Vindicator ago

1ew, I agree with your assessment of the protestors. However, you can be honest and sincere and still be manipulated into scenarios that don't end well, especially when it is known very dangerous, powerful, skillful, professional manipulators want to discredit, undermine, and repress your message. I felt the evidence linked raised that spectre enough to warrant sharing with the community.

It was intended to inform people's own judgement, no more, no less. I do not agree with your assessment in the stickied post that merely a headline is enough to convince voaters something is true. That has not been my experience, and I read a LOT of comments, including all the critical ones on posts that are removed. Most people on voat think for our very conversation testifies. :-)

Vindicator ago

That is a very helpful post, 1ew. Thanks for putting it all in one place. I am going to add a link to it in the post about why we took down the ads. Your post makes it really easy for people to see and judge for themselves how things are going.

Throgmorton ago

Appears to me that the protest was hijacked so it would look like a bunch of rabid morons.

VieBleu ago

What a load of horse doodle is dougG and all his submissions. be sure to check them out if you have a half a brain to waste.

dougG ago

Haha. Thanks for the sweet words. Glad I'm on your mind. Sorry for using logic rather than political stance or emotion on this site.

rickman ago

Nobody will listen to you if you behave like the anti Trump/BLM hooligans and thugs. Get the public onside by handing out information leaflets and talking to people.

Aloha808 ago

It was at least a reminder for CPP that it's not over

crazimal ago

Well now fartrociiusflower I don't think "pizzagate" is at all repellant; after all it attracted you and lots of others (CTR, shareblue, DNC, CIA, etc), and gave birth to "fake news," inspired 1000's of pedo arrests, even helped get a president elected. And there's lots more to accomplish.

The #pizzagate notoriety can be leveraged. The more arrests happen, the more chances to present incriminating facts that back up the pizza gate connections between known and suspected pedos and politicians and associates.

So you're wrong about that, maybe better luck with you NCAA brackets - if you're allowed to do that on Company time ;)

VieBleu ago

@wecanhelp this post is innaccurate, unproven and possibly misleading. Opinion title with no proof.

wecanhelp ago

It is speculative, but at least sourced speculation. The sources don't confirm beyond doubt what OP states, but they don't contradict it either. At that point, it is up to the community to use its own moderating (i.e., voting and commenting) powers.

VieBleu ago

that's funny because this was also speculative, had more sources, yet had to be taken down -

wecanhelp ago

It was removed per rule 4, meta discussion about the subverse. Furthermore, the search bar issue has been discussed a dozen times, a site developer has addressed the issue, they're working on something that is apparently taking more time than expected, and it doesn't exclusively happen on /v/pizzagate but on all subverses. I don't know how many times this needs to be pointed out.

VieBleu ago

If it had been dealt with properly to begin with, with notification about it being removed, perhaps you wouldn't be so taxed with questions, ever think about it that way?

wecanhelp ago

Ever think about the bunch of conspiracy theorists populating this board? There are decent investigators and minds here, outstanding even, but a growing majority will jump on everything that looks dramatic enough without actually doing their own five-minute research and reflect a bit. And why do you think Voat developers owe you anything, let alone a notification of every little development step that they take, considering how it's already been stated by one of them that this is a temporary change? Try developing a platform like this sometime, you'll soon find out that things don't always go as planned. In any case, this is not /v/pizzagate material. If you want, you can bombard Voat devs with your queries and theories all you like over on /v/voatdev, you'll be surprised that they do actually react eventually.

VieBleu ago

Ever think about the bunch of conspiracy theorists populating this board?

how transparent. It's the CIA generated phrase used to control people who question and supposedly shame them. YES pizzagate is a conspiracy theory actually, so yes they populate this board. Sorry you don't like the actual pupose of this board which is to investigate a CONSPIRACY.

but a growing majority will jump on everything that looks dramatic enough without actually doing their own five-minute research and reflect a bit.

That's because the moderation here allows any nutball post to stay up for days, I have pointed out several that are misleading, false in their titles, unsupported by evidence. And every mod just like you comes back and says, Oh, I can't do anything about it. What a bunch of pathetic agenda driven losers you all are, and very transparent as well.

And why do you think Voat developers owe you anything, let alone a notification...

Because they INVITED this community here and promised transparency. Maybe you weren't around at the beginning and missed that part.

