ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There is a relationship of the Seth Rich murder to pizzagate. I have had info removed because the all encompassing term is pedogate which includes pizzagate . As most know these pedo networks are global and sources around the world do verify this. Not sure why info on voat is so censored and harassers thrive while truth tellers with no financial gain or motive are removed, but comments I have read about this occurring are true. There are people on here with motives to keep information hidden whether petty or involving a larger arena, doesn't's not helping the truth telling community. It is very possible Seth Rich did not just leak the DNC emails, but also the Podesta emails. Podesta clearly was in favor of making an example of him as Seth more than likely was the suspected leaker referred to in There is a reason Shawn Lucas and Seth were taken out. Lucas died once again by the Clinton body count of "suspicious" drugs including heart stopping drugs in his system. Remember what he delivered to the DNC that they didn't like? The bigger kicker is in those 650,000 or more emails on Weiner's laptop as anyone awake already knows the dots to connect the Clintons, Podesta and at least 1/3 of the government to not just the preferred term on here pizzagate once again, but the bigger picture which gets censored on VOAT, but not on 4chan... is pedogate. When only the term pizzagate is allowed it playes right into the msm co-opting this term. It involves far more than a pizzeria and the owner's bizarre, abusive obsessions. These players didn't just perpetrate in the U.S. and DC, their abuse extended far and wide just as it has since the beginning of time. Don't believe me? Revisit the Franklin Cover-up and McMartin pres-school evidence.

Turnovers ago

I deem this not worthy of inquiry as per my own maladjusted anti-social tenedencies and want any self object responsiveness to come from my post only. How do I get the moderator to dele....oh....its you.

Turnovers ago

"but probably not directly related to pizzagate" lmfao inside joke between and Theresa May...I mean...the moderator

redditsuckz ago

Seth Rich Trained with Israeli army in high school according to yearbook.

tapsnapornap ago

I cant believe I missed this sticky, kinda explains a lot.........

Im the creator of /v/SethRich. Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Seth Rich must have justice. RIP.

gambler_joe ago

panda is code word for cocaine

gambler_joe ago

pizza gate is a democrat drug ring they us kids to smuggle drugs

Judgejewdy ago

Another forum for mods to suppress info and control the narrative. Yay!

gumshoe_mob ago

I will post this here because it's obvious that no one will see it somewhere else. There is no search option to be found.

I came across these two videos of the reading of the DNC lawsuit transcripts. At the beginning of the second video she reads the statement by DNC lawyers that "they can do what they want" because they are a private corporation. This stuff is very interesting to listen to.

Part 1 --

Part 2 --


gumshoe_mob ago

Where is the search option for voat? I wanted to post something about the DNC lawsuit. OMG how many interesting subverses there must be that we cannot see!!!

privatepizza ago

It's good to see this being stickied again as I beleive a lot of us didn't see it first time around. It would be great to have all the SR threads over there, rather than split some here some there. It also saves annoyance to those here who feel they should be separated.

Come on over and subscribe guys, there's great investigative work going on over there by an incredible hive mind !! Hope to see you !!

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Can we keep all the Seth Rich posts on /v/SethRich now? Obviously, the Seth Rich situation is very important and is certainly linked to pizzagate, but this sub is for investigating pizzagate specifically, and it's been nothing but Seth Rich posts lately.

DriftingDevoid ago

Put the summary back on! Every second that thing is not on there we are potential missing wake-ups.

SoldierofLight ago

Hey, thanks @Millennial_Falcon for posting this. Didn't know about it and I've now subscribed.

Pizzalawyer ago

Excellant outcome, I think the way the whole thing has been handled has been fair and accommodating to competing interests. As acknowledged, no judgement call is perfect, folks are doing the best they can under extenuating and shifting circumstances.

privatepizza ago

@Millenial_Falcon - thanks for setting up the new sub for SR. It seems like a good idea and I'm almost ready to go for it, however can you tell us the rules of this new sub please, and who the mods will be? Same as the /pizzagate sub? Thanks in advance!

sensitive ago

MF didn't see your ping because of a typo in the user name ;-) Simply click on the link to the sub and go have a look: This user is the owner of the subverse: Other than topic-wise, we are not related, and we had nothing to do with the creation of this sub.

privatepizza ago

Thanks @sensitive ! I just went on there and found the mod, I don't know them, do you?

sensitive ago

Nope, don't know the owner/mod either, but is pretty active (look at comment and submission history).

privatepizza ago

Why didn't I think of that?! : D It's late, my apologies @sensitive , and thank you!

sensitive ago

Ha ha - been there, done that :-)

privatepizza ago

lol ; )

anonOpenPress ago

@Millennial_Falcon ping! You should know that we're already pulling information together on Seth Rich, 180 related submissions as our source. The project could actually use a dedicated sub like this at some point, and it would be nice to include submissions like this into your sticky:

sensitive ago

I second the idea to include this thread into the sticky. I'm sure MF will reply as soon as he sees your ping.

