mHtt ago

Canary is 12 days old....

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I can see what will happen, a bunch of liberal cucks will "volunteer" and slowly takeover (like reddit, etc) In 2 years voat will be banning nigger,beaner,faggot and itll be a reddit clone...

Was nice shitpostin with yall, see ya at the next spot

Milo_Carlin ago

issues left unresolved

-you are not being transparent with the actual cost, @puttitout.

-you are not being transparent with who all is in the dev team.

-you have had over 3 months to explain these magic ban rules, but you have failed.

-you have had over 3 months to explain why you were caught manipulating users' CCP (including @Techius and @SaneGoatiSwear )

-you have neutered, then nuked, then killed chat.

-you have ostracized your core userbase in favor of SJWs from SRS, in v/soapboxbanhammer and v/protectvoat

you have either been played or are playing the voat community. on a number of fronts, not just your fuckery with fake sane and the chat spam.

i would have gladly joined and helped you on the front of house issues, but you've pushed massive behavioral restrictions and censorship, lied to the user base, manipulated users' CCP. you're not worth the penny up the gerbil's ass up the faggot whore's ass.

note how almost all responses are shill responses, not actual meaningful responses. this is how shills work. they think that if you see a bunch of detracting statements in response, you'll disagree with the comment, and disregard it. they think you are that stupid, voat!

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Hi there, i like you.

Milo_Carlin ago

We've been informed that if you don't keep to a strict code of censorshop, Donbuster the niggerfaggot rapey inbred pajeet will OUTRIGHT BAN YOU in slack. it's a terrible platform conducive only to faggots sucking each other off, like donbuster.

mHtt ago

canarys been dead for 4 days GG

zevulonthegreat ago

This place needs to shut the fuck down. Racists, misogynists, and assholes take up this place. Their rhetoric is purely focused on meanness and hate. Pointless.

Deplorable_Me ago

Who asked for the refund?

B166-ER ago

Has anyone explained why the hell Voat is on Azure and not AWS. I have no experience with either directly I just know that AWS is usually touted as more cost effective and popular for projects with thinner budgets.

Does Voat really need the five 9's? I mean, does it generate ad revenue? Perhaps I'm the only one who doesn't completely lose their shit if a site I visit frequently is down from time to time....

I've got a Dell R710 collecting dust behind me because at my new place I am unable to run it... No A/C, expensive electricity, non-fiber ISP and a GF who doesn't think it makes a cool coffee table...

NeedleStack ago

Yes, Atko did here (second comment).

Principe ago

Voat is really a very beautiful constructed site. Wow.

WendyLong2017 ago

Thanks for sharing the detail information about Store Transactions and Type Amount. rolling sky

Aloha808 ago

Get some advertisers

Phenomenonanon ago

What type of marketing is needed

Mad_Dog91 ago

Whoever made large single transaction. You are the real Internet savior

darkh0rse ago

As long as VOAT stays away from censorship then it needs to stay. If it starts to censor I want it to go. There are enough platforms that censor as it is.

Mr_YUP ago

There were thoughts of making parts of the sites run on a decentralized server network. Is that an option still?

TheDude2 ago

Vaot community relations: "What do you want nigger dick faggot?" /s

42ent0 ago

to donate larger amount of bitcoins, i think this is no problem for some people, i used to mine bitcoins 6 years ago.. we had 12 bitcoins per week with pair of overclocked ATI 5850, but i sold all my btc back then :\ there were many moments when the price went from 30$ per bitcoin to price like 9$ per bitcoin, nobody knew it will rise so much,sometimes it looked like it had doubtful future... but at least i have a wallet.dat with many dogecoins somewhere...

the-rooster ago

Like I posted in the last thread - I would be willing to invest (not donate) $25k or more if I can get an equity interest.

LargePepperoni ago

Put an amazon affiliate link at the top of Voat for people to click on before they make Amazon purchases. Allows people to donate without donating.

kuchufli ago

I just donated $25, ain't much, but every penny counts... T_Der still here.

1CoolMagyar ago

Are you selling ad space. I'm ok with non-intrusive ads. Also, something similar to Reddit gold would help.

NeedleStack ago

Link here.

MaunaLoona ago

our first pro-bono lawyer disappeared on us with no explanation

Don't know why I find this hilarious.

Biplane ago

Whoever gets stuck marketing voat... that's a fucking nightmare. Voat does not appeal to any companies. No company wants their logo plastered next to "kike nigger faggot" comments when they can go to Reddit, get a bigger exposure without risking their brand. Reddit didn't burn it's free speech for fun. Free speech is the model that got them labeled as a pedophile safe haven for a year.

Voat offers only 1 difference to reddit. You can actually use racial or anti semetic terms to say racist or anti semetic things. On Reddit, there are many subs that will let you say bad words if you are using them for rational discussion and not to be edgy. Pretty much most default subs.

If voat is to appeal it needs to compete. It needs to be different to the degree that people want to come here. Getting the reject Reddit subs that just want to continue to be edgy just makes more edgy community members that gatekeep voat.

Just typing into google voat, youll see pizzagate and youngladies tied to this site like a huge black eye.

MoreShit ago

I tried donating something, but your system would not let me sign in. (So, here I am under a new name)

It has been some time since I signed in...Is there a time limit?

Anyway, I have a suggestion.

Why don't you establish a lock-box account here in the U.S.A.? And people can end checks or money orders directly to it....It is legally possible, and is not that complicated...A good bank, (or representative agency) can set you up with no tax consequences/filing here.

reeeeeeeeeeeee ago

youre welcome

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Follow fundraising efforts. They seem to put together a very visible campaign and you should too!

22jam22 ago

How can you sell with all the crazy hate speech etc??? Im not complaining at all! I love it here faggotcucks.. But what im saying is no business or public entity is going to attach their name to this? Just wondering?

sensual_rustle ago

I'm a DevOps guy - Pretty versed in AWS and serverless systems. Need any help? What is the best coordination effort currently happening with this?

Voltdrive ago

Sorry Gizmodo, we are here to stay. Take your fake news somewhere else.

