anything at all there has to be free will. However, perpetrators would escape cosmic justice if they died before making right the evil they caused. So they come back as victims until their debt to the universe is paid off. Don't help the kids, they were central bankers and organ harvesters in previous lives.


Hope this helps!

Unreasonable ago

Without great EVIL what would Inspire great GOOD?

Forgetmenot ago

I was atheist too, when I saw pure evil , I realized good exists too and therefore I now believe in god. They evil and good are on both sides of the spectrum and I choose to be on the good team! Thank you pizzagate for renewing my faith!

ConcernedParent2 ago

This is how I feel. I was already non-religious, but after this, I refuse to believe any deity would allow this.

If there was a God that allowed this filth to happen on their watch, then they wouldn't be someone I would want to worship.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Yes, like the previous person says. God gives us free will. You can choose to believe in him or not, You can choose to do evil or so good. It's once we die that God will extract his REVENGE on these animals.

ozymandias79 ago

As a christian, I just to say thankyou for all the hard work and support by both atheists and people of different faiths in uncovering these predators. Meditation/prayer is a great idea, it can be very sickening digging through this web of horrors. I'm proud to stand with you all. #TheyWillNotDivideUs.

madhatter67 ago

As well as showing us the worst people can do....I think it also shows us the power and common ground we all have as humans

alanna ago

I like it!!!

newworldahead ago

Count me in! For the doubters, you have nothing to lose anyway, it's just 22 minutes where you will simply sit in silence, thinking about love and healing for the children.

The meditation effect is real:

Freemasonsrus ago

Head on over to T/D on reddit. Link to 4chan info about behind the scenes. Things should start popping towards end of Feb and roll into summer.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Count me in. Prayer FOR SURE works.

madhatter67 ago

I'm another with no religious affiliation, though I have spent much of my life studying religion and the occult....for the last year or so have been perceiving much of what is happening in this world as some kind of spiritual battle between good and evil, which kind of came to a head around the election for me (I've never had such a feeling of dread as that which I would feel at the thought of Hillary being elected)

So count me in....These people may feel they are powerful, but they will discover that love is the true force of the universe, and they probably have gone too far against it to be saved now

As you say, meditate/pray on a positive outcome and justice, we are better than these scumbags, which is why we will prevail

neo50 ago

Great idea! On my calendar.

QuestionEverything ago

Thats cool. But I'm buying a gun too as my Pizzagate pledge.

Clean this shit up TRUMP and SESSIONS. Where are our HIGH LEVEL ARRESTS?

We know police and judges and crooked pols are in on this. If they think this will go away while leaving the upper hierarchy, America is over.

TheAmericanPatriot ago

cant very well arrest them by surprise with a leak in the wh. timing is everything with things like these and it will happen to the highest profile people when we least expect it.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Yeah God is real, but he needs your help in deciding if the paedos he made should be arrested or allowed to keep molesting...


rail606 ago

God made all things good and evil. Good could not exist without evil we would all be neutral/lack free will. So those children getting fucked in the ass? He is responsible but he is also not happy about it as he allowed it to happen through his design of the anus/penis. The temptation is there. It is up to you to keep your dick out of butt.

The free will we were given is why satan hates us. We were given both free will and the ability to multiply. Angels arguably dont even have free will. The absolute needs evil to exist. Otherwise what kind of test would this life be? We would be like machines/programs. Just operating on a loop(animals.)

