v4Zz ago

Death to the Bush and Clinton family!

Jem777 ago

Go back into hiding and find a more clever name than purple reign.

DarkMaths ago


Hiding? I'm on top of the world.

DarkMath ago


Eastern Europe........Epic

DarkMath ago

Hi Mr. 15 Hours

Why are you shilling for organ harvesters and child rapists?


DarkMaths ago

DarkMath ago

You're a child rapist too? I don't get it.


Nazis Child Rapists Organ Harvesters.


Anyone who fights them.

This isn't complicated.

DarkMaths ago

How does it feel to be the second smartest person in the room?

DarkMath ago

" second smartest person in the room"

ROFLMAO.....Are you guys from like Eastern Europe or something? Your jokes are hysterical.


DarkMaths ago

Yes Hungary actually.

DarkMath ago

I remember now, you're the shill from Hungary!

How's it going?

DarkMath ago


Is shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters not frowned upon in Hungary?

It's kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind of frowned upon here in the U.S..

DarkMaths ago

You knew I was Jewish?

DarkMath ago

I never said you were Jewish. Where did you get.........oh wait.

You're back in character and reading your "heat sheet" of canned responses.

Yeah that's fucking sad dude. Is money that important to you that you'd protect child rapists and organ harvesters?

Don-Keyhote ago

Fuck off shill. Youre making me wanna say 14 words and im not even a big Spencer fan.