Ramona ago

Every time I out him, even when I PROVE his Soros connection, I get attacked.

stellarcorpse ago

what connection? Do tell pretty please?

Ramona ago

He's constantly pushing in his vids a company called Goldmoney really hard, then thanked them on twitter for sending him to the super bowl.

Here's some info about Goldmoney: "Goldmoney Inc has its headquarters located in Toronto Canada and in Saint Helier Jersey.[6] The company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of $312 million as of February 27, 2016. GoldMoney Inc. investors and backers include Eric Sprott, Albert D. Friedberg, George Soros, Adam Fleming, and Canadian Banks Canaccord Genuity."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoldMoney

That's right... a legit proven connection to Soros. Many have approached him on this topic. What happens you may ask? Sometimes he just ignores and blocks the asker, but more often he accuses THEM of being a shill with more dumb crap like "You paid shills will never stop me! I'm not scared of you! Pizzagate is REAL!" then all of a sudden a bunch of young ladies pounce on you calling you a pedo saying "pizzagate is real" over and over, as if you were claiming it wasn't.

To any legit pg researcher, David Seaman should be a person of interest.

Conejo_loco ago

Sorry but this was NOT a high level arrest at all!

520patriot ago

i thought he said his source lied. David seaman is a fag

V____Z ago

My point is that you, and the rest of those with hollow, meandering, endless attacks on David seaman DO NOT also go after those like Alex jones who better fit your description. Snake oil salesman, and full of shit. David has not been caught trying to mislead people. Yet we have Alex jones again trending on Voat, with no critical comments whatsoever, as per usual, even though he HAS taken credit for research he hasn't done, he HAS mislead people and told outright untruths regarding pizzagate, he is a literal snake oil salesman with his hard-on pills etc, AND he has admitted that half his family is CIA, as well he's recently hired someone from Stratfor to be the editor in chief of infowars.

The amount of typing spent here to bash David seaman is so obviously shills when comments are viewed in the larger context. There is a team going after him, these aren't people just trying to help out the investigation by alerting Voat readers to possible disinfo agents, else we'd have a more balanced picture with all journalists being viewed with the same scrutiny. So fuck you for being part of that.

V____Z ago

He just can't win with Voat commenters. Yet you're silent on Alex jones. Makes you a joke.

Piscina ago

Seaman is all the things he's accused of, but he's spruiking the message better than most. Yes, he's sensationalist and over-the-top, but at least there is passion, which is infectious. He's like the little engine that never gives up. I hope he keeps going.

Sheilaaliens ago

Please read my post & subsequent comment replies on Alexis Kleinman. I'm not so sure this witch hunt on her has any real merit. Have yet to see evidence of her intending to discredit Seaman. Just trying to understand why he called her out.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

One arrest........................ but if you only get one, this is an intriguing one.

smokemirrors ago

My heart really was racing thinking it was going to be a podesta. David man, come on dude. You can't play us like this. Get your fucking shit together. There were so many of us rooting for you.

DeathToMasons ago

This does NOT prove Seaman right, he was wrong and is now taking credit for proving high profile arrest of the DC pedoe ring were going to take place. The heads of the ring are prominent members of Congress, The CIA, Clinton Foundation, DOJ, State and local police, the corporate Media, and DC power brokers. The california prostitution arrest are not "pizzagate" arrest, nor is the Sandusky arrest. They will pick all the low lying fruit to assauge us that something has been done in mass. But the top of the chain will simply recruit new runners. This is nonsense, and not the type of arrest Seaman was alluding to, even though he attempts to take credit for being accurate now. I am beyond tired of his nonsense and cannot believe that some are crediting him for being reliable. He is still mentioning code words pizza and hotdogs, and Podesta creepy art work as being the heavy hitting material. I detest that poser for hogging spotlight, making false predictions, making himself some victim we need to worry about, and taking credit for a story he got totaly wrong. Enough with this self absorbed wind bag.

purpleartdog ago

I am one of these "kids", but no longer a child. Kidnapped in 1967, along with my Twin Sister, we were two and a half years old. Back then, it was 10,000 for twins. Rescued by the Canadian Mounties as they were packing us up to be sold off the coast of Nova Scotia. My biological father was the kidnapper, along with others. He was a CIA thug, professional government child abductor. My Grandma was a foster mother (she kept one... he's now a pedophile), her Father, a Royal Arch Mason. I am a direct descendant of Jacob Verdon, the Secretary of the West Dutch India Company and Thomas Baddie, Treasurer of the West Dutch India Company (Hint: slavery). Go back even further down another line, a direct descendant of Uthr Pendragon. They do it to their own as well. Except the one's with a desirable bloodline are used for "special ceremonies". I've had PTSD all of my life, and it will never go away I'm afraid, however over time, it has gotten better. I've been waiting for this to be exposed for decades. Yes Folks—this has been going on for a very long time. And IT is real. God Bless You David Seaman and everyone involved in bringing this to the surface. You're spot on...AND THANK YOU!

Piscina ago

Bless you for speaking up. Hugs.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My feeling is that DS, was tipped by law enforcement in that area. Name was not given to DS, was told it was not someone as elite as HillPedo, but has name recognition.

As with Alex Jones and rubber room ready Beck, why the hell do they think leaking this shit out before an actual bust is made, is helpful? These attention whores only want the "I was the first to tell you" status. Don't help these fools put $$ in their pockets.

abortionburglar ago

Trump is offering up some small fries hoping you'll forget about Podesta. Podesta is never going to be arrested because Trump is just as guilty.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Trump is just as guilty.

Apparently that's what you'd like us to think:



BTW, why did you make a username so close to mod @abortionburger's? Fortunately the real mods are looking at your pathetic work and deleting it.

abortionburger ago

Thanks for the heads up dude. I'm just waiting on the other mods to give me the OK to ban this asshat.

Melitica ago

Unfortunately, Voat is full of shills... CTR is here in full force and using cointel tactics all the time. A lot of sliding with multiple duplicate threads, unrelated garbage, down vote campaigns, alternate accounts etc. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1535178

No way to tell but probably more than 3000 of our 11000 usernames are shills, trolls, paid...

On the other hand, many are easy to deal with and it seems to be leveling out some.

bopper ago

Here you can watch an engineer becoming redpilled about the shape of the earth as he grapples with a problem with airplanes landing. This was one of the first ones that got me going.


Weightstone ago

This is big, and really gives a new perspective on the "bread and circus's" role that Celebs provide.

Celebs take part in child sex rings & are products/byproducts of them (Makes you wonder who the Celebs are truly related to doesn't it?).

Celebs literally live in a "Truman Show". With handlers all there lives, actors portraying there families, etc. Celebs who break out of the system tend to get killed off.

The Clinton Foundation(and CTR) has connections to Child sex rings(many linked to Hollywood), so its very important to notice which Celebs support Hillary.

why isn't this being looked into more deeply? I feel hollywood would be the perfect place to pull down and where a metric shit-tonne of squealers (on politicians) would be found.

The_Kuru ago

If Seaman has a source that leaks to him that a bust will happen on a particular day, he better consider why he is being used to spread the news before it happens. If the source is a friend of his, Seaman and his source will have to answer for a bust gone bad when it happens. It gives someone else inside the government an opportunity to tip off the perp realizing that the authorities will look right at Seaman and his source and won't even bother to look elsewhere.

If his source is anonymous but has proven to Seaman that he is in-the-know, then this source can be using him as his alibi. He'll tip off both Seaman and the perp and Seaman will be in a world of shit with no source to turn on.

And then there are many more variables that makes this public tip-off thing unheard of.

Sheilaaliens ago

He's either a legit psychic or a legit source of info, both are great in my book.

acme2011 ago

This video shows the directional gyro experiment forwarded to the relevant part. https://youtu.be/nUFMZkxochs?t=1h29m11s Feel free to watch from the beginning to observe experimental setup, gyro background, so on and so forth. Gyros are perfect to detect rotation. They maintain their orientation regardless of gravity, magnetic field etc. It is why aircrafts use them to detect change of rotation anywhere on earth.

Mtnchan ago

His recent relationship too huffpo makes me very suspicious of his motives and morals

FartOnYou ago

Give me a break. He said "arrests" which everyone knows implies schumer hillary and podesta. This was a coincidence and he js gasping for gis last breath of credibility. Stick a fork in this cuck. Hes done.

Godwillwin ago

That might be the big link

Bouchart ago

If David is right I'd say it was random chance rather than any prescience on his part. Sandusky's kid doesn't seem to be high level, and at any rate tangential to pizzagate if that.

JimmyLionstar ago

If David is right or wrong.. it has no value here!! He is a voice in this travesty and he is on our side. The Sandusky bust is still a win for us! Cheers.. and keep informing and we will bust this wide open. The pedos are a afraid now.

Godwillwin ago

Did Sandusky junior have children of his own?

