PlatoDavidicLine ago

Why do you suppose Alefantis knows The Sandyhook Parents?

PlatoDavidicLine ago

My conscience is clear.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Great post. Aquino loves to threaten anyone who posts info about him online that he will sue them and come after them. Well documented by many individuals, you can even see the exchanges on some blogs. If you say left he will say right, it is a no win situation with this twat as he has no idea who he even is, he is all smoke and mirrors in a high up paid position. Obama kept up his contract, not sure about the Trump admin. Look at the pics of all these morons dressed up in their Halloween costumes summoning satan to possess them lol!! It's laughable. Aquino wife Lilith (yes, the satanic sex God name Lilith or Lily-notice how many celebs name their girls Lily) is also a major culprit in the child sex orgies as she was active in the McCarten preschool case. Everything said about this asshole is true and yes he did order Johnny Gosch kidnapped. This piece of shit was even abusing the kids in the military daycares subjecting them to MK Ultra mild control techniques for fuck sakes. So much about this guy you could go on forever.

Truthplease5 ago

his pizzagate wiki page was also deleted I believe he contacted a mod personally and asked for it to be taken down

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The problem religion is protected. It is a distraction. Stick to their crimes, they can't be arrested for worshiping.

10124810? ago

Re:. John McCain and Arizona.

This is good to know.; worthwhile.

10124636? ago


May be some duplication,

but want to repost this from 5 months ago:

Worth it:

SatanicStreetCred ago

Well they are discussing Principia Discorida in that thread which includes, in the book Illuminatus, allusions to Alfred Kinsey, so yeah... Pretty deluded.

Do you know who else Robert Anton Wilson never grasped? Plato. That's exactly why he failed his chapel perilous.


Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing.

hafen ago

If this is relevant:

"Satanic Cult Awareness":

BTW link came from here:

10124403? ago

Really good. Thank you. Upvote.

carmencita ago

The Military Men attending those Satanic Gatherings will someday be Veterans. Many Veterans go into LE. This will become a huge problem. We know that some of LE has already been infiltrated and this is their plan. They are churning out Luciferieans for Community Policing.

BetterTheDevilUKnow ago

Yes exactly that, got it in one.

Natural Knowledge and love of it's Wisdom is the counterpart to that which is beyond natural Knowledge and love of it's wisdom.

hojuruku ago

The FUCKEN OTO seems untouchable.


Dear Mr Mckee

Thank you for your email to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department dated 2 August 2017, concerning the Ordo Templi Orientis organisation.

You have asked the Commonwealth to intervene in a matter before the High Court of Australia. Your enquiry relates to a private legal matter. It is not appropriate for the Attorney-General as the First Law Officer, nor the Attorney-General’s Department, to intervene in, or provide legal advice or assistance to members of the public about private proceedings.

Additionally, you have requested that the Attorney-General instruct the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC) to initiate investigations about the registration of Ordo Templi Orientis. Both the ATO and ACNC fall outside the portfolio responsibility of the Attorney-General. Therefore it would be inappropriate for the Attorney-General, or the Attorney-General’s Department, to direct such investigations. If you have not done so already, you may wish to contact the ATO and ACNC. The relevant contact details can be located on their websites:

· ATO –

· ACNC -

We hope this information is of assistance to you.


Courts, Tribunals and Administrative Law Branch

Attorney-General’s Department

3-5 National Circuit | Barton ACT 2600

[email protected] (02) 6141 6666

Gothamgirl ago

AldoxxHuxley ago

Didn't someone say the NSA was taking down the CIA?

hojuruku ago

RE what the child survivors draw. In the OTO I found if in their leaked training materials if you have a gold triangle on the front of your robe that means YOU MUST BE A MASTER OF FAGGOT BUM ANAL SEX TO OPEN THE GATES OF HELL as exposed in this channel 4 documentary, also known as "Master of the Hermit Traid XI" in the OTO child sex cult - the highest level in their order - only the fag can be the enlightened one and only the faggot can rule us all is the belief of this Australian / American / global kiddy fuck cult. The Gold traingle placement on the robe is only reserved for those who are masters of faggot child sex magick. See the documents exposed here:

redditsuckz ago


Thats the hidden mystery of the "33rd degree mason". The "33" is two "BUMS" together.

Do you think the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is behind any of it?...or just the branch off of the OTO?

