SturdyGal ago

I was saddened but not surprised to read this:

The FBI has, of course, turned a blind eye; for the last quarter-century, “federal prosecutions of major pimp operations have been virtually nonexistent.” As Dr. Lois Lee has noted: “It’s not a high priority with the FBI to go after kids that are being transported across state lines. It’s really a disgrace.”

Laskar ago

I think you'll find that corruption is rife in all levels of power. Yes, it is very sad.

Laskar ago

EMDR helps, too. Perhaps you have tried that. There is a book on how to do it yourself, so you can avoid getting re-traumatized by shrinks: "Do It Yourself Eye Movement Technique for Emotional Healing by Fred Friedberg, PhD.

noone222 ago

R.I.P. Dave you were under appreciated !

Laskar ago

So true.

...and look how fast that post got buried on VOAT, where supposedly people are interested in this.

NeverGiveUp ago

Great post bro. This summary is excellent.

Laskar ago

Thanks man. It's too bad my posts get buried so fast though. Have an upvote.

sunajAeon ago

Dave's dialogue is a must read, I have seen enough evidence to disregard any further comments from this Aquino monster, if ever there was a devil in a man's skin it is this SUB-HUMAN, there is no point in having a dialogue with a sinister psychopath-I don't care what medals he is wearing, the sickest part is is that he is just one face of the military establishment that has been taken over by this Evil Force running the world right now, and people just can't believe it-its like Invasion of the Body Snatchers; if you read the Presidio reports it becomes very obvious that all high level police agencies were IN ON THE COVERUP especially the MILITARY

Laskar ago

I agree. so why was my post buried so fast and redundant posts cover the top?

The military, having bases(a built in network) everywhere in the world, is an ideal set up for the depravity.

Laskar ago

I am nearly at a loss for words because I am so sorry for what happened to you. I am doing this because of a friend who is a survivor, and others as well (and for those who are truly awake).

Thank you for your kind words and for your courage.

May I recommend a book? It has helped many, though it is just one person's story. It is written by a survivor and is so uplifting: "Waking Up In Heaven" by Crystal McVea

Laskar ago

Thanks for the encouragement--have an upvote.

I knew this a long time ago, but I though it would be good to show his well researched work.

equineluvr ago

Dave was truly a great. (The REAL ones are taken out one way or another -- TAKE NOTE, Alex Jones Kool-Aid drinkers.)

Excerpt from a tribute --

"Earlier this year, alternative media fans were stunned to learn that Dave McGowan, a highly-respected researcher from southern California, had been stricken with a rare form of deadly and fast-spreading lung cancer. Right from the beginning the prognosis was grim, and Dave’s family has now confirmed the worst: his cancer has reached the terminal stage and he may only have a few days left to live.

In a field dominated by fakes, frauds, narcissists, sociopaths, shills, bigots and straight-out dumbbells, Dave McGowan has always stood out from the crowd. Dave’s research into alternative history, deep politics and conspiracy has been honest, thoughtful, thorough, imaginative, eclectic, tough-minded and shaped by a genuine concern for the health and welfare of his fellow human beings.

Dave’s approach to alternative analysis is populist, left-leaning and forged in cynicism about the true intentions of economic, government and media elites. His work is known for its humor and the depth of its research, and unlike many conspiracy theorists Dave’s speculations are always backed by established facts and hard-headed analysis of all the existing evidence.

Never afraid to go where others feared to tread, Dave’s work has touched on a variety of fascinating but forbidden subjects, including

September 11, 2001 (Dave rejects the official conspiracy theory) / The Moon landings (he concludes they never happened) / The Boston Marathon bombings (another hoax, he asserts) / The Lincoln assassination (he believes it was the result of a wide-ranging conspiracy) / Serial killers (he suspects many were involved in mind-control experiments) / Peak Oil (an oil-company inspired fraud, Dave says) / The Kennedy Assassination (a coup d'état carried out by government insiders, according to Dave along with just about everyone else) /

Recently, Dave’s focus has been on the surprising connection between the military-industrial- intelligence complex and the California rock and roll scene of the late 60s and early 70s. He discussed his theories on this subject in his book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream, which was published in April 2014."