SchlangeHatRecht ago

High level is quite a stretch. Does anyone even know this perverts name off the top of your head? No. He is just known as Sandusky's kid. He is very far from high profile.

Seaman is backpedaling trying to save what dignity remains after such a collossal lie.

Godwillwin ago

Props to David. He's staying strong! Glad he's weathering the storm.

I agree with quantokitty that this arrest may be bigger than we realize. he's a victim that KNOWS the ins and outs and The Who when where. There is a LOT of pedos in Pennsylvania

Here's a BIG Pennsylvania "priests" connection as well as the politicians covering up multiple pedos despite MANY victims. The story is about one victim that committed suicide this past summer, but in it are the details of the ring and the cover ups and The Who's who.

May the victim Brian Gergely be at peace with Our Father in Heaven and may he rejoice watching these demons face justice!


V____Z ago

Sure but then you'd make fun of the fact that anyone can write a wordpress blog. I meant serious journalism.

ArthurEdens ago

Seems like they're arresting up the chain slowly

waxdino ago

Yeah, I don't trust all the people that blindly support him and push him as a hero. That seems fishy to me. Then to call people that call out his obvious bullshit shills... suspect.
I, just need to step away. No more engaging in Seaman shit. He's probably part of David Brock's secret plan.

V____Z ago

Here is a fantastic piece by Ryan in David Seaman. I submitted it as a post, but it was down voted into oblivion. I do think you all will like it, all but the haters, anyway


IlluminatiKing ago

Got to give Seaman credit although he said "arrests", so I'm not sure if there are more behind the scenes. Since an investigation was ongoing, it wasn't a wild guess anyway i don't think. There is a recurring pattern of more and more human trafficking/pedo arrests it seems.

V____Z ago

He was lost his Huffington Post column a few months ago for pointing out hillarys ill health. To my knowledge he does not have another gig. So videos are all you're gonna get for now.

Nigredo ago

Oh my fucking god, anyone thinking Sandusky's son being arrested is anything even remotely resembling either a high level arrest or confirmation that Seaman isn't full of shit is retarded.

Can you people be a little more credulous instead of just taking his fucking word for it?

waxdino ago

And didn't he say arrestsss?

concernedaboutitall ago

Eh. If this turns up more elite, I will consider it part of Pizzagate. Just him, though, while VERY glad he is caught, this is another chink in the chain. I feel bad all of Sandusky's adoptions were covers for his pedophilia. No doubt his wife aided and abetted, and needs to be held accountable too.

quantokitty ago

And they should be skeptical. The thing is there were charities that worked with troubled kids and there were all these psychologists/psychiatrists on the board and volunteering, attending fundraisers ... things like that. Anyway, there was that sports radio channel I used to listen to all the time, and one of the hosts asked a very pertinent question. He asked something like: with all these mental health professionals, you mean nobody spotted Sandusky as being a pedo? No one was suspicious? It's a REALLy good question! Of course they did! They were either told to lay off or they were part of the cabal. I feel so sorry for those kids. There was one child that was repeatedly raped in the Sandusky home and allegedly Sandusky's wife was home and right upstairs. He swore up and down that she had to have heard him crying and begging Sandusky to stop, but she says she never heard anything. Guess which one I believe?

Godwillwin ago

Breaks. My. Heart.

In my state, we have a law that if you know a child is being abused and say nothing to authorities then you can be charged too.

All states should have this. These moms disgust me just as much as their pedo husbands

quantokitty ago

I totally agree with that law. Yes, if the mother knows and protects her husband, she is absolutely as guilty as he is. No doubt.

21yearsofdigging ago

Well that is good news for Seaman. Hope the son sings like a canary! AS for David Seaman, yeah, give the guy a break. Maybe he isn't the best researcher but he does keep hitting out against the Podestas and the pedophiles. He is obviously on the defensive and really, what harm is he doing, NONE. Controlled opposition I have heard thrown around. Controlled for what??? Maybe not mentioning the Clinton Foundation more but it is named Pizzagate after-all. I like George Webb, but George misses out mentioning ritual abuse and focuses on organ harvesting. Personally I know there is a connection to pedophilia and ritual abuse, creating alters and satanic or luciferian rituals. Not all pedophiles practice this but many of the elite scum do. My point is people talk about what they want, but as long as this investigation(by most of us) continues the better

Hooliganscat ago

It counts as high level ... for now

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

As far as i remember DS was pretty popular up until recent events.. I also feel there has been some kind of negotiated takeover of this forum, so CTR has more control here now than earlier. For the founder of the site its easy money, and it was probably an offer to good to refuse. These are just my lone observations, idk if anyone else has felt the same. It seems there is alot of trash at the top and the important/substantial stuff dissapears fast. What about DonaldWashington over at Reddit? I have the same feeling towards the conspiracy forum there, takeover. It seriously screews with your brain, and that is what they want. If anything, it proves that pizzagate is real.. The Q is will anything be done about it? It is a pretty big leverage card to have as president, when you are the only one not into the club, and you can blackmail everyone else, if you know w ma sayin'

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

and you do the same for David.

williamwire ago

This has nothing to do with "high profile arrests" in Washington D.C.

Flat_Truth ago

I still say if anyone wants to bust the whole melon wide open......trace it back to Walt Disney and that LA sheriff who designed their custom badge with the boylover logo on it.......Disney and the Sheriff's little club in CA back then was called "The Uplifters" and are known for a play they produced called "The Uplift of Lucifer". Disney was in the same club as Saville...both high level masons. Always helping children.

Singleservename ago

The question is how come this asshole charlatan always has 30Ă— upvoats at least??

stellarcorpse ago

My problem with DS is that he is a fraud. Early on, at the onset of Pizzagate we were DM on twitter. Initially I fell for this con. He seemed like a nice guy. Pizzagate, as it unfolded ,begin to trigger me. (I am a SRA victim.) I was going through some bad shit. Really bad shit. I have DID and was starting to get flashbacks and body memories. DS was very adept at making me reveal things to him I had rarely revealed before. Though he was not particularly sympathetic to my CSA plight . He said he wanted to interview me in person. He thought I was younger and when he found out my age he ditched me like a dog. (guess he wanted to score? I look younger than I am.) He also got paranoid and thought I was some CIA mole or something. He wanted nothing to do with me or my story. He treated me miserably. I sounded of on twitter and youtube. He then threatened to sue me . He will probably threaten that again now for this.

Now I am not trying to be a drama queen, but my story has a lot of value to pizzagate as my abuse occured at the hands of a high profile, famous person. Any real journalist would have salivated at the story. Esp. one that was supposedly involved in a pizzagate investigation and care for sexually abused children. Funnily, he did seem to believe my story but claimed he was afraid of getting sued. (even tho my perp is ashes now) Then that same week he went on youtube claiming Podesta and Alefantis are child molesters, and did not seem to have any liability concerns. He treated me like dirt, cared nothing for how I was feeling. He called me a psycho. Not a nice thing to say to someone that has DID. He is a narcissistic , opportunistic conman. A callous dick too. I saw another side that if you guys would see, would turn you off. He is milking this for all it's worth and filling his coffers. (and no Bitcoin does not draw more hits than pizzagate! No one give 2 squats about Bitcoin.!!) A few real serious researchers of CSA and SRA tried to reach out to him (other than myself), and he wanted nothing to do with them. So he rails all day about the poor sexually abused children at the hands of the big bad elite but here he had one ( albeit grown up now) that lands on his lap and he kicks her in the head. He could care less about anything but $$$.

Ramona ago

I believe you. He's following an unusual number of young girls on twitter who creepily seem to worship him. He doesn't follow many pg researchers, and many complain that when they've tried to help him with info, he attacks and sometimes blocks them. The constant self promotion is a red flag, as well as the fact that he's raking in a LOT of dough but spending none. All his victim stunts that he's being attacked has brought him more money, and basically an online army to defend him from anyone questioning his motives and actions. Sad!

Godwillwin ago

So so so sorry that you went through such horrors :(

I truly truly am.

I really really do want to rescue those children that are currently as we speak being preyed upon. I'm praying for them multiple times daily as well as victims that are now "free"--- I'm guessing you will be haunted forever, so I don't want to use the word free lightly.

Is there any reporter that you and the others could share your testimonies with? All along I've saying we need victims to come forward. The children need you and you are truly appreciated by me.

Thank you for speaking up here. It is my hope you will be treated with respect.

If I'm crossing the line, please forgive me, but I want to ask -- was the person that abused you part of Hollywood? If you aren't comfortable giving a name, I thought I'd just ask that much?? Again, if that's inappropriate if me??? I mean no disrespect and apologize

stellarcorpse ago

Lived in Hollywood at the time yes. Entertainment industry; Singer, actor, etc...Not Michael Jackson!!

smokemirrors ago

who? you can hint, "blind item" style. we can do something about it.

