Hey_Sunshine ago

Whoa, I didn't even know I had gotten pinged. Um, apology accepted! Lets hope the new director of the fbi might bring these sick fucks to justice

BowDownB4Trump ago

He is so bad at acting like a jounalist on Twitter i sometimes wonder if hes being paid to make this side look unhinged

BowDownB4Trump ago

All Seaman does is virtue signal on twitter all day. I used to think he was a good guy.. but he seems more like an opportunistic vulture. If he had integrity he wouldnt get all butthurt over hearing hes not too liked around here. Read the jezebel articles on him. Very enlightening. Im all about second chances too.. so Dave if you're listening.. get right! Integrity and honesty are where its at!

Mtnchan ago

By who?

Mtnchan ago

And why?

Mtnchan ago

How is it not?


UPDATE: Seaman just made a video ranting over me DMing him asking him to do an AMA! He is absolutely doing damage control. He's scared of Voat, folks. He refereed to my message to him @ 1:50- https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/833440946305929218

He's also making the exact same talking points people made here about how much he's sacrificed for the truth. Guys this guy is two-faced I'm sorry. All you guys, if you're even individual accounts and not socks, downvoting weren't enough to calm him down. He's worried about his legacy and that's all he's worried about.

Mtnchan ago

It absolutely is about politics, it's ridiculously intertwined at every point and every level

BackToBlack ago

David Seaman was also right about this board being compromised. How come the mods let you shills slam David every day, and yet they censor his response, as well as many of our findings is beyond me.


No shill. Here's his response: https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/833440946305929218

He's mad I asked him, pretty politely, to do an AMA here. He flipped out on me, I let this place know the deal after saying I'd ask him to do it, and now he's panicking.

BackToBlack ago

Why is everyone talking about Seaman instead of the important stuff? That's how to me people that start those threads about DS are shilling - and maybe you're right and it's actually DS himself that's behind it, who cares? If you really want him to become less important to the #pizzagate investigation then just ignore him. As he said in one of those videos - he doesn't care what you're saying as long as you're talking about him. The other thing I do not understand is that everyone is ignoring the fact that mods here ARE censoring the investigation heavily by deleting our threads when they're obviously relevant to the investigation, and at the same time the DS threads are thriving and taking over this board. I don't care who's behind it - DS or his opponents, to me that is shilling.


He's scared of being outed. He just made a video and he's rattled that I messaged him on Twitter. He's rambling about nothing. I can't believe he's making a video about this.


Mtnchan ago

OK, I'm going to say what I really think here, haha, I've been suspicious of this guy since I heard his story bc how he says he got fired from huffpo, that's not even how it fucking works people, you don't get fired for writing an article they don't like, that's not how it works, mostly they give you assignments. If you're a freelancer and they don't like what you write, they don't buy it, if you're a house writer the editor is going to ask for a rewrite, and you're going to be working overtime to get that in. They don't publish something they don't like, the author doesn't publish. The only way you're going to get fired in a case like this is overly defending your stance and pissing them off, and they're still not going to run it. Huffpo is a full on propaganda machine. At any point writing for them last year you would have been well aware of that, and not submitted anything that's out of line, if you did you're a total moron.

Now, this hack wagon, he writes a book on how to be an internet sensation, when he's not one! He writes for THE most liberal propaganda machine out there, then suddenly he's completely flipped, all the while Soros is handing out money all over Colorado like dumb and dumber, here ya go, here ya go, here ya go. He builds an big audience of ass kissing sheeple that defend him to no end. Then he goes off the rails spouting shit about killing Podesta, calling for a public hanging I think it was? Anyway, it was something that could be construed as a call to action, which puts our whole investigation in jeopardy, but even more importantly they can use it to attack all media outlets they define as complicit. It's so similar to the CPP gunman. Think about it, your career is journalism, are you going to throw away your career for this, that's a big fucking gamble. Or was he paid out enough to take an early retirement from msm?

