pizza_merc ago

B type blood means people act like a hive mind? This is how we start losing interest in pizzagate. This bullshit right here.

I am losing patience with the wingnut crowd on this site...

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

The CCR5 delta 32 gene originated in the Caucasian race, and is only found in West Asian and North African populations due to admixture, and it isn't found in the Sub Saharan African population. This gene causes people to have a resistance to the HIV virus and other diseases that need the CCR5 protein to enter cells in order to cause infection.

That there may well explain Jeffrey Epstein's involvement in AIDS research.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Ah, fuck. It's true, they're looking for a blood-type alright. I've been thinking this very thing for a year or so now without even reading up on anything on such a subject, it's like I just know exactly what they're after. This goes all the way back to Ancient Egyptian dynasties, they're tracing the bloodlines because they're looking for something. That something, or rather somebody, is quite possibly me.

ansipizza ago

Does any of this tie in with Madeline McCann's rare blood type and coloboma?

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Interesting article, very interesting indeed. The guy might as well have mentioned Nancekuke while he was on that subject.

listenandsee ago

I'm B-. I never voted Obama and voted for Trump.

I would also caution everyone about this line of thinking, because there are theories of paranormal activity and alien abductions being more pervasive in rhesus negative individuals, which is a definite rabbit trail if you ask me.

getitkim ago

A+ and voted for Trump

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am so confused.

I am B-. I cannot be controlled. I don't follow orders.

If we are looking at blood types being easy to control, wouldn't the positive blood types be easier to control because there are more of them? Only 15% of people have negative blood so does he think the 15% will sway the others to follow? I am so confused by this guy. I thought I was some sort of reptile not a worker bee.

I may be an anomaly though. I am a rare female INTJ and do not conform to what society dictacts. Would my personality and blood type make me be controlled and then get followers?

BarryOSeven ago

I'm not saying what the video says is true or not. I don't know that. If you have Rhesus negative that is what it is. There is a lot of material on the rhesus subject to be found on the internet but I can't tell you if those are right or not.

If you are a rebel and still Rh negative that might be a case in which you prove the theory wrong. I don't know. I'd like to look at the papers which came out of the research but I guess that's not for our eyes to see (yet).

Until then we can research it ourselves.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I researched Rh negative blood after reading this. I am amazed honestly. I didn't realize there was even research into it. I don't know what to make of it.

I wonder If he has it backwards and negatives are the threat to hive mind. That makes more sense. I want to read that research.

listenandsee ago

I'm the same blood type as you, am a natural leader, and have always bucked the system. I was the difficult child in my family.

Here, someone posted this in another comment and some of it was interesting, although far fetched-

DopeandDiamonds ago

Wow. That was interesting. I get very disoriented after flights and have motion sickness for a day or so afterward to the pint that I cannot stand or walk. I have never been able to figure out what is was.

Some of that is pretty close to home.

listenandsee ago

Huh, I wondered what that was about. These are always interesting to me because I have a close connection to the other realm.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I do as well. To the point that it can fright me.

Maybe there is something to it all.

listenandsee ago

Yeah? Like what, if you don't mind sharing?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Just yesterday I had this sick feeling something bad was coming. Brushed it off. I sent a text to my gentleman friend to see if he wanted to have dinner. He said he was traveling with friends. The feeling got worse through out the day. I sent him a text around 9pm telling him to be careful and not do anything stupid because of how I was feeling. He sent me a picture at 2:32am of a bunch of police lights in the distance saying he heard at least 6 gunshots and thinks there was a murder.

When I was little, I just knew my best friend would not live long. I don't know how but I knew that at six years old. He died when we were 24.

The night before my grams funeral, I went back to the hotel after viewing her body. I was getting into bed and laid down. I could feel her curl up behind me. It was amazing and scary because it was so real.

listenandsee ago

Wow, that's pretty cool. =)

PrincessCinderella ago

In Japan, they realize the difference in personality with each blood type. I read an article that says they look at your blood type when you apply for a job, because it tells them whether you would be good for that particular job or not.

PrincessCinderella ago

I'm A+ and voted for Trump.

zlomsocz ago

Max's closest friends claim it was him uncovering pedo ring connected scalia right before his death, and the order of st hubertis the blood type thing is ancillary to Max's greater positions

last-word-rosebud ago

The Millennium Report had an article about this two weeks or so ago. Here is the link: Sorry if this is a repeat or if I was not supposed to post a link.

Gbuggers ago

O- Trump because he is going to make America great again.