MolochHunter ago

why dont you do a youtube video like Becky Percy does, then link it to the voat community. You dont need a journo, especially if your abuser is already in their deserving hell

stellarcorpse ago

I am not very high tech. Don't have the necessary things to do a video. Guess I could talk to my sister about. I really don't like to get this kind of attention as I am an actress (not anywhere close to being a famous one.) I think I would prefer a more old school interview where someone is actually interviewing me.

pizza_merc ago

This sounds like a LARP.

stellarcorpse ago

I don't do role play games. What do you mean? That they did? Doubt it this was in the early 80's.

MolochHunter ago

maybe ask becki percy if she will interview you, that way you'd have an interviewer you know you can trust

21yearsofdigging ago

One last thing concerning SRA is that it is an area I have been hoping George Webb addresses but he doesn't. I understand he is doing his own thing but he said something to the effect that S.R.A. is a cover for organ trafficking, or at least it felt like that was what he was saying. I disagree and pizzagate, pedogate and worldwide abuse of children, especially by the Globalists , is very real. If they have children, chances are their children have been ritually abused

stellarcorpse ago

yes. if you lived in the heart of Hollywood as a child as i did.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, well then you know. I lived there fro over 20 years. Had a bar in Venice and later a house under the Hollywood sign. All was good until my children were threatened and then stolen

stellarcorpse ago

Oh Jesus!! Please tell me you got them back!!!

21yearsofdigging ago

No I did not! I have been hounded and targeted for over 20 years and ended on living on the boardwalk in Venice for a while in the late 1990's. Children were taken to Europe.Lost everything and had no idea that the powers that be could have done this surveillance harassment on me. Eventually reinvented myself as an artist and moved to Canada. It has continued here as well, however I have a woman in my life who has known me since I was in High school and she understands and believes me. She has witnessed for herself and has briefly met m ex wife with the D.I.D. when we went to France to find the children. My ex was also involved in a phony orphanage in Cambodia. Most likely child trafficking. I think my ex wife has been used in numerous projects, maybe even as a Delta slave. We found the children but they are adults now and have no memory of anything. Yup, all because I wanted to know who threatened my little boy and why I was harassed. I am truly hated in the entertainment business now. I don't care because I am out. I also was drugged on at least 2 occasions. Maybe given scopolamine.

stellarcorpse ago

That is horrible!!! I am so sorry!! How were the children kidnapped? Out of your home or outside? Do you have any idea by whom?

21yearsofdigging ago

It is still hard talking about this. I was away working on a film I was forced into. I had filed paper to avoid the children being taken out of the country(we were in Canada at that time on my farm) but the lawyer, married to a politician, filed in the WRONG COUNTY!! I had sold my house up in Beachwood Drive and moved to a farm I owned in Canada. Trying to give the children a normal upbringing. What a joke. I still worked primarily out of Los Angeles. The children were taken by the mother and her 'friends'. She had unreal connections. At the time I knew people like Jack Healey, who had run Amnesty International , but all my connections amounted to a hill of beans. Long story, connects to LionsGate and alphabet agencies. I was way out of my league. To be honest it was like something out of the film Enemy of the State and I was unglued. Never would I have believed it had it not happened to me. May erase this after you read it

stellarcorpse ago

ya i believe you 100%. Most don't because they don't realize that town is stranger than fiction. The things that happen there seem surreal and often are. Sounds like a nightmare. I am so sorry for you. Were you married to the mother? Did you divorce her? Did you press charges? You are the legal father. Do you suspect she did somrthing nefarious with the children?Sorry for all the questions .

21yearsofdigging ago

David Seaman interviewed someone today concerning SRA. I can hear him referring to you without saying it. Guess all the posts here woke him the fuck up

stellarcorpse ago

ya i saw that. Redeemed himself a little tiny bit.

21yearsofdigging ago

I was married to her, met her while in France and I was working. I think she was put on me. Married her because she was pregnant, hated her family and had no friends. Felt sorry for her and wanted to help her, what a mistake!! I was so blind sided by the haraasment that by the time I could get my head together, I was homeless and broke and even the Hague Convention who I had enlisted to help have my children returned, they lied to me. Private investigators, lawyers were all useless.I am the father of 1. Yes, I saw her (my ex) try to drown a baby kitten in front of my children, I was furious and saved the kitten's life.When my son was 3 he was petrified of his poo and terrified of me taking his photo. He was also panicked when adult men were around and would cling to my leg hiding behind me. I found dead cats in green garbage bags, heads cut off all sorts of things. The farm was very isolated and I was in Los Angeles a lot, gone for periods of time. At one point my children told me of mommy being in the cabin and that the big people(I assumed adults) were with them, not mommy. The ex wife even wrote me a letter(prior to the insanity) telling me to save the children from her and that through me, my son knew what love was and that it would kill him. My daughter was too young to know what love was and she may be okay. Any ideas on that one?? It always puzzled me how my son, knowing love, would be bad but my daughter would be okay. She had at one point moved to New York on her own, telling me she thought it best I raise the children, but then, my son started talking about men hitting mommy and all hell broke loose

I just want to tell you I know all about not being believed, even with a certain amount of proof. I had recorded my son telling me of men threatening to hurt him if he talked to me and made close to 300 copies of that one micro cassette. I have had safety box break ins (at banks her and in L.A.) storage, friend's houses, cars...you name it, All stolen yet hung onto the original I used to sleep with it), as well as the letter she wrote and things like changed police reports, phony documents, etc. Been ridiculed, lied about and harassed for years.. I know how much that hurts. I feel for you

stellarcorpse ago

I am so sorry to hear about your plight. Not sure what to say. I have never had children but I can't imagine how horrible it must be to have them take away from you and then knowing they were being abused and not being able to save them. Mind my asking you where this farm was?

21yearsofdigging ago

Sure it was in Ontario, Canada. Funny thing was I thought I had created this Utopia for my children with 2 dogs, 2 barns, 2 ponds and an old beautiful heritage farm house hidden away from the road. The old chicken coup was converted to an art studio. We had, I thought, this perfect little life. Little did I know...

smokemirrors ago

stop hinting and just tell us. Otherwise how do we know you're legit?

stellarcorpse ago

He is ashes now otherwise I would. My hesitance to reveal it shows more legitimacy than not.

21yearsofdigging ago

Wow, totally understand!! PIzzagate for me is exposiing ritual abuse all that that entails, as well of course, as catching the pedophiles/. Had no idea you went through with DS

unbiased_researcher ago

Show us the conversation. It would be helpful to see it.

Piscina ago

I'm sorry this happened to you. Is your story told anywhere?

stellarcorpse ago

No. When alive this person (my perp), was a powerful magician and I don't mean the Vegas type. I was to scared. Still am and he is dead. He was a member of a Secret Society. It's hard for people to understand this unless they have experienced and believe in the supernatural. As I know it may sound hokey to some. Also there was some (and still is) some Stockholm Syndrome shit going on with me. That is the killer. Hate & love.

Piscina ago

I believe you. I know women who have been sold 4 sex when they were little girls. A lifetime of hurt and pain results. The scars remain. But they battle on. They are fighters, like you. The fact that your abuse is even more hidden and more under cover makes it even harder for victims of ritual abuse to come out. I totally get the love/hate and the Stockholm syndrome. Many prostituted women have the dissociation, were sexually abused as children (and so they think that's all they have to offer), PTSD (which you probably have as well) and suffer Stockholm syndrome. They attempt to get their power back by repeating the abuse in prostitution in an attempt to re-frame it. But it doesn't work--it's like doing the same thing over and over again trying to get a different result.

Are you getting any counselling? The power that abusers hold over their victims can last a long time. Even for those not abused in a ritual setting. You are an adult now, but your abuser did such a great job of instilling that fear of him in you, that every time you encounter anything that even remotely reminds you of the event or him, your fight/flight/freeze will be triggered and you probably re-experience. That's the PTSD. When you break out of that magical thinking (of the power he has) you will see that he is a nothing. He is such a nothing that he had to puff himself up with importance by abusing an innocent, beautiful child. He was a manipulator, a psychopath and will be rotting in a horrid place in the afterlife.

Your love/hate is very common in abuse victims. Don't feel ashamed of it. This is the games predators play; they mess with your mind; they reel you in. It's called 'grooming'. The better the grooming, the more love is felt by the victim. Sorry, I hope I don't trigger you. You are a beautiful, strong woman. You just need assistance in getting through the trauma.

