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DarkMath ago

So abortionburglar you know what they did in Haiti right? At what point do you stop shilling and remember these were poor throw away children they tried to kidnap. Children WHOSE PARENTS COULDN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THEM so they let them be taken for money. It's called the rest-avec system in Haiti.

Who will stand up for those children? Will you? Will you stand up and be counted? Will you do what's right? It really seems you're more interested in making money as a paid shill. Or worse, post ridiculous stories about Trump just because...........why, I can't think of anything more important than trying to save those poor throwaway black children who some psychopath in the CIA or Clinton Foundation felt could be used for their organs or if they were cute sold as child prostitutes and be raped by...............who?.........I can't even imagine who would rape a poor kid like that it boggles my mind you could ignore the evidence George Webb has brought to light.

Where's your humanity?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes Trump is a train wreck. Yes his name is written in big golden letters on his "house". Who cares. Who the fuck cares. It's not even in the same Universe as what the CIA and the Clinton Foundation did to Haiti.