21yearsofdigging ago

My girlfriend and I feel the same. It's like any workplace or say sports team, there are always 1 or 2 that are dicks or grand standers but when you hold the cup up all is forgiven. Maybe he is freaking out and is highly sensitive to criticism. Oh well, ignore him and keep doing the great work you are

Mtnchan ago

Well, first off, there are in fact lots of frauds on here, just saying, secondly it makes him seem real, one of us, he wrote for huffpo for crying out loud, that's as left as it gets, if that doesn't scream plant I don't know what would.

jv209 ago

honestly the most off-putting thing about pizzagate is all the egos and god complexes. we're fighting against something so sick and disturbing yet these sick fucks want the spotlight on them instead of the real issues. it's just gross. I'm not even saying Seaman does this, I'm pretty new here and don't know enough about the guy to judge him, but I can judge what I've seen on voat for the most part. this community is rife with people like that trying to make claims to fame while dismissing everyone else as shills. it's just toxic and sad really. anyone trying to make a name off of something so fucked up is fucked up, too.

Mtnchan ago

Something to keep in mind, Soros spent ridiculous money on a small Colorado state race, $1.1 million on a freaking DA alone and many millions more all over the place on left causes: http://completecolorado.com/pagetwo/2016/10/24/soros-makes-big-move-in-colorado-as-left-wing-cash-pummels-down-ballot-candidates/

Hmm, where is DS again.There's money out there for fighting this. People can be bought.

Yates ago

Ryan of pgGear released a video today saying he's putting the site back up. No mention at all of his threat from JA and if anything is happening with the supposed investigation. he just talks about t-shirt logistics and money. You would think that after what happened to him he'd be wary of selling literal targets for our backs.

Mtnchan ago

Can't stress this enough, disavow anyone on here or anyone else who threatens or calls for violent action of any kind, downvote it, report it, ask it to be deleted. They WILL collect this information and put it back out in the WaPo saying pizzagaters are calling for radical witch hunting and use that to get court orders to get the investigation shut down, and they'll plant people in here to say it.

JustObserving ago

That's crucial, thank you for mentioning.


They may very well all be Seaman. He's obviously defensive about Voat and many of these account have a similar age. Idk.

DarkMath ago

PIZZAGATE, do you mind explaining why you're shilling for people who

1) kidnapped and raped poor black destitute Haitian throw-away children

2) and harvested organs from the ugly ones

take your time, George and I will wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7l9jlYnZYY



Another Seaman shill that didn't address the OP.

DarkMath ago

PIZZAGATE the horse has left the barn, it's too late for you to post this. Everyone's immediate thought is an image of a bunch of CTR [what's a word for people who shill for those who rape and organ harvest Haitian children] around a table in some office building in DC brain storming how to reduce David Seaman's credibility because he gets 80,000 views for his youtube vids.

You're playing with fire PIZZAGATE. Eventually even YOU will realize the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7l9jlYnZYY


Again, didn't address that Seaman is a douchebag. I don't care about his viewcounts. I care about him leaching off of the movement and pretending to give a shit. Don't be a cunt. I defended Seaman in the two links in the OP, yes or no?

DarkMath ago

I don't care about David Seaman you idiot. All I care about are the shills who post anti-David Seaman rants.

David Seaman is a cheer-leader, he adds almost zero evidence so he's irrelevant from a researchers point of view.

You not knowing that is how I know you're a shill. So here ya go shill:

Do you mind explaining why you're shilling for people who

1) kidnapped and raped poor black destitute Haitian throw-away children

2) and harvested organs from the ugly ones

take your time, George and I will wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7l9jlYnZYY YouTube



You're literally just repeating an ad hominem attack lol

But I'm the shill? I'm not nor have I ever been pro-Clinton. Nice try. Well not really. Address the OP.

DarkMath ago

Oh look, you're pretending not to see the most damning evidence of CIA/Clinton Foundation human rights violations in Haiti:


The gig is up PIZZAGATE. Yo a shill. I keep reposting George Webb videos because there's a chance you have a soul deep down under your shill armor.


Uhuh, I have a Twitter account where I literally just said the CIA abuses children - https://twitter.com/PlZZAGATE/status/833401567772549121

My source? Voaters. I'm not shilling, you are buddy.

DarkMath ago

Well you should have said that from the beginning PIZZAGATE. Wow, hey that's cool.

No I'm not a shill. David Seaman is meaningless in all of this. Everyone knows he's a cheer-leader out to make money. I DON'T CARE. If he can convince just one person to look into PizzaGate more then he's a success in my book.