Sorry, I didn't want to meddle. I'm not a psychologist, just someone who's had some trauma herself, but not as bad as yours. Hugs.

stellarcorpse ago

You are 100% right! I have never prostituted but i get into dangerous/abusive relationships over & over trying to get a different outcome.I've almost been killed a couple of times. Also I would look for clones of him or people with his tendencies both physical/psychological. I see you know what I mean through personal experience. And yes, DID and PTSD and major depression. What is strange in my case is that the abuse occurred just once. (I think) but it was so very horrific in terms of gore and shock that it really marked me. (animal sacrifice/mutilation, etc..) Perhaps the worst part is that fact that I repressed it all and it came flooding back once I saw my perp in a film as a teen of 16. I thought I was going insane. I started to get flashbacks & nightmares with this person and I was like. But I''ve never even met him! And how could I ever talk to a therapist about this? I would surely get locked up!! But after some years , yes, I finally went into therapy and a few more memories come back and for me to figure it out. But there is that i still refuse to see. I also became my own private detective and found out a lot on my own about this person and their past. That in itself was highly dangerous as these were occult circles that took secrecy to the grave. I got involved in them to get info on my perp. All along he would do art, music videos, songs, films, displaying his dark tendencies, even the pedo ones but since he was a musician-ICON no body batted an eyelash. The absolute worst part about my entire ordeal was the fact he was so famous. I felt people would think I was making it up. I only wish that I was.

Piscina ago

Don't read this until you're ready, but it describes how even one traumatic torture (it's more than abuse) will make children to dissociate & develop MPD, and how it's used for the occult practices. It confirms and re-affirms your experience. It might help you to realise that there are many others out there who've had these atrocities committed on them, most times by the very people who are supposed to be protecting them, that is their parents.

These animals completely disempower these children and take from them what good parents spend years trying to build up--a good sense of self; a belief in themselves; and the skills to deal with the good and bad in life. The crimes are more heinous than simply abuse because the acts are a concerted effort to rip apart the spirit of the child. http://www.whale.to/b/pacememo.html

stellarcorpse ago

I had read that before. Excellent piece.

stellarcorpse ago

I would love to read this but I don't see the link? My parents had nothing to do with my abuse. I was taken walking home from school.

Piscina ago

Disregard the part about the parents. Just the paragraphs about how children are split after one torture is what I was talking about. http://www.whale.to/b/pacememo.html

Piscina ago

Yeah, it's so hard for victims of famous people to come out. Because the public knows the public face of the famous person and thinks, 'Oh, he would NEVER do anything like that'. Like Rolf Harris. And to come out and not be believed is like being abused all over again. I would hazard a guess that this monster has a whole lot of other victims too frightened to come out.

You are very brave to become your own detective. That should show you how strong you can be. I know that feeling powerless is part and parcel of being a child victim. We tend to perpetuate the victim role into our adult years because that is our frame of reference; we have no other way of seeing the world and acting in it.

The fact that it happened only once doesn't make it any less traumatic. One trauma in a child's life is enough to change their brain chemistry (to set up a wiring of the amygdala, which is the primitive part of the brain which controls fear, and which sets off the adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormones) and set up the dissociation. But your brain can change--with therapy, with CBT and other therapies. So keep putting one foot in front of the other. Some people find a belief or a faith can help them; others not. My faith has helped me.

btw, even if you did become a prostituted woman, I would not judge you. I know plenty of former prostituted women. They ALL deal with PTSD, trauma and dissociation and all got into it after being abused as children. Good luck. I will pray for you (if you don't mind).

stellarcorpse ago

Your comments are amazing and very soothing. You are better than most of my past shrinks. Maybe because you have lived through it. ya, the brain chemistry alterations are fascinating. Have you heard of he physical ones too? Like there is now evidence of early onset of menses with CSA? That happened to me.

Piscina ago

Thank you. I think because I'm a mother and I know the path of an abuse survivor. You don't really recover in the traditional sense. But you make the best of what you have, and hope for divine intervention along the way to make you whole and make you what you should and could be. In the meantime, you grab every opportunity there is for healing. People around you who love you and support you is important, and someone you can trust to talk to. I've spent a lot of time in therapy and had a nervous breakdown. I've had a lot of tragedy in my life. Just remember that you have a RIGHT to be happy and whole. You are one of God's (whatever God is to you) children, a part of him/her. Nothing that has ever happened to you and nothing that you could ever do will ever break or undo that fact. Knowing that is different from feeling it. But remind yourself of that--that you are worthy of every good thing in the world--because you are perfect and you're very strong for surviving it. Eventually your heart will catch up with your head. I found CBT really helpful to show me that my thoughts were not always fact. xx

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you! Found the link. Will have to check out CBT never tried but heard good things. Hope you find peace one day too.

icydays33 ago

I'm sorry to hear how you've been treated. Hope you're doing okay.

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you. No one that goes throught CSA and esp SRA is ever ok.

icydays33 ago

As okay as possible, then... my heart truly goes out to you.

Astrodreamer ago

Certainly there are other outlets for your story. When do we get to hear it?

stellarcorpse ago

The problem is that I was MK into not telling. Had not told anyone since High School. How I divulged perps identity to DS is still a mystery to me. Alters most often take over when you are about to confess. That it why I was so taken aback by DS callousness. He literally asked ZERO questions after the revelation . All he said was "not surprised." He dident' care about the why's? hows? etc....So now I am back to square one and it's really, really hard to reveal. Also, this person is an idol to so many. I don't think many will believe me.

PeaceFuture ago

I believe you.

stellarcorpse ago

thank you.

alliecapone ago

reallygraceful https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-UU3bN4FkMILC-CMd8N5w on YT is a good girl, she's even done a wonderful interview with a victim of SRA like yourself. I really appreciated how she handled her with care, she didn't ask proddy and possibly questions that could trigger her. It strengthened her resolve. She's shown proof of the threats she gets for exposing the truth. She's a soothing soul too, so even if you decide to just watch her it may help that personality step back out. Maybe connecting with that victim if she's willing. It always helps when someone understands, and has been there.

I'm disappointed that DS has treated you like this, I'm upset when anyone treats someone that is vulnerable like that. It's a bit of a concern. I'm sorry you had to live through not only abuse, but having that happen when awareness and care should've been priority 1 sounds like it's trauma all over again. Something you don't deserve. Much love to you <3

Definitely check out her interview with the victim of SRA. She was triggered by pictures on the comet pizza site, started remembering things, and she did a video about it.

stellarcorpse ago

ya, I know her. I DM her. She is very sweet. She know my situation but she has never asked to interview me. Seems no one cares about a story that is bombshell National Enquirer shit. (btw, I have 2 witnesses) Also kind of have a case of once bitten twice shy now. Fuck that Seaman!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Try the man in this video:


truthvibe ago

In this forum, people are very likely to believe an 'idol' is capable of heinous crimes. And I am sorry you were treated badly by DS. "Not surprised' either... Take care.

stellarcorpse ago

I guess you're right. Thank you for your concern.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Weird that he didnt want to jump to publish that story. Especially since the perp is dead. Dead men cant sue. Breaking major exclusive stories like that is how you make a name for yourself.

stellarcorpse ago

I agree. But I think he may be bipolar or something. He was paranoid about me and my motives. He thought I worked at Tavistock.

0xFFF ago

sounds like an interesting story, but again it's not like DS is the only way to spread your story. maybe make a post here on voat?

stellarcorpse ago

please read my post to astrodreamer.

stellarcorpse ago

ya, I think I might.

Godwillwin ago

I don't why, but I felt it was Hollywood for some reason. An anon keeps telling us we need to look into the Hollywood rings. We here on voat have a little, but we haven't gone nearly as in depth with investigating Hollywood as we have investigating politicians. So many in Hollywood seem troubled, especially the starletts, that i don't even know where to begin. We've looked into Nicole Kidman's father and know those connections. We know Scientology may play a role. Then we have all these sweet little starlets that just go nuts after a few years of the spotlight - you know like Miley Cyrus. Are they all being abused as you were? Was the person that abused you in a Hollywood ring? Can you guide me where to start investigating. A clue of any kind if you aren't comfortable exposing the person that abused you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to expose them all FOR you. And I'm not s reporter and am stupid with computers. I'm just a mom of 6 children. I have nothing to gain here except the most important thing - saving those kids being abused right now. Please help us save them!!

We had Kanye tweeting about mk ultra too. But I don't know much about Kanye so don't know where to go from there

ZalesMcMuffin ago

A lot of the "women" in Hollywood are men. Check the ring/index finger lengths, the skull shapes/sizes (esp. compared to shoulder width), and body shape (men have shoulders; women have hips).

I mention this simply because DAMN, you'd have to be a wreck if you're a man living as a woman, being paraded around as an IDEAL feminine specimen for all the clueless men to drool over.

0xFFF ago

its just a waste of energy to call out shills - true or not. it doesn't matter when you have the truth.

madmanpg ago

Interesting that the title created for this post is "arrests"...but the content is a single "arrest".

More sensationalizing and bullshit from this con artist. Sandusky's kid was being investigated as far back as November. He's certainly not "high-level" in any way, considering his dad is already in prison for the same shit.

stellarcorpse ago

Con artist indeed. Read my post above.

Birdzeyeview ago

glad you outed him as the creep he so obviously is. He wrote a book on this marketing 'creating a buzz' BS. All the rants he goes on 'fighting' with a whole bunch of random ppl is part of the strategy he peddled in his book.

e.g (quoting him) >>Create real outrage (calling for Public Hangings, much?)

