DarkMath ago

"real posters"..........Really? Because I just got finished writing this:


Please tell me where you're getting "paid shill" from what I wrote. Will you do me that favor? If you can't then that makes YOU THE ONLY SHILL in this conversation.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though for now:



PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

He is Scrambling right now as we are all getting woke on his ass.
Look at his tweets, he is trying to get his followers to turn against Trump!!! holy shit what a fucking surprise turn of events.
He has been on their team this whole time

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I think so. What confirmed it for me is that someone on another thread said he's pushing Goldmoney which according to wiki: "Goldmoney Inc has its headquarters located in Toronto Canada and in Saint Helier Jersey.[6] The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of $312 million as of February 27, 2016. GoldMoney Inc. investors and backers include Eric Sprott, Albert D. Friedberg, George Soros, Adam Fleming, and Canadian Banks Canaccord Genuity."

Canaccord I know is linked to Giustra, Bill's buddy. And there's Soros. That flight from Huff Post was a total scam.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Now we just need to get the others to see the light. I have been spreading the word since yesterday and people calling me a shill. I almost dont want to do anything and just watch from the outside now.

cantsleepawink ago

I was thinking about posting more about him but decided not to. He's doing a fine job outing himself on his own. I think most people are starting to take a second look. That's good because he was trying to incite protests outside of CPP and calling for hangings and other crazy stuff. He's trying very hard to give Brock's crowd ammunition against us. But I don't think he's going to be able to do that after all. Clinton and her squad are running out of time. That's my feeling.

Edit : I also think the voat community here is more powerful and influential than it realizes.

joey4track ago

Nothing wrong with being critical of Trump. Being critical of anyone in that position is a smart way to be and when you are dealing with the truth there is no partisanship. Not to mention it would be good for pizzagate to step away from Trump supporters because you know the media is just going to use it against us. Trump is only a man and to think he can face off with the Rothschilds/deep state and win/not get compromised(through threats or bribes) is just naive. I'm actually starting to gain some respect back for Seaman tbh. Mark my words, we make this thing partisan we will all lose.

DarkMath ago

"over a month ago by".......Do you know why he put me on his shill list? Someone posted a picture of a google ad with a piece of pizza on it and was wondering if they should go into all the pizza parlors in their immediate area looking for pedophiles.


I suggested they might be overreacting. Armyseer thought I was too harsh and sarcastic, only a shill would do that. He's probably barely literate and reads at the 8th grade level so he's never read The Crucible by Henry Miller. You know the whole Salem Witch Trial thing. You know about the Salem Witch Trial thing don't you GonnaNeedMorePrisons?


Please tell me you know about the Salem Witch Trial thing so I don't have to break out my crayons and explain to you if Pizzagate was associated with the Salem Witch Trial thing it would lose the last tiny bit of credibility it has left.


PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

FUCK OFF SEAMAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEA0CbVWU0

He is an ATTENTION WHORE. All of his videos are fluff, just talking points appealing to the emotional nature. He played nearly everyone and now people are waking up to this nut bag.

cantsleepawink ago

I just read through all his tweets. He's now calling for people to go protest outside Comet Ping Pong. He's absolutely raging like a lunatic. I'm beginning to wonder who exactly hired him...I now really have suspicions. His behaviour is not normal.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Yup but not before throwing shade at Trump.....
He fucked up the script with the tweet sunday night and now people are on to him and he is fucking scrambling.

leahxpearl ago

I have thought that Trump could be controlled opposition all along...I don't blame him for questioning that as well. In fact, for a while I was pestering David Seaman on Twitter about his loyalty to Trump, asking if he had fully researched the man and checked himself for bias. I think this is a sign of an objective reasoning in his mind, not shillery.

SilenceDoGood ago

Yes, being objective on trump is a thing. But, Trump is enacting policies that he campaigned on. I don't agree with everything he says, but nearly all of it is a positive thing. On the other hand, you have david seaman raising questionable arguments and outlandish information while talking about the realities of pizzagate. Do you understand how shit that makes this entire community look? His shaky loyalty is also noteworthy after only a month of trump in office, a week of jeff sessions and still not all of his nominees confirmed yet.

