anonOpenPress ago

That's another panda. But yeah, Seth Rich was a huge panda fan too.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Reminder - I also post pizzagate items on pizzagate uncensored -

DonKeyhote ago

Media personalities are controlled. This investigation is a distractipn.

Unless he used to be fat and bearded the nickname Panda is suspicious and he was involved. You realize from thousands of IG posts panda is one of what a dozen solid codewords?

His family wants the case closed as robbery correct?

In any case hes not a hero -- he didnt even know about PG. If he realized he was risking his life it would have been because of prior knowledge of their criminality that he failed to disclose. Hero.

He was butthurt that DNC didnt like the prospects of Woody Allen against Dolph Lundgren because Americans aren't stupid. Not that we arent all ruled by jews anyway.

anonOpenPress ago

About the family: No, in my current understanding, the family wants the case solved honestly, whatever the truth is, but they don't want it to be solved in papers. They hope that the media would push demanding investigation, instead of writing accusations (like what Fox did) before they were confirmed (by officials). In my opinion, the family should be respected on this, and the media should focus on the possibly corrupted officials instead of the murder victim. A reliable press backgrounder would help on this too.

About Panda: Nicknames are difficult sources re press backgrounder, but if the connection can be reliably made via the content, it's part of the press backgrounder for sure. Just takes some extra work.

About the rest: You present a lot of claims without sources there :) I take those as your opinion. I also have opinions, like that the cops have killed him in the hospital, but I won't push with my opinions. I just want this scenario to be checked, among others.

DonKeyhote ago

none of those are claims. Its a fact he did it to for bernie not pg victims. Ergo hes not a hero or even an ally. Panda is an unlikely nickname and is also one of a handful of codewords.

anonOpenPress ago

To bring us on the same map: How to you understand the word "claim"?

DonKeyhote ago

Something put forth as fact thats not logically deducible or proven. What i said was logical or proven Herrs Google 1. an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt. "he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links" synonyms: assertion, declaration, profession, affirmation,

anonOpenPress ago

We're on the map, so bring in your logic, if you please. Your "facts" were originally:

Media personalities are controlled. This investigation is a distractipn.

Unless he used to be fat and bearded the nickname Panda is suspicious and he was involved. You realize from thousands of IG posts panda is one of what a dozen solid codewords?

His family wants the case closed as robbery correct?

In any case hes not a hero -- he didnt even know about PG. If he realized he was risking his life it would have been because of prior knowledge of their criminality that he failed to disclose. Hero.

He was butthurt that DNC didnt like the prospects of Woody Allen against Dolph Lundgren because Americans aren't stupid. Not that we arent all ruled by jews anyway.

DonKeyhote ago

What are you foreign or just slow?

--Unless he used to be fat and bearded the nickname Panda is suspicious and he was involved.

Intuitive as a hetero normal dude

--. If he realized he was risking his life it would have been because of prior knowledge of their criminality that he failed to disclose. Hero.

Dunno how to explain that clearer. Youre wasting everyones time and pissing me off.

anonOpenPress ago

I'm slow enough to get the facts straight. I didn't, and you're feeling your time is wasted, so let's just end this.

DonKeyhote ago

How about you not tell researchers to focus on a socialist jew whos already dead over innocent kids still alive. We should be identifying possible brownstone locations so they will abandon their use out of caution.

Deflo56 ago

The MSM seems to continue to run with the "Russian Hackers backed by Putin" narrative. Isn't it a now know fact that it was Seth Rich. MSM is a tool of the Cabal.

anonOpenPress ago

No, it's not a known fact quite yet. We're working on that. But it's a very strong suspicion, strong enough for any independent journalists to mention it in their articles (So MSM is constantly doing wrong)