soddenjackal ago

David Shurter claims that Michael Aquino was his handler, and also wrote a book about the ritual abuse he endured, in which he mention Aquino. A hardcore smear campaign has been activated against Shurter in recent months, and the man clearly isn't stable, so it's hard to say how much of this is true, but for what it's worth:

Some of these videos are re-posts not from the original source and could be altered. Looks like his official channel got deleted.

letsdothis1 ago

The Temple of Set Explained by Dr Michael A Aquino- April 2017 interview

resurgence ago

Same reason Alefantis and Pegasus are lol, because they're important keys to the whole thing, and this place is compromised.

kazza64 ago

i would assume that like the clintons bushes and obamas at this point if you fuck with him he gets you killed i mean he worked for the cia killing children at military bases so he is protected for the rest of his life unless they decide he's no longer needed or a threat to their security a bigger pos ive never seen walk the earth

carmencita ago

1987 (August 14) – As part of the Presidio investigation, a search warrant was served on the residence of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith, and numerous videotapes, photographs, photo albums, photographic negatives, cassette tapes, and address books were confiscated. Also observed during the search was what appeared to be a soundproof room that may have been used as a torture chamber. II Read about this raid and wondered if the raid was done to destroy evidence of others in those videos and tapes. Nothing came of any of it. Possibly eradication. If people think that someone with the initials WB is not involved in any of this business in Omaha, they are sadly mistaken.

Truthplease5 ago

Important to note Michael Aquino contacted the moderator of and threatened him to remove the Aquino page

merica_fk_yeah ago

He threatens anyone who brings him up. that is why no-one talks about him much. there is info on him tho. but yeah, these days we have to hunt these vampires

HugoWeaving ago

Do you have any source materials on that? Was it ever discussed on here? Thanks.

think- ago

Thank you for this post, OP.

It should remind us that the military is no 'white hat' some tend to believe nowadays.

HugoWeaving ago

True. Evil found its way into many arms of the beast...There are still some good patriots left though. We have to believe that...

Criticalthinker615 ago

When we brought him up at length here a lot of us started having really wicked dreams involving him and episodes of negative thought accompanied by mental images of Aquino. The whole "psy-powers" stuff seemed retarded to me until I was affected by him. And trust me, i know it still sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus but I have experienced it along with some other members here. It is real although I doubt it has any real control over a victim other than a "two way radio" effect in which he communicates negative images into the victim. I'm sure that could be highly detrimental to someone who is unaware of the methods employed by Aquino however I was aware of his research long before pizzagate arose. I just didn't believe it. After I noticed he was in my head I started sending back images of his demise and it stopped. It seems Aquino doesn't like when his victims don't remain victims and he cowers away. Typical of his ilk, hence the abuse of kids.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

@Criticalthinker615 I am SO glad you wrote that. People need to know that this psy stuff is REAL and that it can be COMBATED too.

HugoWeaving ago

Would you be up for discussing this further? Not necessarily in comments section...?

Criticalthinker615 ago

I wish that I had time =( I do well enough to check the current happenings on here daily.

HugoWeaving ago

Understandable. My best wishes at keeping your head above water!

...if you do want to chat via PM about this topic, let me know. Interested in hearing other people's experiences...

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Didn't he used to work for the NSA???? Originally, I was worried he was part of the QAnon thing when I found out that Q clearance is NSA speak.

sunajAeon ago

This guy is Satan incarnate, he actually attacks people from time to time who do stories on him-he is at the very heart of Pizzagate

Onetime1 ago

Robert Wadman was the chief of police in Omaha who impregnated Alisha Owen. When investigator Gary Caradori picked up highly incriminating photos from the photographer, Rusty(?) Nelson in Chicago which was prima facie evidence of extensive, blackmailing pedophilia as Nelson himself was the photographer, Caradori's plane exploded in midair above Aurora, IL, killing Caradori and his young son. The onboard photos were never recovered as the-then police chief of Autora was none other then Wadman.

soddenjackal ago

Funny how all of David Shurter's videos got taken off YouTube, and now all you can find is videos defaming him. He went in-depth on Aqunio's handling of him over a series of multiple, in-depth videos. Oh but you can still find that interview with Michael Aquino and Sean Stone, Oliver Stone's son, though. That's still on YouTube. I read MindWar. This guy is probably a 'superhero' to the elite.


HUGE RED FLAG in regards to Max Spiers 'Last Interview' in it he discusses Michael Aquino. Max Spiers-'The Last Interview'

He states that he is some sort of dark entity in the "Astral Plane" and he is a very negative being that thrives on human energies

Max states that there would be a showdown soon between them...he dies days later after the interview.