MysticMa ago

A goat stick w/the addy printed on the back... COOL

Zanyion ago

My tip for cost reduction

How about doing it 4chan style with the storage. That means archieves get deleted after a fixed time say 1 month. Have a big counter until the next "purge". Archieving is not that useful, and if you really want to, generate a picture of it, with some addon or add the feature to the site. Offload archieving it to image hosters.

AfricanZionSafari ago

That is really awesome disclosing the particulars of the money that was sent your way. But the people will not be satisfied until you release Voat's tax returns!!!! Seriously what are you keeping from everyone by not releasing your tax returns. I archived the original post and where you said "Total Donations" the original unedited post said "TѲtДl DѲЛДtЇѲns" so WTF is up with that??? I don't want to sound like a hillary shill or nothin but.....

Okay I kid, I kid! You see you can joke with the mods at Voat unlike at fageddit where they will ban you for joking. I was not kidding about being transparent with your donations though. That is extremely welcome and I think in the future you will see that being transparent will encourage even more people to donate because the main reason people don't donate is because they are worried about being scammed. If you donated $5 and realized the thing you were donating to was a scam, you would be out $5 and also be resentful because you got scammed. If someone can throw $5 into the either its kinda like hedging a bet. If the people who received the money are upfront about what they got, then that is really encouraging to people who are on the fence about sending money.

Its good you realize that people who contribute money can be often times digging deep. The internet is not just for people in mamas basement, in fact some of the rhetoric from people who live in mamas basement can turn people off interactive websites like reddit. Voat gives an alternative for anyone who is thinking for themselves. Reddit promotes itself as an easy site to register and post whatever you want and get lots of view but that is not true, specifically the "post whatever you want" part.

I am not gonna get into too much personal details but I got outright attacked on a subreddit called "shit reddit says." This was several years ago and I laughed it off cause I figured that the people compaling were obvious trolls. As it turns out they weren't. They were deadly serious about the criticisms they had about me and their venom (although laughable) was nasty. I realized at that point that reddit had a serious problem, and the best way I could describe the problem is Mental Illness.

How can you explain people who get "triggered" by a posting about a religious anecdote? And I am not talking about someone respectfully disagreeing with something I said, but someone whining about what benign thing I said was "triggering" because they correlated offense to the fact you posted something in a religious context.

How the fuck do you even gain value to your insights when everything you write has to be cross referenced with what is politically correct and must be self censored or moderator censored? You don't gain value to your insights! In fact your thought patterns get damaged cause now you think "Oh I got censored because of what I said, I better not say that stuff again" but who is the authority banning your posts and controlling your thoughts? Cause thats what it is by the way, reddit does not promote individual thought, it seeks to control your thoughts and opinions. Say what you may about The_Donald, they are a bunch of weirdos if you ask me, but also, why are they not allowed to post their posts anywhere else then The_Donald? Wouldn't /r/worldnews like to know that Seth Rich was actually murdered by the Democratic Party? The users may like to know but I don't even know if they care about the truth vs the comfortable lie.

Voat does not censor even stupid opinions, and it does so with a really finely designed user interface. It allows the members of the site to determine whether a post should be upvoated or downvoated. Quality is determined by the merits of the user generated content, not an oligarchy of corrupt moderators.

Voat is needed so much in the current state of the internet. If Voat didn't exist the only site like this would be reddit and they have demonstrated their corruption time and time again. They are a filthy cesspool of brainwashed morons. You can get flagged for hate speech for posting a picture of an American flag and saying "America is awesome".

America is awesome. And so is Canada and New Zealand and Australia and Japan and the rest of the good countries in the world. Netherlands also is fuckin tight. And also I should mention Jamaica cause Jamaica is awesome and I have nothing but good experience with the people down there.

But also fuck reddit, Voat is way better. Stay live and stay happening Voat! And keep you donation option available because some people live paycheck to paycheck don't have the money to donate right now, but Voat users are smart users and we can consider everything and budget for things that we care about.

Keep Voat going as long as you can. Even though you are often compared to reddit, that bullshit site full of idiots is nothing compared to Voat. The existence of Voat is an indicator of a healthy internet. If Voat dies that's like freedom of speech on the internet getting hit by an asteroid. When freedom of speech is being attacked on all front at this time in history, even unassuming Voat will be remembered as one of the last bastions of decent freedom loving folks. Even if sometimes they come across as a little racist lol! You know every black person I know rolls there eyes at racism and just mutters to themselves "People will always be ignorant..." and that is also a valid opinion, that should not be censored!

Fuck reddit, its a cancer on the minds of people. Long live Voat and the extent of internet freedom that it promotes. If you have extra money, consider helping them cause it sounds like they need help.

A6-EGO ago

Please add a monthly donation counter, yes it may be tacky and begging for donations, but I think that there are many fellow goats that would like to see it.

twee ago


9302507? ago

Spelt is an actual word though. It just looks wrong.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

"Get the flock out of here!"

Pizzalawyer ago

Why not shut down one hour per day beginning with Eastern Standard time and each hour thereafter round the clock 24/7. That way down time is fairly distributed around the world. Use that hour to solicit donations with all available info to make it really easy to donate and offering several different options, including merchandise. Have a clock face indicating how much time left on the hour so viewers know when to come back online. Kill 2 birds with one stone. Soliciting one hour per day, one hour interruption in services very tolerable. Perhaps an hour per day will not result in sufficient savings. My concern with doing it one day per week is losing potential users who might not understand why VOAT is down and then losing them indefinitely

9244434? ago

I'm not sure that's the method of reducing server load we want to pursue :P

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

I am always amazed at the money the alt right has compared to the left. Of course we got jobs etc, but it is insane that before reddit started with censoring, that donation bar would never fill up, and I expect the little donations they got, are all gone now.

Adminstrater ago

Could a Read Only Mode reduce cost?

Maybe a user preference option to turn off luxuries that can help reduce a small percentage of usage.

tiredofctr ago

How about a QR code for each subverse that leads to a site where the mods randomly post pictures/comics/whatever relevent to the subverse?

Techius ago

I agree, here. God damn @puttitout!