Here you can see how old the Mason Cross or Knights Templar red cross/rectum symbol is as it goes back to ancient egypt;

^statue of Anunnaki

hojuruku ago

WOW. I exposed the same thing in Australia and I HAVE LINKED SENIOR OTO Australia membership to the "TEMPLE OF SET" and BESTIALITY WEBSITES!

(that research isn't published yet because I'm following all the leads - I don't want to tip them off maybe I spoke too soon - but anyway we are fighting the same enemy - all faggot satanic Crowley followers)

F@#$@#$ ME MAN this IS A GLOBAL TREND NOW! Upvoted Excellent post - please see my one covering the same Alister Crowley child sex cults are jailing people without trial so they could be recognized in court as a "religion" and take the judgment to the bank ahem the charity registration office / tax office.

See the two related posts at the top of that one, also how OTO USA leadership that also has 501.c3 SAYING CHILDREN MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE GNOSTIC CATHOLIC MASS ORGIES!

YESTERDAY I JUST FOUND AN OTO / MARK PASSIO affiliated cunt talking teaching his kids the joy of fucken OTO child sex magick today too - the video was uploaded yesterday

BetterTheDevilUKnow ago

Pah, he's practically a Christian.

10119619? ago

Tech. Arm Of The Military

THORN..McCain Institute

Repost from 5 months ago.

cantsleepawink ago

upvoat for you :)

10124302? ago

Thank you!

Thank you for the strong THORN McCain Work.

Meaty. It hit me in the head.


10119505? ago

Child Abuse at The Presidio:

A (Pretty Long) Write-Up

To me, this is a classic article.

San Jose Mercury published this article: July 24, 1988

Famed researcher on this specific

topic, Mae Brussell died of a fast acting

cancer on October 3, 1988.

This is what pizzagate is fighting.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

at least they're not jewish

equineluvr ago

Aquino is ENTITLED NOBILITY so is in fact JEWISH.

KykeBot ago

Yes, I cannot go another century of shapeshifting philosopher kings.

hojuruku ago

Reminds me of another Democrat donor who flies on Airforce one with Obama. Australian gay judges have ruled it's a crime to disrespect "Queer Hero" Terry Bean even after he was arrested for little boy sex, and it's a crime to say obama is friends with gay pedophiles even though Obama says on CSPAN video "Terry Bean is my dear friend".

More info: (tell me if the link doesn't work or if the faggots shadow banned it)

Factfinder2 ago

Satanist shills aplenty on this thread.

BetterTheDevilUKnow ago


retreaux ago

I'm an atheist libertarian fan of Ayn Rand and Nietzsche. Pizzagate is real. Child molestation is evil. Satanism is dumb. Don't lump everyone into the same pot.

KykeBot ago

Did Nietzsche love the Jesus?

BetterTheDevilUKnow ago


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The dark force that Aquino adheres to truly comes from the one he worships. . .satan, also under the guise of lucifer, molech, baphoment, baal, you name it, if it's not the true creator it is the ultimate deceiver that caused sin to come into the perfect world God had created for Adam and Eve. Once sin entered the world, satan had already been given his reign over the earth since his fall from grace. Due to this there has been an underlying war between good and evil. Those who understand this must stay strong and keep working together to #FightTheGoodFight. Sadly satan requires his followers to take God's greatest creation. . .humanity in it's purest, most innocent form as children and abuse, then in many cases torture and kill them as a source of evil power. This is excellent research and work from redditsuckz Thank you!

PlatoDavidicLine ago

It's worse than we ever imagined... He likes Plato.

Christianity is Platoism for the masses Nietzsche ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

smokratez ago

Pizzagate on voat continues to be the most sane out of all people here. Thanks for being alive guys.

smokratez ago

You're going to hate on me calling pizzagators the most normal people on voat? What a faggot.

TheHolyMoly ago

Don't you know The Saturn cult put out that shit to control your reality? ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

You must carry nothing to create a dancing star.

Cid ago

I don't really mind the Temple of Set. I like how Aquino branched out from the Church of Satan because they were stuck in a "lol fuck Christianity!" mindset and couldn't evolve as a unique religion. Also Mind War and its squeal are great reads. Aquino knows a thing or two about the occult and shares some really interesting things in his books, which I honestly find kind of rare since people who know legit occult knowledge tend to keep it private and only use it for themselves or their small circles.

