Vindicator ago

Removing this post because it is a deliberately misleading headline based on events over 8 months old. The supposed accuser dropped her suit. The claim Trump is "battling" this is complete bull. Link posts must "include an accurate description of the actual content" according to submission guideline #3. By posting old news as if it were current, with a headline that claims it is current you have failed to meet the accurate description requirement.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Get this Bullshit off of here! U R nothing but a freaking FuckTard Shill!

abortionburglar ago

Notice how people automatically down vote any criticism of Trump. Is this truly a nonpartisan investigation or what?

rail606 ago

Did you even watch the video you linked? The rape claim never happened they tried to find the girl and she didn't exist. There is no claim it was made up. The only rape claim against him is for raping his wife which is super hard to prove. .

abortionburglar ago

The woman's lawyers supposedly met with her, but WHO tried to find her? Where is the info on that investigation?

rail606 ago

Why don't you find her if its so important to you? (Its a waste of time) You will never get a name.

Chatman ago

Makes me sad that the shills don't try hard anymore. Arnt you ashamed at being bad at shilling?

Antonius ago

Is this an article dug up by people who still think Hillarybytch should have won?

abortionburglar ago

Donald Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old. You don't think that should be investigated? How can we demand an investigation of Podesta and not Trump?

DarkMath ago

"accused of raping"......The woman recanted. You need to flush out your head gear because you keep forgetting that fact.

rail606 ago

Who and where is this 13 year old. I bet you cant produce that. There is no claim the 13 year old girl does not exist she never did. You ate the lefts propaganda stunt as truth. Quit watching garbage please.

Anyone can make a rape claim. For instance i could go to my police department and claim that you raped me! It is as simple as that. Or call CNN and be like trump raped me police department wont listen! Fact is innocent until proven guilty. We are not going on a Salem witch-hunt just yet even though it feels like this nation is in good need one one if more big names dont see jail cells.

abortionburglar ago

Who/where are Podesta's victims? Is this the standard we want to go with?

rail606 ago

Podesta is innocent as of this moment you idiot. Is he suspect? under investigation? YES! but hes innocent atm! Anthony weiner and epsitein are not. Either is jeffry sandusky. Lets focus on facts buddy.

strix-varia ago


PizzaGate711 ago

Jeez you're getting desperately low now.

abortionburger ago

just so we're clear, this guy is a shill pretending to be me so no one takes me seriously.

DarkMath ago

"desperately low now"........You can say that again. It's very quickly moving from "This is fun." to "I'm starting to feel sorry for them now."

MyUSA2017 ago

Not enough CCP's to down vote this garbage. The trolls are out tonight.

abortionburglar ago

I think it's relevant that non one involved in Pizzagate has been accused of child rape, but Trump has. Maybe that's bad luck on his part, but it's weird. Shouldn't he be investigated?

DarkMath ago

"Trump has"......You must mean that woman who hired Patricia Alred then got could feet because, duh, it was too obvious her story was made up. ;-)

PizzaGate711 ago

Desperately low now - and, shame on you.

MyUSA2017 ago

Non one. Nicely stated. Try again.

abortionburglar ago

I make typoos sometimes. :)