BarryOSeven ago

none of course there is no science in this just a question if somebody knows anything about this subject.

if you want scientific correctness ask the CIA if they want to give you a pdf of their research or something. I do not have it.

Chasnigga ago

Nick Redfern, Bloodline of the Gods

outrage ago

I am B- and have never been a Clinton supporter....even back in the day when Bill was in office. There are a lot of interesting theories on the RH negative blood types but from what I heard involving chip implants......we are not good candidates because we will reject them. This poses a big stump for those that want to control the masses. I have always been one to not follow the crowd. Although I am not American, I have objected to the Clintons since they first appeared....possibly from that heightened 6th sense they say we have.

peatsagayt ago

Can't believe this is getting up voted and that people think this is why he was killed. This is one of the more absurd, nonsensical things I've read (and I've been reading r/conspiracy for a long time) Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of biology/hematology should be able to recognize this as complete mis/disinfo. Sad that this is getting attention when there are so many important leads to follow.

fuckreddit__ ago

O+, voted Sanders in the primary, Stein in the general

JastheMace ago

You are correct in saying the occult stuff is straight from Allen Dulles's mouth, most of the demonization is just propaganda.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

The lowest known frequency is found among the Basques of the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain. They are only 65% Rh+.

Portugal would be related to this region and is where the Knights Templar have their base... Also where secret military operations are conducted according to my psychic blood. These military operations involve blood types and tampering with the grail relics which contain DNA.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

So glad I'm Asian.

keepthefaith ago

Asian...? Chinese? Korean? japanese? indian? etc. So many differences :)

DMTco2Melatonin ago

China The T'ang dynasty (618-907) of China hospitably received foreigners at its court; among these were a large number of Nestorian Christians. Portions of Scripture, including the Sermon on the Mount, were translated into Chinese, and the "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" was also used as a Chinese hymn of praise. Even into the ninth century, Arab traders visiting China recorded the Chinese emperor's knowledge of Noah, the prophets, Moses, and Jesus.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

Asia Minor!

DMTco2Melatonin ago

I have the same blood as Jesus.

keepthefaith ago

jesus was black.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

Actually he had grey eyes and auburn hair by historical accounts.

The letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.


A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.

Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.

Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must agree -- truly this is the Son of God.

Your most obedient servant, Pontius Pilate

The Description of Publius Lentullus

The following was taken from a manuscript in the possession of Lord Kelly, and in his library, and was copied from an original letter of Publius Lentullus at Rome. It being the usual custom of Roman Governors to advertise the Senate and people of such material things as happened in their provinces in the days of Tiberius Caesar, Publius Lentullus, President of Judea, wrote the following epistle to the Senate concerning the Nazarene called Jesus.

"There appeared in these our days a man, of the Jewish Nation, of great virtue, named Yeshua [Jesus], who is yet living among us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a Prophet of truth, but His own disciples call Him the Son of God- He raiseth the dead and cureth all manner of diseases. A man of stature somewhat tall, and comely, with very reverent countenance, such as the beholders may both love and fear, his hair of (the colour of) the chestnut, full ripe, plain to His ears, whence downwards it is more orient and curling and wavering about His shoulders. In the midst of His head is a seam or partition in His hair, after the manner of the Nazarenes. His forehead plain and very delicate; His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red; His nose and mouth so formed as nothing can be reprehended; His beard thickish, in colour like His hair, not very long, but forked; His look innocent and mature; His eyes grey, clear, and quick- In reproving hypocrisy He is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in conversation, mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen Him Laugh, but many have seen Him Weep. In proportion of body, most excellent; His hands and arms delicate to behold. In speaking, very temperate, modest, and wise. A man, for His singular beauty, surpassing the children of men"

Mammy ago

I don't know much about the blood type topic, but here are a few thoughts from personal experience:

My parents -- long deceased -- were 0+ (dad) and 0 - (mom). My little sister (their fourth child) was born a "blue baby". (The year was 1969.) My dad, who was active on the local volunteer emergency squad quickly rounded up donors for her to have a complete blood transfusion, but fortunately, her blood cleared up within 24 hours and a transfusion was not necessary.

As explained to me by my mother, my parents knew that the chances of a blue baby increased with each subsequent pregnancy, so my sister was considered both a miracle and their last. I also remember my mom telling me how they had known their blood could potentially become incompatible in one of their children because in that time period, blood tests were routinely performed in the U.S. on an all engaged couples when applying for a marriage license. According to my mom, the blood tests were performed to test for compatibility of blood and to forewarn the young couple of potential issues in their offspring, as was almost the case with my baby sister.

