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VieBleu ago

Good Interviews From Today's Protest #1

A lot of people didn't show up but this interview was conducted fairly and shows the level of total ignorance of the average Joe citizen regarding pedogate. Still the pedogate spokespeople were well spoken and answered all the regular questions about isn't this debunked in the media, if there were something to it the police would investigate, etc type questions.

If you facebook it would be nice to comment and give these independent reporters some props or criticism, whichever you feel.

At least they showed up and asked questions which puts them ahead of 95% of all media today and the PTB here at voat.

Start at about 7:45


Vindicator ago

I agree. I felt much better after watching Neal Wolf, the March 25th organizer, talking to people. He was the guy in the orange jacket. He was calm, straightforward, persistent, and patient, even when being laughed at and intimidated. He just kept calling them out on their 'smirking' and repeating his message to investigate. And he had brochures with pictures. Wish he'd skipped the "hotard" intsa, though. That is easily interpreted as not referring to the child.

VieBleu ago

@Vindicator This submission still active after hours (Today's March - What A Scam!) should be removed as it is absolutely unsupported by any factual evidence.

Misleading, inaccurate title alone should be grounds for moderation.. I pinged earlier about this and no one responded as per usual these days.

Vindicator ago

See the reply I just made to your comment in that thread. Unfortunately for us mods, the protests and our various attempts to raise awareness of potential manipulation in light of Vault7 and "DHS Insider" leaks raised a fresh army of zombie shills. Mods have been hard pressed to keep up with shitposts on NEW, and answer questions from legit users trying to figure out how to make their removed posts comply with submission guidelines. Inboxes are overflowing. Sometimes it takes a few days for us to get to them all.

Camping out in comments telling mods they suck and narking on users whose sourced opinion you don't like in order to try to get it removed is petty, rude, unhelpful and makes you look like a shill trying to hurt the morale of a group already struggling in that department. I've half a mind to organize a mod vacation for a week and let you enjoy what this subverse would be like if we let the ShareBlue snakes run wild. We could use a damn vacation.

VieBleu ago

BTW your propaganda hit piece Sticky should be flaired for accuracy as well, as you completely failed regarding protest number one - it was not only very honest, but also peaceful. You should be ashamed of yourself, and actually, I know you are somewhere in your bowels where your conscience still resides.

Formally requesting you flair your Sticky "Accuracy In Question" because it is deeply questioned now all over the internet where PG is discussed - you guys certainly jumped the shark with that one and your "Vindicator" name will never be the same again. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just telling you "to your face" what everyone is whispering behind your back. .

Vindicator ago

Spoken like a stuck up, back-stabbing sorority girl, VieBleu; you are the only one whispering behind anyone's back. You clearly did not actually read the post. Or perhaps your reading comprehension just isn't there. Everything I linked to was accurate, and who is to say that this post calling attention to it is not part of the reason things didn't go sideways? You've provided no evidence of either "propaganda" or a "hit piece," as usual. Just more VieBleu cowardly shitting all over the forum, trying to make people feel bad.

VieBleu ago

you seem familliar with sororities - I am not. I stand by my statement, your piece was a propaganda hit piece and it has done more to sow dissent and low morale here than anything anyone else has done or said here yet.

Vindicator ago

The voats say otherwise.