BertieMcDuffy ago

I really fucking hate that there is so much crazy prayer shit and the like going on here... it is hardly helping pizzagates image...

gardenofbacchus ago

If you understand pizzagate in it's entirety you'll see that it's literally become an issue of good (God) vs evil (Satan). I'm not religious in any way. But it is clear that's what this is. These people openly worship Lucifer, evil and misery and these things are inside them and make them who they are. Jesus is the embodiment of everything good about humanity so fuck it, if that's what it takes i'll be praying with everyone.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Wait which people openly worship Lucifer again?

madhatter67 ago

You'll never get your 100 karma's if you always act like an arse

Lileee1010 ago

I think people fail to see the spiritual side of this. I can promise you that if there was no power in worshipping moloch/lucifer or whatever dark entity, it would have died out 1000's of years ago. It would have been a fad that faded away. These People aren't going to continue to worship something that doesn't benefit them in someway. I don't know how deep people have gotten into the research of the multiple persanilty disorder or DID for mind control, but I've read testimonies from some psychologist that at the time when the victims start to split a demon would be called forth into the victim as part of the control process. So I'm thinking it's not a bad idea to bring forth some light/ love into this on a large scale. There is a lot of power in unity. Just a thought ;)

rail606 ago

Amen brother. Its nice to see a forum of people so damn woke.

Lileee1010 ago

;) Eyes Open!

looking4truth ago

Chill. YOU are not helping our image. So emotional . You're the only one angry and hateful here. No one even bothered you. People want to meditate / pray?? Let them. Thats how they probably want to cope. Why are you so triggered

BertieMcDuffy ago

Because every day i go on here and there is a stickied thread about how podesta is the biblical satan or some shit like that more or less...

It really gets my whacko-meter going.. but it has done me no favours in my over 2 month odyssey to try and amass 100 upvoats :s

looking4truth ago

Wait so you're triggered because people call podesta Satan which basically means evil.Youre taking it way too literally. That's odd. I mean most normal people will understand figure of speech. Your hate is making you act way too irrational. With that being said I have never seen a thread that has meaningless bullshit topics like "podesta is literally Satan " .You're imagining things.

Smyrtz ago

At least you've got your priorities straight. Good luck with that dude. :/

ProudTruther ago

I'm game for the meditation aspect. But hopefully these a good amount of these a holes will be caught before that date.

gangpressorliber ago

In my opinion it's calling them out symbolically... It's saying there is no more Occult, we see it. As far as prayer goes, the one they hate most and actually acknowledge as "unfortunately is also God." is Jesus Christ, not for this reason alone but for the fact that my humble prayers to him in the past he has set a water fountain on fire and backed up sewage in the offices of my highschool because I was late on a report hahaha... I made those suggestions... I said if you want me to be successful in life its in your hands, and I offered suggestions... I was tired I was going to bed, I know all my fault could have worked on it for weeks but didn't... They sent us right back home that day. Water fountain caught fire that night idk exact time but could have been in line with my prayer lol

pbvrocks ago

This is a VERY good idea...and believe me these folks are using their version of prayer and spirituality to keep us from them...great idea! I'm in and will spread the word!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I'm an atheist....but I'll get in board for awareness' sake.

I could probably use a minute of peaceful meditation. This craziness is getting me down.

ThePoorPeople ago

I find meditation to be less a spiritual thing and more an exercise of mental control

Elwoodblues ago

DL.. I am a follower of Christ and I will share a foxhole with you.

NotHereForPizza ago

Anymore, when I see people define themselves as "athiests" it comes off as more of a pretentious and dismissive point of view. I know how that sounds, but I've been on both sides. I get both the arguments, but a few things in my life have really kicked me on to one side of the fence.

I grew up in a Catholic family who went to a Catholic church every weekend and sent their children to a local Catholic private school. Every human that has undergone the same brain-washing that I witnessed from a very young age certainly has a right to the position you hold. Fuck, I can't believe all the adults (and kids too) that fall in to that pitiful fucking trap.

With that being said, however, smoke some DMT. After that, tell me there's nothing out there.

No matter how much I want to be wrong, I'd love the opportunity to talk to a person who walks away from that experience without a more spiritual mindset.

Anyway, you don't have to be religious/spiritual to meditate. It is, in no way, a specifically religious/spiritual action.

The body talks and meditation helps.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I really can't stand when people refer to it as pretentious. Yes, some morons try to act intellectual by calling themselves atheists. But just like I don't lump all christians together in a bucket, I expect the same respect.

