sunajAeon ago

Excellent post, Aquino needs INSTANT JUSTICE

sunajAeon ago

I stand with you-please if anyone has this monster's location, any ifno-pics, articles of late please post-what I do not understand is how men in the special forces could allow this excrement from breathing another breath

equineluvr ago

"He, his wife Lilith, and inevitable, innumerable, and immortal cats live in San Francisco, California."

Spots ago

Michael Aquino interacted with me over a series of youtube videos a year and a half ago. He was directing Psyop activities within the Flat Earth movement & I directly called him out on it. He and his wife backpeddled & called me a liar, hiding behind disguises. None of the other video producers would help me spread the information & I became extrememly frustrated / isolated. This post is regardless of whether Flat Earth is true. I objectively interacted with Aquino & feared for my life at the time because my family offered ZERO support. I believe he was responsible for a scare tactic Operation Mockingbird style where they printed my name in a Raw Story article one week later, so yes there is a paper trail for this too.

sunajAeon ago

If anyone I ever saw was possessed it is Aquino

we_kill_creativity ago

Do you have any links to current info on him. I've read about him, but I've always been floored how the internet has been white washed of him.

equineluvr ago

From his bio page - "He, his wife Lilith, and inevitable, innumerable, and immortal cats live in San Francisco, California."

truthvibe ago

This is the same Michael Aquino talked about in Cathy O'Brien's Tranceformation book? If so, he has been at this a long time, especially the mind control game.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

One and the same. A vile disgusting human being. If we can even call him that.

Criticalthinker615 ago

A simple prayer to YHWH is enough to defeat his powers. That is the fallacy of choosing a lesser being as your god.

merlow ago

Weird fact about Norman Vincent Peale --

Lee Harvey Oswald applied and was accepted to a school in Switzerland called Albert Schweitzer College. This was his "destination" when he actually continued to Finland (maybe?) and "defected" to Russia. In a section of the college application on favorite authors and books, Oswald includes Norman Vincent Peale. Strange....


Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War

equineluvr ago

Not strange at all when you consider that NVP was CIA. :)

GeorgeT ago

Khashogi is a notorious arms dealer, similar in statue of Amal's (George Clooney's wife) uncle!

GeorgeT ago

Michael Acquino is linked to the infamous West Point Military Academy children satanic abuse case when despite medical evidence and 950 testamonies involving 60 FBI agents only one culprit was prosecuted. Do you know who was the federal prosecutor assigned to the West Point case??? - RUDI GIULIANI!!!!!!

sunajAeon ago

Giuliani is supposed to be head of the Mafia in NY

Criticalthinker615 ago

aquino makes me really miss the days when men fought wars like men. you have a problem? you load up and shoot it out. Enough of this pussy faggot pedophile satanic "mindwar" info war bullshit excuse to rape kids

3141592653 ago

No Wikipedia page on him. Not surprising

blumeanie ago

It speaks volumes.

idontlikesalmon ago

There used to be one. I visited it on sepembter 9th 2016.


This guy has been in contact with Michael Aquino. Read the comments. M.A. left comments regarding the post and it's not very friendly.

I left a comment a couple of minutes ago with this link, but I don't think it posted. The Pizzagate bot may have took my link and destroyed my post. Lol


This guy has been in contact with Michael Aquino. Read the comments. M.A. left comments in response to the post and they're not friendly. Read all of it. Very interesting.

Death2Masons ago

Hey, I read that article and all the comments in the comment section some time ago. I thought of that thread then this topic was brought up. It includes a back and forth between the public and Aquino.

ThePedoHunter ago

I see what you did there asstard.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

I thought I'd join the fun and search his name. I'm sorry now that I did. Given the mindfucker that he is, I just stopped and prayed to keep his Satanic crap away from me. This site explains his previous and current standing within the Set. It's brief and hoaky...but it scared the crap out of me when I started looking at the artwork surrounding his picture. It's kind of like that hidden art from the 90's found at Spencer's gifts. You stare at it a little while then refocus to take in the whole picture and another image appears. The first one I found was on the rocks to the left and right toward the bottom of his picture. An evil female face is on the top and what looks like a goat on the front left. When looking at the trees, pan out with your eyes and more creepy faces appear in the trees. It's like he's saying, "we are all around you." I don't even want to look at it again given the source.

privatepizza ago

Just leaving this here. It's interesting.