But you should also know while your post about Seaman might be legit, CTR was posting like 10 a day all last week. So yeah, you and CTR are on the same side on this one. No bigee though, I'm on the same side with AreWeSure every once in a while.

Thanks for clarifying. Truce?


No I'm not making a truce with someone lying so transparently. Anyone checking my post history knows I'm not a shill and that I intended to open a dialogue with Seaman. CTR is nothing but hit-and-run bullshit. I defended Seaman, and I'm not going to allow you to claim some even standing here. You've been a cunt with no basis for your claims as have others here. So you're the shill.

DarkMath ago

People who disagree with you are't shills by default. It's the comments message that proves shillage. You just so happen to share the same position as CTR is all I'm saying.


We'll just have to agree to disagree then.


"People who disagree with you are't shills by default." Yeah, remember that next time you post.

DarkMath ago

I will if you remember: "You just so happen to share the same position as CTR is all I'm saying."


What position is that? That Seaman is a douchebag? How is that even a position?

DarkMath ago

CTR bombarded /v/Pizzagate last week with Anti David Seaman posts.

NoBS ago

Davis Seaman is as dangerous as Ben Swann. Remember Ben Swann and his theft of all the PG investigators data? How dare one profit of Investigative Reporting!

This Ben Swann snitch had the audacity to make a living off exposing pedophilia. The nerve of that out of work Investigative Journalist who values his children's safety enough to believe credible threats.

Now that Ben has been silence, Pedo protectors must destroy David. Go get 'em, ya sick FUCKS. This is why Humiliation and Blackmail is the greatest equalizer for evil.


literally wut


It's crazy because I'm not even suggesting he's disinfo. I tried to reach out to him so we could all make peace and his got absurdly defensive. Disinfo? Idk I just think he's a tool probably in it for himself.

TabiCatTwo ago

I hear ya 👍

witch_doctor1 ago

I didn't get hysteria or fraud from that exchange. Here is the thing that is just as real as Pizzagate itself...anyone publicly trying to bring attention to it, especially with David's status, is going to get attacked, both publicly and privately. People have been murdered recently over this shit...legitimate fear for your life is a rational fear.

My point is that he does not know who you are, he has been attacked on Voat regularly, he was treated shitty (initially, in the end @Millenial_Falcon stepped up and did the right thing, Kudos) when he came here, so him being cagey is not surprising. David has been consistently trying to expose PG since the beginning to the best of his ability...that is all I can ask of him as a human being...therefore; I'm on his side and have his back.

IlluminatiKing ago

Come on, Seaman!

Mtnchan ago

He's holding himself out as the face of pizzagate to the cucked masses, and he's using our work. We're entitled to an opinion, entitled to express it, and charged with keeping things on track. We need to be wary of complex disinformation strategies designed to misinform, frighten, distract or entrap. It's interesting how strongly and quickly some have jumped to his defense.


I know right? I blatantly defended him at my expense. It's in the OP. Like, nope, don't read what I posted just kneejerk call me a shill Satanist. I have submissions here that while not groundbreaking are evidence enough of me doing what I can to open doors to potential leads. Half the people calling me a shill don't even have submissions or never read the OP. I get defending a a guy with a large audience that can reach people, but that's seriously besides the point and people are losing their minds.

Mtnchan ago

He may be being paid to be a false flag, another attack on free speech, calling for Podesta to be hanged, he's crossing a line and taking us with him. We should all disavow

Mtnchan ago

It suggests he may be part of a team effort, unfortunately.


I mean idk, I'm not going to call him a puppet or anything because again I never followed him in the first place. But I'm not going to call him authentic either. I think he's just leaching off folks with original information to feed his career.

Mtnchan ago

Regardless, their strongest strategy is to blanket paint citizen investigators as radical right wing nut jobs, and whether DS means to or not, that's exactly what he's doing / done. Remember this is spy games, for real. A lot of people have died over it already, can't be too suspicious about what they're capable of.

Mtnchan ago

Want to emphasize that last point, this is for real, let's not forget, we're pissing off some seriously bad people here. Millions have died for freedom of speech, there's always some political force trying to take it, they want to take it from us so they can keep doing whatever they want.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wtf is the point if this rambling?


