Don-Keyhote ago

As far as I know, ya gotta take a minute to guess nowadays

Imo in my opinion Iirc if I recall correctly etc

TweedleDee3000 ago

I think this "demonstration" is a jew shill honeypot, to gather info through JewBook on anyone who might be a threat, divert the discourse, make some money, and install another bogus Zio-"savior" similar to Bill "alex jones" Hicks, who will ensure the trail never leads to Zion. See after the march if I'm wrong.

TweedleDee3000 ago

btw, how is it that the ad for this march is appearing here on this site? Is that space available for advertising? Who paid or placed the ad there, and how did that come about? I don't see other ads here, so why that one from the website with two triangles very similar to the Israeli flag in their logo? Were the people responsible for the ad given some special dispensation to post ads there that no one else gets?

unkyshaun ago

Blair is pedo central in the UK. Clarence Thomas, driver of the Maddie McCann kidnapping false narrative, was Blair's spin doctor/damage control expert. The John Podesta of British politics. Find a high profile pedo in the UK, a Blair connection will follow. Close friend of the Clintons and Obamas. Need i say more?? A bona fide piece of subhuman shit on all levels. His wife has been linked to child abuse her whole life, always on some sort of 'child protection organisation' board. Simple rule of thumb: if they are a politician or business leader and they are involved in a children's charity, they are a pedo or pedo sponsor.

daddysdarlin ago

**I see no reason David Seaman should be considerd controversial, the work he does on behalf of pizzagate investagations is always on the up and up. he rakes his work on behalf of the children very seriously, and I for one support both him and his work. I dont know much about Titus Frost. **

Precipitate ago

No reason to be sorry; it does sound disgusting. It's very minerally, so it helps to have a familiarity with organ meat so you have a sort of tolerance to the taste. If you've learned to like organ meat, then you can give it a try and might like it, but it does have a strong iron flavor and it works best with other big, bold flavors. I actually think it's better than liver, so if you can stomach that then blood would be no problem.

Precipitate ago

Yeah. I don't think I'd ever try fresh blood. Closest I'd get is maybe a soup thickened with fresh blood, but I've never come across that.

Precipitate ago

Well then I think I'm safe. No human blood for me, just the occasional pigs blood.

zlomsocz ago

Be forewarned, any protest efforts will do absolutely nothing except detract from the credability of this investigation. It goes against the very point of having a public demonstration, which is to shed light on an issue via media attention. You can gaurantee the only media covering the event will have a field day with headlines that make you all seem crazy, using out of context quotes from protesters etc. I can't go as far as saying David doesn't have benevolent intentions, but imho if you don't see how this can only detract from the credability of pizzagate, youve been baited.

I can see it now " Far right wing alt right maniacs, bother business owners with demands about debunked pizzaria in DC"

Or "20 or so crazy alex Jones supporters and Christian's crusade against pedophiles they claim infect government, and gather in streets."

Either way it pays the cause no good, and evangelism in the streets with broshures is not gonna "redpill" anybody, it just gives news media a chance to pay disrupters to attend, or take unflattering pictures of on of the crazy lookin ppl. Loose loose loose

thomccc ago

This Op is rediculous

thomccc ago

hush..spelling Nazis,,, ridiculous

sponiatowski ago

I want to give everyone attending the Pizza-Gate Demonstration a thumbs up. I normally speak out against protests, but you have my support and well-wishes as long as you do not in anyway resemble anti-Trump protestors, Black Lives Matter hooligans, or recent Day Without Women protests. I will be watching and commenting and defending any live webcam sites and podcasts to lend my support. May cool heads prevail.

Precipitate ago

Wait so I can't eat that spicy soup at the szechwan place with the congealed pigs blood in it? Or blood sausage? Can I just stay away from human blood?

Don-Keyhote ago

Never proved a relation afaik

had_enough ago

nice catch!