Record of lawsuit in San Diego against confirmed satanist and head of the Temple of Set US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.

Edit - Diana Napolis v Michael Aquino

Concerning allegations of ritual child abuse and mind control through non lethal technology.

equineluvr ago

"US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino v Diana Napolis".

No, Napolis is the plaintiff, Aquino the defendant. Diana Napolis v. Michael Aquino.

blumeanie ago

I would be inclined to believe this woman 200%

coreylkh ago

Total Bullshit! Khashoggi’s an arms dealer, Aquino is steeped in the Franklin Scandal & Satanic Panic, without citing every old 60's thru 90's child sexual abuse scandal related to government, I've found that the majority of our elected officials are compromised in some way. The upper Echelons through child porn.

equineluvr ago

"Total Bullshit! Khashoggi’s an arms dealer, Aquino is steeped in the Franklin Scandal & Satanic Panic"

S/Head said that. :)

"Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi was involved in Iran-Contra. CIA dealing cocaine and covertly moving weapons around."

"Aquino is the founder and “high priest” of the Temple of Set and was a high ranking member of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan"

Here is the cover of Aquino's book, Mindwar - Amazon is banned here. Who knew?

Years ago I noticed that the Prison Planet logo featured an oroborous wrapping around the earth. There is no mistaking that symbolism. .

peacebringer ago

Aquino has in to all of deep state and is involved in all sorts of evil.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Example of what you will find on the Michael Aquino AMA Abovetopsecret thread.


I don't think that the "SRA" mania of the late 1980s had anything to do with either my PSYOP position or that 1980 "From PSYOP to MindWar" staff study. Indeed the latter item became a conspiracy-theory darling only much later; it remained, as it was intended, a minor theoretical "goose in the ass" within the Army PSYOP community previously

Totally my fault in wording

Asked another way:

Would it be reasonable to conclude that if those accusations were true and one was a gifted in the art of PSYOP's, one could use those talents to convince others otherwise?

That's the type of exchanges you get on the AMA. Here.

doubletake ago

MindWars and the Temple of Set with Michael A. Aquino

The_Roman_Numeral ago

From 2013. The Michael Aquino AMA abovetopsecret thread. He is asked straightforward questions on SRA, MK-Ultra, The Franklin Cover-up, Pedophilia,Cathy O'brien holds barred questioning and everything else a man in his position would know about. You will be very surprised at the Q&A.

sunajAeon ago

It is pointless to interview a known evil liar and sick Pedophile-the Military has been compromised and is part of this Satanic abuse-Aquino is only one reflection of that

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Agreed, a reflection yes, but it reflected so much that it forged most of the major, Satanism cults, mind control- SRA problems you see today.

blumeanie ago

Believe_nothing: David Shurter has made some rather unflattering claims about yourself and alleged connections to "Satanic Ritual Abuse". Specifically he claims you were his MK ULTRA "handler".

maquino: David Shurter is an apparent enthusiast of the Omaha “Franklin coverup” SRA-scam (which was completely discredited by a grand jury investigation). In 2011 he emailed me with newly-invented allegations that he had “been one of my child mind slaves” in addition to his “Satanist parents”, apparently for a crank book he subsequently wrote. I refused his numerous publicity-seeking attempts at correspondence, and have not bothered to read his book.

'apparent enthusiast of the Omaha “Franklin coverup', 'completely discredited by a grand jury investigation'. These responses sound a little too familiar, let me hear you say FAKE NEWS.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

It's obvious, he's on the defense. Nevertheless, you get to know your enemy a little bit, well more than a little bit.

blumeanie ago

It was directed @srayzie. Not sure how the topic shifted to King, but I felt compelled to clarify that we're not talking about the television host "Larry King".

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you

PizzagateBot ago

Apparently his moms nickname was 'Betty Ford' and she wrote some interesting poetry

Not sure why but I tried to link to the amazon book of her poetry, but says amazon is banned domain, you can find it in the link above.