DonKeyhote ago

Im not convinced about PGGear being a shill, convince me

Blacksmith21 ago

Look, I don't know MF from shit, but I've read (more or less) most of his posts. What a lot of you don't understand is we are dealing with information, data, and intelligence. It is not a perfect science.

Hell, it's not even a science, per se. It's almost like alchemy. Sometimes you get things right. Sometimes you don't.

I'm no defender of anyone here, but I think there is always more than meets the eye, and if MF has gone on the record for 5 things which may not be popular and 15 things congruent with the groupthink, that's a good record IMO.

I'm not saying don't question everything. I'm saying if someone whom you disagree with suggests a good idea, you should at least consider it.

Blacksmith21 ago


jangles ago

This statement by MF is perfect, thanks!

DonKeyhote ago

U dense bro? MF is a shill, they should have done this but wanted to cost us a week, if its not related to PG they all violate rule 1, its definitely not our job to advertise other subs, it's logically inconsistent to spend any time on a single murder if you believe thousands of kids are suffering torture right now, and also fuck yall

jangles ago

Or one could believe that adults who are attracted to children and peruse that interest are suffering and torturing children. Call me a shill. I am not. I have vested interest in sharing the awful truths associated to the those 'above the law'. Your interest in supporting pedophilia is disturbing. Here is where you comment here on voat in support of pedophilia. and an archive of that post if you delete it. @Millennial_Falcon is no shill and enables free speech like none other, he/she just demands integrity. You are allowed to be here @DonKeyhote , your opinions are welcome here no matter how sick and twisted they are. This is free speech and you will have to deal with it.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL you proved the point i was making, which i fully stand by. So all your male ancestors who married POST PUBESCENT WILLING TEEN GIRLS are disgusting pedophiles, go piss on their graves. Meanwhile encourage your daughter to pursue her expensive marketing degree and not marry til 35 and have one kid. You are one dumb motherfucker, MF not a shill LOL!

jangles ago

Go crawl into a cave, troll. OUT

jangles ago

Not common for the age difference to be more than 17 years or children younger than 15. Data and statistics prove that, using this point to validate your sick obsession with children is sad.

DonKeyhote ago

Until a few centuries ago people only lived to be 30 you dipshit. Sex is about reproduction, proper reproduction is about man and wife rearing the child, those are my principles. You know years are based on tje 4 seasons changing, not on human sexuality. But fuck you for calling me a pedophile, if i see you imma knock you out and steal your chain

jangles ago

And I pray the next victim of yours bites your dick off when you force yourself on them.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL ten minutes ago i was suspected pedo now im confirmed offender. Youre like a hysterical woman. Youre a fuckin pillow biter NAILED IT

jangles ago

you can stand by your claims. I don't know if you have forced yourself on anyone. So you are correct, I don't even have a basis to even suspect you of being a pedophile. If you are just introducing a construct of historical circumstances where 25 year old historically married 15-17 year old women, this was common you are correct. To claim this is pedophilia is a bit of a stretch. If one of my grandparents married a 15 year old it was custom to have a marriage that lasted decades, at least. To continue to re marry young women, eg FLDS, would be more like pedophilia. Pedophilia is defined as "sexual feelings directed toward children." that is a problem and your claims about people historically marrying younger women should be considered pedophilia fails to address the characteristics of pedophilia; "...directed toward children" @DonKeyhote if you are here defending pedophilia, as it appears you are, your continued presence here is a driving force for many citizen investigators here. Your kinda like a cheerleader for us. Keep up the good work.

DonKeyhote ago


jangles ago

My forefathers likely are excited for me. My life is great. I just want others to have the same opportunities. @DonKeyhote may you be able to provide useful information to this community, any help is needed when exposing the elite exploits.

NoBS ago

You are feeding a troll. A sick fucking pedo protecting troll. This ass hole wants civilized humanity to revert to feral feudalism. Fuck him and his sick fuck buddies. Have a great day!

DonKeyhote ago

Lol ive aleeady done more than you and your cunt mother.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Edit: I misunderstood your comment at first. So you think we should have been removing Seth Rich posts? The truth is, as soon as they began, I pointed out to the other mods that these posts were off-topic, but because Seth Rich is a hugely important story/case, we decided after discussion to let them stay and see how it went. Now we've found a good compromise. And if you think the Seth Rich case is unimportant because it's only one murder, then you're either a shill or a fool.

DonKeyhote ago

That was a list and there's nothing inconsistent about it. Unlike, say, deciding suddenly after a week of spamming and distraction that Rich is not PG related.

You are no match for me shill faggot

Millennial_Falcon ago

That was a list

A list? It was a series of statements, which appeared to be contradictory. Now I see that what you're saying is that we should have been removing Seth Rich posts all this time, which would have actually been very counterproductive, and would have had many users screaming "SHILL" at us, you among them I bet, because most likely you yourself are a shill.

jangles ago

Or @DonKeyHote is a pedophile trying justify his sick obsessions with children. Call it shilling? I dont know, I call it disgusting.

DonKeyhote ago

Where do you see a sick obsession. Or are you just spouting catchphrases like a little fucking cunt.

jangles ago

I don't defend pedophiles, you do. FACTS