He could easily be some elite occult pedo but I'm on the fence. Some things just don't add up with him.

sunajAeon ago

"I like how Aquino branched out from the Church of Satan..." WTF??? This would be funny if you were kidding-both entities (really one of the same) are entirely involved in the sexual torture-abuse-military mind control of children-to soft-pedal either one of these groups is to be a USEFUL IDIOT or someone with an agenda

Cid ago

"I like how Aquino branched out from the Church of Satan..." WTF??? This would be funny if you were kidding-both entities (really one of the same)

Except they aren't. The Temple of Set is to the Church of Satan what Christianity is to Judaism.

are entirely involved in the sexual torture-abuse-military mind control of children

Did I doubt this could be true? I specifically remember me saying this could easily be the case. I'm just not buying that claim at face value because, from what I seen of him and read of the temple, I feel like something else is going on and I'm not totally convinced it's actually malevolent.

to soft-pedal either one of these groups is to be a USEFUL IDIOT or someone with an agenda

The only thing I've "pedaled" is a book that's well worth a read. If you're interested in the occult, psyops, human engineering, etc then this book is a really interesting read.

Don't mistake my neutrality as anything other than that - me being neutral. The only major Satanic sect I have any real beef with is the Temple of Satan. They hate the Temple of Set and Church of Satan because they don't "do anything", they're not politically active or fighting for any causes. These guys are the progressives of Satanists and they have very real and clear agendas which makes them the only one of the three I take as an actual threat.

sunajAeon ago

You're welcome to your opinion but your statements about these satanic churches/characters behind them is naive at best-they do put out a plethora of literature that "intellectualizes" their mission, their activity, rationales, etc.-but it is nothing more than a front for introducing satanic ideology and control to their neophytes and members-any serious researcher who doubts the connection between these two satanic groups and child trafficking, the military, mind control and child rape/torture is either new to the game hasn't done their homework

Cid ago

is either new to the game hasn't done their homework

Or shilling. Don't forget shilling.

KykeBot ago

  1. He's a Psy-Op expert.
  2. Very likely he knows the Illuminati Playing Cards
  3. The Republic Of Monaco

4.Christianity is Platoism for the masses Nietzsche


( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

pby1000 ago

LOL. Yes, I watched it.

For some reason, I thought the Satanic Temple were Atheists and the Church of Satan were more hardcore. It sounds like it is not accurate, or they lie in the FAQ.

sunajAeon ago

You can bet Aquino monitors this forum and will probably make a comment, if not outright threaten people, as he is known to do

10118585? ago

You can see damage control in this thread at the moment. Also mention his name on glp. Instaban

redditsuckz ago

Well GLP is run out of Eglin Airforce base and I Guess they have Satanic Rituals there

But dont mention the word "God" anywhere near a US airforce base...

cantsleepawink ago

Well according to the Facebook page of McKinley Climatic Lab at Elgin Airforce base, the catholic church which serves their community is St Michael the Archangel Church and going to the Facebook page of that church community, one of the talks from Father Reid is posted :

Their description:

Wherein Fr Reid discusses the cost of discipleship from an inward perspective; finally uses 'sine qua non' in a homily, and encourages everyone to have a heliocentric view of the universe (on a spiritual level that is- in reference to the Son... see what I did there...).

Listening to the podcast he also mentions that "..a lot of us have Jesus as Pluto". Huh?


And , one of the FB pages liked by the St Michael's Archangel church is the Knights of Columbus at 1 Columbus Plz, New Haven, CT 0 651 0 (numerology = 66)

According to wiki:,_Connecticut)

The Knights of Columbus Building, in Downtown New Haven, Connecticut, is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic fraternal service organization, the Knights of Columbus. Also known as the Knights of Columbus Tower or The Knights' Tower, the building was designed by Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates and finished in 1969. This 23-storey modern style reinforced concrete building, at 320 feet (98 meters) tall, is the third-tallest building in the city's skyline. The Knights' Tower serves as the international headquarters for the Knights of Columbus and is home to the Supreme Council. Led by the Supreme Knight, the Chief Executive Officer of the Knights, the building provides administrative support and leadership for more than 15,000 councils worldwide. The cylindrical towers at the corners give the structure a simple geometric form and represent the four core principles of the Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism

redditsuckz ago

And , one of the FB pages liked by the St Michael's Archangel church is the Knights of Columbus at 1 Columbus Plz, New Haven, CT 0 651 0 (numerology = 66)

66 above pyramid - from the military vid in the first link in the thread

And just noticed on my keyboard the "6" is below the "^"(pyramid) symbol...dont think thats an accident.