9242877? ago

the rather odd T_D advance and retreat we saw


9242564? ago

I've been using my credit card to donate for over a year without issue. However if you'd prefer to not supply your info you could donate with bitcoin. Or you could buy pre-paid credit cards at convenience stores and use them.

jewsbadnews ago

Get /pol/ more involved with this place since reddit will ban you for linking here.

Firevine ago

I'd buy a sticker for sure. Maybe a few. Maybe a lot for a bundle price, and they should have the URL on them so that I can leave them laying about in leftie hangouts.

Precipitate ago

The last batch of shirts was the goat head on the front and butt on the back. I like mine a lot.

Moabman ago

Has anyone tried martin skreli?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Isn't he jew

9240144? ago


Why not

But this shit is weak strategy and you know it deep down


We need a fucking battle cruiser running on super cheap shit fuel

No license fees/copyright royalties, just the fucking bandwidth

With that, we cut the cost by 3

We fuck them up, who ever they are


sivsta ago

Turning down services would be a good idea. It would extend the life of voat even further. What kind of service symptoms would we see browsing the page? Added latency?

the_sharpest_knife ago

Thank YOU. This place is worth it.

yergi ago

Why not move to Amazon from azure?

Azure is very expensive.

MetalAegis ago

Great, let us know again if a deadline is approaching and overhead expenses have yet to be minimized.

MrRain ago

Sanegoat take your fucking meds for fucks sake.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Ok you understand the basics of running a business? For the past two years you keep making these panicked announcements and scrounge up enough money to skimp by for a few months. WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS PLAN? How do you expect to maintain revenue and grow? Are any oppurtunities seeking you out? If not are you seeking oppurtunities? Even if you are planning to live on donations you still need a plan. You need a revenue projection, a timeline for when you need to start campaigns, quarterky goals. PLEASE, find someone with business acumen who will partner with you.

1WinfieldBlue ago

I understand what you're saying but have you read any of the previous announcements? This problem has been answered.

tragicwhale ago

I agree, I'm still waiting to be able to purchase a shirt, I missed the last time it happened. I just figured subscription since it would give them a better gauge for what income to expect.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

Great, this means that the PV/SBBH/SDBH crowd will now have more power as they will definitely be the ones to take the new positions of power.

9242932? ago

If you want to prevent that from happening volunteer yourself. (Some) Members from those crowds care a lot about Voat so it makes sense that they would apply. And no position will be one of unchecked power -- Voat will always ensure it has its checks and balances.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

I'm a terrible choice and I know that. I hate everyone not related to me by blood and would be easily corrupted by power. I would surely abuse it as most people would. I'm not right for any of the jobs but I know PV/SBBH/SDBH aren't either.

9237768? ago

How do you get a penny in a gerbil's ass?

Milo_Carlin ago

With Gusto!

God-Emperor777 ago

And with any luck, slightly failing manual dexterity...

parrygrin ago

This has been downvoted, but I'm unfamiliar with many of these criticisms and would be interested in the reasoning behind the downvotes, if not responses to the criticisms.

Longbottom_Leaf ago

This reads like a user known as sanegoat who would spam threads with these comments. People downvoat him because he is a spamming asshole, regardless of message

Milo_Carlin ago

suggesting writing one unique comment specifically in response to someone else's comment is spam

wow shill fail.

9239324? ago

You'd have a better argument if it weren't you, Sane.

Milo_Carlin ago

see that's the thing, parry, we are being silenced. we're not allowed to talk about these things.

so we specifically will continue to talk about these things.

they are serious failures. @puttitout refuses to address any of them.

you will only see attacks on us for speaking up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we are being silenced

just read your comment, therefor you're not

9237498? ago

$5 a month to ban the detractor and forum-slider SGIS.

Milo_Carlin ago

Did you know that @SuperConductiveRabbi attempted to associate another voat user with the rape and murder of a girl in 1990 just to silence the other voat user?

That's how much of a natty shill @SuperConductiveRabbi is.

Grifter42 ago

Ey, Putt, where'd the seed money for Voat come from?

M3G4M4G4 ago

Looks like shitty Jizmodo will have to edit their story now (they won't)!

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

Deus Voat.

HuggableBear ago

Community relations with this community is easy. Just don't put up with any bullshit, call them all faggots and slap the shit out of them if they get lippy. It's how you earn respect in the wild.

Volcris ago

As a community relations professional working for voat the organization, you probably wouldn't be able to use any of voat's traditional formal greetings though.

heretolearn ago

we're all just happy little trees right now aren't we. I know I am.

9235647? ago

Good point.

voats4goats ago

How about a mug that goes from day to night mode when you pour hot coffee in it?

SpaceCpt ago

Alright, so USB sticks are dirt cheap and you can buy pretty customizable ones for fairly cheap in bulk, what would be awesome is a USB stick with a voat goat head on it. Probably not something for the immediate future but I would buy them just to give to people who have no idea what is.

I also think it would be hillarious if we did "innocently racist" themed phone covers, like watermelons, fried chicken, tacos, burritos, stacks of shekels.

Since what we're really all about here is free speech we should have some patriotic themed goat stuff too.

nobaloney ago

Bootable USB sticks please

Jew_Hunter ago


redditsuckz ago

Way too late...

So v/history and v/conspiracy should be up for grabs

Wuttier ago

And what about /v/conspiracyfact and /v/conspiracies?

SelfReferenceParadox ago

If you need someone good at the bits of programming that don't involve running a website, I can totally help.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

What the fuck we need marketing for? I hate that faggy shit!

Please just take subscriptions. We all know that advertising requires to much sacrifice of the freedom that makes this great.

Stop.being obtuse.

Troll ago

Ever thought of making a Patreon account? That shit is popular. See how it goes and all.

9235122? ago

I have heard many goats say that Voat violates Patreon's "SJW Terms of Service" so I don't think that's an option.

Troll ago

SJW TOS? Fucking seriously? But Sargon has a Patreon and he's under constant attack by the left.

9235229? ago

I don't know, I haven't looked into it myself. Honestly I was also surprised by the claims, knowing the kinds of YouTubers that make use of it. Voat is more extreme than a lot of the edgier YouTubers, in all fairness.

Troll ago

Yeah well free speech does make shitposting a whole lot easier. I'd still give it a try, see how it goes.