Thinking back on it, I now wonder if there weren't actually more reasons involved in documenting blood types. Certainly, testing for STD's must've been a factor, given that they were married in the years following WWII. I also wonder why and when did the government stop requiring blood tests for marriage licenses? (I was married in 1991 and did not have to have a blood test.)

The only other input I have is that a decade or so ago someone wrote a book about how we should eat according to blood type. I read a little bit about it online and focused on my own type, (B+) which indicated I should eat more beef than non-B types. I remember thinking this interesting because there are times when I feel I simply MUST have a good steak for dinner, whereas my husband and kids would prefer chicken or pork. So occasionally I will make myself a steak and serve them something else.

As I said, these are just my personal experiences and recollections. An interesting topic, indeed.

BackToBlack ago

If your parents had blood types 0- and 0+ then you cannot have a B type - you can only be a 0 type

Mammy ago

Ya know....I have always wondered about that. Science is not my forte' (obviously), but I was always told Dad was 0+, Mom was O-. And I am sure I am B+. Maybe I am the milkman's child? Left on the church step? Adopted? : o

PrincessCinderella ago

That is strange that we used to require blood tests for marriage licenses and we don't now. Wonder why? Also, I've seen and heard about the diets (food you should eat and foods to avoid) by blood type too.

MasterLucifer ago

I have B negative blood. Yes I am ancient in a young body.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

AB- Trump supporter from the very beginning.

ScientiaPotentia ago

He seems to have paranoid delusions. It's like he was fed a mess of disinformation or simply accepted ideas without critical thought. He admits drug use and then describes his hallucinations. Many drugs cause brain damage. He has trouble telling the difference between reality and fantasy. Then he admits to "self-medication" which would repress his hallucinations. Long term drug and alcohol abuse absolutely damages your brain. He is clearly being led by the interviewer to talk about things the interviewer wants to hear. The information he talks about Monarch is a part of many "conspiracy' author's work. He read Fritz Springmires work.

Blood group comments are almost all wrong. Copper based blood is in insects not humans. Rhesus factor is only observed in the Great Ape and Monkeys certainly not in reptiles.

The Sex Information thing is just stupid, unless they are talking about gathering DNA. The Sexual Merging of "Energy fields" for information is absolutely ridiculous.

Montauk information comes directly from the book they pictured in the video.

The Gremlins ??! The interviewer has seen them too?

Paranoid delusions.

The Hellfire Club? The one that Benjamin Franklin was involved with? So that still exists?

He has a tenuous grasp on reality.

In the "Predator" story; He admits he might of been dreaming but didn't know if he was or not. Yet the interviewer just accepts the story as fact making supporting comments on it and tries to confirm it with the "holographic sound" and invisibility resonance frequencies bullshit.

There is a lot of "TRUTH" in Mars Attacks? Oh he meant to say They Live, oh okay?!

WTF guys. Anyone who buys this shit is just stupid.

I don't know what killed Max Spiers but when an admitted drug addict dies from an "unknown substance" I don't blame anyone for being skeptical.

We need to be able to discern fact from fiction. The truth about Pizzagate is bad enough without making it into some vast alien conspiracy full of secret agents and higher dimensional mind control beings. You might as well believe the moon is a death star.

I want to see arrests. I want to see prosecution, evidence and the truth come out. This is disinformation.

diamonddust ago

He's just some junkie that decided to shill for the disinfo agents in returns for them feeding is heroin addiction. Spiers is a fucking joke.

Geo_synchronous ago

On another note. Anyone ever hear of Dr Max Gerson? He was a German doctor in the 40's who discovered a method to greatly increase the survival rate of cancer victims. Im being careful here not to use the word "Cure" though 1000's of people have been cured of various cancers and other medical ailments based on his treatment. He started to write a book about it and during that he was nearly killed twice by poisoning. During the second assassination attempt his office was broke into and his notes and paperwork were taken.... Long story short. Max Gerson moved to America because of the War that was going on in Germany. He addressed congress about his methods and they turned around and completely banned his practice in the US. Weeks after his ordeal with the US congress. The cases that Dr. Gerson presented at the hearing were so compelling that renowned ABC news broadcaster Raymond Gram Swing, present at the testimony, went on his national radio broadcast that night and announced to the entire nation that a cure for cancer had been discovered. The public response to this broadcast was staggering as people called into ABC to ask about this hopeful treatment. Two weeks later Raymond was fired after more than 30 years of employment with ABC.... Read the Bio on Max Gerson and watch the documentary titled. "The Gerson Miracle" A snippet from the documentary "Food Matters" "There's no profit in being healthy" We're getting boned big time.