Establish a positive connection with the public (doubt he's capable frankly, but maybe the tears for his friend that got murdered in a drug house helped a few believe he's not a sociopath)

Always remain accessible to the media (would that be the MSM you profess to hate David?)

Have an enemy and publicize your rivalry ('enemies' are many these days for David, HRC, Youtube, twitter CEO, Paypal, random journos, pesky 'fans', Podesta - who studiously ignores him despite the endless tags and provocation on Twitter - You name it, he'll have more enemies to rant about tomorrow . But they aren't really enemies, more windmills for him to tilt at. LOL)

Exploit the viral aspects of YouTube and Vimeo

Appear in-demand at all times (pretending he was invited onto the Daily Show - yeah right sure you were David, and now he pretends he is being bothered by 'fans' lol)

Be seen as a controversial expert, not an average Joe

well you are not a journalist, SEAMAN maybe a 'churnalist' of BS.... to every thing there is a season, right ? and the season now is PIZZAGATE IS REAL (no it's not) so until the patreon and the paypal dries up again... it will be CHURN CHURN CHURN from this sack of shit.

justforthissubverse ago

So.... WHERE DID SANDUSKY ADOPT THIS KID? I wonder if there's a connection there....

Activate Autists!

CuckSlap ago

We should all be done with Seaman at this point. I used to support and defend the guy but he's a total fraud. Provides nothing that isn't already on 4Chan, Reddit or Voat.

roundhouse1776 ago

I have exposed Seaman for the fraud that he is. See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644263

MolochHunter ago

the guy is a reporter, not an investigator. He's spread the word to millions more than use investigators. We all have a role and function, his is no more or less vital than ours

Melitica ago

Excellent point.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

NO FUCKING WAY. He has been one of the biggest distractions and his only goal is to be internet famous.
ALL of his videos are long winded BullShit, talking points that are just crap.
What has he factually unearthed in this investigation?

Melitica ago

Frankly, every video out there is long winded and most are bullshit regurgitations...day after day. There are a few exceptions but most are self serving click bait with nothing new...and suck ass boring on top of that.

David, whether a stellar investigator or not, has a big audience. At a minimum, that helps redpill.

dookiehowzer ago


the aggressiveness towards david is uncalled for and makes me believe they are shills standby on voat ready to tear down what david has built in these couple of months

davids heart is in the right place, if youre crying about him needing funding then just dont fund him, you dont need to try to discredit him

bgrenual ago

Jesus Christ... you people fall for anything. This was a random case of child abuse that just happened to be 1 of Sandusky's 6 adopted sons. This dude is a nobody.

This is not proof of pizzagate or proof that David Seaman knows anything. His source is the internet, just like the rest of us.

Until politicians start getting arrested, it's just random busts.

alliecapone ago

I had ZERO idea of who the hell a james alefantis was til recently when this all broke. Yet he's a VERY powerful DC pizza guy. Point is, a big fish (Sandusky himself, in the sports world is big) could have plans for a family member, or a close friend to take over things if he were caught. In the mob world, it's decided "just in case" Obviously he took over the family business. IMO, that's a pretty decent sized fish. Not mountable sized, but a keeper.

lawfag123 ago

he was a lone wolf, a troubled man, he acted alone


willofthewarrior ago

Do yourself a favor. If you don't already know about it, learn about the Boys Town child sex ring and trafficking allegations, as featured in The Franklin Coverup / The Franklin Scandal. Next, learn about The Second Mile, Jerry Sandusky's charity, and how some people have claimed that the latter was engaged in the same activities, perhaps even part of the same network. And you say the son of the founder isn't a big deal?

bgrenual ago

I know about all this stuff. I want all pedo's to burn in hell.

I just want people to stop pointing at every routine john sting, or every possible pedo arrest they can find, and saying "oh shit pizzagate arrests are starting!!!"

No. Until it is the politicians, or extremely powerful business owners that are well known, it's not really happening.

dookiehowzer ago

its still one less sik fuk and its a possible lead and a recognizable notorious last name

Forgetmenot ago

These verbal attacks are vicious and actually really demonstrative of the value system of these attackers. If it is not a divide and conquer strategy than it is some vicious people who do not belong here. This is a board focused on helping children and exposing abusers. These attacks are abusive and if you cannot be constructive then lurk! The focus is the children and you all seem like shills.

V____Z ago

There is only one thing I can say: I literally love you for this comment.

Forgetmenot ago

Why thank you!

podesta4prison ago

Seaman has contributed nothing but paranoia, grandiose claims, false alarms, and the image that people are using this whole scandal to profit. He is the only person here many people agree we'd be better off without.

MolochHunter ago

and he's redpilled thousands more people than you or i. we are up against the most ruthless model of criminal organisation available, would it kill you to have a little loyalty to your allies?

DeathToMasons ago

He is not an ally for all the reasons mentioned. Code word pizza and hotdogs is about all he knows about this case.

podesta4prison ago

In late December, half of Trump supporters, and 24% of Democrats believed Pizzagate was real (according to a WoPo poll). He's probably done more damage than helped by turning a profit on bullshit claims and subpar emotional rambling "reporting," and adding to the narrative that people are using this to profit off of the gullibility of others. He should go away.

cakeoflightylight ago

Was his source promising to arrest Sandusky's son? Come on, man...

Crunch43 ago

Lots of shills attacking David lately.... Only means one thing, he is on it! Keep doing great work, Dave. Non-pedos appreciate all your hard work.

cakeoflightylight ago

um, I'm not a shill, he's lame A.F.

iamthepizzanow ago

Is anyone who attacks him a shill or are you just grouping people who see through his bullshit as such?

fuckMoloch ago

no, some people have just been fooled by the clever rhetoric the shills use, david seaman isn't perfect, but he has done more for this investigation than 99% of other people. yeah sure he repeats himself, but he still provides good information. if he is full of shit, he deserves an oscar for acting.

iamthepizzanow ago

I get what you're saying. Just keep an open mind to ulterior motives.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Chap is a fucking spastic, 'there will be arrests today' you're like a fucking palm reader mate

pizzaequalspedo ago

Keep chipping away at the pedos. LE operations don't work as quickly as most of us would like but I'm not going to freak out if it doesn't happen on a pre-advertised time and day.

quantokitty ago

Yup, gotta admit this was a high-level arrest. Just because it wasn't one of the Podestas, doesn't mean it's not valid. And we still don't know who Sandusky was working with, or the network that protected him. Sandusky was very into connecting through charities, so we don't know who he knew.

gAvenger ago

I admit no such thing. This appears part of an ongoing operation and Seaman clearly implied multiple well known arrests.

quantokitty ago

Alex Jones just confirmed that the arrest is huge and the start of Trump's promise to lock up the pedos.

quantokitty ago

This is well-known. The Sandusky scandal was national / world news and people couldn't stop talking about it. And who says it'll stop here? You have Sandusky's charity and all those connections to investigate. Look, it's crazy to argue about this. If you don't think so, then you don't.

MolochHunter ago

i wonder how many folks here are big enough to apologise to Seaman. Probably not many, they'll all have their small minded excuses

quantokitty ago

The amount of hatred is crazy.

HarveyKlinger ago

This has NOTHING to with Pizzagate. Pizzagate was SPECIFICALLY about high profile POLITICAL and politically connected elite. This was a coincidence at best and REALLY low hanging fruit. As stated elsewhere, title of thread says HIGH LEVEL ARRESTS. Up until this arrest, nobody had ever heard of the guy. So that's ONE arrest. Where's number two or more?

There's zero evidence or suggestion that Jeff Sandusky was involved in some huge circle of molesters. He wasn't "working with" anybody. He did something with his girlfriend's kid and as of now the details on WHAT haven't surfaced. All I've read so far are the heavily redacted texts so I don't know what the other charges are.

But high level? No. Not even close. Pizzagate related? No. Not even close.

Melitica ago

The original Sandusky deal brought one of the biggest universities in the country to its knees and destroyed an American icon...and it was supposedly just a assistant coach who wanted to help a few kids...but then it wasn't.

What makes anyone think we'll actually hear right off? Lying MSM will cover until it is just too big.

HarveyKlinger ago

NEITHER Sandusky arrest is Pizzagate related nor were they the result of ANY investigation anybody investigating Pizzagate has done. Without googling, tell me who Jeff Sandusky is. Where does he work? Does he have kids? Does he have a criminal history? How did he vote? Does he know anybody famous? He's NOT a high level arrest. NOBODY including David Seaman had heard of him before the news broke.

we_kill_creativity ago

There's zero evidence or suggestion that Jeff Sandusky was involved in some huge circle of molester


And actually, there is...The Sandusky "episode" was blown up in everyone's faces, and yet, ironically, it was a cover up, pure and simple. The guy investigating Sandusky was disappeared and presumed dead, his laptop was found in a river. Sandusky's "charity" was allowed to shred their documents after he was known. This was just a high level cover up. Sandusky was a high level sacrificial lamb.