4_InquiringMinds ago

I had a question once and wrote Dave/not really thinking he would reply/being so busy and all. He sent a very kind reply even tho he was not familiar with the subject matter. RIP Dave

(The REAL ones are taken out one way or another -- TAKE NOTE, Alex Jones Kool-Aid drinkers.)

RIP Bill Cooper/who called Jones a fake and backed up his claims.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Dave was an amazing man. I best guess he was cancer'ed.

Laskar ago

You are correct. they were doing this back in the 60s. On example is Jack Ruby ( real name: Jacob Rubinstein--the guy who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. They didn't want him to talk in prison, so he "suddenly" developed a fast acting "cancer".

samhara ago

It's said they did have the shot-cancer in Rubenstein's day , cf. "Dr. Mary's Monkey"

But that he was faked - deathed and lived-out his life in Mexico.

They likely salvage those who are their agents "fake death"

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yes, I remember Ruby with the fast acting cancer/just like Dave. I actually saw Ruby shoot Oswald on TV...I was in my teens and didn't know about spiracy things but even at that young age said well, there ya go, that was certainly planned. Back in those days alternative news grapevines traveled via things like beauty shops (which were the norm for women) and stories circulated about the strange things associated with the assassination (I lived in Houston), witnesses dying or disappearing. No one with half a brain bought the official story and Johnson's corruption and murderous ways were legendary even before Jack was off'ed.

Laskar ago

I saw "Ruby" shoot Oswald on TV too. (Everyone was gathered around the TV after JFK was shot.)

I recall thinking when I saw it, even as kid, it was so weird how the law enforcement personnel actually stepped away to give Ruby a clear shot!

And how did Ruby get into the jail corridor anyway?

No doubt it is difficult for people who were not alive at that time to grasp how huge and devastating it all was. And yes, you are correct, no one with half a brain believed the "official story", which had about as much credibility as the 9/11 commission report, which omits anything about WTC 3, 4, 5, 6, and (famously) 7 all destroyed, it seems, by themselves.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I just read this about Dave, his home being repo'ed...

David passed away at the age of 55 years. on November 22, 2015 at 12:42 PM PDT. He had recently moved to Eagle Rock, CA but the never considered that to be home. It was only a transitions residence after losing his home in Sunland, CA to bank repossession.

I remember when he passed his daughter took his site down to try and sell his books at his request bc he wanted to leave something for his family. Few months ago I see she has put up a new site with all his articles. The Lincoln series was so revealing/like I knew there was fishy stuff but never knew all I did after reading. The wag the moon doggie series also excellent. I recall when the so called live from the moon thing was going on/I thought this looks so fake...and it was, imagine. Still lived in Houston at the time close to NASA. Took a class of kids there and looking at the capsule said no way. Learning to trust first impressions/the red flags in our heads is an important thing to cultivate.

On the vein of first impressions my first awareness of politics I was 5 and Eisenhower was prez. I said to mom what is he the president of? All he does is play golf, I don't see him doing anything for the country. That pattern has perpetuated, the deep state calls the shots and the puppet du jour is sent to play golf. Trump said while campaigning he would never have time to play golf like bama bc he would be too busy working. Well, maybe eating the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake is work/dunno.

Laskar ago

I wonder about that "chocolate cake" comment. It really creeped me out; maybe I've been on VOAT too much. Nothing looks innocent anymore.

I was taking college astronomy the year of the Moon hoax. Back then, when a calculator was the size of a toaster oven, and there was a delay ( a lag) talking on the phone to anyone overseas, they wanted us to believe that there was instant communication to the moon and that a polyester "suit" 1 mm thick is going to protect you when your body is half in sunlight @ 253 degrees F (123 C) and half in shadow @ minus 243 degrees F (-153 C). It would not even be suitable for a fall day. I was wise to this, and more back then.

Would that we had Dave with us now...

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yeah, I was in college too finally finding a place of sanity- the hippie no war, love the earth revolution. I had no idea it was all a CIA/Brit creation till I read Dave but it all made sense. Murder of Hendrix and Joplin and the movement seemed to die overnight basically. 'They' gave us mind expanding drugs thinking it would make us fizzle but it had the opposite effect. Next on the block Yuppies and sadly I watched a number of friends morph into some strange creatures but could never figure out why until Dave.