AldoxxHuxley ago

@cantsleepawink Jesus as Plato, our ancestor.

cantsleepawink ago

Well GLP is run out of Eglin Airforce base

Interesting, I didn't know that. Wonder what happened here?

redditsuckz ago

All the psyops is done from that base which the mods of GLP live near and reddit seems to be one of the primary targets;

Reddit has removed their blog post identifying Eglin Air Force Base as the most reddit-addicted "city" - Eglin is often cited as the source of some government social-media propaganda/astroturfing programs

cantsleepawink ago

Eglin Air Force Base

The Armament Directorate, located at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., is responsible for cradle-to-grave management of air and ground dominance weapon system programs equipping warfighters with strike weapons to fight and win decisively. Led by the Air Force Program Executive Officer for Weapons, the directorate concurrently reports to the Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Washington, D.C. and the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Russian military spy plane flies low near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (August 2017)

cantsleepawink ago

That Reddit connection is interesting. Yesterday, I think I identified a British computer scientist (Oxford educated - and family connections go way back) who may well be connected with the Evil Limited company and he hangs out on Reddit too. (Evil Limited: think AI, bots, and some of the YT pretenders who talk about such matters ;))

Apart from everything else, I believe that our behaviour is being studied on these forums. So,some of the stories we see in the media these days are planted for just such purposes.

redditsuckz ago

who may well be connected with the Evil Limited company and he hangs out on Reddit too. (Evil Limited: think AI, bots, and some of the YT pretenders who talk about such matters ;))

I have a theory that humanity is not as fucked up or "mean" or "evil" as it appears to be on forums but is designed to look that way. I think we have been hoodwinked by "Satanic Trolls"...or even "Satanic AI bots".

HBGary was hacked and revealed Persona Management Software;

Persona Management Software: A little birdie created your opinion

Rockefeller covers some e-mails from HB Gary, the security and intelligence firm with federal government contracts whose emails were stolen and published by Anonymous after that group of hacktivists learned the company was investigating it. Of particular importance is a reference to "persona management" software, which HB Gary suggests using to influence public opinion.

This software -- Fox News reports the federal government is offering contracts for the development of persona management software, but the HB Gary documents make it seem that it already exists -- could be used to generate fake online identities, complete with Facebook, Twitter and Linked In accounts, subscriptions to RSS feeds and automated abilities to contribute content like retweets and status updates, everything that makes a fake person essentially indistinguishable from a real person online. A single operator can manage up to 10 personas, so a team of five can deploy 50 people on the Web.

The whole purpose of this, Rockefeller points out, is to influence public opinion via the bandwagon technique.

Evidence the MSM uses fake accounts to change public opinion ;

Fox News Reportedly Used Fake Commenter Accounts To Rebut Critical Blog Posts

On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked. [Murdoch's World, pg. 67]

cantsleepawink ago

I have a theory that humanity is not as fucked up or "mean" or "evil" as it appears to be on forums

I agree. I have long noted that it was the professional trolls who were extremely aggressive to others and more or less created the heavy atmosphere as online culture. The media that we filter our view of the world through has a lot to answer for. Regular folk who are not easily swayed or interested in pop culture tend to be much more humane and down to earth imo.

PlatoDavidicLine ago

What do you think of this? Also, nobody says instaban, get it together deep state.

10121306? ago

whatsup Aquino or associate... I posted a thread about you on there and it vanished. I guess you're in deep. You're right, you guys don't use instaban over there. Tell me, why are we wrong about you?

AldoxxHuxley ago

Well, I think there are two people we are wrong about on this forum.

Michael Aquino and Jack Parsons.

Is it better that someone who has left the matrix, assists others in the best escape route, or better that someone within the matrix asserts that the illusions within it are capable of offering an escape route?

Socrates asserts, once a man knows good, he will choose to do no other thing. For he has realised the harmonic form of creation, is proportionate to his own resonant soul and it's cultivation, he finds eudaimonia The more thoroughly we cultivate ourselves, the greater complexity with which we may observe and comprehend the forms of nature and the metaphysical, including other men, in whom we find an aspect of God reflected and the smoother the surface (spiritual geometry), the greater the clarity of reflection.