Ihatepizza2 ago

Agree 100% with the OP. Well said

Commoner ago

I think the meme needs to be something with the word "pedophile" or "pedophilia" in it. We need to keep the focus on that. There are many people who think pedophilia should be normalized and try every which way to explain it. Here is just one example of an article written on about it in a sympathetic manner.

rooting4redpillers ago

Thanks for your reply. I suppose it could be. I didn't read very many of their articles or watch their videos in detail, mostly just looked at the headlines. There is SO MUCH to read on those web sites. This ongoing CNN project surprised me. First, because I've been doing hundreds of web searches related to human trafficking, and never hit any of these CNN pages. And, the sheer volume of info, and the fact they've been compiling it for six years. CNN brags: There are more slaves today [Jan 2011] than at any point in human history. And yet, most of the public is unaware of this. CNN is changing thatand unleashing its unmatched global reach and resources upon the battle against human slavery. It's terribly discouraging to read this, knowing that the battle isn't even close to being WON. Add to my confusion, the current, outrageously despicable behavior of CNN "news" in general.

On this CNN Freedom Project Twitter page, I noticed CNN has been tweeting about March 14 - # My Freedom Day since at least January 26. The original message wasn't focused on human trafficking, and seems user-driven, with all kinds of ideas about what freedom means to me. Hashtags like Modern Slavery and Stop Human Trafficking started up later. I'm finding this all very weird right now.

rodeo13 ago

Exactly. If they've been doing this since 2011, why has no one heard of it? And have any slaves been freed as a result of this project?

not2know ago

What about, "#littlelivesmatter"?

turitelle ago

No... stop with the "livesmatter" thing entirely. That belongs to #blacklivesmatter.

It has to be something different.

redditsuckz ago


And that hashtag was probably a George Soros creation. And since David Seaman is apart of this and is a puppet of George Soros the #allchildrenmatter was another creation of theirs.

Infopractical ago

Or we could completely appropriate this hashtag! This has several benefits:

  1. Red pill democrats who are doing research.
  2. Show the power of our movement.
  3. Create some actual debate over the fact that Democrats are for once/twice on the demonstrably wrong side of helping those who need help most: abused children and also urban school children (it's not like charters will affect anyone else much---it's mostly about choice for the impoverished inner city kids).

I say we take this one back!

wecanhelp ago

In light of this, I have swapped out the event flyer in the sidebar for one that doesn't contain the #allchildrenmatter hashtag.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Just curious - how is it that you got this space for advertising? Why don't other people advertise there? Why was a special dispensation given to you to advertise your "march" there, (the one you'r shilling for 'donations' for)?

wecanhelp ago

Why glad you asked, wise-ass. It's being put there with a CSS trick. Look it up.

TweedleDee3000 ago

btw, do you have any Super Male Potency Formula for sale? The stuff the other zio-shill Alex Jones sells isn't working for me anymore, bro.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Look up what, "css trick to put ad on voat"? Why can't you just answer the question in a straightforward manner? btw, I'm a web designer and very familiar with CSS, so I know CSS is used to post the ad, but that's not what I asked. Why don't you want to answer my question? I already know the answer anyway: The jews running this site gave you space to push your jew shill honeypot "march" and "donation" outlet. Thanks for exposing yourself, jew boy. Say hi to Alex Soros for me at your bathhouse next friday night. I hear that big black guy he pays to fuck him is willing to do you too.

wecanhelp ago

I'm a web designer and very familiar with CSS, so I know CSS is used to post the ad

Boy, I bet you're a good one.

rooting4redpillers ago

The CNN Freedom Project was launched as a year-long campaign in 2011 - This year CNN will join the fight to end modern-day slavery. With its unmatched global reach and resources, CNN will shine a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery and amplify the voices of the victims. That's exactly what they've been doing, and yet here we STILL are, SIX YEARS later.

Wikipedia: The CNN Freedom Project is a year-long humanitarian news media campaign launched by CNN and CNN International in 2011 to "end modern-day slavery" and related illegal practices, including human trafficking.

Facebook page: The CNN Freedom Project - Ending Modern Day Slavery Dates back to Jan 2011, currently 82,044 followers.

chelseaclinton ago

How about #ChildrenMatter? It's shorter and gets the same point across.

TweedleDee3000 ago

What an utterly stupid idea. Please stop with the "…matter" bullshit. That's a soros meme, everyone is fatigued with idiotic Soros-funded "protests" like the COMPLETELY INEFFECTUAL "occupy wall street" kindergarten playpen, where the dummies clapped their hands, and sang songs together, and Soros had a good laugh watching it all from 40 stories above.

redditsuckz ago

That's a soros meme

Exactly and David Seaman just met with the organizer of the protest over the weekend so George Soros and his buddies are already trying to control the message.

