joey4track ago

Trump may be pervy obviously but I don't think he's a pedo per se. Certainly could be possible but there have been many pedo arrests since he took office and he's voiced his opinion pretty clearly about pedo's in a 2012 tweet. I'm the first to be critical of Trump but unless there is more solid evidence of pedophilia, I'll just assume he is a normal sex crazed adult male. I mean he did say about that girl 'She will be my girlfriend in 10 years' 10 years being the important part, lol.

DarkMath ago

So abortionburglar you know what they did in Haiti right? At what point do you stop shilling and remember these were poor throw away children they tried to kidnap. Children WHOSE PARENTS COULDN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THEM so they let them be taken for money. It's called the rest-avec system in Haiti.

Who will stand up for those children? Will you? Will you stand up and be counted? Will you do what's right? It really seems you're more interested in making money as a paid shill. Or worse, post ridiculous stories about Trump just because...........why, I can't think of anything more important than trying to save those poor throwaway black children who some psychopath in the CIA or Clinton Foundation felt could be used for their organs or if they were cute sold as child prostitutes and be raped by...............who?.........I can't even imagine who would rape a poor kid like that it boggles my mind you could ignore the evidence George Webb has brought to light.

Where's your humanity?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes Trump is a train wreck. Yes his name is written in big golden letters on his "house". Who cares. Who the fuck cares. It's not even in the same Universe as what the CIA and the Clinton Foundation did to Haiti.

Mtnchan ago

In the unlikely event he picks betrayus patraeus to replace Flynn, we'll have to reevaluate what we've got here. Will beg question, is there anyone not in the swamp. Has been a lot of speculation putting patraeus in the middle of the swamp, George Webb has cited him as the leader of the rat lines so to speak, as an instigator of global conflict with the intent of asset forfeiture. Trump has said numerous times, very recently on an interview "take the oil" and "to the victor goes the spoils". He may be right about the logic in it, but given what we now know about the corruption in it with the human trafficking and orgsn harvesting, and lack of concern for human life involved, this does potentially put him in the same camp. In don't trust trump, he might be a snake, but if he's a snake that eats snakes, and a whole bunch of rats along the way, I'm OK with that for the time being. Unfortunately though it seems our government is in need of a total reset, and this probably isn't it, just the closest we're going to get anytime soon, if ever.

DarkMath ago

"in need of a total reset".........Amen brother. The gig is up on the U.S. government. It's up to the people now because there's no fucking way the government Right or Left will clean up their act.

What do we do? Spread the word far and wide. Shout it from the roof tops!

Forgive me I'm originally from the late 80s and early 90s before my country went completely down the shit hole. :-)


countmaxwell ago

No one is sure why.

Bullshit. It was an anonymous accuser whose case was thrown out once in California, then reopened in New York. She was set to give a press conference about it and then canceled due to "death threats." AN ANONYMOUS ACCUSER RECEIVED DEATH THREATS.

news_agent_WV ago

But Trump would know who she is, right?

RockStrong ago

My cousin was a pageant girl, then a model. She says if you can't deal with people seeing you naked, don't do this shit. 'I'm telling you there's no room for door knockin and back turnin in this business' she told me. Those words and everything. So why is Trump wrong for acting normal at a pageant.

duhiki ago

Because a grown man shouldn't be in an area where pre-teen girls are getting changed. Period.

You okay with a grown man staring at your pre-teen daughter as she changes?

RockStrong ago

Not ok with it at all. If I had a daughter I wouldn't allow her to model as long as she lived in my house. Or do pageants. But my cousin was allowed. And men seeing her in dressing rooms at pageants started before she was 13. I am NOT defending this. Just explaining what is normal in the industry. That is all. We are condemning Trump for doing what EVERYONE does in that setting. Personally, pageants especially, P me off. It is wrong for girls to be put there. I'm pretty old fashioned in that respect.

