archons ago

You're trying to be really subtle in discrediting David you sorry ass shill.

Sheilaaliens ago

Thanks, that's the mature ground to take. Glad to see honest truth seekers leaving their biases behind and questioning everything, even shit they automatically WANT to believe.

Sheilaaliens ago

Guess you retracted your shill comment. Apology accepted...

Catchthem ago

Yet AGAIN you refuse to go into all the reasons why she would not even be allowed by her Soros paid boss to publish a critical article where all the bad evidence stuff we found here on Pizzagate!! SHILL!!

Sheilaaliens ago

You're assuming! It's fine if David doesn't trust her and doesn't want to be mentioned in an article by her, but to start a witch hunt for her was a little short-sighted and not thoroughly thought thru. Besides, they'd make a cute couple. And they're both from NY? Same age group? Same profession (journalism), and they don't know eachother? Hm. Suuure

Sheilaaliens ago

I mean who ultimately cares what I said in a private Twitter message about David? I don't go around anywhere else saying he's a leading authority on pizzagate. In fact that's the only time I EVER said it and that was just to make it easy and put it in normie terms. Alot of David's normieish viewers probably only know what they know about pizzagate because of his videos.

Sheilaaliens ago

Maybe paranoia has gotten the better of David in this instance. Unfortunately that paranoia transfers over to his viewers, and it doesn't seem like anyone else stopped to ask/answer the most basic of logical questions.

21yearsofdigging ago

Paranoia doesn't just happen out of the blue. If he is being targeted, i.e. followed, having breakins, phone calls middle of the night, dead cats left on his doorstep, paperwork stolen, banking problems etc, then it could be that. Many genuine whistleblowers, if they are exposing something serious, get hit up with at least Cointelpro targeting.

Sheilaaliens ago

Wow who cares! It was a lazy desription of him on my part.

iamthepizzanow ago

Lolwut@"leading authority of pizzagate"

Sheilaaliens ago

Isn't he? Lol he is the biggest name talking about it. But in reality he's not as deep into it as this subverse's researchers. I didn't feel like explaining all of that to her.

iamthepizzanow ago

The amount of time and effort this sub has put in is far beyond his "Journalism" on PG.

Sheilaaliens ago

Again, obviously, but I wasn't about to tell her about it so she can start lurping and bugging researchers here.

Catchthem ago

They are trying to discredit D. Seaman as some lunatic, just like they did to Alex Jones. its all in the line with the so called crazy "debunked" Pizzagate story. So this Alexis Kleinman is just another Soros paid Shill working for the Soros MSN who have big stakes at discrediting Pizzagate.

Amoffthepizza ago

Mic are trying to discredit people....mic.....the organisation now trying to say that milk is a symbol of white supremacy lmao.

Sheilaaliens ago

P.S. Alex Jones easily discredits himself as a lunatic. Him and David Seaman aren't even in the same boat, IMO. I trust Seaman for now, he's keeping it 💯.

Azzipdoe ago

alex jones isnt as bad as people make him out to be.. im not a fan of the supplement marketing tho i do understand it.. that aside alex jones isn't terrible, certainly better then msm at the very least. still MILES ahead of Seaman.

Seaman is a complete and utter fraud, and terrible at it.

Sheilaaliens ago

Who says shes trying to discredit him? Just curious where that comes from

Catchthem ago

Did you see the picture of Alexis Kleinman (can be found at D. Seaman's Twitter) all happy with Big pizza and animal costume etc..?? Now do i need to say more after seen that picture?

Sheilaaliens ago

She's a New York theatre actress/comedian (and journalist) who had a brief obsession with Pizza Rat when it was a viral meme for all of 2 minutes. You know, the rat that stole a slice of pizza and was chowing down on it? In NYC, where Alexis lives? That Pizza Rat.

Why isn't anybody investigating the actual rat that was eating the pizza?

What else you got?

I'll probably be viewed as a heretic for raising these questions and making these points, but we need to stay grounded in logic and reason, folks.

Forgetmenot ago

The only ones who needs logic and reason is you. Maybe you should apply some logic and reasoning before you go defending a deviant adult who photographs herself dressed as an animal with pizza. Not sure what you think logically and how you reason, but that is not normal especially to allow photos like that to circulate on social media. No the only one who lacks logic and reasoning here is you. Learn the difference between normal and deviant behavior.

Catchthem ago

Are you offended Alexis?

Sheilaaliens ago

See, now that's flat out not going to work with me. I'm fairly well known in the conspiracy community, been making videos since 2009.

Again, I ask, what else do you got?

Catchthem ago

So than why do i have to explain to you that most actresses/ comedians and journalists are complete libtards. And will do anything to save Hillary Clinton. Also The Huffington Post (where D.Seaman has worked for in the past) has turned all for protection of Clinton. (yes also Soros funded! ) Now did you see what happend to Ben Swann? Do you really think the Huffington Post is going to post an critical article revealing all the really bad stuff what has been found here on the Podesta's and JA etc.. ?? (which is all connected to Soros Hillary mafia pedo Clinton) And if she really wanted to do a good article about him, why has she not contacted himself for an interview? And that picture with all the Big Pizza loving just finishes it.. Do you really think she is going to make a neutral article about D.Seaman and Pizzagate? Come on Sheila.. If still dont untherstand, its not gona work for me. Do some real digging into Pizzagate (not the soft digging stuff Wikipedia Snopes etc.)

Sheilaaliens ago

Of course I can agree on the libtard sentiment, I'm always having fun bagging on them on Twitter. But none of that has anything to do with what I'm asking about Alexis Kleinman. Why the witch hunt on her - because she wore a meme costume and is curious about the pizzagate community?

Forgetmenot ago

Because she is a deviant who parades around like that and then wonders why she has no credibility. Learn about professionalism and logic and reasoning before you post here. Lurk and learn.

Catchthem ago

You still dont get it?? You have completly not gone into all the other reasons why she would not even be allowed (by her boss) to publish a critical article in the Soros funded left-wing Huffington Post where all the bad stuff about Pizzagate we found would be in.. So why are you even asking this question? Is this that hard to come up with yourselve?? OMG

Sheilaaliens ago

You all jumped on the pic of her as a rat yet that is easily explained away - which leaves you with mere speculation and assumptions. She was probably just gonna do a basic intrigue piece on it and y'all chased her away with pitchforks.

Forgetmenot ago

She is a shill and they are so obvious.

Sheilaaliens ago

Who? And where are your facts/evidence of shillery?

Catchthem ago

I already told you the Big Pizza loving picture with the also with Pedo's used animal suit just finishes it completly off. Yet again you refuse to go into all what i say why she WILL NOT publish a critical neutral article about this Pizzagate.. So from now on i considder you just another SHILL..