David Seaman Puppet for George Soros - Behind Soros are the Rothschild bankers

reasonedandinformed ago


Baxterbaxter ago

BustElitePedophiles is a message that would have a huge impact. Consider that many people have no idea what we are talking about, or automatically want to turn it into a partisan issue and dismiss it.

Politics really has nothing to do with this - stopping the sick bastards by exposing them to the world will have the greatest impact. Exposing them should be the focus, because once the truth is out it will be much easier to save the victims.

WakeUpPlease ago

Is it possible that some of the people that are organizing the event are being controlled without even realizing it?

roundhouse1776 ago


Kawksnahch ago

Also, allchildrenmatter can be perverted into anchor baby, illegal immigration, "save the families! think of the children!" stuff. Let's be honest.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Very astute observation. I'm sure that's what the planners of this march have in mind. Freemasons call it "diverting the discourse".

huhhh ago

"No I will not stop saying anchor baby"

MolochHunter ago

I vouch for #HolocaustOfInnocence because it goes to not just the victims but the culture of weakening resistance to paedophilia

TweedleDee3000 ago

I like #HolocaustOfInnocence because it broadcasts to intelligent people that this idiotic "march" is a Soros-funded shill operation.

Singleservename ago

Lol, holocaust. Not controversial at all.

MolochHunter ago

think about it this way. If the Norweigian bust of 150 Terabytes of child porn was broken down into half hour 1Gb High Definition videos, that may well be the equivalent of 150 000 child rapes

That's just one country's bust. Holocaust of Innocence it is, and even the most zionist jew would be wise not to play that worn out tired card

palmitespo910 ago

Fucking beautiful

Vindicator ago

I agree with this. Hijacking a hashtag is actually a great strategy for getting the word pushed outside the echo chamber of the already woke. If Pizzagate can that easily be dismissed, we've got bigger problems -- we're not showcasing what we have found well enough.

I would be publicizing this under many hashtags to get it out as broadly as possible, including: #draintheswamp #bringdownthering #Vault7 #CIAHacking #savethekids #humantrafficking #AbuseofPower #littlelivesmatter #Pedogate #pizzagate #NotFakeNews #stopthedeepstate

The big question I have after the Vault7 release is why hasn't child trafficking been eradicated like polio if our government has searchable audio, visual and text data collected on everyone with a smartphone, smart TV, laptop, desktop or other device with an internet connection? They could put them all away and free the kids. So, why haven't they?

unkyshaun ago

EndHumanTrafficking is a twitter handle of folk that do some great work in awareness. I'm sure they wouldn't mind putting their name to such movement, and we would have an instant head start in.the awareness stakes. Check them out. My passionate and fearless tweeting has me permanently banned.

Vindicator ago

Will start using it.

Don-Keyhote ago

I'm not tech savvy by any means but I imagine there's a difference between a searchable database of recorded material from millions of people and the CAPABILITY to hack an individual device at will

Long_Knife ago

If you really want this to be bi-partisan and appeal to people that aren't trump fans you may want to drop #draintheswamp since it's his slogan.

doubletake ago

he didn't coin it.

"Origin and history of “drain the swamp” (Mother Jones, Reagan, Rumsfeld, Pelosi)"

Long_Knife ago

I never said he coined it, I said it's his slogan.

dFrog ago

That's some sneaky shit if that hashtag was deliberately slipped into the community. Good catch.

Honeybee_ ago

This thread makes me very sad, I can't believe you people think that I'm working for Satan, and even more so with David Seaman! Yes, there are youtubers out there like Pewdie Pie, NasaChannel, Chris Green, that are solely out to pump out disinformation for cash. I'm really dissapointed, you guys think you know me but you dont, I sacrifice my life, time and energy to expose pedophiles and government corruption everyday, engaging with subscribers and supporting those who are sick of this scripted media bullshit. May God forgive you for judging me.

dFrog ago

I don't think that at all.

