Howmanyarethere ago

yeah who ever wrote it was sympathetic to the guy performing a drag show for the kids. But It did post his name and job title. Other articles have interviews of angry parents with pictures of them. I think now they are after the principles job for emceeing the event. Apparently the program flyer indicated that a surprise performance was slotted. They knew what he was going to do.

numbtoyou ago

The only man i know who fits the description of God in person, or the 2nd coming of Jesus is Master Fard Muhammad. He is my savior in the name of the originator of the heavens and the earth. he is going to push these and many of us (I hope i'm winning in fighting for my salvation) into a lake of fire for our wickedness, rebellion, or refusing to hear the final call.

equineluvr ago

"The only man i know who fits the description of God in person, or the 2nd coming of Jesus is Master Fard Muhammad. He is my savior in the name of the originator of the heavens and the earth. he is going to push these and many of us (I hope i'm winning in fighting for my salvation) into a lake of fire for our wickedness, rebellion, or refusing to hear the final call."

Yeah, OK. That must be some POWERFUL Kool-Aid you're chugging.

numbtoyou ago

I'm use to you atheist, 3 in 1 god believers, mystery god believers, spooked out people loling at me. But if you want to read all the powerful kool-aid books i bought, or watch the thousands of hours of lectures i've watched and more, i'd accept your comment if you can point out he isn't. But you won't look at it so....

VieBleu ago

and who deleted it without the common courtesy of a warning?

equineluvr ago

Can't you guess? The MFer of course.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Great job connecting the dots. I did not know it was DeBlasio who read that book to those kids.

numbtoyou ago

Prepare for a Major Earth Quake coming soon to American cities near you.

VieBleu ago

first post deleted on this "last bastion" of free speech forum? you don't say. Curious - did they ask you to meet rule 1 and give you a chance to do so before deletion? or was the deletion swift and without comment. Just curious.

glad this one stayed up, thanks for your work.

Howmanyarethere ago

Manhattan PTA president to exit from post after shocking parents with surprise drag performance at kid’s talent show

Howmanyarethere ago

Sexualizing children to promote an agenda....par for the liberal deviant course.

jstrotha0975 ago

Fucking nasty. Only a bullet can cure.

Piscina ago

I hate this. Children don't need to see men dressing to be women and claiming womanhood. For goodness sake, let children have a childhood. The fact is that this dude was scary to look at. I noticed that Katy Perry had a bunch of fat men in drag at a recent appearance, including a strange little boy who had that zombie look---emotionless face, looking dead.