Read the OP.

TabiCatTwo ago

At this point ever one is so paranoid, upside down, distrustful, exhausted, disheartened that it's easy at this point to be easily swayed or confused. I mean once you realize that there are vast numbers of pedo out there and that the majority of them are not the creepy neighbor down the street, but are our highest level government officials, college professors, doctors, teachers, cps workers, coaches, police, missionaries, and so on it's no wonder our emotions are running high and trust is low. We just have to evaluate everything on it's merit and not rely specifically for or against anything based on the source.

Tialah ago

If you don't like him or believe him then don't follow him. It's very simple.

NoBS ago

It is much easier to destroy another mans work than building your own. Add in the fear of exposure and Chariture Assasinations are the best offense.

How do you think Blackmail works? Psych-Ops requires innuendo and dirt to work.


I never did follow him and don't. And will not. I did however defend him here and reached out to him. You seem to have missed that part.

Aphoticamy ago

The more you bag on the guy the more I like him. Just sayin'.


I defended him and then he flipped out on me when I asked him to answer questions for Voat. So who's bagging on who?

Aphoticamy ago

Just saying you're making him a topic again, and repeated attacks make him start to look like an underdog type. I understand you don't like the guy, so why don't you just ignore him?

NoBS ago

He has a following. I will use his following to get the word out.

Not to protect my vanity or ego. I also want him to get paid for his troubles. For some strange reason, he has attracted the deep state Big Guns.

In my humble ignorance, I have no clue why he could generate such hatred.


I am ignoring him. That's why when he tried to gaslight me in our conversation I brushed it off said you do you. I'm just letting the folks here know what I know. Because unlike Seaman I care enough about this community to be transparent.

Aphoticamy ago

That seems reasonable enough. I haven't been keeping up with his prolific posts, but agree he went a bit weird. I'm inclined to think we ALL are our own different brands of weird here in v/Pizzagate and live and let live as best we can.

e-traiu ago

another seaman hitjob?


Did you read the OP?

e-traiu ago

i did :)


Ok good so we know it's not a hitjob.

thelandofchocolate ago

Yawn. Just a failed attempt to stir up drama and get us to fight each other rather than the real enemy.

NoBS ago

Destroy the messenger and the message is retarded. That's what the Deep state told me, any way.


Uhuh, read the OP.

e-traiu ago

have u read the OP PG?


I wrote it. So..

NoBS ago

Your opinion is why I replied. Your jealousy is blatant and pathetic. You goal is to divide, go read between the lines of your own damned words.


Uhuh, sure thing, David. There's nothing to be jealous of. You're mad because I'm transparent to Voat and you're not.

NoBS ago

David has a Colorado IP. Mine is Oregon. Deflection with innuendo is a common tactic. Mad? Disgusted would be closer to the truth. I have to agree with you, you are very transparent. You depend on emotion to make a case. Not wise, but wisdom is over rated on social media. All about the hatred and emotional dependence at the cost of reasoned logic.


Uhuh, whatever you say. My post history here speaks for itself. You've contributed nothing. Keep it up, Shareblue.


Did you actually read the OP?

unconceivable ago

Does anyone wonder why someone would create a post simply to discredit another researcher?? Yes, disinfo agents do this. It seems to be working. These negative posts should be ignored or not be taken so seriously as to change your perspective of another researcher. This ONE post could cause MANY people to disregard anything David Seaman says. Think about this, please. And if OP is a CTR satanist, or influenced by one, lets find that out


Oh. My. God. I literally have two topics in the OP linked where I defend Seaman and say he should be given the benefit of the doubt. You're. Not. Paying. Attention. If anyone's shilling it's you for Seaman. If you support the guy whatever, argue that he's the bee's knees. Don't call me a shill when it's clear as day why I made the OP. I haven't lied about or misrepresented and damn thing.

archons ago

Gotta suck your shill methods keep failing. Gonna have to make a new account which will have even less credibility then your 2 month one now. :)


Oh the two month with several highly up-voted submissions? Compared to your two month account with shit submissions? Get fucked.

archons ago

You mad shill? Lol.

archons ago

Looks like its just his latest video and people supporting him. No bonus in your check this week asshole. ;)


Nah, you're being obtuse, shill. :) At 1:50 he references me messaging him.

archons ago

You only make him push pizzgate harder so thanks for that you cocksucker. You'll hang with you pedo pals.


lol would you quit pretending like you've ever contributed anything here? I'll put my submissions against yours any day, Shareblue.

archons ago

Never claimed I submitted anything. All you submit is disinfo and smear campaigns and you're getting awfully defensive there shilly willy :)


Uhuh prove any disinfo and I'll drop it sugarlips.

archons ago

This thread.