Mammy ago

B+ Voted for Trump.

OttoMaddox ago

Possibly linked to their experimentation on humans re: Unit 731

heywhatsgoingon ago

I think some high ranking elements of the Nazi regime were into it, I believe Himmler was very deeply into the occult (or was another of the high ranking Nazis?).

Nana66 ago

I am far from royal but I hate going in the sun it's like minor torture and I actually feel slightly nauseous after too long. I always noticed my blue veins.

Devious1 ago

If that was the case I would be Royal. My veins are healthy and all show as very blue (also pale skinned)

heywhatsgoingon ago

well its an expression, not a scientific thing

nomorepepperoni ago

And here science told me those veins are blue because they contain blood that's had its oxygen absorbed and is en route back to the heart and lungs.

But since the blue veins are easier to see on paler skin, this as an origin of the "blue blood" explanation does make sense.

peatsagayt ago

Science never told you that. You made that made up. Blood is never blue.

nomorepepperoni ago

You get a cookie. Vein color is apparently a matter of what light gets to it through the skin.

nomorepepperoni ago

A-, voted Trump. My hivemind must lean MAGA, IDK.

But I guess I'm about to get gangstalked over my extra-tasty hive blood... 0.o

podestakilledmyson ago

i have A+ as well. Voted Trump

jstayz44 ago

I have A+ as well, and I did not vote for Hillary or Trump, in attempt to get a third party into future presidential debates, etc. This is pretty interesting...curious to see where it goes!

NakatomiBaby ago and my blood voted for MAGA.

Nana66 ago

A+ Voted Dukakis at 18 and my father red pilled me that voting doesn't matter after Bush Sr won. Followed Bernie and wanted him to run and when he did I got involved and saw all the travesty of corruption on full display #DemExited after he was forced to endorse crooked Hillary. I always was afraid Trump was running only to throw it away to Hellary and #JillnotHill'ed. Now I am hoping I was wrong about Trump and it's looking like I was.

BarryOSeven ago

I removed the download link and replaced it with the youtube version.

Could you remove the security risk potential label?

wecanhelp ago

Thank you, I have.

Naspert ago

Max Spiers was a confirmed MK-Ultra victim, he was crazy by design. This way people can't spill the beans on them without looking absolutely crackers. a good primer on MK-ultra ""

nomorepepperoni ago

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the crazy Satanic stuff people report seeing while captive and abused is a product of this. I mean, these people make human-shaped cakes, who's to say a victim doesn't hallucinate it's actual flesh?

(Just spitballing here.)

anon_sense ago

I have a feeling that the link between Max Spiers and PEdogate/satanic ritual abuse comes from Michael Aquino, a high ranking satanist military person - highly unsavory individual to say the least, linked to satanic blood sacrifice:

Before Spiers died he mentioned how he believed he was under "psychic attack" by Aquino. And, he was apparently vomiting black goo the days before he died.

crazimal ago

If that is not made up:

Vomiting black goo is blood from bleeding stomach ulcer that turns black and coagulates from stomach acid.

Try and convince us that is not because this poor unhappy deluded conspiracist was guzzling cheap booze every day. That is the usual scenario, medically speaking. Often due to undiagnosed schizophreniform illness selfmedicated by guzzling vodka and/or chain smoking. There are better medicines...

anon_sense ago

Perhaps. Though the coroner reported that he vomited two liters of black liquid. Two liters.

crazimal ago

On reading the tabloid article on which this post is presumably based ( ), it wasn't not a coroner who said he vomited black goo but an exgirlfriend now being questioned who said he vomited black liquid.

Apples and oranges, more suspicious, still possibly a nutter but apparently the woman swiped his SIM card and deleted his laptop hdd before returning them to spiers's family, so police investigation seems reasonable...

Insubordinate ago

Bingo. Max knew that Michael Aquino was a name not to be mentioned. He paid with his life. Aquino has been linked with pedophilia since the Franklin scandal.

podestakilledmyson ago

I'm going to say this to all of you BEFORE I start digging into Max Spiers. Be careful... the opposition might want us to get sucked into deeper conspiracy theories to distract us from a much more obvious investigation. I say this before I start watching all of this stuff, because I am worried I'll get sucked into it myself. okay my popcorn is ready. seeya.

EDIT: I am balls deep into this now, and I can't help wondering what would happen if someone could look at blood test results of Hillary voters to see if they have the "hive" blood types. How do we get this rolling? You can literally test his claims with real blood type statistics. lets figure out a way to do it.