Laskar ago

I thank God I never fell for the hippie/drug movement or any other brainwashing. I was taught from a young age how to think for myself and how to research and think critically and analytically. In the thick of the ivy league, SDS, Gay Pride and the rest of the insanity, I saw, even at that young age the sheer hypocrisy of it all, not to mention the depravity. Some of the kids who spent their four years of undergraduate stoned out of their minds, are, today, investment bankers with Goldman Sacks, or corporate tax lawyers (I saw them at reunions). The ones who started the "antiwar" protests and shut down the school (just before midterms of course) were the very ones whose parents were profiteering off weapons, drugs, trafficking etc. It was a total psyop.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Well, I think you have a perspective of the hippie movement that is a bit one sided. Not everyone spent their times stoned out of their minds and it was a time of expanded red pilling for many of us. Pacifica radio was an excellent alternative news source. One night I listened to an ex cia for hours who explained how assinations worked not only JFK but Johnson which I had not considered/just for starters. For many of us it was a time of deep discussions and questioning the purpose of life. And not all of us morphed into yuppies/bc I have so many friends now that were part of that movement and what we learned is with us today. We have taken those ideals and translated them into how we individually feel we can make a contribution to earth. Many of us naturally morphed into various meditations, yoga, non violent eating after the movement. We became aware of the plight of small organic farmers and factory farming.

So don't toss us all out as brainwashed. Yes, I was surprised with the Laurel Canyon series but had to chuckle bc for many of us it empowered and has held fast decades later. Alot of ppl think all hippies were unwashed and humping like dogs/which was not the case in my circle. Staying up all night discussing the magic of life that we knew as children that had been programmed out of many things explored.

This is not to convince you~doesn't matter. But to discount the many of us that had our lives transformed from years of programming is seeing things as one sided/which is no different than seeing the various thought groups of today as all or nothing and not seeing the threads of truth that bind us. Those of us that came with the intention to awaken can never be stopped no matter the current mkultra/we turn it to our advantage.

Laskar ago

I do not "toss" anyone out, and I do understand what you are saying.

But I can speak from my experience in the Ivy League. Of course I know everyone didn't turn into a yuppie--I am not making that generalization. I was speaking about a select group.

Thank goodness "those of us that came with the intention to awaken can never be stopped" as you wrote.

4_InquiringMinds ago

You know I remember when Johnson announced on TV that he was not running. It was so eerie bc he would have been re-elected/he had the political machine behind him. He was pale, sweating, looked terrified (to me). I thought at the time wonder what got to him. He retires to his ranch and then hits the dust/doa. The Pacifica program I mentioned where the ex cia explained in detail how something like that works blew my mind/a whole other piece of the matrix crumbled. Then there was the time I was seated next to a retired military officer on a plane who was quite chatty and explained how wars have to happen under a 20 year mark bc that is when weapons need to be tested for viability.

And there was the fello I dated in college whose grandfather was one of the founders of gulf oil. He said those pulling the strings we never hear their names, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Howard Huges etc (which would include Soros if you think about it) merely pawns/the ones at the top play this like a monopoly game. When he turned 21 he went to England for the summer and when he came back I didn't even recognize him. It was scary and I got out of the relationship. Now I read the children of the elite are given free reign till they turn 21 to sow wild oats/dots always connect.

Mine was not an ivy league school/it was a state university and relatively calm compared to what was going on in other places. We never stopped midterms (unfortunately lol) but we did protest. I remember when Agnew came to town and we turned out in droves. We saw the insanity of killing. We mourned for all the dead and maimed on both sides. I had friends that never came home and ones who came home so damaged emotionally they never recovered. What shocked me was some who morphed to materialism and are still at that point today. Some think Liz Warren is da bomb. I moved to the backwoods and never looked back. We dot the landscape. Individually we do what we can to contribute to awakening and making a difference locally.