You guys are unorganized, inconsistent and constantly knocking the balls out of this movement and then try to cover it with fabrications, tissues of lies and cowardly excuses. You really think it is too much trouble to make a freaking announcement about removing the search bar on an INVESTIGATION forum? Just incredible. I can't wait to take this converstation far and wide for further proof of just what your mod culture thinks is reasonable.

Now please hurry back to doing absolutely nothing except fighting the effort here, and have a great time at your next CIA sponsored pizza party.

wecanhelp ago


WolvesAndSheeple ago

I don't mean not to point it out in the political system or the Catholic church. I am saying that if you are going to represent PG and try to protest or partake in PG activism, leave it out. If they tie you to Trump, they strawman the conversation and walk away. If they think you are Christian, especially in liberal areas, they compare you to Westboro Baptist and walk away. People need to leave their own personal identities out of this. Believe it or not, not all people like Trump, and not all people are Christians. You saw that happen multiple times today.


retreaux ago

What good does a rally do? Did the Women's March accomplish anything? Why do people think gathering in hive minded crowds is a great way to reach people?

Do research, publish it online, make YouTube videos, challenge people to debates, etc.

Fateswebb ago

Hey they went and spoke. I think they did good.

VieBleu ago

I liked the interviews I heard from these courageous few who have no problem standing up as who they are and saying pedogate needs investigating. Anyone who sent money did it willingly to support their effort - that is not a scam.

The protestors gave interviews and several videos are online.

@abortionburger @Vindicator @sensitive This is a misleading submission with a title that is unproven.

Vindicator ago

VieBlue, the OP followed the submission guidelines and expressed his opinion in a straightforward manner, giving evidence for his premise. This is the whole point of Voat -- for people to be able to make their case and not be silenced. If you think his premise is false, give evidence supporting that. Let the voats be made. If we start silencing dissent, we are no better than Reddit and the very smirking assholes that were on display at the protest on Saturday.

I do not see how this post is misleading. That is a strong word to use -- especially if you aren't going to take the time to explain just how it is supposedly being disingenuous, or link to any evidence supporting your claim.

VieBleu ago

are you kidding me?

Okay - TITLE: Today's march - What a scam!

There is no proof or evidence that the march was a scam.

Period. That's it. THE TITLE IS MISLEADING. It states an emotional opinion as a fact.

dougG ago

Pizzagate is still unproven. This is a forum, it is all based on opinion dumbass.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Looks like another Seaman scam.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


Silverlining ago

I applaud the man's attempt to organise something. I assume his heart is in the right place. I imagine he will donate any surplus funds to the march on 25th or some other pizzagate related activity.
At least he got off the couch and away from the keyboard. Well done!

Baby steps - and the longest journey starts with one baby step.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Doing it outside CPP is pointless, that'll only give the media ammunition to claim it's a vendetta against a JA. They won't cover it anyway unless something newsworthy happens, and it obviously wouldn't be good news. That is quite likely why so few people turned out.

If, on the other hand, there are at least some hundreds of people outside the Whitehouse banging drums then it would be far more difficult to either ignore or fabricate. Crappy phones putting out crappy videos on YT isn't going to get much attention - we need civil, production-quality speeches and coverage where it matters, and that is the Whitehouse.

nomorepepperoni ago

+1 on infiltration. Be easy to get them to screech about it if you play it right.

We should also set up grassroots protests. No GoFundMes, no silly antichrist speakers or charlatans taking money for "organizing" and running, just a bunch of people getting together with white pins and balloons (think Dutroux protests) and demand an investigation presenting pure FACTS, nothing more.

And not just in DC. Protest in NY/LA at major media HQs demanding they hold the corrupt elite to account for a change, as well. Protest at local outlets if you think this might help, also.

oneposteach ago

Doxing yourself and associating yourself with megaphone and sign people is the worst thing you can do for pizzagate. SJW BLM Feminism WestBurro Transgender. One protest I remember was 9/11, so much ammo to call people retards because people that go to protests generally aren't that smart.

sugarskull ago

He should have paid every protestor a few hundred dollars for showing up since he raised 4 grand!! Where did all that go?! Shadilay!

pizzaequalspedo ago

Not intended to rain on anyone's parade,....

But peaceful protests are a huge waste of time.

