Catsfive ago

Their wiki refers the the Presidio event as "hysteria."

revswim ago

Yeah research the Satanic Panic, mass hysteria is the official explanation. I think a decent documentary on one of the Satanic Panic cases is Capturing the Friedmans.

Catsfive ago

Wow. Despite my comment (which could imply that I knew all this), no, I didn't know ANY of this, at all. My God. It's telling how concrete their "establishment" response is. Just how many psychologists and other academics to they employ??

revswim ago

Another person can tell you about this stuff but it's different when you are hearing it directly from the occultists /esoterists themselves. Not all of them are pushing this evil shit. I was doing meme magic (before it was cool, jk) to try to get myself and others to wake up.

I would suggest people read these books to understand this stuff better, I'm not saying it's true I'm saying I've been researching this for over a decade and this is what they are into.

The Emerald Tablet

Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

Magic in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley

The Book of Enoch

A Garden Of Pomegranates by Israel Regardie

The Collected Writings Of Jack Parsons: The Book of Babalon, The Book of Antichrist, and other writings

Thr Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic by Israel Regardie

Corpus Hermeticum

The Lesser Key of Solomon (the Goetia)

A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits

For a beginner researching meme magic check out the Principia Discordia

If I'm forgetting some feel free to add them.

cantsleepawink ago

Have a look at this video from this youtuber. She specializes in body language, I don't agree with everything she says and I think she has her own reasons for this channel but I'm posting this video because she takes some time to look at Lavey and I think one sees a disappointed man at the end of his life. I also come away with the impression that he was rather more into the Satanism stuff than he admitted to his own followers.. Worth a look

revswim ago

They see Lucifer as some kind of Promethean being who brings reason and enlightenment to man. I believe Lucifer has no connection to Satan in the Bible and the story about Satan being a fallen angel is apocryphal. In the Bible Satan works for God. If you read the passage in the Bible about Lucifer it says, "That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!"

And then the actual Lucifer part, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

I think they are comparing the King of Babylon and his pride to the planet Venus. It's a bright light in the sky but it appears to fall to the earth. That's what I've heard from occultists, at least. And then Gnostics think the snake in Genesis is the good guy helping us and the Old Testament God is the evil oppressor keeping us imprisoned. More Promethean imagery.

cantsleepawink ago

I know all this.

As you say Lavey was a carnival worker. And in essence, started a cult. Cults always have a goal, whether the participants are aware of those goals is neither here nor there. I wonder what I would find if I delved into Lavey's background ? I won't because he's not interesting enough. 'A satanist doesn't believe in anything, life is actually more precious...' I don't even know where to start with that, so I won't - except to say what you describe is actually a form of hedonism. Maybe Lavey was a student of Ancient Greece, hardly original.

The rituals attached to it have a lot to do with the human condition, the need for superstition, and so on.. Satanists are simply not honest enough with themselves to admit that. They deride a belief in God, say that they also don't believe in the devil but they just enjoy the pageantry. Who do you think you are kidding? Also, the movement becomes excellent cover for the nefarious elements of the deep state.

Do you know what I find most ironic ? They say that the cleverest trick that the devil aka Satan pulls, is to make people believe that he does not exist. Then I watch Satanists end every speech and invocation with 'Hail Satan' totally unaware of what that does at the subconscious level. It seems to me that Satan gets the most belly laughs from his own followers.

Who or what is Satan ? Well, that's a philosophical question..but Lavey followers prefer carnival barkers.

cantsleepawink ago


Coloradical2 ago

Michael Aquino did an AMA on Above Top Secret a couple of years ago. He was caught trolling some of the members there. I don't know exactly what he was doing. But I I know how incredibly condescending he was to everyone there. I'm a member there and GLP . Someone referred to me by my real name on GLP not long after. The whole thing was very weird.

cantsleepawink ago

Aquino thinks a lot of himself. he may have a personality disorder in that respect.

Insubordinate ago

You might want to stay clear of GLP and ATS. Those sites have been linked to controlled opposition and the Tavistock Institute. GLP is particularly dodgy as they heavily moderate pizzagate threads. Been banned several times for simply posting facts. Just sayin'...

cantsleepawink ago

That's why I tend to think that they really are a deluded bunch..and dangerous because of that. "Useful idiots" in a sense.

TomDrew87 ago

The real elites actually worship Lucifer

TomDrew87 ago

David Shutter claims to be a victim of Aquino

cantsleepawink ago

"Satanists don't believe in God or the devil." Satan = the devil. See why Satanists have an image problem and why, whenever I hear a Satanist say that, I think they're either lying or have a severe problem in the logic department ?

stellarcorpse ago

Monster is still alive at the helm of the Temple of Set and likely still raping children.

cantsleepawink ago

And very difficult to get current information on him.

derram ago :


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