jangles ago

YingYangMom ago

John Podesta is also subscribed to GU library 'eugenics' section. He regularly receives books, articles, conference meeting updates, et al, through emails. I found that clue through WL Podesta Emails dump. So this is evidence that supports the theory that Podesta has an interest in eugenics. I wonder why that is, since this has nothing to do with his career in the political arena, or his campaign manager or lobbyist positions. If you add this interest with the others, it gives you this:

He has an interest for

1- Pizza, including outdoor Pizza Ovens 2- Children 3- Comet Ping Pong 4- Pigs and Pig Farms 5- Traveling 6- Creepy and Cannibalistic Art 7- Eugenics 8- Spirit Cooking 9- Renting Homes 10- Going to Swimming pool parties together with children for 'entertainment' 11- B/W Pizza-related maps 12- Many more...

Now, tell me how this man is still at large? WTF is wrong with a search warrant and questioning?


lude ago

So these people are prone to the detachment and or can experience higher forms of conciousness so they try to utilize these children? That's sorta what I'm getting from this.

Marthvedderette ago

That's a good thought. Maybe these children are better suited for mind fracturing, aka multiple personalities, which is one of the main goals of mk ultra.

Apothecarist ago

Okay - so there are a few different PAX genes (there appear to be 9 from what I've researched). PAX2 has been associated with the Coloboma eyes. "PAX3 has been identified with ear, eye and facial development....Mutations in it can cause Waardenburg syndrome." https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Pax%20genes

Now...go ahead and google "Waardenburg syndrome" https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Waardenburg%20syndrome&item_type=topic https://www.google.com/search?q=Waardenburg+syndrome&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZ78-4wqnRAhXqy4MKHfJZAxkQ_AUICCgB&biw=1745&bih=864

Look at their faces! Look at the noses and bags under some of their eyes! Does this not look like the facial structures in the children tagged #Carisjames? (Could someone post a link to the instagram photos?)

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=waardenburg%20caris http://www.caris.wales.nhs.uk/ear-anomalies-and-hearing-loss

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Marthvedderette ago

I think George Soros has this. If that is the case. What I know about George Soros is that he is a very selfish human. Very wealthy, very selfish individuals tend to want to prolong their lives. From what we know now about this ring of psychos, I think it's safe to say that they are very interested in finding available human organs that match their blood type. If a lot of these wealthy people have this, then it also means they have been interbreeding for much longer than we know. That would also suggest that this is a very tight nit group, who have been conspiring, and committing crimes against humanity for a lot longer than we think. All of their inbreeding has made their gene pool very week. Organ failure seems to be a very common thing with this group. It would be much better to procure your new organs while they are young, that way you can make sure they stay healthy, and are available at moments notice.

TheHolyGrail ago

Afghan Man https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/d6/c2/d7d6c29068506d745059b901c7a0e13b.jpg

"In Afghanistan, I encountered a remote village, where all the villagers had light skin and eyes, many had blond or reddish hair."

Poot_McGarvey ago

your picture is of someone with dark skin, dark eyes and dyed hair.

TheHolyGrail ago

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

TheHolyGrail ago

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

jangles ago

Threads on this subject become removed, this must be because someone/something does not want an to see pizzagate implicate the real criminals in this ring of crime. The idea that pizzagate is about just pedophiles is exactly what 'they' want. This community must continue to find connections and leads to take down this entire ring of criminals. Penguin pineal glands are related.

PhysicsEconomy ago

Could this be why SOROS says he has a Messianic Complex?

draegspir ago

Why is this post being downvoted? The coincidences of the markings in all the people's eyes (suspects as well as the children from James Alefantis' instagram photos) were all legitimate.

Voaters, if you are downvoting a post, please state in the comments why you are doing so. Otherwise, I suspect that shills are doing the downvoting on good leads.

badastrid ago

http://www.nature.com/ejhg/journal/v24/n11/full/ejhg201673a.html This is more common than I realized. 2/3 are familial autosomal dominant with the remainder being sporadic. If this is relevant, then there are more kids to choose from. Also, the medical screening angle (clinics, doctors) is uber-valid.

PhysicsEconomy ago

In one tunic group of northern Africans experiencing Aniridia completely lacked a pineal gland. http://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2366489&resultClick=1

The cerebral implications are quite astounding from an aesthetic anatomical perspective, the brain is completely dualistic therefore without the grounding nut, non dualistic region.

From a genetic perspective, does this show a separate ancestry?

From a whatever the hell science perspective how on earth would this affect the circadian rhythms of the body or indeed where is the melatonin being produced. Given the geographical location one would think it should have to be in abundance.