Voat is creating free speech. Come and get offended like /r/the_donald...

43365836856584 ago

Here's my idea for making money, putting your money where your mouth is. Basically it's like reddit gold where you can select a post that makes a donation to the site but as a reward you get to pick from a few different options such as faggot, nigger, kike enthusiast, etc. which you then get to force on the poster of the message in the form of a page they must click through in order to continue using voat.

If you do it please make the jew click through deposit shekels and the nigger one gibs.

9265000? ago

Make it $1, or euro, or pound since there are many europeans on here. (selectable)

I really don't think putt is going to put words like "nigger" and "kike" on the website himself, it's going to discourage a lot of people from doing it or joining the website (yeah yeah I know, we don't want SJWs, it's not like they want to be on here regardless). But one word or short few-word phrase would be good for $1.

piratse ago

Inb4 the DV storm. Just because we champion freedom of speech doesn't mean we should also try to be as offensive as possible all the time. Freedom of speech means say what you want, it doesn't mean everyone has to be cool with it. I don't have a problem with using kike or nigger if you want, but being offensive for the sake of being offensive isn't they way to grow voat.

Grannypede ago

Ya we need to have some respect for "freedom of speech"'s counterpart, "freedom of listening" (or not)

43365836856584 ago

I've given it more thought and you need to have both good and bad options. There needs to be a tiered pricing structure that starts at $1 and goes to something absurd like $1000 for pointlessly extravagant goat memes just to encourage wealthy people to donate more. Members with a paid subscription get their monthly contribution in credit for putting their money where their mouth is. Top ups can be purchased with bulk discounts applicable to encourage larger donations. The forced click through has to be a funny voat mascot cartoon (upset jew putting a shekel in a voat goat money box with server funds written on the side perhaps?) that lets the user know their comment has helped keep voat afloat and once clicked through the person who forced it on them should have the option of being notified that their message has been seen if they want it. As fucked as it is we should also encourage brigading by having special click throughs that only apply once a certain number of credits of the same kind have been reached for the post. It'd suck getting hit with ten pages of being called a faggot only to then have a goat wave a giant cock around telling you that you like what you see don't ya faggot? but deep down you'd kind of be happy that you triggered enough people to raise $10 for voat which would get you over it pretty quickly. Oh and give every newb a few freebies once they've got enough user points because once they've given a couple out they'll want to keep doing it. Just make it a part of a sample for the paid product and wish them well with their forever free account that they can always buy credits for later if they want to.

AdamKarlMarksmith ago


That was absolutely hilarious.

SpaceCpt ago

This is probably the ultimate troll response to reddit gold, well done you numerical nightmare you.

9235000? ago

Well, I was thinking that you could give the permalink of the comment you wanted, and the system would grab the author and text of the linked comment, format it like it was on the website, and turn it into an image. That way everyone could get a mug with their favourite rant, shitpost or whatever on it. Like I say, probably a bit too much tech-wise.

Subverses would certainly be much easier, and I'd love to see that, too.

nigger_plz ago

Come and listen to a story about a place called voat.
A place so po' they could barely stay a-float.
Then one day they wore looking for some loot.
Up from the ground come a bubblin' crude...

Something like that.

9234860? ago

It definitely depends. If you're thinking about making some kind of product based around the mascot to be sold in the Voat Store for Voat funding purposes, I'm sure that's fine. @NeedleStack has made Voat plushies in the past (but I still don't have one!).

tragicwhale ago

I still think you should make it subscription based.

9234770? ago

I believe it is trademarked, yes. See bottom of the page:

Voat and the Voat Mascot are trademarks of Voat, Inc.

Broc_Lia ago

I'll try to donate the same again next month, or possible buy some ads for /v/mensrights

If you put up a donation thermometer thing it might help

ScreaminMime ago

I got an idea, we could borrow cash from 4Chan who would in turn borrow cash from Reddit who could then borrow cash from US!

What could go wrong with that? It works for our respective governments!

9235130? ago

Gov't BTFO.

9234270? ago

That might be one of the best kind of things to put in the store, you'd make it once and sell it forever.

9234230? ago

I'd quite like a mug. Bonus points if I can buy a mug and give the permalink of someone's comment to be printed on the reverse, but I think that might get to be too technical.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Anonymous single donor of 12 grand... Who might have that kind of money to toss around? I know all too well, people with big money 12k is nothing. They will blow 10x that on a night partying. I have said, tptb watch this site. Bitcoin gives people who might be extremely rich and personally involved in the things posted here.... the ability to keep us going anonymously.

9234314? ago

There were a few people just mining them up by the handful in the early days. They'd be quite well off now if they can still get at the coins.

cynicaloldfart ago

Good request. Market research is required.

DrSelfAppointed ago

I can do some great basic tier photoshopping, CS3 style. Or If you're really desperate for community outreach, I can't tell these fucks what for.

9234001? ago

All forms of goat paraphernalia.

TremorAcePV ago

Dragon Dildo? PSSSSH

Where dat Goat Dildo at.

Mick ago

Here at the Department of Helping New Users I shall continue my life's work of explaining to people how to get rid of unread notifications, why 'block subverse' takes a while to kick in and why their subverse request will be rejected.

TremorAcePV ago

Is there a way to switch back to the old way of doing things for the notifications?

If I click my messages button while I have notifications, I go to a breakdown of the notifications even if I only have 1. Meaning I have to click twice every single time.

Before, it'd just take me to whichever I actually had. It was supposedly done to make it easier to find your notification, but I find it makes it easier but more tedious.

Mick ago

I'm afraid not. The the new way is the only way now.

9233986? ago

Don't forget about making sure they switch on night mode.

Mick ago

I said to myself that if @PeaceSeeker replies to this inside 10 minutes I'm sticking with my current suspicion of them being Putts alt :D

9234303? ago

Ha, and I answered inside of two minutes!

You know Putt better than I do; surely Putt's not so narcissistic to run a 'verse devoted to himself? :P

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're a hero man, keep up the great work

Chiefpacman ago

Glad to see you asking for help. We really want to help. Prepare for that email inbox to be flooded.

cynicaloldfart ago

Prepare for that email inbox to be flooded.