I'm 40 and haven't taken my belief system lightly. I've been forced to defend my positions my entire life. I'm certain my family questions whether I will "go to hell" when I die.

I contend that if I live my life to the highest moral standards that I can and for the right reasons (to be kind to fellow humans & not because of the promise of heaven or threat of hell), then I've lived a good life. If I'm wrong and there is a god and he passes me over for my lack of belief, then he is not a kind god that I need to side with in the afterlife (improbable, imo).

You believe what you want, but don't cast judgement. I believe there are teachings in your holy books that speak to this.

In any case, we are all (well most of us) for the right reasons and it is to stop these evil people from further harming innocent children.

At least we can agree on that...

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, I'm not religious. I should have included that.

Believe me, I completely understand the sentiment. I think there's a false dilemma involved in the theist vs atheist argument, if my opinion actually matters. Maybe I'm just reaching for a middle ground, I'm not sure.

But, I can tell you with utter certainty, due to some very surreal experiences that I'm sure I couldn't put in to words, that there's a certain conceit in saying a god does or doesn't exist. Again, I see how you could think this is aimed at your character, but I can assure you that it has a much wider scope than that.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Fair point and I will concede to this...

I can't say god definitively does not exist. I cannot prove a negative in that way. I've seen nothing tangible to make me believe in his or her existence, but I will gladly change my stance of something comes along.

Again, we're on the same team in this fight. Any minor differences in theology can be worked out after we see these scumbags sent to the gallows.

ArthurEdens ago

I'm athiest as well but i believe the collective unconsciousness is real

Unreasonable ago

Meditation has more to do with yourself than with any god or God.

You're using your choice to prevent you from improving yourself.

nomorepepperoni ago

As someone who is also atheist, I second this motion.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I think I will too. I'm non-religious, but I'm really feeling emotionally wrecked after investing so much time reading and researching these vile people. A few minutes of meditation might help, especially if I know others are doing the same.

ActivistAngel ago

This stuff has power even if you aren't religious. David Seaman and I are both re-considering now that we know there are demons....

BackAgain ago

I just find it odd so many high ranking people are part of satanic cults. They feel it helps them move up in power. That to me helps strengthen my faith

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Same. Even though I've never been religious I will be partaking in the mediation.

zzvoat ago

Same, although I have to admit that when it finally dawned on me that, at it's core, this may actually be a spiritual battle between good and evil, I seriously thought about running out and buying a crucifix. Still might.

oneposteach ago

Seems interesting to participate in, I put it on my calendar.

Mageant ago

Note that I made the same post on redit, which has over 600 upvotes there now.

neurofluxation ago

I'd definitely be interested in how many people who frequent this sub also frequent GLP or are religious...

gardenofbacchus ago

After what I know about the world now I'm one more piece of circumstantial evidence away from being a full blown Christian

rail606 ago

Yeaaaaahp. Pizza-gate turned me from a christian hating atheist to a warrior of peace, love and god.

Piscina ago

I pray every night for the children to be protected.

SturdyGal ago

I feel as though positive imaging and prayer for the safety of the children is so effective. I visualize kids all over the world in a safe home with loving family.

SpikyAube ago

I really don't think it's been all that effective so far! Not many people spend their time doing that, maybe that's what's needed for it to have a dramatic noticeable impact.

Sorry if that sounded mean and negative, it just seemed that saying it is so effective when we're trying to do what we're doing about all these horrible crimes was a bit perplexing!! But you are obviously lovely so i don't want you to think I was being mean, am just pedantic :-)

SturdyGal ago

Oh not mean at all, SpikyAube. I think about this a lot. You know that old quote of Einstein's about solving a problem from a different angle, not head on? Obviously we have to arrest all the traffickers and pedophiles, but that is not the root of the problem. So I find it effective to put the positive goal in my head and work toward that from different angles. Also I do have faith but that may be a different story.