Ang68 ago

How was the WorldCorp video decidedly "Disinfo"? The "We the Pizza" menu was also not verifiably discredited. It wasn't actually the Comet Pizza menu which many got wrong...but was never verifiably discredited as to being a "We the Pizza" menu. Several things you have stated already make me think that YOU are being dishonest.

tt7 ago

No. you.

Sheilaaliens ago

They have websites that offer automated social media monitoring and of course they might have a staff member or two sifting through that... maybe they're just profiteering off the topic, and not digging nearly as deep as they should to truly inform people on the topic - they just hear the key phrases and latest gossip and report it and cash in. Is that really a shill or ? I think it's a different subcategory ... donation-driven misinfo agents :P

Sheilaaliens ago

I take offense to that

Sheilaaliens ago

Perhaps it isn't as calculated as you think, and maybe they're just trying to insert themselves into a popular trend to cash in on it, but are sticking to subjects they mildly associate/dont mind being associated with?

cakeoflight ago

PR firms and front groups are rampant as is astroturfing. I once ran a campaign against federal legislation - it was grassroots, the people I was fighting against were paid by pharma. they claimed the entire time that they were not, and we found so much hard evidence of their payments and grants from pharma it wsan't even funny. There are more shills than there are people who care enough to volunteer their time. This is different though. I think at this point, we have a number of paid shills, against approximately 50 million people who are super pissed off. At least it seems that way. IF they don't do anything about this at the FBI, we'll just keep going up the chain of command. I absolutely think this has everything to do with the blood consumption and stem cells from babies and placentas and umbilical cords and fetuses.

Ang68 ago

One word. Housewives.

cakeoflight ago

Lots of hot girls are looking into it. LOL.

cakeoflight ago

They're the only reason I came to voat in the first place. Since Voat seems to be headed for shillville itself I think you may be right about them. Never heard of them at all before Pizzagate, at... all.

Piscina ago

None of those links are working.