sound_of_silence ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1731973 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 3/20/2017 12:27:29 AM

Reason given: @sound_of_silence: duplicate post. please condense these into a single post (i.e. put parts 1 and 2 as comments in part 3)

duplicate posts... because it took 3 full posts to go thru all the errors in the sticky, just concerning the first march.. Part 3 was not deleted and contains links to pts. 1 and 2, here -

the sticky is full of false information and subversive inuendo.. and promotes a false narrative (that the march is a false flag, when clearly it wasn't) of fear and division.

FoxDen ago

Posted by [deleted]? This was a fair and honest account of what happened. Why did the OP or Mod delete?