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bopper ago

David, don't be paranoid about the flat earthers, they're honestly not there to cause you trouble, they sincerely believe in the theory, and you have an audience (and they're thinking you might be open-minded about it), so they're 'approaching' you.

Since you're not interested in it they'll probably go away. Just saying, don't get all worked up and paranoid about them, they're harmless.

Edit: Also, I'm sure you understand people's disappointment that it wasn't a bigger fish, everybody's getting impatient. Tell your informant to give you something really good, if you want to maintain people's trust.

Fateswebb ago

There are real flat earthers and fake shill ones. Certainly it could be either contacting him. Flat earth is used to discredit other investigations by shills. I do know some are real believers as well, just saying they aren't all real.

Freemasonsrus ago

The dude who jumped out of the Red Bull thing a couple years back had a pretty good viewpoint. Earth was round. This "theory" actually makes me chuckle. And I'm a completely red pilled open minded person.

ArrestMe ago

Agree with @bopper you should really re-investigate it. The red bull jump is covered pretty well as not showing adequate or properly calculated curvature. Tho noone would blame you for thinking that, but it is not as solid of proof as you'd think. I researched pretty deep into FE and it's just a theory. They make a decent argument, but there are shills for it like flatearthsociety. Eric Dubay is probably only on point source.