21yearsofdigging ago

I too from the beginning was skeptical about Trump but in my opinion I do not believe he is tied to pedophilia. When a large percentage of DC is involved in pedophilia I am sure Trump is now, if not before, seeing this. Doesn't strike me that Trump has much to hide. He says some dumb things but at least he is somewhat honest. Also, his daughter is hot. What's wrong with saying that?? He never said he wanted to be with her sexually

Hug-a-Root ago

What if he's right? I don't want to believe it, but as an older person, I understand that most men can easily be compromised. It sucks. I pray for the children and for justice. I am also trying to prepare myself for the worst - nothing may happen to bring justice to these animals. I think it's important to not be naive. Just saying.

bopper ago

Trump is into tall models. He'd be too proud to be a pedo. When he mentioned that he and Bill talked about 'worse' things (than the Billy Bush interview) it wasn't about pedophilia that I can tell you.

news_agent_WV ago

"Too proud to be a pedo" makes no sense. You could make the same arguments about any of these people.

bopper ago

It do make sense Secret Agent Man.

bopper ago

Yes. Bigly. But I guess the MSM couldn't find anything. Haha. /sarc

abortionburger ago

Just so everyone knows, this is not me.

VieBleu ago

BTW Congratulations! you no longer have the worst name on record. Now OP does.

abortionburger ago

I'll get the champagne!

VieBleu ago


dmthirdeye ago

Obviously why he chose that name to troll with, nice.

Catchthem ago

Thanks for clearing that up, was confused.

VieBleu ago

I am glad you made a point of this, I skimmed and thought it was you!

DevilintheDetails ago

That was the first thing I noticed

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Ban this freaking dick munching shill!

abortionburger ago

mods have concluded that while incredibly annoying, he hasn't done anything bannable. Just keep your eye out for him and downvote accordingly.

news_agent_WV ago

Or you could, you know, prove him wrong.

Nah, just "downvote accordingly." It's easier.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

OK, but I do enjoy hitting the lil bastard! :-p

abortionburglar ago

You guys think it's okay to barge in on teenage girls while they are dressing? Flirting with 11 year old girls is fine? Talking about your daughters great body is normal?

I don't find any of that acceptable. It's interesting that you think it's okay.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Abortionburglar, AKA Huma! You have no proof of any of this crap you are spouting on about!

You are entitled to dislike Trump!

However, we will continue to point out that your only reason for being here on voat, is to push lies! Now, I suggest you go and start getting your things in order, like who will take custody of your son, when you and your penis proud selfie pervert husband and you will be spending the rest of your lives in solitary confinement at Gitmo!

Catchthem ago

Here are the pedo loving Soros paid SHILLS again.. Boring zzzzz

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

Ask yourself why you believe that. I've got no 'skin in the game' politically or otherwise and I think you have to look at the ALL evidence against EVERYONE, even if it hurts because you voted for the guy. Even if Trump turns out to be guilty, his election is ultimately a good thing. No matter how disappointed people may become if Trump lets them down, the silver lining is that people everywhere are WAKING UP to how power really works in the U.S. and that the voters don't have any. The first step in solving a problem (like a lack of democracy) is to recognize that the problem exists. It is really important to recognize and understand how and why the 'ruling class' uses the age-old tactic of DIVIDE & CONQUER - it works every fucking time. We need to notice how the polarization game has been used to prevent voters from working together on a NON-PARTISAN effort to make corruption illegal (its not) starting in local jurisdictions and working your way up through the state level before they will have the power to drain the swamp themselves without needing some 'savior' who will inevitably break that promise. If you like to read, I recommend "Understanding Power" by Chomsky which gets into the propaganda model. If you only have 5 minutes, here's a video explaining the problem; I think the best approach to people who've been influenced by Soros is to point out how the polarization game is being used against them, encouraging them to compromise on their own values and preventing them from seeing the humanity in people who voted differently. The problems we all face are huge and neither side can fix them alone. Soros funds extreme left, but the Koch brothers do the same on the right - they funded the tea party. The truth is the real 'us vs them' means non-billionaires vs a handful of greedy douchebags who control governments through the transnational corporations they run. The very structure of the corporation is psychopathic: non-democratic, driven only by self-interest and legally forbidden to place people before profit. Watch this documentary if you haven't already;

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I agree with you, however given the guys name, i think hes cerainly a troll. Scenario is possible.

PizzaGate711 ago