ProudTruther ago

He's probably sacrificing to Satan in a recess of a military base. Since he's retired military he's still allowed on the bases and likes to hang there. You tax dollars at work human sacrificing and planning some nefarious shit.

PizzagateBot ago

This seems to be the source for a lot of information that I found elsewhere -

equineluvr ago

"he now holds legal title as the 13th Baron of Rachane, of Clan Campbell."

^^ THIS is why he will never be held accountable. Aquino is a Jew of royal lineage.

sunajAeon ago

I would like to see the evidence he is a Jew

srayzie ago

He's the founder of Temple of Set. It's a Satanic church. I've read thru most of this before. It's very interesting. He's definitely still evil.

Piscina ago

Aquino was reported by FBI ro frequent prostitutes because of his sado-masochistic fetishes and to be 'gender-confused'. I took that to mean he liked dressing in women's clothes.

Nana66 ago

Has anyone seen him at the same place and same time as Hillary Clinton? Shape shifting....

Nana66 ago

Maybe he's Armyseer...

srayzie ago

LOL you must have had issues with him too

Criticalthinker615 ago

this is going to sound a little nuts but, I have felt him trying to attack me through his psi-abilities. I have no doubt that he has indeed developed the ability to telepathically attack others.

sunajAeon ago

Remember this-if Aquino has the ability to mentally affect you, YOU have at least the same power in YOU to send his negative energies BACK to him

Criticalthinker615 ago

Certainly...i have found that out on my own. In my experience prayer has been successful at countering his attacks. He isn't as powerful as he would like most to believe

Death2Masons ago

Yes, it sound sounds a little nuts, no buts.

Criticalthinker615 ago

So does the federal government spending millions of dollars to allow him to develop those abilities sound a little nuts too tho? . (Hint: they did)

equineluvr ago

The feds waste taxpayer dollars on all kinds of stupid, silly shit.


Wasn't Max Spiers last interview video alluding to what you stated? Can't link right now but he says something along the lines of Aquino being another type of being opposed to others in the spirit world

Criticalthinker615 ago

just found it. wow. gotta go back through my internet history and make sure I haven't seen this and put it into my subconscious somehow or something. After I started looking into aquino I had one single episode that was much like the experience he described. It felt so negative and hopeless in that moment and i saw his face. It felt so real. I also felt something similar after talking about majestik rape on her fb page alot. it seemed like she was personally attacking me inside my mind.

Criticalthinker615 ago

if you could link that to me I would appreciate it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes he's alive and free and he was appointed and paid under the Obama admin for yet another contract in the military of some kind. He does podcasts from time to time and he scours the internet looking for people who trash his name and then he sues them. Many people talk about this on their blogs being contacted by him and his attorneys. Even though the truth is out there. I'd been looking long and hard for Larry King info. He also has a son. The closest I came to Larry King was a car dealership out east and I believe it was a Cadillac car dealership which he owns runs and works at presently.

PizzagateBot ago

he was appointed and paid under the Obama admin for yet another contract in the military of some kind.

Do you have any reference for that?

sunajAeon ago

Well not surprising seeing how Obama is linked to PIZZAGATE

Truthseeker3000 ago

I read this information on a reputable site while deep digging on this bag of shit. Sorry, I do not have it off hand but I believe it to have been solid and that is why I mentioned it.

srayzie ago

Why Larry King?

Truthseeker3000 ago

What do you mean why? Do you understand the Franklin case???

srayzie ago

Yeah. I was on the phone and distracted and didn't put it together. I was just reading something yesterday on the Franklin case they were using the name Lawrence. So, I saw that and thought of the old talk show host! My bad.

3141592653 ago

He also doesn't have a Wikipedia page, just like Aquino

blumeanie ago

Yup, scrubbed clean.

PizzagateBot ago

He also has a son.

That is interesting. I tried to find a name and 'dorien aquino' came up. In a comment, someone calling themselves Dorian Aquino says

Although Michael aquino is a piece of shit and a dead beat father, he's not a pedaphol. .period

So this guy has the same last name and adamant that he isn't a pedo while claiming that he is indeed a 'dead beat father'. There isn't enough information about him being a father to really make such a strong assertion so either he wants people to think he is his son or he is his son.