SeanBox ago

here it is. you called it over an hour ago. https://twitter.com/d_seaman/status/831546919579119616

fuckMoloch ago

I think you are the shill, seaman can make videos about whatever he wants.

roundhouse1776 ago

I would also like to say, that me as well as others here tried to warn people that David Seaman is a con man but people chose to downvote us and call us shills. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644263

Pizzainmyass ago

Wow, what a little whore. regardless of the side he's only started because he wants to feel cool

SilenceDoGood ago

i haven't up or downvoted anything really, maybe one time, i drop in, catch up and get out, contribute from time to time

roundhouse1776 ago

The "you" was not directed at you, it was universal. I edited my comment to make it more clear.

roundhouse1776 ago

Jesus, look at the responses from Seaman's followers. They actually trust Seaman more than Trump. His whole following eerily similar to a cult.

cantsleepawink ago

Some of those will be professional trolls working to fan the flames. Much of what you see on social media is not real.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

DavidDuke SeMenBallLicker is a Fake ASS MFing POS traitor! To the Gallows!

cantsleepawink ago

People like him are always there for smoke and mirrors. To confuse the issue. To add seeds of doubt and dissent to a community. (He may even have been a useful but unknowing pawn for all I know.) He was always great at "buzz" but clearly had no real interest in research. He's still going on about the same CPP issues that we spoke about in the first weeks. No sense or interest at all in how much the research documentation has moved on. It's Divide and Conquer 101 as far as I'm concerned. Back to my digging. Eyes on the prize.

bolus ago

we, those who investigated and posted every little detail we could find, were a useful tool for LEA.

there are things that they cannot do without warrants, but when citizens shake the tree and the nuts fall out and the squirrels go running - LEA can watch and take notes.

we shook the tree hard, and now they're picking up the nuts. they aren't going to tell us what they're doing, or how they used any of what we found, they aren't going to legitimize any single theory or lead...this makes us feel like our "work" was for naught - but i'm convinced that it was not, and all the little shill-shitstorms we encountered were (and still are) an indication that we found useful bits.

Seaman is a manifestation of that frustration, and it's ok.

if you think there's still info to dig out (and there is) then find it and post it. don't worry about commenters, don't worry about nay-sayers. find it and post it.

dig until you don't want to dig any more, for the kids, for yourselves.

VieBleu ago


cantsleepawink ago

Absolutely agree. And the other thing this investigation has done is greatly increased our understanding of the system. So, whenever an arrest happens, or a statement is made by a politician or police officer, one can quickly assess whether there is more to a story and know where to go to get the real connections that lie beneath the surface. We don't have to wait 5 or 10 years anymore to get a grasp on a situation. We can now very quickly call out our public figures. And they know it. Remember a war consists of a series of battles. Not every battle needs to be won in order to win the war.

dreeeg ago

Nobody knows what the fucks happening.. I can totally understand his confusion because we all feel it.. David I support you!

Fuck you down voting fuckers

VieBleu ago

I'll give you an upvoat for reasonableness and loyalty and courage to speak against the grain.

It is true, no one really knows what is happening. 90% of us are basically amateurs of varying degrees.

cantsleepawink ago

In chess, sometimes we have to move backwards in order to go forward. Relax. We are in a sophisticated war. Progress will not be linear.

dreeeg ago

your words are lovely but sometimes we need to crash through words... I support David.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The Sandusky arrest may be bigger than we know. Penn State was protected. And Seaman seems earnest and genuine, just misguided at times. He is under a lot of stress. I'll wait to see if I hear him doubt a Trump. No one really knows what is going on yet with a Trump but he is better than Clinton and Kaine. We can't forget.

cantsleepawink ago

My guess is that Seaman was hired for his ability to make a lot of "noise". He may even be genuinely confused himself, the poor lad. This fight we are in is complex. Don't listen to the noisiest. Just get on with research or communicating new evidence, or whatever your personal bag is. We will win this fight.

unrealisthenewreal ago

"Noise?" More like a "peep" as he has less than 60k followers on twitter...

Ilikegood ago

Precisely. Ty

VieBleu ago

your confidence is a boost. thx.

Mommyplayer571 ago


DarkMath ago

That's what I'm starting to think as well. It's tough to say. I still trust David though for now. He's done some great stuff, he held the light up, he was the voice in the wilderness when a lot of people were silent.

But here's the inconvenient truth, when the Clinton Foundation gang rape of Haiti goes viral they won't be able to buy off 100,000,000 extremely irate and pissed of Americans who, sigh.........., think screwing over poor destitute black people is wrong.

It's not only wrong, it's really really reallllllly fucking wrong.

It's too late for this thing to stop, too many people are looking at this now. They can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.


derram ago

https://archive.is/Yvqns :

David Seaman on Twitter: "Starting to look like Trump *was* the coup: to keep the Deep State and pedophiles safe from real harm. The masses will rise. We are angry. t.co/BAshRlB9xj"

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