Actually if you follow the flow of events this was exactly what I argued and why I wanted to give him a fair hearing. I never gave a shit about his style of reporting. I wasn't a fan of it but never agreed with the treatment I saw him receive here. And because I cared about this movement and not fracturing it I sought to mend wounds by giving Seaman a voice here and clearing up misunderstandings. Don't suggest I was being petty when I publicly defended the guy at my own expense. I basically humiliated myself for the guy and he flipped out on me for no reason. So don't get it twisted. I agree that informing people is a priority and that's where this all came from in the first place.

strix-varia ago

Blah, blah, blah, blah blah. Stop wasting your time.

archons ago

You are cunt shill. Off yourself. No one here falls for your sorry shill methods. Better regroup on David brock's dick and get a better plan asshole.



thelandofchocolate ago

So what?

NoBS ago

Pretend there is no organized evil who is hell bent on silencing any who have a small following. Any just getting the word out about Deep State atrocities. Then it is easier to silence Opinion. We really are sick fucks.

rodental ago

Seaman is at best a nutjob who is making the whole community look bad, and at worst controlled opposition meant to discredit pizzagate. He is also pretty obviously having some kind of mental breakdown.

BackAgain ago

I simply don't trust him because of how unhinged he is. Lied twice about arrests he said would happen. Pinned a tweet basically saying he would be assassinated. Makes crazy videos about public hangings, not that I'm against death penalty for them but he crossed a line and seemed crazy in the videos. I'm fairly certain he made up the story about his friend being stabbed to death. And his books about how he talks about dong publicity stunts to gain notoriety.

Literally the only reason its even debatable if Seaman is good or not for the investigation is because he has a large following which does bring people into Pizzagate. But at the same time he is the most known pizzagater and he acts crazy as fuck which can make us all look bad

jv209 ago

I just ignore the guy. there is so much info out there that I'm not even sure why he's seen as needed to the community especially if he used to write for fake news like the Huffington Post. I'm surprised he hasn't leaked dank stats like pizzagate has a 98% chance of being fake.

sponiatowski ago

Anybody that just lost his job and had a lifelong friend stabbed to death is probably "on edge" and probably needs to be. I too have found him overly emotional, but give him a break given his situation. He needs to relax. I think he should focus on writing a book on his situation working with the MSM and trying to break PizzaGate and only observe, not contribute to VOAT. Encourage him to read and investigate VOAT, but that's all.


LOL now I'm getting called a shill. After I publicly defended him, tried to reach out to him to give him a platform, and was attacked by him. Uhuh, I think the shills are you guys coming out of the woodwork to label someone a shill for exposing what a colossal douchebag the guy is. I'm not making up anything in my post. It's all right there. I got downvoted for suggesting Seaman be given a fair hearing. I even tried to give the guy a break by filtering out obvious hate-questions towards him so he could still be heard. If there's any pettiness going on it's by the guy who flipped out over being asked to answer questions here. Give me a break.

IlluminatiKing ago

IKR. It's like some kind of David Seaman fanclub and he is the only one holding the entire investigation together. You tried to reach out to him and he freaked out. True it's his channel and he can do what he wants, but it's getting pretty obvious he isn't doing it for all the right reasons. I honestly don't think he is credible either.