PlatoDavidicLine ago


pby1000 ago

The Satanic Temple are Atheists, not the Church of Satan.

Cid ago

The COS are atheists too, LeVey just thought to be accepted as an actual religion they would need a certain dogma element like the others have.

pby1000 ago

OK. Fair enough. I do not know enough about it to disagree with you. Thank you for clarifying.

Cid ago

It's actually kind of weird. Have you ever read the Satanic Bible? The first half is basically "fuck religion and God is fake and immoral because [list of reasons]" (very atheist), but the 2nd half is nothing but instructions for magic rituals. It could be a con to get people to accept and worship Satan unknowingly, or he could have just been onto something with his emphasis on needing dogma and rituals to successfully emulate other religions - he was a carny after all so he grew up understanding the importance of having a "flair for the dramatic".

pby1000 ago

No, I have never read it. Maybe I should check it out just to see. I have read the Bible, the Quran, and others, so I may as well add this one to my list.

It is kind of scary to think that a carny created a religion. LOL.

PlatoDavidicLine ago

Does "Yankee Rose" refer to the House of Wisdom?

sunajAeon ago

I don't care if these fuckers have a uniform on-anybody caught hurting children is going to be cut down

TheReignMan ago


TheReignMan ago

Ez nem probléma

Factfinder2 ago

FWIW, this is the latest interview of Aquino that I've seen mentioned. I have not watched--just can't stomach him. It's from April 2017.

sunajAeon ago

I'm with you-looking at him is looking at pure evil-the only thing to do when you encounter a nasty bug is to step on it-what I cannot understand is why some special forces have not blown this monsters head completely off-the MILITARY establishment exonerated him in Presido child rape/torture affair

Factfinder2 ago

I believe special forces in particular and likely all armed forces and alphabet agency personnel are highly mind controlled, whether they are aware of it or not, so I'm not really expecting help from there. If they are controlled, Aquino would have had a huge hand in developing the mechanisms used. There may be some patriots in the system who understand the program and are able to thwart it somehow--I fervently hope so.

TheReignMan ago

He likes Plato, I highly doubt he is immoral.

I read a little of his psy-op writings... Illuminating.

pizzaequalspedo ago

He's going to learn some very hard lessons one of these days, that's for sure.

I predict a very humbling experience for him soon.

TheNumber13 ago

Well, they are descendants of Ramesses hence the B- bloodgroup. The etymological meaning of the term "gitano", therefore, was originally "Egyptian". ... Romanis in Spain evolved from "egiptano" in the same way that the English word "Gypsy" evolved from the term "Egyptian" to refer to Romanis.

sunajAeon ago

Uh, you don't think raping 7 year olds is immoral?

AldoxxHuxley ago

Stupid question.

ScalarWhaler ago

How does Plato's morality stack up against Christanity morality? I think you might be underestimating the amount of value Christians place upon community... As well as underestimating the amount that Lucferians want to tear down what you truly enjoy in life. Joy is sustainable, and is necessarily productive. Lust, envy and other sadomasochistic and violent forms of deriving pleasure are destructive and cannot be sustained in the long term without destruction beyond repair of many individuals. Either can be exploited for profit, but high-risk, high-reward strategies are favored in a climate of revolving door politics.

AldoxxHuxley ago

That is incorrect, in relationship to hierarchy, there has always been an esoteric and exoteric version of Christianity, in which men are not equal in their interpretation.

Understanding comparative theology is the advantage of The Luciferians and knowing the origin of these forms of knowledge, again is advantageous, in our relationship to the world and realisation of our position within it.

Leaving Plato's cave, could be seen as entering the Kingdom of Heaven...

Lust, envy etc are outside of knowing ourselves. These are symptoms of the world and The Kingdom Of Within within us, places us in the category not of the world.

If we are not agents of heaven, then indeed we are agents for the world. We absorb the light, or reflect it, or project it.

ScalarWhaler ago

Speak for yoyrself... You can not be an agent of heaven, but I have, through the power of Christ's sacrifice, reclaimed my place there. Be in the world, but not of the world. Good luck getting out of Plato's Closet.

ScalarWhaler ago

You act like you speak for everyone. I was taught to be in the world, not of it. Good luck getting out if your closet!

JacobMRothschild ago

Outside Pegasus Museum It says "Kids" and 616

Kids are baby goats. 616 is discussed below

Did you all figure out how to turn the cross into a hyperdimensional saturn cube yet?