The positive I see with the campaign brew ha ha is it's effectively splintered various thought collectives and neither has a 'savior' to lead them. This is the start of entrenched systems falling and it takes time. I really think this might be the straw that broke the camel's back about putting faith in others and reclaiming personal empowerment and integrity. Time will tell. The only 2 times the US has had this astrological config is Ame Revolution and Civil War. It doesn't have to be bloody (but it can sure) but maybe a revolution of consciousness. To that end I have ways I contribute to that and I'm not alone, we are legions. And I'm not talking about the airy fairy new age woo'ers. Just as an example forums like this are effecting a change bc ppl are finally communicating/still some arguing but that is part of the evolution and learning how to communicate mind to mind and heart to heart is a learning in process.

With fondness~

Laskar ago

Now that his site is back up (thanks goodness), I wonder what you think of this interesting paper by Miles Mathis; "The Hippy Matrix":

4_InquiringMinds ago

I'll give it a through read/but can't at the moment. We have an animal sanctuary and I'm busy puttering around grin. On scan I did catch the Nature Conservatory chapter/yep/all ruses to satisfy un-inquiring minds. Most of these kinds of orgs serve that purpose. As of yet I've not found any damning info on The Sea Shepard but I haven't looked in a long time so who knows? Greenpeace is a farce. Same with peta, National Wildlife Federation, list goes on and on and on.

I do remember digging around about Mathis quite some time ago and found few things that gave me pause as to his credibility but don't recall specifics. Controlled opposition's benefits/mostly truth (so that has benefit)/digging for the interjections of propaganda is for me entertaining. I lump Geo Webb in that category, trump election, Robert Steele, Roger Stone (bleh, hard to even look at him much less listen) and host of others.

This latest to hit the web Ronald Brenard has a real 'feel' of truth. I was very moved by the interview. What do you think?

ps...someone(s) are busy downvoting me bc of my trump statements which I find amusing.

Laskar ago

While I do not agree with all of Miles' conclusions in all his articles, I sent you this one because it is quite detailed, makes easily verified claims and really connects some dots. No one person has cornered the market on truth. I do not follow those "gurus" you mentioned. Like Mathis, though I look at different sources, I like to do my own research though I have no desire to publish it. As someone with a heavy background in both (but I don't want to dox myself) I can say that Miles is spot on with what he writes about science and art. ps-I got downvoted just now for alleging that Podesta is a cannibal. This site is chock full of kids and trolls.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Well here's a upvote for you smile I'm liberal with them to offset the trolls and to encourage new members that have valid posts even if just to agree/my passive, aggressive troll reconnaissance. Right on Miles/I found some of his articles to ring true. I will get to the one you sent.

I do not follow those "gurus" you mentioned.

Referring also to the Netherlands financier Brenard vid that is circulating? Seemed genuine to me/but that is subjective I know. I was interested if you saw it for your impressions but apparently you are choosing not to view.

Laskar ago

Interesting, and I do agree especially with your last sentence, "Just as an example...".

I'm working on a post right now, so I'll get back to that.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Entire pdf of series here...

The Pedophocracy

To bypass Scribd Firefox addon...

Scribd Downloader Free

I just tried/tested/works perfectly. Part 2 is now visible. on cyberfox portable (which I have)/would probably work on icedragon portable but didn't test.
pss...tested on icedragon portable (another firefox variant) and works beautifully. This is for users that don't have firefox or some variant installed/portables are easy wink.

Laskar ago

Thanks very much.

Blowitwideopen ago

Part 2 will not open at your link or the archive! MUST BE GOOD STUFF!

4_InquiringMinds ago

See my post/you can view it by following simple instructions. Peace~

Blowitwideopen ago

Thank you!

Laskar ago

Can you try this link? This is to the whole series:

Blowitwideopen ago

Thank you so much

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah yes, works perfectly. Glad I found the scribd addon tho/pia when you want to download something and the sign up for free trial nag. This addon apparently stopped working few days ago and the developer made a patch.

Jobew1 ago

good job

Laskar ago

Thanks much.

There might be some newbies who need to know about Dave and his great work.

As far as Aquino attacking him, well, you know the saying: you don't get flak unless you are over the target.

Jobew1 ago

everyone needs to know/be reminded

Laskar ago

Yeah, you're right.