HarveyKlinger ago

You're confusing Jerry Sandusky and Jeff Sandusky. There was no cover up with Jeff Sandusky. There was also no Pizzagate investigation related to either. Jeff Sandusky got arrested because his girlfriend turned him in after seeing the texts he sent her daughter. There was NO FBI investigation or secret midnight raid.

As far as David is concerned, he's running a racket. He reports information that other people investigate and you know who the ONLY people that watch David's videos are? The same people doing the investigation who watch those videos and feel vindicated that someone is taking them seriously. He doesn't have any media clout and he's not reaching new audiences. But he IS asking for donations and promoting himself quite a bit.

we_kill_creativity ago

You're confusing Jerry Sandusky and Jeff Sandusky. There was no cover up with Jeff Sandusky.

How do you know that? We're talking about the adopted son of pedophile who ran a children's charity for years....No cover up!?!?!?

There was also no Pizzagate investigation related to either

So maybe there should be!?!?!

As far as David is concerned

I didn't mention David, but ...

It is interesting that you devote most of your response to something I didn't even bring up. Changing the subject much?...

HarveyKlinger ago

Whatever. Do what you want. If you want to send him money for all of his hard work, I'm not going to stop you.

As far as Jeff Sandusky, EVERYTHING in your posts talks about Jerry. Tell me all about Jeff and how it relates to Pizzagate. ... I'll wait.

we_kill_creativity ago

If you want to send him money for all of his hard work, I'm not going to stop you

AGAIN!!!!!!! I didn't say anything about David freaking Seaman. Why do you persist in bringing him up like I'm some huge supporter. I don't follow him at all.

The aggravating thing about people like who you seem to thrive off arguing the semantics and technicalities of what is and isn't pizzagate is that you seem to have such tunnel vision about this. Pizzagate is one example of a much larger phenomenon. They are taking steps to tackle the larger phenomenon, not just Pizzagate. When we see clear examples of an effort to tackle the general problem, this, naturally, involves pizzagate.

Regardless, you can respond to this, but I'm done talking to you, because I'm convinced at least half the reason you want to keep harping on about this pointless semantics argument is to derail any meaningful conversation we could otherwise be having.

samhara ago

Yes and Freeh was involved. He came in at the end to smooth everything over. Freed was the most corrupt FBI chief ever, as related by those in the Agency itself, so it is said.. He was also the orignal Prosecutor in "The Pizza Connection" trials of the '80's which were massive; with twin trials taking place in Palermo Sicly. The had to build a special stadium like jail for the trials and hire their own guards.. Likely what would have to be done here for Pizzagate if it ever go that far.. Same M.O. they Pizza Parlors for fronts for large scale Heroin business and likely other crimes.. Pull on that thread and you are there..

Freemasonsrus ago

The only thing I can say on the "possible" positive side for Seaman and his "source" is that IF Jeffrey was involved in a still functioning ring, it would certainly be a signal to the higher ups involved that the authorities are coming. But that's a huge IF and the reports so far (not that I trust the MSM) seem to imply these were more like Weinergate events. On another random note, George Webb has mentioned that he thought Paterno wasn't dead and was in Israel. I don't really buy that, but did find it really convenient that he died practically immediately after this case blew up and before he could be ensnared even more by it.

bgrenual ago

Thank you!!! This is what I have been trying to get people to understand. Additionally, the more that people continue to sensationalize sh*t like this, it undermines the real fight.

Scirel ago

I know, exactly what I thought.

Jerry Sandusky's son was arrested. The earth is quaking under our feet...

DustyRadio ago

Thank you, this exactly what I thought also. How fortuitous for Seaman that this happened today so he can cling to it for his fans.


Come on, who is Sandusky anyway? An assistant coach? So not even a coach.

quantokitty ago

It's his dad that makes this important.


He's just an ASSISTANT coach. How big a deal can an ASSISTANT be?

quantokitty ago

Well, another big time journalist/commentator, Alex Jones, has categorized this arrest as huge and as the start of Trump's promise of a pedo sweep.

Melitica ago

His father was "just" an assistant coach...wasn't even Employed with Penn State when his shit came down. He was just "helping" a few misfortunate kids...but somehow had managed to maintain all the prestige and access to Penn State while everyone looked away...even the most beloved coach in America...

madmanpg ago

How is he high-level? I didn't even know Sandusky had a son. He can't have much power considering his father's been in jail for child rape for years now in a highly-publicized incident.

quantokitty ago

You're missing the point. It's because of who his father is that it's important. The Sandusky pedophile arrest was HUGE!!! It made every paper in the country. Even the sports radio channel I used to listen to devoted a special program to it every single day, and that was in addition to the hosts pretty well talking about nothing else. He was on the inner circle. Not only is he a predator, but he was a victim that became a victim through adoption. It's what we've been talking about! He is pizzagate.

williamwire ago

Nope this isn't valid at all.

quantokitty ago

Totally valid. Completely and utterly. HUGE. Just huge. Now if Jeffrey will just sing like a birdie all will be well in bringing down more pedos.

williamwire ago

Nope, not even close. Seaman lied (or was lied to) about mass arrests in DC, arrests that were to be related to the "pizzagate" investigation. Seaman is just attaching this single incidental arrest to his false prediction in a desperate attempt to save some of his reputation. It's clear now, that he is simply reading the same information that everyone else is, but wants to be a net celebrity, so claims has inside information.

quantokitty ago

You know what? It could be this. I'm not going to lie and say it couldn't be, but the Sandusky arrest is huge. Just huge. It is high-level so that does fit, but whether it's latching onto something ... I do not know. I can't remember anybody high-level going down on charges of being a pedophile, but it could be coincidental.

williamwire ago

I don't see it as high profile, sorry, nor does it fit the other criteria: mass arrests in Washington D.C.

listentoreason2017 ago

I mean, I guess it's high-level because he's related to Sandusky but he's not exactly an elite.

And it didn't seem like this was some huge operation yet. But maybe it will be.

Weightstone ago

until today, I had never heard of Sandusky.. father or son. a broken clock is right, twice a day. and honestly any law enforcement person would be super pissed at a some tool blabbing all over the internet, 'hey they are gonna arrest so-and-so" like suicidal (the real ones) people, they (the law) don't pre announce what they are going to do, they just do it.

Dasistnichtgut ago

No offense, but just bc you haven't heard of him doesn't mean he's not big. Just means (I'm guessing) that you're probably under 25 or not from the US. All that to say, we shouldn't write off names/suspects until we do our due diligence to check them out. Bc JS is major.

quantokitty ago

Did you read @carmencita's comment? You should. No, the Sandusky operation was HUGE. Massive, Importante. Remember, this is an adopted kid! Adoption? Jeffrey is one of the children we're talking about here. Unfortunately, the years of abuse and grooming were enough to convert him and drag him over to the dark side, but Jeffrey was and is a victim. A victim that should go to jail, but he knows where the bodies are buried. He knows how these pedos get kids because he is one of those kids. Trust me ... or not ... but this is unbelievably big.

carmencita ago

There might be some more being taken in, they will be making deals for sure, to save their own necks they will gladly take the big fish down. Let's hope that is the case here.

quantokitty ago

That's what I'm hoping. We need the sharks as well as the guppies.

quantokitty ago

That is what I am hoping. We need the sharks as well as the guppies.

williamwire ago

You're just as much full of shit as Seaman. This wasn't huge at all, and was definitely not was promised (massive raids on high profile people in Washington DC). Seaman is just latching on this incidental arrest because he is desperate. If there was a pedo arrest in the north pole, he would have claimed that too. Stop shilling for a fraud.

roundhouse1776 ago

That's exactly what he's doing. This was a happy coincidence for him to save a sliver of credibility with his cult worshippers.

During his tirade earlier today, he sent a tweet directed at the DHS asking why they hadn't arrested Podesta, Brock, and Neera Tanden yet.

He was so far off base and had absolutely no idea about Sandusky. He's a total fraud.

quantokitty ago

I don't think he's a fraud. There's nothing fraudulent about what he does. If you think he is a fraud, I don't have a problem with that. I think he's done a couple of decent videos. Like I said, I don't follow him, so I really haven't seen a lot of them. So I'm not "shillng" for him. I'll back anyone that wants to stop kids from being molested. He's very vocal about that and has put himself out there. That's also something I think commendable. I also think this forum is commendable. There's been some amazing detective work so whatever. Just stating my opinion, but I know what you're saying.

williamwire ago

Good enough, sir.

carmencita ago

I am not a Seaman watcher, but I know I have seen articles and comments about Sandusky possibly being part of a global operation. Just Sayin'.