As with any organization, the key word is organize. Maybe a multi-level group of 'advisors/screeners' for replies to filter out obvious 'noise' or multiple suggestions/solutions could work to alleviate Putts time expenditure. Would require goats that are above personal motivations and acclamations and has true integrity for support of the site as a whole. There seems to be quite a few proven users vetted already.

as with all of these, just an opinion/suggestion.

Goathole ago

Feel free to PM me when the needs arises for a Minister of Propaganda. I have really good people skills and can surmount any obstacle in this area.

I just know I could be a positive force for The Domination of

RuckFeddit45 ago

Mr Goatbbels

Goathole ago

Oooo! I like that. My next voat username. Where were you when I created a new account and couldn't think of anything?


LostandFound ago

Good work Putt stay strong, looks like you have a few thousand wingmen! Will chip in when I get paid end of the month thanks for having me.

Can you offer us any advice on whats using the most resources from a user behaviour perspective. Let us try and reduce usage voluntarily before we start having to turn off features. Though turning of features is completely fine too.

9233686? ago

There have been a number of suggestions made that those who make monthly pledges could receive some kind of useful feature, like a sitewide flair. Might encourage more donors, who knows.

I, for one, would not complain if there was a goat face floating next to my name.

Ch3ck3rs ago

Goat face chewing on a brick of gold for big spenders! Add me for $10 a month. I'll pm you once I get it set up officially.

9233941? ago

Awesome, I'll add you now!

Goat face chewing on a brick of gold for big spenders!

And that would be cute.

TheArcanumOrder ago

We should reach out to Gavin McInnes. I could see him being a Voater.

We could also try Lauren Southern.

ExpertShitposter ago

(((Gavin McInnes)))


cynicaloldfart ago

Slippery slope. True altruism is exceptionally rare.

Goater ago

If you read this Putt, I have the time, we just need somewhere to co-ordinate with other goats. 3PL of merch, mutually beneficial advertising, SEO to make any Google-based crawling edits visible,...I am positive that it has been edited. Anyway, all can be added/improved and happy to help with.

AOU ago

Thanks Putt for all you do, the community is with you, should you need more than financial help.

A huge thank you to everyone who donated.


Donations go to Micro$hekel.


9233384? ago

Dat dere REEEEal good writing halps alright, halps real good, shoot.

This was the reply I first typed up. I couldn't bring myself to post it in itself so here I am quoting it for your pleasure.

hels ago

It's "Righting" you jewfag.

MadWorld ago

:-D If the size of badge is proportional to his screen, he wouldn't have space left to read the actual content.

9233269? ago

I think community relations sounds like it will have a whale of a time. Would this be for promoting off site? Goathovah's witness knocking on doors like:

Excuse me sir or madam, do you have a moment to talk about the Jews?

BentAxel ago

Goathovah's witness


solar_flare ago

You really only have to stand for free speech and the First Amendment which is a pretty good sale in my book.

9237327? ago

I agree. My post was facetious. Where I live both the 1st and 2nd are held very dear.

9233642? ago

Goathovah's witness knocking on doors

Make this happen, mate. Videolog your experiences, post them to Gvid, and share them with us all!

Milo_Carlin ago

When are people going to realize that @PeaceSeeker IS @PuttItOut?

9313613? ago

Christ, Sane, at least when Mick was saying this it was funny. From you it just comes across as desperate.

9237311? ago

Where I am people would just say no haha. I don't think there's a jew in 100 miles of here.

Grannypede ago

See who is advertising on other sites and contact the same people. Best luck!

WeekendBaker ago

So you already have 100% membership for 100 miles? :)

VicariousJambi ago

All hail our Lord put, for he is good.

9233648? ago

And he is great. All praise.

Immaculate_pepe ago

I'd need to know more details before I could offer any sales or marketing services. I'm willing to help, but I need I know if my specific skills are actually needed.

cynicaloldfart ago

If you have a strength and you want to help Voat, please send an email to [email protected] with your proposal.
I'm significantly delayed with responding to emails but I am working through them. Also, I am unable to stay on top of PM's through Voat (I have thousands of unread PMs). So please reach out via email if something is important.

That's been addressed.

Immaculate_pepe ago

Cool. Emailing

MadWorld ago

Total 27,352.00 (USD)

:-) It went better than expected!! Thank you for the great work and many sacrifices to keep the freedom of speech alive!!

Edit: I hope more goats will pledge monthly donations to keep this place running...

9233658? ago

I'm sure more are donating monthly than are on the list, and we already have over $1200 pledged a month on the list. Once costs are reduced I know we can manage this shitshow ourselves.

MadWorld ago

:-) Awesome!!

TheArcanumOrder ago

I'll ask you all first since this is going to be controversial, but should I reach out to r/linux for help? I'm sure v/linux can do some work, but our numbers are small here. We might get some /pol/ users over there that would help out.

DammitMoonMoon ago

I do not think this would be a good idea at all. I don't know anything about the r/linux community but the general atmosphere at eddit is to talk as much smack as possible about voat. Also, it could lead to other nefarious characters infiltrating. Last thing I want is an undercover SJW writing code for the backbone of voat.

just my thoughts.

TheArcanumOrder ago

I agree.

nogods_nokings ago

i agree with this. reddit is definitely not the place to go for this, even if you could get someone who doesn't believe the negative press t_d has been spreading since they went dim.

Crensch ago

Do not advertise that putt is looking to the community to fix things there. While they can find this themselves, don't wave our weaknesses around so they can infiltrate.

TheArcanumOrder ago

Will do. I'll try to come up with something else

Crensch ago

I could be wrong about that, but my first reaction was one of fear for our security. Other goats will respond soon, so take a poll or the most convincing argument either way.

TheArcanumOrder ago

I'll check out responses later tonight. We could always go hit up 4chans linux board. I dont think theyre our enemies. As long as we avoid /b/. Then we'd just get a bunch of 10 year old trolls

0011011000111001 ago

Voat also needs a lawyer for a few small things

That is concerning, but I understand why you aren't able to talk about them. Hopefully you'll be able to at some point.

