Forgetmenot ago

The universities are controlled by secret societies. The most obvious is skull and bones. I think that all of government institutions have been infiltrated or maybe even specifically created by the "deep state" to control and recruit from our population. Universities are cess pools. Look at Soroties and fraternities and all the debauchery that they are centered around. How is that sanctioned on campus? How is the hazing not considered discriminitory and demeaning? These are major issues politicially right now yet MSM ignores it, the courts ignore it, the ACLU ignores it. The university provide the research to justify whatever the deep state has on the agenda.

Jem777 ago

Kinsey was funded and placed by the US Government intentionally. Sigmund Freud is the father of these sick twisted ideas. He institutionalize them and experimented on children including his own daughter Anna.

He was also involved in the grooming of Adolph Hitler in Vienna right after WW1. He had observed "shell shocked" young soilders and set out to exploit the phenomenom by causing it in young children through torture. This caused splitting or dissociation ecspecially with rape. They were also involved in the secretest of the dark occults with A. Crowley that included Black sex majick of child rape, torture and sacrifice to Lucifer.

Hiter was personally initiated by the most notorious and leader of this occult at that time. On this man's death bed he proclaimed to the other members that Adolph Hitler was in fact the German Messiah who had been imparted the secrets of the dark occult.

During the occupation by Nazi's there were many "hospitals" & of course the prison camps where horrific human experiments occurred. Read about Dr. Mengele.

Freud would move to Britain to found a "research center" which actually was a huge human experiment lab kept secret from the public. Children were either kidnapped or taken from orphanages into the laboratory and at times chosen through bloodlines. Here horrible experiments were conducted including trauma induced mine control that center around rape. This was mostly all anal rape. Specifically done because through Egyptian forklore and other stories it was believed sodomy caused pressure to be placed on the base of the spine column. They believed this opened the "third eye" a level of consciousness that God was trying to hide from them and Lucifer (who they worship) wanted them to know (to be enlightened.

While the children were sodomized they were simultaneously shown extreme trauma such as sacrifices and made to participate in them. After they "splintered" they were then programmed for specific missions as spies, assasins etc.

This lab is still in existance today. And Freud is honored with his own statue. Children are still subjected to these horrible crimes. They are also left for days in isolation as babies to break them from needing. It is cruel and is still going on.

This was exported through the CIA in 1948 into the US & Canada through black budgets. These so called scientists or war criminals escaped because they were brought to the US and given new identities in Operstion Paperclip. This is well documented. They were also placed in psychiatric training centers & research locations to continue their work. This has also been exposed in small amounts by the church committee for instance. It has never stopped.

Read the Hampstead children's case if you do not believe. Read Aaron Dovers post on Voat 4 months ago as to what happened in these children lives at Christchurch Primary Shool in Hampstead England.

Aaron Dover posted and confessed to his families involved in this case. He outed his mother (psychologist) & intelligence services as being involved. He named the Clinton Foundation & the crown & the name of the secret laboratory.

He was found dead a few weeks ago at age 42. He had stated on Voat that he was being targeted and would not live long but needed to share what he knew.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Kinsey is a major connection in understand what led up to pizzagate. This is much bigger than most people think.

janedoemadashell ago

OMFG! And his fucking 'questionnaires' he had the pedos fill out, awful. You can just feel the excitement of that fuck's perversion reading some of the material.

blindlywatching ago

There are many other names tied to unethical human experiments. You can find some in the Church Commission reports from the 1970's.

These men were never convicted. No congressional oversight was put into place to stop future MK type projects. Many of the names tied to the report went on to positions of authority in shaping our scientific communities.

Laskar ago

1948--a year after the creation of the CIA. They knew they would use pedophilia and dress it up with Satanism and occult to throw people off the trail.

Kinsey hung himself. He had orchidis from decades of sado-masochism.

"...Kinsey was far more than just an impudent fraud, he was in fact a criminal: a blackmailer (p. 330 ff), a perverted pornographer, and a pedophile who masturbated little children as part of his so-called “research”."

"One four-year-old was “specifically manipulated” for twenty-four hours around the clock. This child achieved twenty-six orgasms in this time period. Another eleven-month-old infant had fourteen “orgasms”, according to the Kinseyan definition, in a period of thirty-eight minutes, or one orgasm every 2.7 minutes."

Source: E. Michael Jones, "Degenerate Moderns", p. 106

equineluvr ago

Orgasms in quotes is right.

In order to substantiate their sick "conclusions" (that children are sexual from birth), they counted EVERYTHING as an "orgasm." The list includes crying, screaming, writhing in pain, yelling -- just about anything and everything that a child would do to express pain and/or attempt to get away from the sick sadist(s) abusing him/her.

kestrel9 ago

Kinsey was a sado-masochist. Maybe he was describing how many orgasms he had when thinking about the rape of children and infants.

DonKeyhote ago

I'm pretty sure for most of history in a societies men of virtually any age could marry any girl and impregnate her once she's pubescent, as is God's will.

So this indicates that pedophilia itself is a modern concept that has served as a smokescreen for the actual culprits: promiscuity/less marriage and families. All humans have clear instinctive preferences for mates: ideally both are young, of the same race and culture, symmetrical faces etc. Certainly homosexuality was made unthinkable, as proven by the importance of Sodom Gomorrah etc. MArriages were arranged rather than relying on an abstraction (love) and arbitrary series of social "dates" and utterly unspecial sexual encounters.

brokencookie ago

I'm an anthropologist. It's true that having sex with teenagers was quite common throughout most of early human history. Human lives were often short. People found mates and started families early. In the past however, girls became pubescent much later than they do today because of hormones now added to our food and water supply. Age of menarche was traditionally around 15-18 years old. Having sex with prepubescent children has never been of an evolutionary value and most everyday people in most everyday societies throughout time have frowned on it.

3141592653 ago

Girls are often hitting puberty as young as 9 years old these days. That does NOT make them mature or ready for sexual relationships! They are kids!!

Donky_punch ago

So... just because people have been doing it up until recently makes it natural?

Never mind the emotional trauma it can have on a 12yo kid. Just because they're pubescent doesn't mean they're mature.

Your argument is fucking stupid

DonKeyhote ago

So... just because people have been doing it up until recently makes it natural?

It implies that. LMAO! An age old practice that all girls know occurs causes them emotional trauma?

3141592653 ago

Rape and murder are age-old practices. That does not make them ok!!!!

Intheknow ago

Are you a girl or women? How the hell do you know how it affects them? I'll tell you. It ruins theyre lives, trust will never come again

DonKeyhote ago

I'm talking about underage brides in traditional societies. Not rape victims. Jesus christ.

3141592653 ago

That often IS rape. Often child rape

Intheknow ago

Ok...but do you really think children who one day, is playing with dolls and next getting groped and having sex by her(husband), isn't going to mess with thier minds. Not to mention the physical part of it. Would you do it?

DonKeyhote ago

I said pubescent. Are you aware that until 1920s most u.s. states had ages of consent as low as 8 or 10. Doesn't mean babies were raped everywhere.

GiantMillipino ago

slavery was (and still is) practiced worldwide, and babies aren't raped everywhere. so slavery good, yes?

Intheknow ago

I think you must be perv.

sugarskull ago

Scumbag agitating war crimnals the lot of them!

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