Michael Aquino is most likely at the top of the pyramid because of his perceived usefullness of mind warfare tactics ....a trickster amongst tricksters .... be strong in spirit and of faith!! THIS type of being is where evil lives,thrives ......don't let it thrive, have faith and walk in righteousness

Ephesians 6:16. “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Max Spiers was fake. Nobody had heard of him. His act looked produced. He supposedly pushed alien nonsense and was killed by "Black goo". The interview with Aquino looked like a setup to make Satanist look like silly larpers, but harmless. But here is a CIA agent and Colonel in the US military, with a cape and Dracula looking Satanist outfit, obviously something is not right. Gunderson acted like he had no evidence, when that is not possible. Whenever the question was asked "where is the evidence", each asnwered, "there is no evidence because....." We have more eveidence than them? He never mentioned the myriad of stories like Dutroux or other high progile events in opther countries? And anything on TV is one of their productions. This was staged to make the aligations look baseless and the accused look goofy and harmless.


What? Your all over the place with that response....Max Spiers is fake because he pushed alien nonsense?? Maybe so Matybe No.... but there are things he states in the many interviews online that ring true to me. Also, aren't most "Alternative News" sources infiltrated by cult members anyways? Which Interview with Aquino? Who brought up Gunderson?

His death was staged? I don't know? What did seem odd was the announcement of his death all across MSM 3 months after his death NOW THAT seemed staged

rooting4redpillers ago

Previous subs about Michael Aquino, searching Aquino. Here are the first three pages of results. There are more.

[Archived] Is Michael Aquino still alive and walking free? (pizzagate) | submitted 10 months ago by blumeanie

[NSFW] [Archived] BREAKING- Recent MIchael Aquino Interview - April 16 2017 - Satanism, Pedophilia, Military Connections and the current state of the world (pizzagate) | submitted 9 months ago by awarenessadventurer

[Archived] Michael Aquino hints at pedophilia on his own book (military official, self-professed satanist, involved in many pedophilia cases) ( | submitted 1 year ago by [deleted]

[Archived] Max Spiers was killed for investigating Pedophile Kingpin Michael Aquino (pizzagate) | submitted 10 months ago by pizzagate3456

[Archived] Lt Col Michael Aquino (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by utu_

[Archived] MIchael Aquino or why NSA and others won't help us (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by ztx87

[Archived] Michael Aquino, Alefantis and The Line Of Seth (pizzagate) | submitted 6 months ago by [deleted]

[Archived] Michael Aquino: Psyop officer, confirmed high rank Satanist, accused of ritual child abuse (pizzagate) | submitted 11 months ago by revswim

[Archived] Is Richard Secord, Iran-Contra conspirator and likely Michael Aquino associate, a relative of Gene Secord, nephew-in-law of Florida child rapist John Couey? (pizzagate) | submitted 5 months ago by votesarestolen

[Archived] Dave McGowan's email exchange with Michael Aquino over Mcgowan's excellent series "The Pedocracy" (pizzagate) | submitted 9 months ago by Laskar

[Archived] Satainic Cult "Temple of Set" officially recognized by the US government - Michael Aquino is a Satanic High Priest and a Colonel in the US ARMY - Wikipedia Deletes Michael Aquino page (pizzagate) | submitted 5 months ago by redditsuckz

[Archived] The Corrupt Family Court in Marin County, Possible Child Porn Cheese Pizza ring, County Coroner arrested for raping Child Family Member, Cult Associations with Robin Williams widow. (pizzagate) | submitted 8 months ago by quiche

[Archived] Michael Aquino & Sammy Davis Jr ( | submitted 11 months ago by MasterLucifer

[NSFW] [Archived] Michael Aquino, Zeena LaVey, Ted Gunderson on Geraldo Rivera (pizzagate) | submitted 9 months ago by equineluvr

[Archived] Investigators: Please Stay Anonymous To Protect Yourselves (pizzagate) | submitted 11 months ago by Piscina

[Archived] Jan 27 Article references Sun Tzu, RAND Corp, and Michael Aquino (high level psy-ops military brass who founded satanic Temple of Set - linked within (pizzagate) | submitted 1 year ago by DL4L

[Archived] Pizzagate Motive Found in Franklin Case Witness Testimony of Noreen Gosch - Blackmail Politicians ( | submitted 1.1 years ago by tigeror

[Archived] Proof that John Podesta is a Setian/Satanist ( | submitted 1.1 years ago by FyndersKeepers

[Archived] Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, man who formed Temple of Set, was a former officer in US PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS ( | submitted 1.2 years ago by AngryAvocado

[Archived] Archives showing censorship of Franklin Scandal on Wikipedia - page history scrubbed (pizzagate) | submitted 1 year ago by throwawaa

[Archived] Max Spiers died after talking about bloodtypes (pizzagate) | submitted 11 months ago by BarryOSeven

[Archived] Ted Gunderson was controlled opposition, married Church of Satan heiress Diana Lively, his job was to expose Aquino and Satanic CIA child abduction, then discredit his own investigation (pizzagate) | submitted 5 months ago by DeathTooMasons

[Archived] Max Spiers- well known conspiracy theorist died July '16 from mysterious "natural causes"- was going to give a talk on Elite pedo ring. Case reopened- suspected murder (cont.) (pizzagate) | submitted 11 months ago by isthisreality

[IMPORTANT] [Archived] Repeat After Me: THE CIA IS EVIL and it is the key to unraveling #pizzagate (pizzagate) | submitted 11 months ago by party1981

HugoWeaving ago

Thank you for these. Can you explain how you were able to pull the search in archives?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I'd like to know too. I find it frustrating not having a direct search facility on Voat.