You know, like in the last card of the Illuminati Game speaks of?

It has to do with 666, not 616 like outside pegasus museum.

666 is generally believed to have been the original Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. In 2005, however, a fragment of papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616, suggesting that this may have been the original 616 reduces to 13 = 4 ( Whereas 666 reduces to 18 = 9 which is the number judgement It's opposite 999 also reduces to = 27 = 9 which is the number of judgement

As above, so below. 666 relates to the Star of David

The narwhal lives in the platonic form of water, the only form below the cosmos (order).

So, what does this mean?

It means the furthest reaches of the universe exist inside of your mind.

Ego is the only death.

ScalarWhaler ago

I have heard a little about 616 and pondered greatly upon the lines whch you have laid out... Still not sure where your thinking is, do you consider 666 or 616 to be the true MoB?

PlatoDavidicLine ago

I explained several times but unfortunately my posts are being deleted.

616 is the number of the beast because it reduces to 4 (base dimensional time)

666 reduces to 18 then to 9 999 reduces to 27 then to 9 As Above, So Below

666 the atomic element of carbon (coal)

It's the cards First of all let's begin with this image.

It's Pegasus Museum which is said to be owned by Alefantis. It has "kids" then 616 written outside of it.

In 2005, however, a fragment of papyrus 115 was revealed, containing the earliest known version of that part of the Book of Revelation discussing the Number of the Beast. It gave the number as 616

The name pegasus is significant for a number of reasons, considering today the FBI released files on William Milton Cooper, we should take a look at the cover of this book of his called

Behold A Pale Horse

Look at that death mask!

Doesn't that happen to be one of the Illuminati Playing Cards?

I actually included this book, or at least some important chapters of it, revolving around the holy grail in this video here:

So, back we go to the card game. Until we look at the card, the wave function doesn't collapse into particles. Let's keep that in mind.

"Secret Place for the pizza meeting"

Oh boy, remember when we discovered that shit? What a trip. It's like maybe God was making a big piece of art, you know... Like the world is a stage and we are all the players? As Bacon said, knowledge is power which holds up the seven pillars of wisdom.

That quote is written all over the place in Latin... It refers to God, as Sophia, wisdom.

Since we have discovered 616 is in fact the number of the beast, let's take a look at the number 666 and see what all the fuss is about....

666 is related to hyperdimensional space. Metatron's cube (Saturn's Cube) The Black Box Of Time.

It's the atomic element of carbon.

If you are good, Satan turns your carbon into diamond? Right...

Saturn Cult? Hold on a moment... Isn't that referenced in the final card of The Illuminati Game?

But First!

The ending card...

Well whaddya know They were aliens after all.

ScalarWhaler ago

Turns out that maybe I have a really cool Metatron tattoo. Ha, I bet it would blow your mind.

JacobMRothschild ago

You see, you are playing a dominance game, whereas I am elucidating the truth, perhaps you have failed to realise the mystery of Christ stands in autonomy and agape.

ScalarWhaler ago

Mystery of Christ? Elucidating Truth?

I am not attempting a dominance game. You, deceiver, have conflated the terms autonomy and agape by neglecting the Body of Christ. I am a part of that body. There are great mysteries to be sought and deciphered, but Christ and his unconditional love has been revealed. Tell me about what autonomy means to you... I understand it many ways.

ScalarWhaler ago


JacobMRothschild ago

Hello Fellow Alien.

TheReignMan ago

To believe etymologically is as much about a feeling as it is about a fact.

Have you ever read any Parsons quotes?

Physical world? You mean natural philosophy, the counterpart of metaphysical philosophy?

TheReignMan ago

I neither referred to the unicorn's color nor it's visibility status, although the latter was implied within the context of logical thought processes.

VastExpanses ago

Shallow retort.

VastExpanses ago

It's ok but what is pastafarian? I don't get it.

VastExpanses ago

Retort with stature.

VastExpanses ago


I'm discussing logic, not fluffy bunny rabbits.

VastExpanses ago

However when we place an apple in flat land... We can't say it exists, in it's full form and it is not recognised to by the class system of flatland... Right? 360

VastExpanses ago

"It is of propositional function that we can assert or deny existence. So 'The things that are there in the world exist' is perfectly a correct statement, for the statement is about a certain class of things in the sense in which 'men exist'"


HugoWeaving ago

RELATED: Look up Max Spiers. His sudden death is linked to all of this...and through detailed research of his murder, all signs were pointing to Aquino.