TomDrew87 ago

Oh yeh this is an international network we're dealing with, children is only one part, they also do weapons and drugs

carmencita ago

Yeah, the kids are not enough. Sick Varmints.

quantokitty ago

I'm not either, but I do think Seaman has put himself way out there. And I figure he must have done something really stupendous to be vilified and showered with this much hatred. And I think it's absolutely a certainty he's part of something global. His father was and his being arrested is huge. Massive. He knows where all the bodies are buried. He has to.

hels ago

Seaman probably has info on someone higher up and agreed to keep it hidden for inside information. It's how most journalists work as they have backups of everything and all information will be released if they have a suspicious death.

quantokitty ago

No doubt. I would hope he does, anyway.

bopper ago

"Connected through charities." Well that would be hopeful, didn't know that.

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah! In fact, Sandusky might have been given a pass because he was associated with charities. It's a great cover story to have. And think about it, when these arrests start coming, there might be an intelligence behind the arrests. Yes, they have the evidence, but there might be a certain order they use so they can go up the pecking order and get the elite pedos. They're the ones running things, and this Jeffrey guy was in a perfect position to know the players through his dad. There had to be some pretty big names propping Sandusky up and what do you think he was doing for them in return? This is very hopeful. Thanks, David!

YingYangMom ago

Makes sense. I hope you're right.

quantokitty ago

I hope so, too. But really, arresting Sandusky is an amazing sign. This would not have happened with this new administration being in office. With all the connections, this would have been swept right under the rug and the victim that complained called a liar and dismissed.

bopper ago

Sounds sensible to me. Thanks.

quantokitty ago

You're welcome.

MAGABoomer ago

This arrest is for child abuse/kp and if anything to PROVES that pedos must be put to death. This guy was abused by his father and he turned into an abuser. It never stops.

Also anyone expecting child abuse charges on ANY of the PG folks is going to be disappointed and I hope you all can figure out why.

Making KP charges stick and getting life sentence for that is really hard to do for rich people. Our targets will be charged with treason, RICCO, and other things. The KP evidence will be released as far as possible to encourage them to jump...and to completely disgrace them and to allow all to know the depths of their depravity. But what they're going to be charged with WILL get them life without parole.

Stop being in such a hurry. Get the users first, then the dealers, then the suppliers. Remember how they actually nailed the mob. It wasn't for the actual crimes it was RICCO AND TAX EVASION.

Be patient we need the charges to stick! Maxine waters committed treason just the other day. Trying to make back room deals with Ukraine leadership on the sanctions. Only trouble is... they were "Russian hackers" taping her and trapping her... and now exposing her fornall to see by posting the video of the call.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Haha - she's an idiot! But nothing will be done about this. MSM won't touch this. Good for a laugh though!

MAGABoomer ago

It's hysterical. OMG Trump made a backdoor deal with Russia on sanctions... waters caught trying to make a backdoor deal on sanctions. Lolololo

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Only difference, Flynn probably kept us out of a war.

MAGABoomer ago

Flynn is not president. That's all. HE didn't keep us out of anything :)

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Wait what is that about Maxine "russia is invating korea" Waters? I can't find it - do you have a link? (fingers crossed, please be true!!!)

bopper ago

Whoa, did not see this one.

MAGABoomer ago

I'm on my cell but duck duck her name with Russian hackers. I saw it on GLP.

bopper ago

Don't forget this one (the inmates are running the place).


cakeoflightylight ago


MAGABoomer ago

And they're not going to be able to stop them with KP charges. Patience. And stop pointing UP. What have you done about the pedos in your family/circle... you know...creepy uncles etc. every family has them and everyone makes excuses why they don't do anything about it. I saw The Tribe site and pedos are in your family creeping on kids. Pedos are in your workplace and social circle. What have YOU done?

cakeoflightylight ago

Are you directing this comment at me or at people in general?

MAGABoomer ago

at everyone, on my cell harder to nail the right space. But if it applies to you ;)

we expect people above us to do more than we're willing to do. We're afraid to speak up even in our own families...why do we expect other's to be braver than we are?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Links or it didnt happen

Edit: Well looks like he was technically right. Sanduskis son is huge in the world of upper management of the ring, and raises way more questions that it answers and will cause a Domino effect. Maybe it's my fault for getting too worked up thinking it was Podesta.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

FUCK OFF SEAMAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEA0CbVWU0
This dude just wants to be famous, internet famous.

Atlantean120 ago

Fuck this troll, these ppl must be downvoted.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Dude, I aint no troll, I am just calling it like I see it.
His videos are just fluff, talk and talk and talk, appealing to the emotional side of us.
Tell me something that he un-covered or?

purpleartdog ago

OR... perhaps, you don't shit PM. I am one of these kidnapped children!! 50 years old now. Ancestors in government, Police, Judges, High Ranking Masons, the WIC and the CIA. It IS real, for those who care to know, and David cares. I doubt you do because you speak from a place of pure ignorance. God Bless him. Now go shut the hell up. I'll bet you don't even know what the word Government means do you? Gubenare= to Govern, to Rule, to Control.... Mente=the mind. Mind Control... you betcha. My 19 year old Son know more than you do. Looks like you need to study.

MAGABoomer ago

So. If you don't like his videos, make your own.

You need clam pics PM'd to you? LOL how desperate can you get eh?

shoosh ago

MAGABoomer I was thinking the same thing.

Melitica ago

Me too...and gross.

Long_Knife ago

Trying to latch on to anything to save some credibility. He's like the psychics saying "someone with the name A had a loved 1 die".

HashTagFU ago

Holy shit, how did you know? Well it didn't begin with A and it doesn't have an A anywhere in it but still, close enough.

bopper ago

David, don't be paranoid about the flat earthers, they're honestly not there to cause you trouble, they sincerely believe in the theory, and you have an audience (and they're thinking you might be open-minded about it), so they're 'approaching' you.

Since you're not interested in it they'll probably go away. Just saying, don't get all worked up and paranoid about them, they're harmless.

Edit: Also, I'm sure you understand people's disappointment that it wasn't a bigger fish, everybody's getting impatient. Tell your informant to give you something really good, if you want to maintain people's trust.

shoosh ago

I think this bust will (and should) lead to opening the lid to more connections of a big nature.
For example, these charities have to be investigated and when busted the names need to be exposed. I think this has the potential to lead to big names, and/or important charity names and heads.
This is our chance to hold the police's feet to the fire.

bopper ago

I agree and am hoping.

Fateswebb ago

There are real flat earthers and fake shill ones. Certainly it could be either contacting him. Flat earth is used to discredit other investigations by shills. I do know some are real believers as well, just saying they aren't all real.

0xFFF ago

quite a broad brush. lots of troll in there too, or larpers

ArrestMe ago

dunno why my posts are being deleted. All I said was I agree with bopper. Gotta look into it yourself. The redbull jump was shown to not adequately portray proper curvature. Just a fish eye lens, otherwise you'd have to say wherever he was landing (think it was texas), took up half the globe. Check our Eric Dubay if you want to waste your time into it. It's just a theory but a surprising one. Most you'll get out of it is a disbelief in NASA.

bopper ago

What posts of yours are being deleted? I don't see it.

ArrestMe ago

hmm i see it now after linking to it. Guess i put it in different thread.

bopper ago

Man I get really confused sometimes!

ArrestMe ago

I basically said what I said about right here and it's not there any more. Then my comment contribution point went back down and it wasn't here. It's in my post list and here's the link tho https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1643769/8031858. But I don't see it here.

Freemasonsrus ago

The dude who jumped out of the Red Bull thing a couple years back had a pretty good viewpoint. Earth was round. This "theory" actually makes me chuckle. And I'm a completely red pilled open minded person.

acme2011 ago

I know we are deviating from Pgate. But since this issue was raised here and that Flat earth has been given a bad name by a number of poorly constructed arguments one must be open to this. If you truly enter this rabbit hole while discarding disinfo shills, you will realize that NASA has been lying to us very very cleverly. We have been subjected to a huge brainwashing campaign. The buck doesnt stop at P'gate. P'gate is just another window into the alternate world.

Try for a moment not to depend on images from space agencies. Then consider these arguments that question whether the earth is actually rotating: Aircrafts use directional gyros to determine their heading. In short, mechanical gyros tend to hold their orientation in space independent of earth position, gravity etc. Therefore if the base of the gyro mount is rotated, the reading should indicate how much rotation has occured. In this video, the person used a commercial directional gyro used by aircrafts and placed it on flat table in a location in the northern hemisphere (53 deg latitude) and waited for a sufficient period of time to see if the earth rotation was registered. He basically did not observe anything. This means that the base of the gyro does not rotate. Which logically implies that the table did not rotate along with the earth. How is that possible? Video:https://youtu.be/nUFMZkxochs?t=1h29m11s

If you allude to Foucault's pendulum experiment to prove earth's rotation, please note: In the 1850s repetitions of foucault's experiment were made: https://maths.ucd.ie/~plynch/Publications/PRIAC.pdf

"The pendulum experiment is often described as simple, but there are several practical difficulties. Joseph Galbraith and Samuel Haughton reported irregularities in the precession rate. Non-uniformities in the bob and wire cause anisotropy, which results in oscillations of the swing-plane that can mask the effect of the turning Earth. Small transverse motions introduce anisochrony: since the period depends on the amplitude, the transverse motions are slightly faster than the long swing of the pendulum, causing precession of the elliptical trajectory; again, this can corrupt the signal due to the spinning globe. Finally, friction at the bearing and air resistance on the wire and ball damp and distort the motion."