Mooka_Molaka ago

A- (Rh Negative, female)

Would have voted for Bernie.

Trump all the way after the DNC fucked Sanders.

On a side note, several of these Rh Negative stories have made me a bit nervous. Are we being tracked? Studied? Do they want our autographs? ◠ლ◠

I have a lot of health issues and have been hospitalized quite a lot. I almost bled out in 2008 and had to get a blood transfusion. Actually, I needed 2 of them, and they were what are called "whole blood" transfusions because I was so depleted. I almost died. If my Mom hadn't been with me I would have bled out alone b/c I went unconscious. She was able to call 911 & saved me. She had to hold my legs up in the air b/c I had so little blood left, the EMS/911 operator instructed her to do that so my brain wouldn't be deprived of blood & therefore oxygen for too long. (I now use it as an excuse for being forgetful or not remembering where I put the remote)

EMS couldn't get an IV started in transit to the hospital b/c my veins were collapsing. There just wasn't enough blood to create much pressure at all. They tried EVERYTHING, including the blood pressure cuff trick, the tops of my feet, behind one knee, backs of my hands, antecubital (your inner elbow/bend of your arm), near my collarbones and finally my fucking jugular vein on both sides of my neck. I was in & out of consciousness & colder than I have ever felt ever ever ever, and I ran nekkid around the outside of my house on a dare back in Ohio when it was snowing & -6° Fahrenheit with the windchill! lul

Anyway, the several posts I've seen recently regarding Rh negative blood types has not only made me a bit nervous but made me wonder & think quite a lot about it. It might mean nothing but my Paternal Grandfather was a Freemason. We didn't even find out until his funeral. Three older gentlemen walked in, introduced themselves to the hushed crowd, explained who they were & that when a fellow Mason died it was tradition that they show up & perform a ceremony. They wore hats that reminded me of the hats worn at the American Legion my Dad belonged to, and had those little white "aprons" on, with some embroidery, And I remember them saying something about life & death, & I swear they had some ferns or little pine branches, maybe pinecones too. Fuck I wish I remembered it all. We were all just in total complete fucking SHOCK. My Grandpa had been Chief of Police as well and there were A LOT of local police there and they were silent about it too. This was back in the early 2000's so neither my husband or I had they type of cellphone/cameras we all seem to have today. Too bad, b/c SOMEBODY would have caught some of that spectacle at Grandpa's funeral!

Bah, I'm just rambling, but idk, it feels like a puzzle to me, I guess. And in early January, a little over a month ago, I ended up in the hospital for another damn week. Right when I was printing out some of the #PizzaGate 'flyers' to spread around town/leave at both of my doctors' offices waiting rooms. I was very disappoint. Not to mention being ill enough to go to the hospital again, for 6 more days,_,

And fuck, back in the early 90's right after my first emergency surgery I was one of the earliest ppl to 'guinea pig' a certain medicine. And then in the mid 90's I helped test yet another one.

Am I crazy? Is it all coincidence? (even though I don't rly believe in coincidences)...anyway, I'd love to know what it is about us Rh Negatives that they are so interested in.

My guess is probably that we can keep a sense of humor through a lot of pain & health issues & dr. visits & shit (✿◡‿◡)7

EDIT~ I saw some ppl here talking abt Rh- being copper-based & low in iron & vit D2. I have never quite recovered proper iron #'s since blood transfusion incident & have to take 325mg of iron 2x/day & 50,000 (yes 50k) units of vitamin D2 3x/week.

I still register as anemic/low RBC (red blood cells), low iron & low Vit D.

wtf? I never was told anything abt more copper/less iron in my Rh- blood.

SickofRedditsShit ago

I'm B+ and I always hated that bitch. I voted Bernie than Trump. Im not much of a hivemind, kinds the opposite

Fuckingcucks ago


Fuckingcucks ago

Oh and I wrote in Bernie cause fuck everything

Queen_Puabi ago

A+ Was a Bernie supporter in primary, voted Trump in general election.

momadona ago

A+ here and I voted for no one because there was no one to vote for. ;)

l23r ago

O- here and I wouldn't vote for either Mr. Orange or Ms. Suicide


So you don't want America to become great again? Puzzling.

equineluvr ago

Correlation does not equal causation. Just sayin'...

nomorepepperoni ago

Looking at stuff from Spiers, he said a lot of pretty out there things (Reptillians, he's a super soldier, etc.). However, his mother claimed that the SIM card in his phone was missing and the hard drive on his computer was wiped before these electronics had been returned to her. If true, that would suggest something was being covered up.