Piscina ago

Yes, I think it was Aquino.

HugoWeaving ago

Research him further. Follow Max. Let his findings illuminate your way.

Aquino is the rotted root underneath the entire PG tree of evidence. His crimes began many years before any relevant name on this board even entered the scene.

VastExpanses ago

laughs to self

Notices you reading


VastExpanses ago

I am henotheistic and believe in infinite numbers of Gods as well as The Architect.

Have you ever read Russell's words on The Unicorn? Get's the noggin joggin...

NSAapplication ago

Atheism is a plague of pineal calcification.

Azagthoth ago

The church of satan is most likely counter propaganda to make people turn a blind eye to destructive Luciferian groups. Its hubris to consider yourself a god, which they do.

PlatoDavidicLine ago


Who's mind am I thinking with? God's.

Azagthoth ago

You dont actually believe that, right? Please be a shill, please be a shill, please be a shill.

10116882? ago

Weird.. Sammy Davis Junior looks like the devil to me in this pic.

sunajAeon ago

Sammy Davis is outed as involved in the sex-slave trade, along with Richard Nixon, Ford, Bob Hope and a long list of celebrities

pby1000 ago

Well, he died poor, and his widow had him dug up when she found out so she could take the jewelry he was buried with. It's true!

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

knowledge is power but reading up on the temple of set has caused me a few sleepless nights. just a warning

NSAapplication ago

Knowledge is power because it holds up the pillars of wisdom.

redditsuckz ago

There is some kind of "dark energy" surrounding this Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set that I have never felt before...if "dark/black magic" exists...then this guy is full of it.

And his Wikipedia page was deleted by none other than the "Wizardman"

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

If you are to believe them there is no good or evil, and in that case yes lots of energy

TheReignMan ago

Man has a conscience for good reason.

Plato asserts, good men need no governance.

equineluvr ago

Plato also asserted that the Average Joe was too stupid to govern himself so NEEDED the superior "elites" to govern him.

BetterTheDevilUKnow ago

That was Aristotle actually.

AldoxxHuxley ago

Signed... The Republic 😏

TheReignMan ago

That's not quite so...

VastExpanses ago

Have you read this?

PlatoDavidicLine ago

... The Republic 😏

Jem777 ago

This guy is pure evil. He does believe in what he preaches and in the sexual trauma mind control of little children. He is kept on because he is a master at mind control and has the goods on everyone they have no choice.

Pure evil. He needs to repent before it is too late if it is not already.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Not a joke, I had a post shadowbanned and some super weird shill dude with a half argument calling me crazy that dropped some other conspiracy related subreddit to discuss it. I'll have to find it.

Da-Cat ago

To refine your headline, both Temple of Set & Church of Satan are recognized as official religions by DOD & guidelines for traditional military ministers were issued to avoid conflict.

Quite telling how many current military & "conservative" political leaders renounced the Trump transgender ban...

AldoxxHuxley ago

Is this Plato chat linked to the NSA taking down the CIA?

NSAapplication ago

Well Michael is a secret Plato fan... Maybe.

Madwack ago

what does Plato have to do with anything?

NSAapplication ago

Everything, as it turns out.

PlatoDavidicLine ago

Christianity is Platoism for the masses


TheReignMan ago

Oh you.. Don't you know Homer wrote the bible?

redditsuckz ago

Is there a link to that?...any other Satanic Religions recognized like Aleister Crowleys Thelema?

BlowjaySimpson ago

This is a fundamental tenet of the OTO.

KykeBot ago


Da-Cat ago

Common denominators he shows up: Franklin Savings conspiracy; Diana "Curio" Napolis outing & meltdown; Svali Illuminati.

He is likely the role model for Kevin Spacey in The Men Who Stare at Goats, turning the New Age direction of The First Earth Battalion & DIA General Stubblebine towards black magic thinking now encoded as the DOD mission statement Full Spectrum Domination.

Granted he looks like Grandpa Munster & his wife Lilly Munster, the Diana Napolis (former social worker investigating SRA until mind meltdown) incident showed what he is capable of & amazing the legions posting disinfo about her & "Satanic Panic" which became a meme discrediting claims of SRA via "false memory syndrome".

equineluvr ago

Svali is 100% bullshit.