9234123? ago

It's probably just things like company registration, filing official documents, etc.

MeGrimlock4 ago

Wow, impressive amounts of donations already.

9233065? ago

The power of goats should not be underestimated.

Goater ago

If you need someone to help with web stores etc, please reach out. Also check your BTC.

Edit: Will email proposal for store.

9233058? ago

@NeedleStack and @Rotteuxx may want to do the same, as they have both made merch proposals in the past.

Rotteuxx ago

I emailed @Puttitout late Thursday with a few suggestions of trinkets we could sell in limited runs, voat collectibles kinda thing, I figure he'll get to it eventually.

I also went ahead & ordered some samples laser cut so I have something to send him hopefully by the end of next week. I'll do a post when I have them to get feedback from goats.

9235098? ago

I look forward to it, I think you have some sweet plans in action.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx, the only thing I'd have to school myself in is mass shipping which shouldn't be a big hassle with canada post.

Goater ago

Speak to me for mass shipping if you need help. I'll get you sorted, no need for you to actually post shit.

Rotteuxx ago

Cool, I'll get in touch if things happen.

9235299? ago

Canada Post is generally pretty decent.

NeedleStack ago

Yes, I am going to donate this voat goat I crocheted as soon as Putt gives me an address to send it to (or to whomever becomes in charge of merch).

Vindicator ago

This item could be auctioned -- take bids!

Ziekk ago

That is adorable!

9234927? ago

Mass-produce them!

NeedleStack ago

I wish you guys knew how long it takes to make just one (hourzzzzz). :) There's stuffing involved, sewing bits together, buying yarn colors that fit, etc. I can't guarantee how many more I could make. When I get the logistics settled I could put out a call to my crochet subscribers to see if they would want to make one too. :)

dancemonkey ago

Sell the pattern?
Seriously, the chick who does those upcycled bratz dolls (I think they're called tree dolls or something?) sells the knitting patterns her mum uses to make the clothes for them because they take her hours to do a whole doll and it's sustainable income.
Also I would totally pay a voat donation for a 1 on 1 crochet tutorial on skype or something. Choose your own price!

Rotteuxx ago

How about a once in a while auction in the store ?

Make people fight for it with by raising their bids, I'm sure your creations would sell very well. I offered one of those stainless steel acoustic guitars i make once a year.

NeedleStack ago

Yeah, that's my sentiment really. Make them a hotter commodity! Wow, a guitar would be fabulous!

9235055? ago

Haha, I'm just teasing.

Well not really I think it would be great but I don't actually expect you to mass-produce them because logistics etc.

Reddit_traitor ago

i know about webstores/eCommerce too.

9234906? ago

Send an email to [email protected] if you'd like to volunteer!

9232899? ago

I definitely think reducing operating costs is a priority, and I know you need help to do that in reasonable time. We have people from /v/Linux actively working to help with that process.

Specific parts Putt has stated a need for volunteers so far:

  • Lawyer
  • Community relations
  • Marketing
  • Sales

Putt, could you go into some more depth sometime soon about the exact work that needs to be done in these categories? And are there any other roles that need to be filled? I think the more specific the stated roles are the more likely people are to reach out.

EDIT: Also, if people stay true to their pledges and if more pledges come in, I'm sure that with reduced monthly costs and more volunteers we can run Voat long-term and smoothly. If you intend to donate monthly and are not on the list I linked to, please contact me so we all have a better understanding of how much we can reasonably hope to bring in each month on our own.

EDIT 2: Also, that title is amazing.

Planet_Terror ago

Will there be any merchandise soon? I've donated $25 a few days ago but would definitely buy some Voat Goat merch! Maybe something for the cars ... that can always give some free advertisement., especially with the cute Goat, I think it may make people curious and come visit.

9267414? ago

We've had merch drives in the past and there are definitely more to come, they just always have temporary merch availability. Shouldn't be much longer before the next one.

Planet_Terror ago

Perfect thanks! I'll keep my eye out for it and donate whenever I have some extra cash.

pnwpatriot97 ago

You need a salesman for voat? MY TIME HAS COME!!!

draegspir ago

This guy.

WeekendBaker ago

I can pitch in for both sales and marketing. Where to post ideas?

9242549? ago

There are many places on Voat you could post ideas. /v/whatever, /v/voatdev, /v/ideasforvoat. If you want a formal volunteer position where you help actually implement the changing email Putt at [email protected].

SpaceCpt ago

Community relations

I deal with pissed off customers all day every day and come here to escape, but if it means keeping voat alive I would be willing to make a "Mr. Nice Guy" account to help out with that sort of thing.

Broc_Lia ago

I seriously doubt it'll be any use, but on the off chance a need for a 3D graphics artist develops let me know.

9234918? ago

I'd like to see those skills put to use around here at some point, somewhere.

eyeman ago

I'm not the most tech savvy, but would switching to the new cloud storage technology be an option to save cost? I plugged in the cost 6000$ in for azure, and sia tech claims it would only cost 550$ for the same amount on their cloud network. I have no clue if this would work or not, but I thought I would mention it.

9234022? ago

I'm also not certain, but that's definitely worth mentioning. Is Sia Tech an open source company?

eyeman ago

I'm pretty sure, like I said I'm tech illetrate. I just know they are a decentralized cloud storage company that offers some decent prices, and sounds like it would be a lot harder to ddos. I'm not trying to advertise for them thought, just trying to cut some cost for voat.

9234288? ago

Sounds interesting. I'm glad you mentioned it.

1moar ago

I have some significantly cheaper hosting options I checked on, but would need a run down on specifics and current bandwidth and storage currently being used. Scaleable and more, without aws or azure.

Donbuster ago

Hijacking, but the /v/linux effort is being organized in an outside slack team. Invite link here

Anyone with skills to be useful, feel free to join

SecularPenguinist ago

link is dead. I'm a Linux systems administrator. I can't commit too much time but I can definitely spare some cycles.

TheCompanionCube ago

Invite link is dead. I'm a professional sw engineer but don't do web dev, is this something I can contribute to or should i look elsewhere?

9233748? ago

Awesome, thank you for that clarification and further detail. I hear some nice strides have been made.