StevePaddock ago

There is a direct search facility

rooting4redpillers ago

You’re welcome! Simple browser search. Archive results show up with everything else. I use this: search term

This post was the result of Googling: aquino

Results vary depending on the search engine. I tried to stop using Google, but I go back because it’s better, imo. So, if we don’t get the pedos out of all these positions of authority, they’ll probably be coming to take me away someday. 😳

Markb63 ago

He is at home with a rope and gun. Gotta choose one.

Criticalthinker615 ago

don't stop sending that mental image to him. That is the essence of his "Psy-war" and it most ceertainly can be used against him. There are very limited number of him and hordes of us. I'm sure if we used his "powers" against him we could get him to off his self.... never thought I would be talking about shit like this but it really is some stranger than fiction, out there type shit.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

We could do worse. We could send him thoughts of him being put in chains by Jesus. That would make his head spin around 360 ;-)

awake4646 ago

Well done anon. Definitely on the list of subjects I've found helpful when trying to help people understand just how far and how deep the problem runs.

birthdaysuit11 ago

And wikipedia deleted his page. Covering for him.

csp ago

Yep, and they noted he was a Wikipedia contributor too. Their claim was that Aquino was not a "significant" person to warrant a Wikipedia page.


Michael Aquino hasn't been absent from the pizzagate convo. Heres some threads on Michael Aquino

A Michael Aqunio thread wouldn't be complete without his interview with oprah and geraldo

Michael Aquino Oprah Interview

Geraldo, Michael Aquino, Ted Gunderson

3141592653 ago

Can't believe no one's mentioned those eyebrows yet

SterlingJB ago

Pay close attention 3:54 of the O clip. That shit's weird.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah, this guy really weirds me out. It bothers me that a high level satanist has been accused so many times; black magic poster boy; with so many connections to scandals; a direct source of MKUltra stuff... He IS pizzagate, out in the open, untouched and able to continue his sick activities with complete impunity. I read somewhere that he has gained a noble title and castle in Scotland. Also, there is a weird connection to an old game like D and D, about vampires. A particular group of vampires was called The followers of Set, and they were all about black magic and mind control. I have wondered a lot recently if somebody close to him started larping details that mirror his reality... sorry to make a huge comment. Just saying that this guy needs more exposure.

ESOTERICshade ago

Great post.

pizzagate007 ago

Because people are afraid

Voatwontletmesignin ago

When Pizzagate first came out I remember reading a lot about this sicko. Important post thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Then there was the whole Cathy O'Brien + Big Dick Cheney thing...

Onetime1 ago

Cathy O'Brien's mutilated vagina is viewable to any lingering skeptics on the "Cathy O'Brien gynecology exam" utube. 9 minute mark is when she is being examined and carved face on vaginal wall is clearly seen.

3141592653 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

That's some creepy shit.

carmencita ago

Ugh. That's why I like to read and not see. Almost anything can be faked now. Not that I don't believe her story, but I am sure there are people that will even discount that. I don't know why someone would want to expose that part of themselves. That is something you can never take back. Very sad that they would feel they have to do that to make people believe.

Blacksmith21 ago

The truth is often painful.

carmencita ago

I know. I can't help thinking about her knowing what is out here about her. I don't know how victim/survivors can go on with their lives when they have to keep repeating it over and over. I know that is part of the healing process but to have the whole world know......she is a warrior and has remarkable strength.

iwokeuptoday ago

Thanks for bringing this up again. I remember digging into this in the early days and how terrifying this man is. This is a good reminder for everyone.

mrohm ago

Oh, absolutely. But in terms of pizzagate, he is ancient history. I have seen his name bandied about, though. But he is probably not a major player any more.

GreenDell144 ago

I postulate that he is the reigning boss of the MK ULTRA shenanigans. If I’m right, that puts him in a position of immense power over all of the mind controlled zombies in the elites’ stables. Think about all of the stars that are suspected... and all of the unexplained deaths, Hollywood in general.

ESOTERICshade ago

But he is probably not a major player any more.

Based on what? This sort of activity does not just rinse itself out of a person's soul. It is ingrained. Now that his free time is focused on his satanic temple he is likely to be more heavily involved.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I disagree completely. He was hired and still working in the military under the Obama administration. He is a high level, if not the highest, level SRA/MKUltra trainer active today. He was even found to be on podcasts in his spare time spreading all kinds of satanic bullshit getting people to come together and unite under that shit. In addition, several people who called him out online on their websites were slapped with lawsuits as he threatens anyone who calls him out to remove it or be sued. I guarantee that if the above was posted on a private website he would threaten to have it removed or be sued. Since all charges were dropped he said he is presumed innocent.

GreenDell144 ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

he's the Obi Wan of SRA

you are right

derram ago :

Max Spiers who was found dead in Poland was 'investigating an alleged US Army pedophilia ring' | Daily Mail Online :

A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha -

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