Da-Cat ago

There are issues any time stories are based on "recovered memories" as the most hyped books by so-called "Monarch sex slaves" which seem designed to make people incredulous. Svali did not capitalize on her extensive revelations & admits gray areas in her recall. Her accurate knowledge of MKULTRA techniques & exposing real people such as her handler besides not making money off her story & going into hiding sets her apart from others in the genre. She was vouched authentic to me by Helen Lacter PhD a San Diego therapist that is a leader in SRA/DID/MPD advocacy work & worked with her & Diana "Curio" Napolis before the latter was tracked down by Michael Aquino's thugs & neutralized by his associates making her psychotic where she was previously a competent social worker in SRA issues.

These types of stories are hard to prove/disprove either way, one can only go by apparent paper trails & feasibility of claims, same for any Pizzagate theory. Some claims hold up better than others.

carmencita ago

That is Sammy Davis Jr. with LaVey and Aquino in the picture. It was believed that Davis sported red fingernail polish on his pinky finger. Some said it was a nod to the devil. Davis was a strange bird, so I tend to believe it. Now seeing him with Aquino tells me he may have been up to even more macabre things.

redditsuckz ago

This dude is pure evil...probably thinks he is some kind of Egyptian god...


His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple's Order of the Vampyre.

"Presidio Army Base"

CHILD ABUSE AT THE PRESIDIO - Where Michael Aquino worked

In April, Aquino wrote a four-page letter to the head of a children's advocates group in Southern California warning that "we do not intend to see a replay of what happened in Nazi Germany, when the reluctance of the Jews to challenge those who systematically and falsely accused Judaism of heinous crimes-including the sexual abuse and ritual murder of Christian children- led to violence against them."

On Aug. 12, 1987, the Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino.

"Yes, that's Mikey," the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, "he's a bad man and I'm afraid." As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino's wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

"Yes, that's Shamby," the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI.

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby's home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women's clothes and Shamby was dressed in man's clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth(Temple of Set) the girl identified the house as the one where she met "Mikey" and "Shamby." It was the Aquinos' house.

A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. With his widow's peak and arching eyebrows, Lt Col. Michael Aquino looks more like a pudgy Dracula than a high ranking Army officer with top security clearance. He is the founder and high priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set. His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple's Order of the Vampyre. The couple refer to the search as a "raid" and have branded the investigation a witch hunt.

pby1000 ago

The inverted star is the same as those in the last Super Bowl halftime show.

NSAapplication ago

He is.

Factfinder2 ago

"He is" what? Pure evil or some kind of Egyptian god?

TheReignMan ago

Well he has old blood. So he has the old forms of knowledge in his DNA.

PeaceDogg ago

"Old forms, of knowledge" are no longer relevant. There are far higher powers in play since 2012. We humans passed the test. All the old myths and methods are now impotent in the face of love and compassion.

AldoxxHuxley ago

You who defends the Jews of all people should know the relevance of old knowledge and the ancients will be most displeased to hear you speak such indoctrinated hogwash.

Do you think the form of knowledge alters in it's base? Don't be ridiculous.

Get it together deep state 😏

PeaceDogg ago

Everything you think you know is wrong. The tables have turned. There's a new sheriff in town. That ol' black magic don't work no more. If it did, Hillary would be president.

carmencita ago

From what I have read he is the head of a Satanic Church and still in the Armed Forces. This is only because they are allowing it. He thinks he is a god because they treat him like one.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Where are your adoring fans carmen? You haven't been downvoted yet lol.

carmencita ago

Don't worry they work nights too.

Northern_Soul ago

@redditsuckz please help spread this...

Shock Revelations: Pizzagate is a Psy-Ops. Mastermined by the very Jewish Roger Stone.

The kike shills are shilling like never before.

PlatoDavidicLine ago

Disappointed in you.

redditsuckz ago

That post is where I saw Michael Aquino for the first time...he is like the "smoking gun" of pizzagate.

NSAapplication ago

He's moral, that's why.

redditsuckz ago

Now this is more relevant...It was kind of overlooked...with the Navy DOJ and Army living at these James Alefantis connected Buildings;

Who has lived at PEGASUS and the Borf Building Owned by JOSEPH T. SCHEVE ? - Navy, DOJ, Army? - Intelius Address Search

LionElTrump ago

was accused of child abuse in video @2:50 mark

TheReignMan ago