ShineShooter ago

Did our lawyer get clintoned? Jokes aside, thanks for the transparency through the costs of operation. Seeing the necessity and the small capital required greatly increases my will to donate.

Btw you ought to dump some of that BTC into cash, surely it's reaching peak price.

draegspir ago

But it's going to the moon!! Seriously, I really have no idea where bitcoin is going. If he's running a business, he probably should cash out and use it. Otherwise, keeping it in bitcoin is the same as taking the rest of the donation money he isn't using and putting it into bitcoin.

hels ago

Isn't dogecoin going to the moon?

draegspir ago


therealkrispy ago

Considering it'll all be spent in 4 months, I'm sure putt is gonna cash it out ASAP.

DontTreadOnMeMAGA ago

$27,000 isn't a lot of money, certainly not enough to burn your reputation forever. No one is truly anonymous online. Better to focus on saving the site for the long term. Reddit needs competition and there's no reason for voat to not be that.

zipcodemonster ago

I think he means cash out because he'll have to spend it.

ScottRockview ago

Fuck yeah.

UnJaded ago

I'm new here, but willing to do what is necessary to help. And just want to thank everyone who helped keep this place around for a while longer at least

hels ago

Until mass internet censorship comes Voat is going nowhere. Everyone's voice should be heard whether me or you agree. The only way forward is to let thoughts and ideas be stated.

Let's go abstract. You argue that 2+2=5. I say "no, 2+2=4" and walk away. Does my mind open up and broaden or close off? It is why I have learned that 'No' is wrongthink. My quoted response and action have closed my mind. To open my mind I need to refute my response and ask why 2+2=5.

For my mind to grow I cannot deny the thoughts and beliefs of others. I can only become stronger by trying to understand other peoples ways and beliefs.

Le_Squish ago

Putt, have you considered daily downtown to cut cost in a more immediate way? 2 or 3 hours everyday during slow posting times?

Edit: Some goats are suggesting going down on Sundays...what you think? Off day for you at least based admin.

MAGAbitches654 ago

Going down on sundays is also a good way for you faggots to interact with people. Im for going down on sunday. Yes im new but fuck me sideways im never going back to TD

WeekendBaker ago

I advocated a 90% reduction as a joke but one that is quick and easy. No donations no voat!

Goater ago

Yeah...fuck me for living on the other side of the world. Are you joking?

malloryquinn ago

Nobody gives a fuck about Asians. :(

Firevine ago

Depends. Are you Japanese, Chinese, or Lookatthese?

malloryquinn ago

It's (CURRENT YEAR) I can be whatever the hell I want.

Le_Squish ago

Brah, I live in the middle of the Pacific. I know your time zone woes.

9234293? ago

Humu Humu Nuka Nuka apua'a?

Le_Squish ago

No no no...don't ask about our fish. Ask where to find the our big botos.

Goater ago

Eugh, tough. Everywhere closed, always.

Crensch ago

I'd even be OK with cycling on and off every half hour. As those faggot T_D said, our front page is slow. News is slow. We can get our fix for a half our, and come back a half hour later to do it again.

It'd be novel idea, but would double the time we can stay afloat if it's viable.

GasRite ago

EE with practically no hosting knowledge here:

Can you run a website with something similar to time-delay multiplexing? Like, have it be "offline" and display a static cached copy for 29.9 minutes while keeping a log of all comments/submissions/votes that are sent in during that time and then at t=30min, "go live" for a second to update all the comments and vote tallies?

That way the site doesn't incur the cost of remaining live all the time, but its still always browse-able. Just with a little bit of a lag time between actions. You could even stagger the update times or scale them based on traffic or other factors.

Is that something that would work?

kyle ago

The server would still have to be running all the time, the only difference would be that it's serving up static pages instead of dynamic ones. It would reduce the number of database queries, sure, but I don't think that would make a huge difference. Plus, the end-user experience would be hit hard, and it would require a massive overhaul of the site's code.

superdisk ago

What really needs to be fixed is the database queries, the site fetches the comments in an N+1 query and hits the database hundreds of times on each request.

kyle ago

Is this true? How would you know that this is the issue? (serious question, not being snarky)

superdisk ago

You can go look at the ugly LINQ queries on github, this site is open source.

Slayfire122 ago

I don't know if something like that is possible our plausible because I don't know jack shit about coding. However, if we did do something like that, half an hour is to much. I would suggest something like refreshing the posts every 10 minutes and the comments every 2. During the night when everything is slow, you can change it to 30 minutes for posts and 5 minutes for comments.

9234275? ago

I don't know much about these things but my guess is never be a surge when the site comes back up which would offset the crash in traffic.

Crensch ago

You might be right. I'm not sure how it'd work out either, but I'm happy to sacrifice X time of the day to stretch the donations out. I think having the same huge block at one part of the day might be a bad thing, but I could be wrong there, too.

Ch3ck3rs ago

Maybe making it read only for half an hour, live for half an hour like @slayfire122 suggested.

This could make upvoating interesting, but it's worth the price if we can stay up longer

Crensch ago

I'd be OK with a single GoatNap landing page for the half hour, but if read-only is really low resource consumption than that'd be even more awesome. Maybe have a single red line down the left side of the screen when in read-only, and have it turn green when it's live?

0011011000111001 ago

I like this idea.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

Maybe around 2-4am each night? or hell, even 1-5am would work.

malloryquinn ago

My night or your night? You know there is no "here" here, right? HKST +8

Slayfire122 ago

In what timezone? Also, how much of a difference would it make to have Voat view only instead of straight up downtime?

You know what would really piss off regressive liberals? Shut down Voat on Sundays for "religious beliefs and family time."

dancemonkey ago

Regressive liberals but also supermarket Catholics who do an hour and then go back to farting around on the internet.

nigger_plz ago

Good idea. The internet would freak out. What! No 24/7 internet.

solar_flare ago

Shut down Voat on Sundays for "traditional family time." Aw man, those anti-family regressives would be so mad.

nogods_nokings ago

CLOSED SUNDAYS for religious observances, family time, and quiet reflection. also, DEUS VULT

kestrel9 ago

Sunday mornings 2:00 am to 2:00 pm...on a rotating time zone schedule. lol

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

I like the sunday shutdown idea. @Puttitout, make this happen.