He also had drug problems, so it's also possible this stuff was erased to conceal who gave him the drugs, either because their drug was responsible for an OD, or to cover intentional murder, or both.

If the cover-up was because he stumbled across something, isn't it more likely to have been the US Army pedo scandal referenced here?

Makes me wonder if he found ties to politicians and told the wrong people about it, or else found more info than he was supposed to about an important pedo ring. I believe it's more plausible that he was killed for that than any of this blood type stuff (which, while connected by those who believe in it and PG, would be harder to prove).

BarryOSeven ago

Good post!

It could be all true. I do think it's really suspicious both the nazi's and the cia and who knows else researches this bloodtype subject while all we know is the medical uses.

There must be something going on with it. I do think pizzagate was the trigger to have him killed, but the rest is also interesting.

Heck even the reptillian thing. Shills are going lunatic about it, why would they? What I have learned this year is nothing is as it seems to be. Who would have expected pizzagate to be truth?

Shills would have done the same thing they are doing like now. Worthless people and enemies of humanity. Going to hell for $3.50. Gross.

nomorepepperoni ago

The Nazis also believed some pretty strange things themselves. As for the CIA, I haven't seen that information but I wouldn't be surprised if it was looked at in hopes the Nazis had found something (else?) they could use for their own ends.


We actually know very little about what the Nazis believed. Most of the stuff that has been written about the Nazis and their alleged interest in the occult, UFOs, Antarctica, etc. is just pop culture trash. You can literally associate the Nazis with anything outlandish with no evidence at all and get away with it.

nomorepepperoni ago

Even so, I'm not seeing evidence of the claims presented. We can only speculate as to why the Nazis and the CIA are interested in blood types, and I merely posit that they may not be for the most rational reasons in either case.


Show me proof that the Nazis were interested in blood types.. Primary source material only, please.

BarryOSeven ago

I do know after WW2

There was Operation Paperclip. It was about bringing Nazi scientists to the US.

They started working for the CIA. Now we are here on the same subject.

Bloodtypes. Just like the nazi's were working on it.

If it was bullshit why proceed with it for 70 years?

nomorepepperoni ago

I would surmise that, with the help of Paperclip Nazis, the CIA (or some members) also acquired some level of taste in the occult. Throw in that you can reel in all sorts of money to research such things as "defense" and that they already seem to have a hand in child abuse, and there's no telling where the line to fact is.

In other words, some in the CIA might still be on it because THEY believe in it. Belief in a thing doesn't always make it real, but it can drive people to do either great things, or terrible ones.

That's not to say there isn't some tiny tidbit of information they uncovered (in addition to what we already know medically), but I can't see it reaching the level Spiers and like claim without more tangible evidence.

Devious1 ago

Ok, many things resemble things which mirror me, (after watching vid) still 10 mins to go. It's actually scary, the similarities and all. But, I feel there is more to this guy than meets the eye, he referred to self medication. I don't really want to post anymore on a public forum, but I think I know some of the self medication he was on about. My journey starts next week. August 11, 12, 13th Sirius reference

BarryOSeven ago

lol yeah right go collect you $3,50 shill

If you don't like it, then don't watch it. The guy was killed for the video so there must be some sort of truth in it.

OrwellKnew ago

OK fair enough. I just wish people would be more careful about sources. All eyes are on us here. We can't risk our credibility with woo-woo type sources, is all I am saying

Sorry if i offended you.

update: I deleted my hostile posts, given your explanation. Carry on

BarryOSeven ago

Same for you:

Then Why is he bullshit?

I'm starting to get tired of people like you who state something without backing it up.

OrwellKnew ago

I'm not saying he is on bullshit. My worry comes from how the evil Media operates.

They catch wind of Voat users posting thing related to "shapeshifting reptiles" and then that's the headline. But do take care, I mean no offense

BarryOSeven ago

Yeah I understand that. But there is enough for them to ridiculise us already. If it's in the video, it's in the video. I don't mind about the MSM talking bullshit about us. They are going down anyway.

OrwellKnew ago

the MSM talking bullshit about us. They are going down anyway.

On THAT note we agree! ;)

good stuff

BarryOSeven ago

I transcribed the video idiot.

They were talking about it in the video. If you'd have taken the effort to watch the first 5 minutes of the video you'd have known.

Get lost shill.

BarryOSeven ago

lol i did not talk about shapeshifting reptiles...

It was in the transcription of the video. I'm not interested in that subject for now, just bloodtypes.

The Nazi's wanted to know, the CIA wanted to know. Operation Paperclip got nazi's to the US.