In any case, he is doing the horns and covering the one eye in the banner of his FB profile -

Another interesting reply from that article

Marian Dorothy Elisabeth Ford - Michael Aquino's Matriarch of Evil

Aquino's mother was a child prodigy who was enrolled at Stanford University at the age of 14, being one of the youngest students to ever attend there. (Stanford was an MKULTRA programming site for many years.) She went to Germany in the 1930s to study sculpting under a Nazi teacher. She eventually entered into aristocratic society as an adult. Apparently, she was also a High Priestess in her son's Temple of Set after it came into being. She had also apparently been leasing the house that her son now lives in to an organization that was involved in protecting children from child abuse. That would have been a good way to make her appear to be someone who cared about children while using the organization to acquire children for early experiments in trauma-based mind-control. Just a thought....

Aquino's father was a Sergeant in Patton's 3rd Army division. What a strange match! There's not much information about him that I can find, probably because it would reveal something.

As for Aquino's mother, child prodigies often (or always?) arise from having lived through very traumatic experiences very early in life. This has been one of the main goals of MKULTRA -- to create people with exceptional abilities who can be placed in positions where they will serve their masters in their dark long-term agendas. Satanism is the perfect vehicle for creating such extreme trauma in people. Many aristocratic families have long-standing generational ties to occult groups whose members practice using trauma on their own children to mould them for future use by the group.

I wonder if this is the stuff Max was trying to piece together before he was killed.

3141592653 ago

Child prodigies are not a result of trauma. No connection

Truthseeker3000 ago

Hi great insight. However, I was referring to Larry King having a son not Michael Aquino. I cannot comment on whether or not MA has any children as I do not know. I do know that he personally has abused MANY children from army daycares to Presidio to Johnny Gosch abducted kids to Boytown to all the kids in the MK Ultra programs he personally ran around the country and so many in between with his access and confirmed by victim statements including Paul Bonacci. He is absolutely sick evil and should not be on this earth for the crimes he personally committed. My opinion.

PizzagateBot ago

So this guy has the same last name and adamant that he isn't a pedo while claiming that he is indeed a 'dead beat father'. There isn't enough information about him being a father to really make such a strong assertion so either he wants people to think he is his son or he is his son.

In any case, he is doing the horns and covering the one eye in the banner of his FB profile -

According to the information source of most of his family history - - his son 'Dorien' was born in 69' so this guy seems too young if that is the case.

Knowing how active Aquino is in threating lawsuits over false claims, I think the information from that page might be accurate as far as Aquino wants us to know.

blumeanie ago

appointed and paid under the Obama admin for yet another contract in the military of some kind.

Say no more...

PizzagateBot ago

During presidio investigation they found a sound-proof room in his house, which he later claims is for incantations (ie yelling and chanting related to his 'religion')

1987 (August 14) – As part of the Presidio investigation, a search warrant was served on the residence of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith, and numerous videotapes, photographs, photo albums, photographic negatives, cassette tapes, and address books were confiscated. Also observed during the search was what appeared to be a soundproof room that may have been used as a torture chamber.

Found this link searching for the above article - looks interesting too

PizzagateBot ago

I read Max Spiers research before his death included Michael Aquino's involvement in army pedophile rings.

He is incredibly intelligent. I am not sure if his cult is legitimate, as in he believes in it, or if it is just part of a CIA operation.

Don't forget he developed theory for Mind War while stationed in Vietnam. Perfect time and place to experiment on people.

GeorgeT ago

Check out West Point Mitary Academy cover up.

Nana66 ago

He's probably connected to McCain too.

carmencita ago

This occurred to me too. Those two are Evil Personified.

blumeanie ago

One US Army officer at the base, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, was alleged to have taken part in the abuse, according to The San Jose Mercury News.

PizzagateBot ago

Thinking about it, I wonder if military is used to develop the structure for trafficking/pedophile networks the same way that gang members join the military to replicate its hierarchy and tactics to gangs/cartels. To keep something going for so long has to require many contingencies and all kinds of compartmentalization.

LostandFound ago

If you want to move anything in secret army logistics is perfect. Lots of classified materials and vehicles everyone trained and familiar with compartmentalised operations. No one would even think to raise a question with the right rubber stamps.