TheArcanumOrder ago

I like this idea a lot.

9233139? ago


9233006? ago

Yeah, fuck the Aussies!

Realistically I don't think this is the best idea as it does ruin certain goats' chances of using Voat freely.

cynicaloldfart ago

Using voat statistics as a guide, hows bout a sliding 'view only' vs all out downtime. Lowest posting time gets the limitation? Or would that not really save much? Just a thought, we can use all the input out there for a viable solution.

9233779? ago

I would fully support view only times during low activity hours if it was a significant relief on costs.

Slayfire122 ago

What about every Sunday for "Religious Beliefs."

RuckFeddit45 ago

"Religious beliefs" I'm in! You got to keep the sabbath free of work, isn't that what jews do?

9233173? ago

I think one day out of a week, or a certain number of hours on one day out of a week, would be better than just the same time slot every day taken out, if something like this were to be done at all.

Slayfire122 ago

Agreed. Once a week is fine (whole day or few hours). Every day can suck for those awake during it.

Although 2 hours per night Mon-Sat would put us at 12 hours plus 24 hours Sunday.

malloryquinn ago

So, I'll be permabanned. Shit.

9233336? ago

True. I'm open to discussion on the matter.

Goater ago

It would most likely be majority during my timezone if they went with downtime option.....that kinda would suck for me.

9233849? ago

Yeah I think the downtime option would screw over minority timezone goats too much to be considered, unless we did it for the duration of an entire day each week, like Sunday as people are suggesting. That way everyone would be affected that day, and Sunday goes with the religion "no working" sentiment. It's something to consider.

Goater ago

Yeah, I'd be much more down with the 1 day a week, but rotating days would be ideal. Sunday is my main shitposting client wants to call me at Sunday rates.

voats4goats ago

I'm assuming voat is on Eastern Standard time which is like 16 hrs difference for you so the shutdown day in your sense would actually be pretty much most of Monday no?

Goater ago

I assumed UTC, but hey good point, shutdown on Sundays!

Yeah nah, seriously though even if it did benefit me, not in support of something that limits global activity.

9234035? ago

Now this is getting exciting. Every week we'll play Voat roulette, where we randomly select a day to close up shop!

jinbnters ago

Great news, good work Goats and I hope more rolls in so we can keep going!

I will shortly be making a post to v/voatdev with plans for migrating Voat to an open runtime.

Please do, try to get as much community involvement and engagement as you can. If you can coordinate (or at least be involved in) creating a plan, decide on the stack, create an official repo, then Goats will contribute especially with everything laid out and some guidelines set. There's a good possibility we can reduce the time to port the platform so those hosting costs can get reduced, so in essence Putt don't forget the community is here to help you don't need to do this all on your own

cynicaloldfart ago

If you can coordinate (or at least be involved in) creating a plan, decide on the stack, create an official repo, then Goats will contribute especially with everything laid out and some guidelines set.

Let's keep in mind this is Putt's and Atko's baby. Not all ideas can/will be implemented. Suggest and contribute realizing not every offer/submission will be used. If your favorite idea is not utilized, it may be the larger picture is above our level and not every decision has to be explained to our satisfaction. I think that is a part of maturity. But please keep thinking and contributing no matter what.

TremorAcePV ago

Let's keep in mind this is Putt's and Atko's baby.

While you are right about all ideas not being implemented, it's an open source website. Ownership can only really go so far with that.

This domain is theirs of course, but I could spin up my own "identical in everything but name" website if I wanted thanks to it being open source.

it may be the larger picture is above our level and not every decision has to be explained to our satisfaction. I think that is a part of maturity.

But, one of Voat's main selling points is transparency. Putt doesn't have to explain stuff, but he probably should if it unsettles users because if he doesn't (unless there's a good reason), it's not better than Reddit.

dancemonkey ago

I think you're forgetting about Night Mode there pal...

PuttItOut ago

I'm working on this now as this is something we can do to immediately to give us more flexibility and cost reduction.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

As well it allows for a lot of redundancy in the coding base. Lose one person and two more will move in to fill the gap.

RevanProdigalKnight ago

Lose one person and two more will move in to fill the gap

Hail Hydrate!

9232827? ago

I'll keep an eye on voatdev I guess.

Fiveish ago

T_D advance and retreat, we'll said.

chester0 ago

made me stay, i like that free speech is respected here, and i hope voat grows fuck eddit

tksmase ago

we'll said

HOW do you constuct a sentence like this

Fiveish ago

hammers and glue bro, hammers and glue.

fluxusp ago

Tbh it wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional. To fuck with Voat.

Grannypede ago

I've got one foot in here and one foot there; ready to jump at a moments' notice. Email me if you need sales help

Dhsgunner ago

some of us stayed. i feel like i can get better uncensored news here

lurkwellmyfriends ago

I'm staying. And this is really not my style but I feel like it's prudent to say it anyway: Faggot.

WeekendBaker ago

Fun fact: it only comes up when newbies are around. After a few weeks we are fairly chill

CptMacaroni ago

I am still her ya feggot

Karbuster ago

what he means is why did REEEEddit choose to fuck with T_D at a time that proved most inopportune for voat? i mean T_D hasnt exactly been subservient for a while but why the sudden interest in causing a mass migration? The only answer is that the admins chose to because they know what kind of burdens it puts on us but what they didnt foresee is the rally it would cause when @puttitout went full transparency with the bills

jewsbadnews ago

It was most likely this. The mods of r/the_cuckolds were mass replaced with no reason and outcry. The new ones are working for the admins.

FerociousKyle ago

I could totally see Reddit admins doing something like this. They sound like a bunch of dick shits anyways. Glad I stayed. plus, it feels nice to be able to say faggot and not get banned.

Karbuster ago

Welcome aboard!





JunOS ago

Fuck yes. I'm proud of you deplorables.

Antiracist10 ago


9233044? ago

You misspelled niggerfaggot

Momerath ago

Good show m8

HomerSimpson ago


9233633? ago


Goater ago

Nice work man. You the real G.

I'll make good on my word now.