I'm not advocating violence or rioting because that usually backfires, but standing around with stupid signs isn't likely to bring down a pedo-political ring unless it would be millions protesting nationwide for days on end.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I am working on a total breakdown of the events that took place today. It was embarrassing to say the least. I am glad that no false flag type events were attempted, but the behavior of some of the attendees was out of control. Yelling at people, calling them "ignorant" and other adhoms. One guy even brought his three dobermans. Three people wore shirts that said "I love my church." The arguments were weak, the flyer was pathetic, and of course, it all had to be done in front of CP. All of this was a terrible idea to start. I am happy that the media wasn't covering this more. Some of the protesters today acted and spoke in a threatening and intimidating manner. They were also bragging about David Shurt attending the next event, which is absolutely appalling. I am grateful that no one was hurt, and it could have gone much worse. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

PLEASE, we have got to keep religion and politics out of this. I also think that talking about SRA will immediately shut down most people from engaging. Focus on the facts! Focus on actual events actually taking place, such as all of the recent pedo busts, and the situation in Haiti. Arguing with people about a "hoetard" comment on Insta is pretty useless. More strategy, less emotions!

druhill007 ago

Very well said and thank you for first hand review. Number one thing I think is getting your arguments right. Know the common shill tactics and know your history. The high level human trafficking facts don't lie

joey4track ago

God I hope that isn't just a preview of the 25th. Not keen on that Shurt guy in the first place and we really don't need anyone being any kind of aggressive.

southartful ago

Pro-tip it fucking will be.


joey4track ago

I agree unless they are on a much larger scale. It worked for South Korea but it took 2 million in the streets

MolochHunter ago

i been posting here for weeks that to rally in front of CPP was a bad idea. Rally - good , but keep it to the whitehouse and law enforcement buildings

carmencita ago

This is not just about CPP! It is about the CIA, Clintons, Bushes, Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the list goes on. But mainly it is about getting attention for what is being about our children. We must remember that during the election there where a lot of Trump supporters that were very much into wearing their religion and party on their sleeves. There are crazies in every group. Yes, we must keep the March concentrated at and on the WH. I would suggest those that are not into grand standing, just make their way to the Main Event (WH). Ignore all the frou-frou and do what you came for. This is not a vehicle for others to show off. This is being organized for Our Children. Do not let others that are only into promoting themselves, take this away from us.

GeorgeT ago

I agree. Needs new memes. It is all interconnected. You cannot expose pizzagate without exposing secret socities that the members of the perpetrators belong to. Stick to a few good points. Like how does a pizzashop owner gets to visit White House 5 times???

44NJ9 ago

I saw somethings suggesting people not go to today's march because their might be violence. Seemed like the ones heading out today were more of a "fringe" group. People need to get all their retired baby boomer relatives into to this. Being retired they probably have more time to spread the message and protest.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Their was one small "skirmish" that took place between a protester and some other guy. The footage does not make it clear who started it, but it makes the PG group look responsible based on the behavior witnessed by everyone there. I am glad no one got hurt but it could have easily been worse.

DonKeyhote ago

Pure honeypot, this isn't Victorian England where all u could do to protest was bang a pot, don't be fucking dipshits anyone could do it individually by streaking at a ballgame

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Well, if you donate online they now know who you are, so that could have been a goal? I don't know who the promoters are for today but it seems like VOAT was correct with their STICKY. Who knows, maybe they also wanted to see how much of an interest there is in this??? Either way, today made the community look like un-prepared idiots.

bikergang_accountant ago

I was woried about this when everyone was talking about both on the same day. Now on the 25th we better bring it because people will say "this again." We will have to give them something to notice (and I mean numbers). From what I've seen the word has gotten out better for the 25th. The 18th is something that should have never happened.

Let's do something. On the 23rd and the 24th lets post like crazy about the 25th. Let's all put a reminder in our phones right now to do that.

equineluvr ago

Thank you. I've been waiting for some attendees to weigh in.

The video I watched was very strange. There were about 10 protestors in front of CPP with signs. Gallant was interviewed, and most of his commentary was about the upcoming march on the 25th! I thought that was incredibly strange! Was this march a "warmup" for the other one?!

Or was this "bust" march actually designed to defuse the momentum for the march on the 25th? People may see the lame turnout of this "march" and think, "Oh, why bother! Nobody will be there anyway" for the 25th.

Vindicator ago

equine, can you link us up to that video? There were several different people making videos. People would probably like to watch them.

equineluvr ago

Yes, of course. The video is here; you just have to scroll down a bit.

equineluvr ago

OK, I just learned that the interviewee was Mr. WOLFE, NOT Mr. Gallant.

I apologize for the error.

dougG ago

I didn't attend but I agree, the whole thing is strange