There is no information on the web to be found other that the medical problems with bloodtypes.

There got to be something if they kill this dude for it.

BarryOSeven ago

Yes that is why I opened this thread. This could be major.

Conspiracy websites all refer to Rh- being the holy bloodline but I don't think that is true. The video tells us Rh- are easier to control by the Hive Queen. They are puppets in blood (maybe?)

The video is saying B blood is really imporant. And I want to know more of it.

Devious1 ago

Thanks. [deleted] - they have there reasons

I Will have a dig, like I say possibly stumbled upon something huge....

BarryOSeven ago

Yup the B bloodtypes come from asia. The A from Europe and the US.

Mammy ago

Serious question here -- What I don't understand about that is I am as Nordic-looking as they come. And I am B+. If my blood type originated in Asia, wouldn't I, or my ancestors, or my children, or my grandchildren, show some Asian physical characteristics?

JesusRules ago

Blood type is a major factor of organ tissue acceptance or rejection, in Biological term (MHC) [Major Histo Compatability Complex], in other words, tissue rejection or acceptance.

BarryOSeven ago

Yes that is the public knowledge. What I am talking about is the occult knowledge the secret agencies have. It's in the video, the dude was killed because of what he told.

diamonddust ago

Max Spiers is a Psyop. Sorry.

BarryOSeven ago

Good arguments mate.

The shills are going lunatic in here. We must be on to something.

diamonddust ago

I've stated before in detail in another thread why Max is not who he claimed. Max is pure bullshit, and not even well done bullshit at that.

BarryOSeven ago

Then Why is he bullshit?

I'm starting to get tired of people like you who state something without backing it up.

MasterLucifer ago

Anyone with diamond/gem references in their names are part of MKUltra Barry.

diamonddust ago

  • Both he and his girlfriend Sarah Adams claim to be from Royal Bloodlines.
  • Sarah says her mother (who adopted her) worked at Edwards Airforce base and became an MP.
  • They both are/were very attractive, not a common trait of conspiracy nuts.
  • He went to private boarding school St Edmunds School, Canterbury alongside Orlando Bloom
  • Story went mainstream on more or less the same day, lots of major outlets covered it
  • His school has links with the military and offers discounts for children of Armed Forces personnel.
  • His mother is into the occult quite heavily
  • He was in Turkey just before he died, right around the time lots of political stuff was going down there
  • One of the first people to ever cover the story has ties with a spy who was caught spying in turkey
  • He and his girlfriend both appear to be drug addicts
  • His girlfriend has done filming for VICE. VICE are CIA shills.
  • She's done some gig at a Holistic Festival - holistic stuff is a new age trap, the new age is heavily connected to what we're looking at here in PG, it is a satanic based ideology.

Sorry but with all those co-incidences and the MSM shilling hard for him I cannot take him or his 'death' in the least bit seriously.

Spend some time actually looking at him and Sarah Adams. Sarah is even more of glaring psyop than Max.

BarryOSeven ago

Could be, could also be he indeed knew stuff. But was killed for spilling the beans.

I do agree we must not take anything without skeptisism. But I see no reason to NOT research it.

This story of Max might be a psyop as you say (which I don't agree on but ok) but it's still fact both the nazi's and the CIA and other groups are researching the bloodtype subject.

diamonddust ago

I don't want to discourage you from researching any of it - my only ask is that you research the people making the claims. Spend time on Spiers and Adams and you will see they are not who they claim. Disinfo agents deliberately put a bit of the truth in with all their bullshit - that's how they muddy the waters, it is an incredibly effective tool. The whole spiers story stinks, as does the MSM coverage of it, not to say there isn't truth mixed in with the lies.

BarryOSeven ago

I understand, that's why I don't just go from the Spiers video.

It just confirms suspicions it's not the foundation of the research. It could be all different in the end, but it's again something with the blood. (like nazi's and cia)

The blood needs public research. I do see your point but it's not going to hold me back.

diamonddust ago

Would never wish to hold anyone back, all research pays off in the end I find.

Devious1 ago

One point in a post got me or rather spooked me - copper in the blood when met with oxygen turns a slightly blueish colour

The royals throughout history are known for there blue blood. @barryoseven

crazimal ago

This is a weak fantasy. Humans don't have this, neither do reptiles.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Deoxygenated blood blood flowing in your veins back to your heart appears blue under white skin. The arm veins on almost every White person are blue. When tanned the blue doesn't appear through the skin. Rich people didn't need to go out in the sun to work while the peasantry did. Thus, the term Blue Bloods was created to describe their light complexion. It has absolutely nothing to do with copper substrate for hemoglobin which only insects have. Humans and reptiles have iron substrate hemoglobin.