Honeybee_ ago

Well thanks, and this is the kind of conspiritard bullshit that gives independent researchers a bad name, I'm appalled by the idiocracy of this whole thread, even some people that I thought supported my efforts are in here saying some crazy nonsense about me. Really aggravated by this post.

redditsuckz ago

Of course it was deliberate...the call for action/protest has brought out the snakes/satanists from their holes and they are ready to highjack this movement. Dont forget these people are also fighting for the survival of their "cult-ure"

The "faces of pizzagate" seem to love Satanic music bands and love flashing "skull themes"...

"leader" of the March 18th protest Erik Gallant;

Satanic themed Poster...

Neil Wolfe "leader" of the March 25th protest wearing a "Sea Shepherds" sweater in a previous video complete with a skull and bones motif.

Another cult like group.

Neil Wolfe apparently needed to withdraw funds with 666 not once but twice because he needs extra "magik" for this one?;

Pizzagate DEMONStration March 25th - When 666 is not enough you need 6666

David Seaman also shows allegiance to the eye on his Vimeo video channel;

David Seaman Exposed- illegal campaign donations + threatens suicide

David Seaman Puppet for George Soros - Behind Soros are the Rothschild bankers

Titus Frost - connections to U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army (TARDEC), NATO

The Honey Bee wearing a "skull" shirt from band The Misfits;

The Misfits are a occultic satanic band;

Honey Bee "winks" - not once but in two separate videos at the end showing her allegiance to "the eye"

Bad Guacamole wearing "skull" shirt by Satanic/occultic band Red Fang;

Really Graceful flashing pentagram and moon;

Really Graceful Exposed! #pizzagate Keeper

Hiding in plain site Comet Ping Pong Baphomet symbols;

Most of these people claim to be

Get the picture yet?...these people are not here to help you and will only take you so far down the rabbit hole and no only yourself.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Im not sure if Honeybee is really a shill. She did expose all that brian podesta stuff. Wouldnt that be going a little too far to be a shill? People were blicked from twuittter for mentioning it. Idk if a shill would reveal that.

turitelle ago

Sea Shepherd is a group that goes out and protects whales and other marine animals, and they don't mess around. They don't just talk about it, they've scuttled whaler ships and because they physically put themselves in front of the animals so they can't be killed they've been rammed and had their own vessels sunk. They fly the skull and crossbones because they are considered to be pirates. I really doubt they have anything to do with any of this.

TweedleDee3000 ago

"sea shepherd" = "greenpeace" = cia = freemasonry = satanist pedos.

kekistocrat ago

Ever noticed how Badguac and Honbee hangout on voatdev and kiss mod ass whenever possible? Don't have any links, just noticed it after lurking for a while after you told me about voatdev and protectvoat. The actors are easy to spot: use keywords like 'anti-semitic' and 'racist,' etc. with HUGE emphasis on Identity Politics -- being a 'face' for the viewers. A person or identity that people can relate to and then people let their guard down and believe everything they say.

newworldahead ago

And here comes shill tactic #1: Divide and conquer.

Showing your true colors eh redditsuckz? We know what you're trying to do and it will fail miserably.

Edit: Sunday on Voat is Shillday

AllChildrenMatter ago

The Misfit band T-shirt evidence is a bit weak.

However, HoneyBee and BadGuacamole were some of the first vloggers informed by @armyseer of the massive pizzagate disinformation campaign and never investigated or covered it on their channels.

They also support the YouTube "truthers" covering pizzagate (Victuras Libertas, Echo Truths and others for example).

Here is Honey Bee on a video with Victuras Libertas

Here is Honey Bee discussing how YouTubers cull millions of views and subscibers by spreading fear and misinformation, and are simply doing it to make a few bucks: Illuminati Youtube: Milking The Sheep Program

A realization that many YouTubers that cull millions of views and subscribers, pump out new videos every single day, and making the masses paranoid with fear and misinformation, are simply doing it to make a few bucks, and by bucks, I mean thousands of dollars a day.'username'. Although I do believe that some of these topics do warrant research and are relevant to our lives, I do not believe binge watching is healthy and some if these videos only benefit a pocket, not a brain.

So why is she making videos with a guy who has a new "insider" on his channel very frequently (whose predictions rarely pan out to be truth), and also has crazy click-bait videos such as #BREAKING - DEMON TRANSMISSION - JUMP To14:10 Keep Listening - What Is This ?

