Scirel ago

According to Robert David Steele, it's actually Jeff Flake (aka "Mike Pence's best friend") who we should be looking at.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for exposing CPS crimes. Medical Kidnap has opened up my eyes to what is truly going on. Much respect to all of you :)

miballz ago

But let's be honest. AZ is full of peor that should not have kids.

MaybeLogic ago

Not helpful.

edblings ago

what's the story behind ?

MaybeLogic ago

Thank you from AZ.

MommyLove ago

Thank many harmed in AZ. Please help raise awareness. More Americans need to be educated about what is happening.

kaptklok ago

This one is brand new, and really good :

"PizzaGate Money Trail Leads To McCain"

MommyLove ago

Thank you. Please make sure people know the connection with government child trafficking through Child Protective Services/Department for Children's Services ( CPS/DCS, whatever ABC name they choose to give it).

carmencita ago

Yes, the cartels and mafia have always been masters of drugs and trafficking, but the Bushes and Clintons and McCain and now also Ashton Kutcher have taken it to a new level.

MommyLove ago

Please spread to raise awareness. #WeThePeople

carmencita ago

I will do my best. There should be spreading of this on every social media site people use. Just think, if we spread it once a day, all summer.

MommyLove ago