Exactly. And I never even felt strongly against the guy so people liking him doesn't infuriate me or something, I'm just keeping it real. The guy acted like a huge douche for no reason and suddenly I'm flooded with Voaters who appreciate him suddenly? Yeah ok, that makes sense.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Keep up the good fight David!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Leave @David_Seaman the fuck alone already. Why do you care so much? Why do you bother making these long ranting posts about him constantly, every fucking day? It's tired already. It blatantly obvious you guys are paid to sit at your desks all day long slandering him because he has an excellent message on different topics. If you don't like it, go drink a Bloody Mary and pray to Satan you morons. None of these posts will convince others that David Seaman is anything you say he is. You twist his words trying to make him look bad but all anyone needs to do is watch one of his videos wherein he explains things and we know who is right on. Keep up the good fight David. I stand with you on awareness for Pizzagate 100% and thank you for all you are doing getting the message out there and not hiding behind a screen like many of us are because we are afraid of coming forward on YouTube.


What are you even talking about? I've made one topic before this about Seaman and it was in defense of him. I literally said he should be given the benefit of the doubt after the Sandusky arrest and I was attacked for it. I ate shit because I thought we should hear him out. I reached out to him to ask him to answer questions for Voat, with the handicap of filtering out rude ones, and he blew up on me. Don't get it twisted. What's funny is your defensiveness without having actually read the OP apparently, coupled with your bizarre claim I make topics about him every day, makes me think you're either him or shilling on his behalf. You've never even made a submission here. I have, read through them. Calling me a satanist? Really?

murphy212 ago

Why are you willing to spend so much energy on this? Whether the older posts in favor of him, or the one you're doing now in disfavor of him. Let him advocate pizzagate in his way and as he wishes, what difference does it make? Don't follow/watch him if you don't like him. You don't need to pay attention to him if you're here, because he adds nothing new (he's a vulgarizer/advertiser, not an investigator).

Put your time and talent to better use on the investigation please.

eiggaMAD ago

In all fairness, love him or hate him, Seaman knows how to get under people's skin.


I don't follow or watch him. That's a strawman argument. I'm using energy informing Voaters about his nature because unlike Seaman I care enough about this community to be transparent about what I know.

archons ago

You piece of shit shills are really bringing out the big guns trying to make people dislike David. Go fuck yourself op. David gets information spread and that's what makes you scared. Lol. Saying he's disinfo? He hasn't brought in New info, he reports on what's been found and spreads it to thousands of people and that's why you are paid to post here. You pedo fuck.


I literally have the most transparent case that he's a douchebag in the OP. Like nothing can be taken out of context. Calling detractors pedos is kind of shitty bro. I went out of my way to defend him before and was attacked for it. Now I'm being attacked for showing what a jerk he is.

archons ago

You're either a sensitive ninny or trying to build some weak ass case against him. You are a jerk. Asshole.


Uhuh, sure thing pal. Don't be mad at me for showing the guy to be a jerk, be mad at him.

archons ago

Listen. No one here gives a fuck. Kill yourself shill.


Listen, I'm not going anywhere. David.

archons ago

You will when the pay checks stop.


Uhuh, I work in the Army. Those checks never stop, David.

153sdsd ago

Obvious shilling is obvious, David seaman is a hero and also unstoppable


How is this shilling? Did you read the OP?

153sdsd ago

I think the only thing that can hurt the pizzagate cause is silence, nobody, on matter how dum or reprehensible the person who is talking is, if you only listed to "certified sources" you will only get the official story. if you attack david seaman you are against pizzagate on my book, he can be a scum back but at least he is spreading the message, not like the shills who only try to shut the heroes up.


Wait is he a scumbag or a hero? I'm not sure what you're arguing.

153sdsd ago

Hero, for talking about the topic with his name on the line

Mtnchan ago

Lots of us have been wrong in lots of things, we're navigating in the very murky waters, double agents, FBI, CIA, spies, pedos, high ranking politicians, disinformation shills, psyops, most of them pissed off at us, shit wtf are we doing here anyway, must be suicidal bwahaha. Seriously though, this shits real as fuck. Important to remember, it's a big boys game.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/ki23z3.png :

https://archive.is/vJ5XU :

#Pizzagate on Twitter: "Becoming convinced that these rising journalists are leaching off #Pizzagate for their careers after a recent encounter I had. Be skeptical."

https://files.catbox.moe/jjr95f.png :

This has been an automated message.

P8prclip ago

I've had sinking suspicion for some time that something with DS was not right...why was he fired again? ...or on a secret project for huffpo