She is probably trying to cash in on the gullible, or worse, she could be trying to prove a point about "fake news" and using the very real pizzagate to do it.

redditsuckz ago

Bad Gucamole is also a big shill for Israel/Zionism.

But here he gives a youtuber 4 DMCA strikes for sharing one of his videos that he asked people to share around...

[DELETED BAD GUACAMOLE VIDEO] [pizzagate vid thief 20,000 views gets mad when I report him]

Very unchristian like.

Edit: - Deleted videos;

Really Graceful Exposed! #pizzagate Keeper

is BAD GUACAMOLE a P3DOPHILE PROTECTOR Now GATE KEEPER of Alefantis' #PizzaGate Instagram Photos

huhhh ago

Fuck everyone.

Precipitate ago

I guess I'm a satanic shill and didn't even know. I just thought the Misfits had a cool sound.

redditsuckz ago

Well do you also profess to be a born again christian that worships Jesus Christ and goes to church every week?

Divine Validation in Fighting #Pedogate #TheHoneybee

No Christian that I know of has ever used the words "Holy Divine Magic" when describing a spiritual experience....ever...

"Magic" is not a word in the Christian vocabulary.

Precipitate ago

I'm not saying she is or isn't satanic, just that listening to the Misfits can't really tell you much about somebody. I will say that all the girls I've known that have talked about magic have been batshit crazy, but most of them were good people. One of them just parrotted the crap coming out of her lesbian moms' mouths and I wouldnt be surprised if those two wildebeests were into some satanic shit.

TweedleDee3000 ago

The Misfits = satanic jewboys with no musical talent at all. Obsolete "punk" garbage of yesteryear, like all the rest of the talmud mafia dog shit "entertainment" products that no one buys anymore.

Precipitate ago

To each his own

SpikyAube ago

I don't think all that is indicative of them all being in on it, come on, if none of these people were doing what they do then PG wouldn't even be a thing, so why would 'they' get these people to keep exposing stuff and putting it out to hundreds of thousands/millions of people?

You also have to remember that these symbols are also found on loads of things that are not occult-y. Moon and star is a pretty thing to a lot of people, other people think a skull motif is just edgy, or they like a band so got the band's t-shirt. Sure the band might be evil and using the skull that way, but you can't say that everyone who buys the t-shirt is cognizant of that meaning and wearing it to 'show allegiance' to the Illuminati! David Seaman's picture - that is not necessarily showing allegiance to the eye, is it? He reports truth he says, and about money and PG and politicial corruption - the eye above the pyramid is on the dollar bill and is also well known as being linked to the clandestine powers that be and all the dodgy shit they get up to - so having this symbol indicates he's going to report on the weird messed up stuff about the financial system and the shady cult that runs the world.

Generally, I think you're forgetting that a huge number of the people invovled in genuinely investigating this are just normal people who have been embedded in a culture that includes these symbols and motifs and that they don't really know what they mean and just think they look cool or whatever. Like the satanic bolts thing, I had no idea that kind of picture represented anyhting Satanic, or that an O crossed out was satanic, I thought when placed over something (like in Honeybee's video where it is placed over Wshington's face) it means 'say no to this thing' or 'don't do whatever this picture represents (e.g. smoking)'

The Titus Frost thing is weird, I don't see how you can work in that industry with those companies and genuinely be into stopping PG and Illuminati/government corruption stuff. It means he is insincere at the very least, unless he is using his company to somehow get insider info or bring them down from the inside.

All in all, I think you are too paranoid and should give people the benefit of the doubt a bit more unless they do something that is clearly wrong and disabling to PG investigation. The attacks on David Seaman in particular are ridiculous, so what if he was a bit of a douchebag years ago? When you're investigating the stuff we're investigating, that shouldn't even be a blip on the radar and people who bring it up are therefore under suspicion themselves in my view.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you @spikyAube

TweedleDee3000 ago


newworldahead ago

Thanks for using common sense. You got to ask yourself who really benefits from attacking every single PG investigator and trying to create division among ourselves.

redditsuckz ago

Their weapons are fear, obfuscation, signs and symbols. They wouldn't constantly use these symbols if they didnt think they worked on the human psyche. People have just been blinded to them all their lives. Our weapons are information and exposing the truth and I have just provided information so people are free to accept it or reject it but most of all I would people research understand all these symbols for themselves and how they are used against humanity and also to not blindly trust anyone putting their face out there seemingly exposing pizzagate.