Museum people have also claimed giving initial bias to set the pendulum in spherical motion. Foucault's pendulum experiment appears to be confirmation bias for the earth rotation model rather than proof.

Drnoway ago

Just stop it. Never been on a airplane? I have and I've seen the curvedness of the earth.

acme2011 ago

Is it? See properly again. Also feel free to watch high altitude balloon videos after fish eye lens correction. Don't fall for confirmation bias.

Drnoway ago

I think you are a paid disinfo troll. Why is a soap bubble round? (answer is energy minimum) What do you see when you look to space? Round ball-like rotating objects, yet somehow we would be on a flat disc? Im not gonna reply to this anymore.

acme2011 ago

Heh, sure. It sure is a hard pill to wrap one's head around since we are shown a globe earth before 1+1=2. Anyway, since you are on voat investigating Pgate, you by default have a more open-minded nature than normies. Now, why dont you debunk hard evidences instead of deflecting it to irrelevant arguments like round soap bubbles which have nothing to do with this. Watch a ship disappear from the horizon and then take a pair of binoculars and watch it magically appear again. Explain why chicago can be seen from michigan shoreline which is more than 40 miles away using magnification lenses when it mathematically should have disappeared below if earth curvature should have been obeyed. Watch this video, if only, for your amusement and think it over before discarding it. After all Pizzagaters demand the same thing from non-believers. Peace out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEm91zxBaa4

Drnoway ago

I gotta comment even though i said i would not. This is because of your dismissal of the soap bubble. The soap bubble goes into ball shape because it is a form that needs the least amount or energy to uphold. It is called energy minimum and its basic physics. The same form can be seen on smaller scale on molecules and electrons. The reason remains the same, it needs the least amount of energy to uphold. In other words it is natural to be lazy.

If you pour water out of bottle while in zero g what form does it take?

I did watch the whole video and i was not impressed at all. Yes, we are lied to but that does not mean that every conspiracy theory is true. I can't express myself more delicately 'cos im not a english speaking person.

acme2011 ago

NASA tells us that out blood veins will burst if astronauts expose their skin in space. Now air rises upward against gravity through temperature and pressure gradients all the time. Yet we are supposed to believe that gravity is powerful enough to hold the entire atmosphere against this powerful space vacuum. Where is the mathematical proof for this. I have not seen anyone justify this through numbers. If you know of any study please educate me.

acme2011 ago

Fair enough. I was not asking for your rating on the video. Merely your arguments against the claims made in the video. Coming to the soap bubble: yes, a spherical shape consumes the least energy. And that is true of other things we see around us on earth. Why would you then extrapolate this to the earth itself? Got any proof that it is round and spinning without showing me space images (known CGI manipulation) and Foucault's pendulum. After all, if it is so obvious you should easily be able to prove it through simple experiments, am I right?

Drnoway ago

I have seen it with my own eyes from airplane above sea. I might have pictures of it, taken by myself but you would not believe it. Why would the earth defy this phenomenon? What advantages would there be to hide this information from the public? I cant believe im having this conversation.

acme2011 ago

'What advantages' - Look up history of freemasonry, illuminati. How they benefit by brainwashing humanity into thinking they are insignificant specks of star dust. Anyway, I am trying to enforce integrity in arguments here. Just like a pizzagater would expect off another normie who doesnt believe in elite child abuse. But you seem to not be addressing my simple questions. This conversation is done since this is not the right community for that. Peace out.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'll be happy to look into it, but I'd be much more inclined to believe that the things we don't completely understand relate back to the spiritual realm. Kind of like the matrix, where we aren't seeing the entire picture.

bopper ago

This I definitely agree with!

the things we don't completely understand relate back to the spiritual realm

acme2011 ago

Yeah, many of these things that we are seeing go back to why the freemasons including Copernicus tried so hard and eventually succeeded in pushing heliocentricity onto humanity. There is a long line of deception and it is extremely important to be hyper vigilant of any theory. One must just assume everything we have been told about is a lie. We have to trust our senses and critically question everything the propaganda structure is 'educating' us about. Cheers!

YingYangMom ago

Same. I think i'd be much more prone to believe in a hollow-earth theory than in a flat-earth one.

ArrestMe ago

Agree with @bopper you should really re-investigate it. The red bull jump is covered pretty well as not showing adequate or properly calculated curvature. Tho noone would blame you for thinking that, but it is not as solid of proof as you'd think. I researched pretty deep into FE and it's just a theory. They make a decent argument, but there are shills for it like flatearthsociety. Eric Dubay is probably only on point source.

bopper ago

I know you are. Maybe you should give it another shot. Just examine it as a joke. Start w/ Eric Dubay.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'll say this much. I do believe the moon landing pics were faked and that we eventually went there, just not at that time. More of a signal to other nations that we were bad ass. The flat earth argument I've looked into only peripherally, but common sense would say that if it was flat there would be a drop off point somewhere. And as far as I know, no one has fallen off?

bopper ago

Antarctica makes an impenetrable mountainous ring around the circular flat earth, it is the 'edge,' so there's no falling off. It's not a continent. A flat circular earth can be circumnavigated just as a ball earth. I think you are indeed ready to take the plunge :)

As far as the Matrix, if you research flat earth, you will see the real Matrix, and it's not some spiritual thing, just a real and physical deception that's been going on for several hundred years now. Just give it another (serious) shot. Most people go at it to disprove the theory, then end up believing. It's not a joke.

Looking at visuals (videos) is the easiest way to really grasp it. You will have some aha moments, and possibly be a bit depressed. (People don't take kindly to accepting we live in an enclosed system, and that we've been so monstrously deceived.) For those not ready, I advise to forget it. Like my wife.

Freemasonsrus ago

Lol about the wife comment. I believe we have cognitive dissonance for some things just bc of laziness. This whole past year and a half has been info overload and I was quite red pilled before. So sometimes my brain just wants to be ignorant too. ;)

bopper ago

Yeah, not only just laziness, and wanting to stay in your comfortable bubble, but many are just rushed off their feet trying to make a living (thanks to the banksters and crooked money system) and have no time. Ignorance is bliss you know, and we're all prone to it. Also, "With the increase of wisdom comes sorrow." So I definitely can relate!

bopper ago

Yes, you're absolutely right. (I just figured it was the sincere ones but who knows.)

Edit: At any rate, he still should just ignore them at this time, quit talking about them. Heh, in a few years David will be all over the flat earth. Did I say that?

waxdino ago

Mmm hmmm, sure. Have to give him a click to find out who?

HarveyKlinger ago

He's taking credit for someone (who's not high level by any stretch of the imagination) who sent suggestive texts to someone he lived with? HA HA HA. Go away David. Time to start selling reverse mortgages.

Atlantean120 ago

Let's downvote this obvious troll guys. David's been amazing in this fight.

Mtnchan ago

More bs, needs to be a senator, podestas, JA, HRC, etc

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I already read about Sandusky. Was hoping for a high level arrest, not someone only famous for being a pervert's son and now probably following in his father's footsteps.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Well all 6 of his children are adopted, so there is a probably a conspiracy within itself there.

Godwillwin ago

Oh good grief. I didn't know there were 6 :( I didn't follow Sandusky story closely (it was before i was truly "woke")

Hazilla ago

Not convinced this is pizzagate related, it's a start though

Watching ago

More of the same or will we get to the big names soon?... Still waiting, Watching, and hoping..

Babbert_Scientific ago

Should I trust this guy? He looks good but, a lot of people don't trust him.

Forgetmenot ago

Is this called concern trolling?

Watching ago


Watching ago

Decide for yourself.. The Truth "IS", and will always shine through in the end.. I would always recommend Watching as much content on both sides of any subject as possible while completely disregarding the opinions of others, and the rest should work itself out. ;)

V____Z ago

He's got a team of shills after him - in this case that's because he is dangerous to the pedo elites. Judge him for yourself, don't listen to the trolls here.

Forgetmenot ago


V____Z ago


icydays33 ago

I was on his side from the start, he was doing a great job getting the information out there on Youtube. But he's been going off the rails for a while now. He's been promising "high level" arrests and nothing happens. He claims he has high level sources but never comes out with anything that hasn't already been posted here on Voat... He promised big names getting arrested and that was, what? Jerry Sandusky's adopted son getting arrested for sending texts? Give me a fucking break.

Like I said in another thread. Pizzagate is real, David Seaman isn't. At best he's a pathological liar and a narcisisst, at worst a disinfo agent. I'm very disappointed in him.

V____Z ago

oh ffs

Babbert_Scientific ago
