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DonKeyhote ago

I'm pretty sure for most of history in a societies men of virtually any age could marry any girl and impregnate her once she's pubescent, as is God's will.

So this indicates that pedophilia itself is a modern concept that has served as a smokescreen for the actual culprits: promiscuity/less marriage and families. All humans have clear instinctive preferences for mates: ideally both are young, of the same race and culture, symmetrical faces etc. Certainly homosexuality was made unthinkable, as proven by the importance of Sodom Gomorrah etc. MArriages were arranged rather than relying on an abstraction (love) and arbitrary series of social "dates" and utterly unspecial sexual encounters.

brokencookie ago

I'm an anthropologist. It's true that having sex with teenagers was quite common throughout most of early human history. Human lives were often short. People found mates and started families early. In the past however, girls became pubescent much later than they do today because of hormones now added to our food and water supply. Age of menarche was traditionally around 15-18 years old. Having sex with prepubescent children has never been of an evolutionary value and most everyday people in most everyday societies throughout time have frowned on it.

3141592653 ago

Girls are often hitting puberty as young as 9 years old these days. That does NOT make them mature or ready for sexual relationships! They are kids!!

Donky_punch ago

So... just because people have been doing it up until recently makes it natural?

Never mind the emotional trauma it can have on a 12yo kid. Just because they're pubescent doesn't mean they're mature.

Your argument is fucking stupid

DonKeyhote ago

So... just because people have been doing it up until recently makes it natural?

It implies that. LMAO! An age old practice that all girls know occurs causes them emotional trauma?

3141592653 ago

Rape and murder are age-old practices. That does not make them ok!!!!

Intheknow ago

Are you a girl or women? How the hell do you know how it affects them? I'll tell you. It ruins theyre lives, trust will never come again

DonKeyhote ago

I'm talking about underage brides in traditional societies. Not rape victims. Jesus christ.

3141592653 ago

That often IS rape. Often child rape

Intheknow ago

Ok...but do you really think children who one day, is playing with dolls and next getting groped and having sex by her(husband), isn't going to mess with thier minds. Not to mention the physical part of it. Would you do it?

DonKeyhote ago

I said pubescent. Are you aware that until 1920s most u.s. states had ages of consent as low as 8 or 10. Doesn't mean babies were raped everywhere.

GiantMillipino ago

slavery was (and still is) practiced worldwide, and babies aren't raped everywhere. so slavery good, yes?

Intheknow ago

I think you must be perv.