David Seaman is the huge weak link in the chain here and now he has met with Neil Wolfe to discuss what?...David Seaman has the funding to fly round trip to Washington DC twice in one month and felt it necessary to meet with the one "leading" the march? What is he planning?...

David Seaman has connections to George Soros and George Soros gets his funding from the Rothschilds bankers and David was recently flown to the Superbowl for free. We all know how George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter protests and causes chaos at other events with paid provocateurs...

Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

Leaked Soros Memo Reveals Potential Plan to Use Black Lives Matter to Federalize US Police

David Seaman George Soros Puppet;

roundhouse1776 ago

Soros seems to be funding every march and protest. I actually would not be surprised at all if Soros were behind this in some type of chess move whose purpose isn't clear yet.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Look at the evidence: "allchildrenmatter" - gee where did they get that idea. This is SO TOTALLY a jew honeypot. Not sure if it's soros or not, but probably is.

Scrapco ago

The Misfits are a occultic satanic band


redditsuckz ago


MISFITS' JERRY ONLY: GLENN DANZIG 'Promotes Himself As The Devil'

Its just art...they dont really mean it...

Scrapco ago

Just stop. This is what makes you guys sound like idiots.

Tell us everything you know about Danzig and the Misfits. Won't take you more than ten seconds, surely, and then we can go from there. Had you even heard of them before this? Know any tunes?

The fact that you're linking BM is pretty hilarious.

redditsuckz ago

Misfits Songs;

Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?

Dig Up Her Bones

Die, Die My Darling

Hybrid Moments

Land Of The Dead



Death Comes Ripping

Hollywood Babylon

Misfits Albums;

American Psycho

3 Hits from Hell

Dead Alive!

The Devil's Rain

Glenn Danzig founder of the Misfits Albums;

Danzig II: Lucifuge (1990)

Danzig III: How the Gods Kill (1992)

Danzig 5: Blackacidevil (1996)

Danzig 6:66: Satan's Child (1999)

Danzig 777: I Luciferi (2002)

Circle of Snakes (2004)

Deth Red Sabaoth (2010)

Skeletons (2015)

Its just art...they dont mean it...

Scrapco ago

Yeah, I have 'em all. :) They're into horror, and gothic shit. Most of it is camp, and tongue-in-cheek, and the rest is to scare idiots like you. Looks like it's working.

druhill007 ago

um. would be interested in further explanation of honeybee? similar to seaman i've only seen a couple of their vids but can't see how wearing a music t shirt and winking is verification of satanic ties. If anything it's indicative of symbolical influence culture

TweedleDee3000 ago

"symbolical influence culture"? What fuck does that mean?

druhill007 ago

referring to the idea that people can express symbols without necessarily being conscious proponents of them. Because of how powerful these people are, their symbols have a decent chunk of the collective share. So someone could be wearing a t-shirt with satanic symbols without being a part of the groups that spawned the symbols because they've taken a hold of the collective unconscious.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Here's the zio-shill again shilling for his fellow jew satanists in shitty punk bands run by inbred satanist idiots with no talent. What a surprise, lol

redditsuckz ago

I had no idea the shirt was the Misfits...but when researching the artist who drew this pizza themed image that Comet Ping Pong featured on their instagram;

I was led to the artist deladeso who does pizza themed shit and The Misfits skull/pizza was his primary symbol;

But of course this all could be a coincidence...


Also when she is burning the dollar bill with Pedogate on it like casting some kind of spell and the letter "O" has a slash through it "Ø" which is occult lettering.

druhill007 ago

has anyone looked into lsd connections? the second link pizza skull is obviously (at least to me) a reference to the burning visual effect you can get from it

druhill007 ago

jjeessssuss that's one of the worst pictures i've ever seen. wow (pizza WH).... want to stab my eyes out

dFrog ago

Are you serious? That's definitely not what I meant. I mean getting us (which includes all of the people you've listed) to use a hashtag while they have some kind of plan to steer it toward something else; to try to use some of our social media moves against us.