It's either that or I am a reptilian shape-shifter only on Voat to spread disinformation so my alien brothers can harvest the endocrine secretions of human slaves.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

It seems the Rh- blood types are copper based while Rh+ blood types are iron based. I am Rh- & anemic (which is common among the negative blood types) & taking an iron supplement typically makes me very nauseous. I don't tolerate it well.

keepthefaith ago

my friend has same issue with iron suppl.

Eat lots of spinach (like popeye) if you can. Many recipes on line to make it delicious.

BarryOSeven ago

Yup it's also in the video I posted (added youtube link so you don't have to download) it's in the first 5 minutes.

Royal blood is Rh- blood because it turnes slightly blueish because of the copper...

We need to get on to this, pizzagate might as well be about bloodtypes. Both old and new leaders of the world think it's important...

BarryOSeven ago

Transcript Max Speirs

On the way here we've got some messages about Bloodgroup B & GTLF's?


From a researcher who was with the base of the project for a very long time has done a heck of a lot of work specifically involving the nazi basis


The concentration camps, that barry king was refered to in Germany and the use of concentrationcamp victims and precise bloodgroups and you concurred that she was just messaging me saying that the Germans were specifically interested in bloodgroup B and they used this in programmable generate lifeforms so they can then take grey souls.

Right, superimposed that into the body. I think that the Germans are not ONLY interested in bloodgroup B I think they are also interested in any of the Rhesus negative blood. Particularly O negative and actually AB negative.

AB negative is the rarest of all the rhesus negative bloodgroups. But going back to B. B positive or B negative bloodgroup works like a hive bloodgroup. Works like a hivemind bloodgroup. Not to say that anybody who has B blood is not an individual themselves it's just on a collective level they are working for a single agenda without knowing it. So, if you could amass a huge amount of people with bloodgroup B you could have a sort of army working for you. With each individual not know about being part of the collective.

That would be some kind of gangstalking situation.


Land of the Pharaos - Ireland

Northern Ireland high Rhesus negative

Rhesus negative is more easily programmable

The opside of RH- it absorbs much higher amounts of oxygen.

Downside of Rh- they run out of steam very quickly

O+ has much longer endurance just not as explosive

If you have an army of RH-. They would be excelent on a short time.


Copper in the blood, when oxygen hits the blood it turns a slightly blueish color.

Alpha Draconas. 6 or 7 types of reptiles. The shapeshifting ones all have Rh- blood.


Upside of Rh- is the queen has an easier job taking control of all the Rh- They do have O+ also working with them. The O+ are much more difficult to control. But through trauma [they can].

huhhh ago

It would be interesting to see how many Hillary supporters or "Anti-Trumpers" are of that blood type...

BarryOSeven ago

To be honest I think it's the other way around. I'm B+ for example and NOT a Hillary supporter. It could be they are afraid of the B group because it disrupts their goals.

We need to research this because ive been researching this for 3 days now and there isn't any research material of value to be found online. That's really really strange because as you say Hitler was researching it. The CIA is researching it.

What are we not allowed to know?

DietCokehead1 ago

What's the deal with blood type B?

BarryOSeven ago

I don't know Max Spears was talking about it in the video I posted.

He says the people he was after were very interested in both B+ and B- because they work like a hivemind on the same goal. Without knowing about the goal.

slickleg64 ago

If the B blood type comes from asia this makes a lot of sense.

BarryOSeven ago

Could you explain why? Because B types come from Asia.

25% of people in Asia have B types of blood 9% in Europe

Europe has an A majority

But I don't see how to make sense of it...

slickleg64 ago

Asians always seem to be working in a hive mind, travelling china you notice this, It seems that they all like to keep things the same and in order, very rarely there is conflict or opposing ideals like you see in the US, like everyone there don't care for how things are and are only focused on their goals, which are always the same things, work, get rich, get married have kids etc, It is ingrained so deep in their culture to be this way that as a majority. The only ones that deviate are the ones that leave China.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

That's a cultural difference because of the collectivist society vs individualistic society. It's the theory of positive and negative freedom. If I put you in a room with a television and several classic books and force you to read the books because I feel it will benefit your well being, this is an example of negative freedom.

We must also consider which regions we mean specifically in referring to Asiatic Blood.

BarryOSeven ago

wow well that's interesting because that is what Max Spiers was talking about.

So there might be something in the B blood that works on a subconscious level.

Thanks for you contribution I think this is what is going on.